Shadow Fan (The Shadow Fan Series #1)

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Shadow Fan (The Shadow Fan Series #1) Page 3

by Martin, Shelley

  Naru placed his finger in front of one of the butterflies on her arm, and it crawled up to his knuckle. “There is something Yoshino does to my body to render it invisible.” He grinned and placed the butterfly on her head. “I’m not sure how, really. I only know of the aftereffects.”

  What did he mean? “Aftereffects?”

  He nodded. “I’ve lost much feeling in my limbs, though they work fine. Yoshino tells me it is because she took over my body that one time. She says her spiritual pressure was too much for my body to handle, and continues to be. It seems every time I see her, my body suffers for it.”

  The joy in Aya’s heart melted to worry. “But, that doesn’t make sense. I saw you with her in a dream. And you seemed fine. You were older, and glowing, and healthy.”

  His chin dipped. “I’m glad to know you are able to receive messages from Yoshino as well.” Aya’s face burned to know she’d made him glad. “It sounds like Yoshino has shown you the future. I’m to train with her soon.”

  Aya nodded even as her heart sank. She understood, but she hurt at the thought of him leaving. She gazed into his caring, dark eyes and wondered when they could be together. A thin line of blood trailed from his nose, shaking her from her thoughts. “Oh, your nose is bleeding.”

  Naru pulled a rag from his clothes and pressed it to his face as he looked around. “Forgive me. This is what happens when Yoshino appears these days.” He focused on something invisible to the left of them, then nodded. “She says it’s time for us to get back.”

  “O…Oh, of course,” Aya stammered. She bowed in the direction Naru had looked. “I’ve lost myself in the moment and wandered off without a chaperone. I’d better hurry back.”


  The silence of the temple meeting house stifled Naru. Almost every member of the village turned out for the occasion. The old High Priest balanced the staff horizontally in both hands and held it before him. Naru placed his hands under the instrument, bowed, then stepped back. The former High Priest backed away and turned to the crowd. “May I introduce Naru Tenma, Yoshino’s new High Priest.”

  The priests and villagers bowed, which Naru hated. But it was part of the ceremony, and the old man had changed all that was asked of Yoshino. He could not ask for further changes yet. He tapped the staff on the ground and everyone rose. “Thank you for tending to Yoshino’s grounds and personal shrine. She asks that you all continue to live in balance with this mountain and each other. You are dismissed, and may you all be blessed.”

  An outdoor banquet was held for the celebration. Beads of sweat glistened on Naru’s brow as he tried to bear the constant gifts being laid at the foot of the table before him. The weight of his new robes were almost unbearable. During this time of year he was used to going shirtless, catching fish in the river.

  Eventually the Lord of the village approached him, with his wife to one side and his two daughters on the other. Naru perked up immediately at the sight of Aya. He’d been looking for her all day.

  Naru smiled at her, but she kept her head bowed. Frown lines creased her brow and he realized something was wrong.

  “Our new High Priest, Tenma,” the Lord bowed with a flourish of his hand. “We, the Osamu family, are proud to welcome you into the temple grounds. And we would also like to extend our humble thanks again for saving our youngest daughter, Aya.”

  Naru inclined his head to the man. He would be his father-in-law soon. “It was as Yoshino herself wanted.”

  “Yes, of course.” The Lord stood and Naru took a good look at him. The dark blue kimono accented with a black belt set off the gold highlights stitched and painted on the silken garment. His tiny mustache and triangle of a beard made him look a little silly. But he was a lord and could look whatever way he pleased. Lord Osamu stroked his chin as he said his next words loudly. “As token to our new High Priest we offer our very own daughter as our gift.”

  The crowd murmured wildly before breaking out in cheers. Naru’s heart sped up. That was it? All he had to do was endure this day and she was his? It’s as Yoshino promised!

  But as the Lord motioned his daughter forward a tear fell from Aya’s cheek. She did not budge. Instead it was her sister who stepped forward.

  Pale and void of emotions, the girl dropped to her knees before him.

  Naru gulped. “What is this?”

  The Lord placed his hand on her shoulder with a triumphant smile. “May I introduce Wakana, my oldest daughter.”

  Naru frowned at Wakana, then at the Lord. “But she is engaged to another man.”

  The Lord looked flustered for a moment. “Well, ah, he was not as suited as you— as we thought.” He plastered on a fake smile, while Wakana’s and Aya’s hearts were obviously breaking. “He was happy to dissolve the contract, High Priest. And now she may belong to you.”

  Several of the noble men near his table nodded in agreement, but Naru couldn’t believe what was going on. “Is this what you call balance? She has made a contract, but you have broken it. There is no balance in your actions, only a move for political gain. What Yoshino has asked is that you live in balance, and the first thing you do is break that harmony?”

  Aya suddenly fell to a deep bow, as did the rest of the priests surrounding him. He did not need to look to know his nose was bleeding, and only those closest to him knew it meant Yoshino was near.

  Naru pulled out his cloth and pressed it to his nose. Yoshino’s colorful, glowing form stepped out from behind a distant tree and nodded to him. She seemed to approve. Good, at least I’m not messing up my first speech, so far.

  “What is going on?” Osamu looked left and right at the prostrating priests.

  Aya’s soft voice could only be heard by those surrounding them. “Yoshio’s proximity causes a physical reaction in the High Priest. When she is near his nose bleeds.”

  Lord Osamu looked at Naru again with a creased brow. After taking in the bloody cloth he fell to his knees, trembling.

  Naru refocused his attention to the Lord. “Why have you done this thing?”

  “I-I meant no disrespect.” The Lord clasped his hands and bowed again. “But my youngest is now deformed due to her injuries. I could not give an imperfect offering to the High Priest.”

  Naru shook his head at the man’s logic. He wanted to strangle him for publicly dishonoring Aya with his words. “To you she is deformed. To me, she bears scars of service to Yoshino. Your youngest daughter attends the shrine every week. Would you truly give a woman to a priest when she rarely shows devotion to the shrine, while the more devoted is deemed unworthy?”

  The Lord’s head shook violently. “No, High Priest. I see the truth of your words.”

  Naru nodded and immediately knelt to take Wakana’s hand. She looked up with glistening eyes. “I meant no disrespect, Wakana. You are a fine woman, and everyone shows their devotion in a different way. I hope you are happy with the man you are supposed to be engaged to.”

  The tears finally fell from her eyes. “Thank you, High Priest. I knew you would set things right.”

  Naru looked up in time to see the colorful, moving cloud descend on Aya. The butterflies encircled her, and she stood. Wonder filled her eyes as she stepped forward. Every soul gathered for the feast breathed a sigh of awe.

  Naru smiled wide as he held out his hand to Aya. She smiled back, wiping the tears from her eyes, and stepped forward. She grasped his hand and the butterflies broke away, disappearing back into the forest.

  Naru looked down to her trembling father. “I Naru Tenma, High Priest, voice of Mountain Spirit Yoshino, ask for your younger daughter’s hand in marriage.”

  The Lord lifted his head slowly. With a watery gaze he answered. “I humbly give my daughter, Aya, to you High Priest. With my blessing I ask that you please take care of her.”


  Aya was allowed a moment alone with her new fiancé. Well, not completely alone, there were still priests outside the open door. She blushed as she prepa
red the tea ceremony for Naru. It was the first time she would serve her to-be husband. She had to take a deep breath as she set out the cups and whisk.

  Naru kept smirking at her. His smile unnerved her in a good way. She wanted to kiss it from his handsome face. But, not yet. There wasn’t supposed to be any contact or talking during the ceremony. This was a time for them to share more than words. During a tea ceremony a refined young lady communicated harmony, respect, purity and tranquility.

  Aya tried to focus as Naru sent his own words through those smoky eyes of his. She whisked three scoops of green powdered tea and water, turned the bowl delicately, and presented it to him. As he drank his eyes locked on hers over the rim of the cup. He wiped the place where he drank, turned it, and offered it back, all the while his gaze holding her.

  His flirtatious eyes warmed her. He was very good at communicating. He looked like he wanted to devour her.

  As she finished her portion and cleaned up, Naru still didn’t speak. His eyes worshipped her face, sliding down her heavily silk-covered form. He made her feel protected and desirous all at the same time. “It is as if you think I may disappear,” she said at last.

  His smile broadened. “I am afraid I may wake up, and I don’t want to miss a moment of our engagement.” She failed to suppress a smile and covered it with her sleeve instead. “Do you approve of my actions? Or have I overstepped my bounds?”

  “Oh, you haven’t overstepped your bounds.” She pressed her lips in embarrassment at her quick reply. It only seemed to feed Naru’s triumphant smile. “I mean, I’m very grateful what you have done for my sister. She was very happy with her fiancé. And I do not believe you can overstep you bounds. You are the High Priest now, second only in rank to my father.”

  Naru snapped open a bright red and black fan, and flicked it to cool himself. “You speak of your sister, and your father. But what about you? How do you feel about what I did out there?” As he looked at her his smile slipped. “I know I put you on the spot. If this is not what you want, then tell me now.”

  “But it is such an honor—”

  His fan froze mid-air. “Honor?” He leaned forward on his knees. “I respect honor, but it did not hold a place in my life as I often ate bugs to survive.” Aya’s eyes grew large. He was so poor he didn’t even have rice to eat? “I need to know your feelings, Aya. I must have a marriage of balance. If I love my wife but she does not love me in return then my status as High Priest will not hold.” He closed his fan. “So I ask again, how do you feel about me?”

  Through a warm face and glistening eyes she breathed deeply to steady her emotions. “Do you truly love me?”

  Naru’s features softened. “I have loved you since I was a young boy, watching you from the streets with my parents. Your escort annoyed you. Your sister spoiled you. And you used to carry the same blue silk fan with you everywhere.”

  Aya’s shoulders dropped. How did he know that? “My parents didn’t even realize how attached I’d gotten to that fan until it was falling apart. Then they commissioned for a duplicate to be made.” She shook her head. “All this time you were right in front of me and I didn’t see you.” She felt like a fool. “I didn’t fall in love with you until you were hidden from me in my own dreams.” Her head dipped to hide her embarrassment. “Your face was always cloaked by the butterflies. I was longing to see you for so long… And then you saved me.” His posture softened as he blushed. “Yes. I do love you, Naru.”

  Aya yelped as Naru captured her face with his large, strong hands over the serving table. His lips were so close his breath washed over. She could smell his masculine, earthy scent. Like the bamboo forest after a storm. His fingers burned trails of fire down her pale cheek, and she found herself leaning into him. She’d dreamt of him for so long. She wanted to be in his arms, to feel her entire body burn the way her face felt under his fingers. Her breathing picked up into quick pants as his lips caressed her. So gently, his strength and passion held behind iron doors, his lips melded to hers. But she didn’t want to be treated like the delicate flower her family saw her as. She wanted to rattle that cage he held his emotions behind.

  Her hands shot out, burying in his thick, dark hair, pulling him against her. She breathed in sharply as he deepened the kiss. Hungrily he met her passion, his hands sliding down to grasp her upper arms. Her fingers slid to his jaw, where he turned his face and nipped her thumb. He kissed each of her fingers, the palm of her hand, to her wrist. When he pulled away his flushed face held her in adoration. “It will be so difficult to leave you when the time comes.”

  Aya tried to calm her quick gasps of pleasure and surprise. “Where are you going, my husband?”

  Naru smiled at the word and kissed her wrist again. “I must leave to train with Yoshino soon. I will try not to be gone long. Maybe a few months. But she explained that time has very little meaning in her land.”

  Aya’s heart ached immediately. “But, surely we will marry before you leave?”

  He cocked his head with an apologetic turn to his brows. “I cannot. Where is the balance in getting married only to leave my bride so soon after our vows?” His fingers brushed her cheek, lighting them on fire again. “Then you would have to leave to even it out, and I do not wish to be away from you any longer than I must.”

  Her chin dropped, but she understood. “I know you have much to learn, and training to be Yoshino’s priest must be a great honor.” She lifted her head. “I will proudly support you in any way I can while you train.”

  He nodded. “I’m glad, because I fear I may need your help a great deal.”

  She cocked her head. “How?”

  “I will not be leaving in the physical sense. You know I can’t be around Yoshino for too long. The bloody nose is only the start.” He stretched his fingers and looked at them. “Next to the numbness, my muscles begin to weaken and my head gets dizzy. It then takes time for my body to heal. Yoshino feels guilty for the damage, but it’s not her fault. Her spiritual pressure is just too great for a lowly human. But she thinks my body will be able to heal itself over time, as long as she doesn’t come around.”

  Aya was lost. “But, how can you train with her if you need to be away from her?”

  He flashed a small smile. “Do you remember the dream you told me about in the forest? You said I was glowing. That means I had left my body. To train with Yoshino I must leave my body and go to the Border Lands.”

  Aya’s blood ran cold. He couldn’t be serious. “But you’ll die. That’s where people get stuck and become ghosts if they have regrets. Everyone knows this.”

  He offered a reassuring hug. “If my spirit stays balanced I can come back. Remember, I am Yoshino’s Priest. Don’t underestimate her power. She will not let any danger come to me.”

  Aya knew he was right. Of course Yoshino was strong and could protect him. But the stiffness in her shoulders would not let up. “It’s just so dangerous.”

  “This is how it’s done. You cannot take a body to train with a spirit.” He reached for her hand and her fingers entwined with his. “I need this time so my body can heal.” He squeezed her hand, his eyes heavy lidded with meaning. “I want to be able to feel you. I want to be strong and healthy for our time together.”

  Aya blushed. Was he talking about their wedding night? She couldn’t dream of what it would be like to not feel the heat his touch drew. She wanted to do the same for him. “I understand, Naru. And I will come every day to help care for you in any way I can.”


  Aya finished spoon feeding Naru and cleaned up lunch. “Would you like more tea?” He didn’t motion one way or the other. She knew he probably couldn’t taste anything, since his spirit wasn’t even in his body. It had taken over a week for Naru to learn to move his limbs. She figured it must be difficult to make his body walk and move when he was somewhere far away.

  She motioned to the waiting priest and he helped Naru from the kneeling position. Once standing she took Naru’s
hand and slowly walked forward. “How about we go for a walk to the old butterfly field?”

  Naru only followed alongside her. She took one step after another, carefully helping him traverse over grown roots and ice covered rocks. When they came to the empty field Aya stopped in the middle. Her body shivered, but she didn’t notice. A sad smile touched her lips. “Today it’s been six months since you left.” He didn’t move, he just stared straight ahead, no emotion whatsoever. She had been a daily fixture at the shrine, full of hope and faith. Naru was strong. Yoshino would let no harm come to him.

  But he’d been gone so much longer than what he told her. “You know,” her breath puffed white as she spoke, “people are starting to talk.” She toed a frozen clump of grass. “Well, I suppose they didn’t just start to talk…” She squeezed back the sting in her eyes. “They say you aren’t ever coming back. That you’ve been lost to the other side, and you’ll never get better.” A mutinous tear trailed down her cheek. “My family wants me to leave you.”

  Naru’s body turned and took two steps toward her. Aya gasped as she searched his glazed-over eyes. They were as empty as always, but his arms circled around her and held her close. She buried her face into his hard, muscular body. Her hands flattened against his chest as she let the tears run. Safe in his earthy scent she realized something was not right. Naru hardly moved. There was no way he would still have all those muscular ridges. He should be pale and thin and weak. But he was just as strong as the day he knelt in Yoshino’s shrine and left his body.

  Yoshino really was sustaining him! Her arms wrapped around him and she closed her eyes. No one was going to take her away from her Naru. No one.



  Naru sighed as the priest helped his body to the shrine. He focused, tilting his feet back, balancing his body on his knees until he was in a safe kneeling position. He let go of the tendrils of energy that acted like strings on a heavy puppet. He could focus on what he was doing now.


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