Three Kingdoms Romance

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by Guanzhong Luo

  When the anxiety caused by this state of coma was at its height, Li Fu arrived. He wept when he saw the condition of the great leader, crying, “I have foiled the great designs of the state.”

  However, presently Zhuge Liang's eyes reopened and fell upon Li Fu standing near his couch.

  “I know your mission,” said Zhuge Liang.

  “I came with the royal command to ask also who should control the destinies of the state for the next century,” replied Li Fu. “In my agitation I forgot to ask that.”

  “After me, Jiang Wan is the most fitting man to deal with great matters.”

  “And after Jiang Wan?”

  “After him, Fei Yi.”

  “Who is next after Fei Yi?”

  No reply came, and when they looked more carefully, they perceived that the soul of the Prime Minister had passed.

  Thus died Zhuge Liang, on the twenty-third day of the eighth month in the twelfth year of Beginning Prosperity, at the age of fifty and four (AD 234).

  The poet Du Fu wrote some verses on his death.

  A bright star last night falling from the sky

  This message gave, “The Master is no more.”

  No more in camps shall bold men tramp at his command.

  At court no statesman ever will fill the place he held.

  At home, his clients miss their patron kind.

  Calm was his bosom, full of strategy.

  But lately fared we to the wood's green shade

  To hail him victor; hushed that song for him.

  And Bo Juyi also wrote a poem:

  Within the forest dim the Master lived obscure,

  Till, thrice returning, there the prince his mentor met.

  As when a fish the ocean gains, desire was filled

  Wholly the dragon freed could soar aloft at will.

  As king's son's guardian none more zealous was;

  As minister, most loyally he wrought at court.

  His war memorials still to us are left

  And, reading them, the tears unconscious fall.

  Now in past days, Commander Liao Li in Changshui had a high opinion of his own abilities and thought himself perfectly fitted to be Zhuge Liang's second. So he neglected the duties of his proper post, showed discontent and indiscipline, and was constantly slandering the minister. Thereupon Zhuge Liang degraded him and transferred him to Minshan.

  When Liao Li heard of Zhuge Liang's death, he shed tears and said, “Then, after all, I am but a barbarian.”

  Li Yan also grieved deeply at the sad tidings, for he had always hoped that Zhuge Liang would restore him to office and so give him the opportunity of repairing his former faults. After Zhuge Liang had died, he thought there was no hope of reemployment, and so he died.

  Another poet, Yuan Weizhi, also wrote in praise of the great adviser.

  He fought disorder, helped a weak king;

  Most zealously he kept his master's son.

  In state-craft he excelled Guan Zhong, Yue Yi,

  In war-craft he overpassed Wu Qi, Sun Zi.

  With awe the court his war memorials heard,

  With majesty his Eight Arrays were planned.

  Virtue and wisdom both filled in his heart,

  For thousand autumns, his fame would still stay.

  Heaven grieved and earth mourned on the night of Zhuge Liang's death. Even the moon was dimmed, as Zhuge Liang's soul returned to Heaven.

  As the late commander had directed, Jiang Wei and Yang Yi forbade the mourning of his death. His body was placed in the coffer as he had wished, and three hundred of his near comrades were appointed to watch it.

  Secret orders were given to Wei Yan to command the rearguard, and then, one by one, the camps were broken up and the army began its homeward march.

  Sima Yi watched the skies. One night a large red star with bright rays passed from the northeast to the southwest and dropped over the camps of Shu. It dipped thrice and rose again. Sima Yi heard also a low rumbling in the distance.

  He was pleased and excited, and said to those about him, “Zhuge Liang is dead.”

  At once he ordered pursuit with a strong force. But just as he passed his camp gates, doubts filled his mind and he gave up the plan.

  “Zhuge Liang is a master of mysteries; he can get aids from the Deities of the Six Layers; and it may be that this is but a ruse to get us to take the field. We may fall victims to his guile.” So he halted. But he sent Xiahou Ba with a few scouts to reconnoiter the enemy's camps.

  One night as Wei Yan lay asleep in his tent, he dreamed a dream. In his vision two horns grew out of his head. When he awoke he was much perplexed to explain his dream.

  Marching General Zhao Zhi came to see him, and Wei Yan said, “You are versed in the Book of Changes. I have dreamed that two horns grew upon my head, and would trouble you to expound the dream and tell me its portent.”

  Zhao Zhi thought a moment and replied, “It is an auspicious dream. Dragon and Linlion both have horns on the head. It augurs transformation into an ascending creature.”

  Wei Yan, much pleased, thanked the interpreter of his dream and promised him gifts when the dream proved true.

  Zhao Zhi left and presently met Fei Yi, who asked whence he came.

  “From the camp of our friend Wei Yan. He dreamed that he grew horns upon his head, and I have given him an auspicious interpretation. But really it is inauspicious. However, I did not wish to annoy him.”

  “How do you know it is inauspicious?”

  “The word for horn is composed of two parts, 'knife' above and 'use' below, and so means that there is a knife upon his head. It is a terrible omen.”

  “Keep it secret,” said Fei Yi.

  Then Fei Yi went to the camp of Wei Yan, and when they were alone, he said, “The Prime Minister died last night in the third watch. He left certain final orders, and among them, that you are to command the rearguard to keep Sima Yi at bay while the army retreats. No mourning is to be worn. Here is your authority, so you can march forthwith.”

  “Who is acting in place of the late minister?” asked Wei.

  “The chief command has been delegated to Yang Yi, but the secret plans of campaign have been entrusted to Jiang Wei. This authority was issued from Yang Yi.”

  Wei Yan replied, “Though the Prime Minister is dead, I am yet alive. The Military Counselor Yang Yi is only a civil officer and unequal to this post. He ought to conduct the coffin home while I lead the army against Sima Yi. I shall achieve success, and it is wrong to abandon a whole plan of campaign because of the death of one man, even if that be the Prime Minister.”

  “The Prime Minister's orders were to retire, and these orders are to be obeyed.”

  “If the Prime Minister had listened to me, we should now have been at Changan. I am the General Who Conquers the West and Lord of Nanzheng. I am not going to act as rearguard for any civil official,” said Wei Yan, angry.

  “It may be as you say, General, but you must not do anything to make us ridiculous. Let me go back to Yang Yi and explain, and I may be able to persuade him to pass on to you the supreme military authority he holds.”

  Wei Yan agreed, and Fei Yi went back to the main camp and told Yang Yi what had passed.

  Yang Yi replied, “When near death the Prime Minister confided to me that Wei Yan would turn traitor. I sent him the authority to test him, and now he has discovered himself as the Prime Minister foretold. So I will direct Jiang Wei to command the rearguard.”

  The coffer containing the remains of Zhuge Liang was sent on in advance, and Jiang Wei took up his post to cover the retreat.

  Meanwhile Wei Yan sat in his tent waiting for the return of Fei Yi and was perplexed at the delay. When the suspense became unbearable, he sent Ma Dai to find out the reason.

  Ma Dai returned and told him: “Jiang Wei is covering the retreat, and that most of the army has already gone.”

  Wei Yan was furious.

  “How dare he play with me, the pedantic blockhead?” cr
ied he. “But he shall die for this.”

  Turning to Ma Dai, Wei Yan said, “Will you help me?”

  Ma Dai replied, “I have long hated Yang Yi; certainly I am ready to attack him.”

  So Wei Yan broke camp and marched southward.

  By the time Xiahou Ba had reached the Shu camps, they were all empty, and he hastened back with this news.

  “Then Zhuge Liang is really dead; let us pursue,” said Sima Yi, much irritated at being misled.

  “Be cautious,” said Xiahou Ba. “Send an subordinate leader first.”

  “No; I must go myself this time.”

  So Sima Yi and his two sons hastened to the Wuzhang Hills. With shouts and waving flags, they rushed into the camps, only to find them quite deserted.

  Sima Yi said to his sons, “You are to bring up the remaining force with all speed, whereas I will lead the vanguard.”

  Sima Yi hastened in the wake of the retreating army. Coming to some hills, he saw them in the distance and pressed on still harder. Then suddenly a bomb exploded, a great shout broke the stillness, and the retiring army turned about and came toward him, ready for battle. In their midst fluttered a great banner bearing the words, “Prime Minister of Han, Lord of Wuxiang, Zhuge Liang”.

  Sima Yi stopped, pale with fear. Then out from the army came some score of generals of rank, and they were escorting a small carriage, in which sat Zhuge Liang as he had always appeared, in his hand the feather fan.

  “Then Zhuge Liang is still alive!” gasped Sima Yi. “And I have rashly placed myself in his power.”

  As he pulled round his horse to flee, Jiang Wei shouted, “Do not try to run away, O rebel; you have fallen into one of the Prime Minister's traps and would better stay!”

  The soldiers, seized with panic, fled, throwing off all their gear. They trampled each other down, and many perished. Their leader galloped fifteen miles without pulling rein. When at last two of his generals came up with him, and had stopped his flying steed by catching at the bridle, Sima Yi clapped his hand to his head, crying, “Have I still a head?”

  “Do not fear, General, the soldiers of Shu are now far away,” they replied.

  But he still panted with fear, and only after some time did he recognize that his two companions were Xiahou Ba and Xiahou Hui. The three found their way by by-roads to their own camp, whence scouts were sent out in all directions.

  In a few days the natives brought news: “The Shu army had really gone, and as soon as the retiring army entered the valley, they raised a wailing for the dead and hoisted white flags. Zhuge Liang was really dead, and Jiang Wei's rearguard consisted of only one thousand troops. The figure in the carriage was only a wooden image of the Prime Minister.”

  “While he lived, I could guess what he would do; dead, I was helpless,” said Sima Yi.

  The people had a saying that a dead Zhuge Liang was enough to scare off a live Sima Yi.

  In the depth of night a brilliant star

  Fell from the northern sky;

  Doubts stayed Sima Yi

  When he would pursue

  His dead, but fearsome enemy.

  And even now the western people,

  With scornful smile, will say

  “Oh, is my head on my shoulder still?

  It was nearly lost today.”

  Now indeed Sima Yi knew that his rival was no more, so he retook the pursuit. But when he reached the Red Hills, the Shu army had marched too far away.

  As he took the homeward road, he said to his officers, “We can now sleep in comfort.”

  As they marched back, they saw the camps of their enemies, and were amazed at their skillful arrangement.

  “Truly a wonderful genius?” sighed Sima Yi.

  The armies of Wei returned to Changan; leaving officers to guard the various strategic points. Sima Yi himself went on to Luoyang to see the audience.

  Yang Yi and Jiang Wei retired slowly and in good order till they neared the Plank Trail, when they donned mourning garb and began to wail for their dead. The soldiers threw themselves on the ground and wailed in sorrow. Some even wailed themselves to death.

  But as the leading companies entered upon the Plank Trail, they saw a great blaze in front, and, with a great shout, a cohort came out barring the way. The leaders of the retreating army were taken aback and sent to inform Yang Yi.

  The regiments of Wei are nowhere near,

  Then who are these soldiers that now appear?

  The next chapter will tell who they were.

  CHAPTER 105. The Lord of Wuxiang Leaves A Plan In The Silken Bag; The Ruler of Wei Removes The Bronze Statue With The Dew Bowl.

  Yang Yi sent forward a man to find out what force this was that stood in his way, and the scout returned to say they were soldiers of Shu led by Wei Yan. Wei Yan had burned the Plank Trail and now barred the way.

  Then said Yang Yi, “Just before his death the Prime Minister foretold that this man would one day turn traitor, and here it has come to pass. I did not expect to meet it thus, but now our road of retreat is cut, and what is to be done?”

  Then replied Fei Yi, “He certainly has slandered us to the Emperor and said that we were rebelling, and therefore he has destroyed the wooden roads in order to prevent our progress first; therefore, we must memorialize to the Throne the truth about him and then plan his destruction.”

  Jiang Wei said, “I know a by-way hereabout that will lead us round to the rear of these covered roads. True it is precipitous and dangerous, but it will take us to our destination. It is called the Chashan Mountain Path.”

  So they prepared a memorial and turned off in order to follow the narrow mountain road.

  Meanwhile in Chengdu the Latter Ruler of Shu was troubled; he lost his appetite and was sleepless. Then he dreamed that the Silky Hills that protected his capital was rived and fell. This dream troubled him till morning, when he called in his officers of all ranks to ask them to interpret his vision.

  When he had related his dream, Qiao Zhou stood forth and said, “Last night I saw a large red star fall from the northeast to the southwest; surely it forebodes a misfortune to the First Minister. Your Majesty's dream corresponds to what I saw.”

  The Latter Ruler's anxiety increased. Presently Li Fu returned and was summoned into the Latter Ruler's presence.

  Li Fu bowed his head and wept, saying, “The Prime Minister is dead.”

  He repeated Zhuge Liang's last messages and told all that he knew.

  The Latter Ruler was overcome with great sorrow, and wailed, crying, “Heaven smites me!” and he fell over and lay upon his couch. They led him within to the inner chambers; and when Empress Wu, the Empress Dowager, heard the sad tidings, she also wailed without ceasing. And all the officers were distressed and wept, and the common people showed their grief.

  The Latter Ruler was deeply affected, and for many days could hold no court. And while thus prostrate with grief, they told him that Wei Yan had sent up a memorial charging Yang Yi with rebellion. The astounded courtiers went to the Latter Ruler's chamber to talk over this thing, and Empress Wu was also there. The memorial was read aloud. It was much like this:

  “I, thy Minister and General, Wei Yan, General Who Conquers the West and Lord of Nanzheng, humbly and with

  bowed head write that Yang Yi has assumed command of the army and is in rebellion. He has made off with the coffin of the late Prime Minister and wishes to lead enemies within our borders. As a precaution, and to hinder his progress, I have burned the Plank Trail and now report these matters.”

  The Latter Ruler said, “Wei Yan is a valiant warrior and could easily have overcome Yang Yi; why then did he destroy the Plank Trail?”

  Empress Wu said, “The First Ruler used to say that Zhuge Liang knew that treachery lurked in the heart of Wei Yan, and he wished to put Wei Yan to death; he only spared Wei Yan because of his valor. We should not believe too readily this tale of his that Yang Yi has rebelled. Yang Yi is a scholar and a civil officer, and the late Prime Mi
nister placed him in a position of great responsibility, thereby proving that he trusted and valued Yang Yi. If we believe this statement, surely Yang Yi will be forced to go over to Wei. Nothing should be done without due meditation.”

  As they were discussing this matter, an urgent memorial came from Yang Yi, and opening it, they read:

  “I, Yang Yi, leader of the retreating army, humbly and with trepidation, present this memorial. In his last moments the

  late Prime Minister made over to me the charge of the great enterprise, and bade me carry out his plan without change. I have respected his charge. I ordered Wei Yan to command the rearguard with Jiang Wei as his second. But Wei Yan refused obedience and led away his own army into Hanzhong. Then he burned the Plank Trail, tried to steal away the body of the late Commander-in-Chief, and behaved altogether unseemly. His rebellion came upon me suddenly and unexpectedly. I send this memorial in haste.”

  The Empress Dowager listened to the end. Then, turning to the officers, she said, “What is your opinion now?”

  Jiang Wan replied, “Yang Yi is hasty and intolerant, but he has rendered great services in supplying the army. He has long been a trusted colleague of the late Prime Minister, who, being near his end, entrusted to him the conduct of affairs. Certainly he is no rebel. On the other hand, Wei Yan is bold and ambitious and thinks himself everybody's superior. Yang Yi is the only one who has openly been of different opinion, and hence Wei Yan hates him. When he saw Yang Yi placed over his head in command of the army, Wei Yan refused his support. Then Wei Yan burned the Plank Trail in order to cut off Yang Yi's retreat, and maligned him, hoping to bring about his fall. I am ready to guarantee Yang Yi's fealty to the extent of my whole house, but I would not answer for Wei Yan.”

  Dong Yun followed, “Wei Yan has always been conceited and discontented. His mouth was full of hate and resentment, and only fear of the late Prime Minister held him in check. The Prime Minister's death gave him his opportunity, and he turned traitor. This is certainly the true state of the case. Yang Yi is able, and his employment by the late Prime Minister is proof of his loyalty.”

  “If this is true and Wei Yan is really a rebel, what should be done?” asked the Latter Ruler.


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