Marked for Danger [Marked 3]

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Marked for Danger [Marked 3] Page 1

by Jennifer Leeland

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  Loose Id, LLC

  Copyright ©2011

  First published in 2011

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Loose Id Titles by Author Name

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  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC's e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Loose Id LLC

  PO Box 809

  San Francisco CA 94104-0809

  Chapter One

  The air of the Blue Comet blasted hot on her face when Carina Tao stepped through the door. She gave the bouncer one glance, but he didn't even flinch when she strode passed him. It was a reminder that she exuded her assassin status, the darkness within her somehow evident in her demeanor. Every animal, especially a man, would sense the danger she represented.

  Why the hell was she here? The throb of the music vibrated through her body. She remembered why. Rina the assassin, her alter ego, slipped away. She edged the corners of the dance floor, the pulse of energy shooting through her, making it easier to drop her mask and be her true self.

  Outside the Blue Comet, Rina played judge, jury, and executioner for the Blueshift Brotherhood. Time and again, she'd proven her loyalty, but the price was a foul taste in her mouth and a desire to forget the last forty-eight hours.

  But she couldn't forget the screams of the two men those bastard priests had shoved through a magical portal to Stars knew where. And there hadn't been a damn thing she could do but watch. She'd tried to warn them, told them to run. But what good had that done except risked her cover?

  Would she be able to wash the blood off her hands? Could she ever go home to Nylar and the life she'd left behind there? Sometimes, when she let the Rina persona drop away, it seemed possible. In places like this, a BDSM club, she longed for her people, her planet.

  More and more she sought places like this where she could release her true self, the submissive who longed to be dominated by a Nyral male. But it was dangerous. So she settled for a shadow of that dominance, letting inexperienced and foolish Doms play with her, but they never touched her soul. Yet lately, the risk almost seemed worth the price.

  Every job took another piece of her, another chunk of who she really was. Soon there wouldn't be anything left of the flirtatious girl who had grown up on Nylar. There would only be the assassin.

  The lights in the club were dim so every face was in shadow. Her job—to execute the Teran Five Tacote CEO—was finished, but she was no closer to her covert goal than before. Each assassination brought her closer to the inner workings of the Blueshift Brotherhood but no nearer to the man behind the organization. Instead, she was given another task.

  What she should do was leave, go to her next assignment. She was the proverbial moth to a flame, drawn to the black leather and studs that populated the dance floor. It was risky, thrilling, and stupid. She couldn't deny why she did it.

  Because she longed to take a man's cock in her mouth by her own choice, not to bow to a perverted priest. Rina knelt before those men. She killed. She maimed. She humiliated. But Rina wasn't real. Not tonight. Carina, the shy little girl who had a taste for bad boys, had decided to take over tonight.

  The music was a low throb beating against the walls of her resistance. She stepped onto the dance floor and joined the writhing bodies, trying to bury herself within them. The Brotherhood wouldn't see her. The rest of her cell had dispersed, per their plan, once the murder was done and the appropriate vid sent to the vid streamers.

  There was just Carina. The submissive. The woman.

  She rubbed against the other sweaty bodies, her senses filled with the musky scent of arousal. Her hands slid over her heated skin, lifting her skirt, exposing her skin to the hot lights that flickered from the ceiling. Her hair, tightly wound in her signature braids, felt constricted, plastered to her scalp.

  A shower of cold water splashed down from above them, and she let it cascade over her clothes. She loved the way her silk blouse and loose skirt clung to her skin. A hand slid over the nape of her neck, then squeezed. It was a firm hand, one that sent a clear message.


  Without a thought, Carina leaned into that hand, allowing her body to sag against a wall of flesh. Male. Strong. Big hands.

  An arm snaked around her waist and pulled her closer. The hand on her neck slid up and yanked away the ties that held her braids. His fingers plucked the braids apart, and her hair sprang loose, flowing over her sensitized skin. Then he gripped her neck again, the heavy curtain of her hair draped over his arm.

  The rest of the dancers seemed to disappear, and Carina moved in sync with the man who held her. His cock pressed into her soft skin, making her glad she'd worn a silky skirt that provided little barrier between her flesh and his. Heat emanated from him to her and back again, a never-ending supply of warmth she desperately needed.

  His hand crept from her waist to dip lower, running the length of her skirt to the hem and climbing back up beneath the material. She arched closer in time to the music. When his fingers deftly found her damp flesh, she moaned.

  The pounding of her heart beat against her rib cage as his fingers flicked over her clit.

  The hard, driving music ended, and a new beat, slower, more seductive, filled the air. She swiveled her hips in time to the pulsating sound, gyrating against his hand.

  His other hand, wound in the loosened strands of her hair, tightened when moisture leaked from her pussy, and she gasped. God, it felt good. She droppe
d her head back onto his shoulder but kept her eyes closed, focusing on the feel of his touch, not what he looked like. He bent his head and pressed against her neck. She lifted her arms behind her to pull him closer and encourage a rougher touch.

  His fingers on her pussy became insistent, and she met them with the strong thrust of her hips until he dipped inside her slick channel. She groaned, her needy body open to this experience, this anonymous person.

  The male curse made her shiver, and she gasped when he tore his fingers away to grip her arm. Without much effort, he dragged her toward one of the corridors off the main floor that led to the private dungeons.

  She didn't resist. Didn't want to resist. She needed this.

  The man's back was broad and muscular. His hair was longer than a military cut, and his ass was a work of art. She still hadn't seen his face when he reached one of the rooms. He slid a card into the keylock, and the door opened.

  When he turned around, her mouth almost dropped open.


  It was as if her teenage fantasies had come to life. At sixteen, Carina had flirted with and adored Xandros, a smooth-talking, risk-taking bad boy.

  Now, he was a dangerous dominant she'd just tempted on a public dance floor. Her pulse skittered. He couldn't recognize her. She'd had short, spiky hair as a young girl and certainly hadn't been fit and muscular as she was now.

  Smart. She had to stay smart.

  She cleared her throat. “Wait,” she said as he tried to drag her into the room.

  "I got the clear impression you weren't interested in waiting,” he said roughly.

  She ignored that and opened the keypad to the door. Two rewirings and some deft programming knocked out the vid cameras and the audio. There would be no record of this encounter.

  When she finally faced the man, he stared at her with a hot blue gaze. “You could have asked."

  She tipped her chin. “I take care of my own security."

  Fast as lightning, he forced her through the door and cuffed her hands behind her back. “I take care of security, machinka."

  Machinka? Why the hell would he call her that? A little mouselike creature on Nylar didn't inspire sexual arousal. Yes, she was small, compact, even petite to some people, but the name implied immaturity. “Not for me, you don't."

  His hand clenched around her nape and pressed her to her knees. “Tonight, I'm everything to you."

  How did he know the pressure of his hand, the gravel in his voice, and the touch of his fingers around her neck would melt her insides like a supernova? Because he was a Nyral dominant and she was a submissive who needed to submit. She bit her lip to control the whimper in her throat.

  "Nothing will happen tonight unless I will it.” He drove her to her knees.

  "Let me go. I want a safe word, damn it,” she snarled.

  "Tsk tsk.” With sudden violence, he ripped the thin silk blouse she wore and tossed it in the corner. Her blood heated, fear only intensifying her arousal. Damn him. His smile only made her pulse pound harder. “You turned off the cameras and the audio. No one will know whether you consent to this or not."

  Right. So that's what he'd become.

  Her instincts must have been clouded by hormones. Worse, part of her hungered for the violence of his intent, his possession. Fast and efficient, she broke his hold and bounded to her feet. If he thought she was helpless because he'd cuffed her hands, he was sadly mistaken.

  Wary, she faced him. He hadn't moved, his hands up in the air. “I didn't say I would continue without your consent."

  "A true dominant wouldn't need to imply it,” she snapped. She glanced toward the door and tried to plan her escape even as her body betrayed her, moisture pooling in her underwear.

  "I only pointed something out to you that you seem to have forgotten in your haste to feel safe. You put your trust in me that far. Why not all the way?"

  "And ripping my clothes?"

  He cocked his head to the side. “Are you going to say you didn't like it?"

  She opened her mouth, then shut it. He nodded. “Shall I slide my fingers over your cunt to see if you liked it?"

  Her nostrils flared, and she started to struggle with the cuffs. He was an experienced dom, one who played the game fully to its conclusion. This was no casual fuck, and she couldn't allow anything more.

  His eyes narrowed. “Answer me, sub."

  Her gaze jerked to his. “No. Yes. Leave me alone."

  He stalked her, circling the room, never closer, but crowding her nonetheless. “You need this."

  "You don't know me.” She yanked on the cuffs, and they bit into her skin, which only added to her need.

  God, he was fast. One second he was mocking her, an arm's length away from her body; the next instant, he tackled her to the floor.

  They hit the bare surface hard, and the breath whooshed out of her lungs. She still hadn't caught her breath when he trussed her up like a damn chicken. Her feet were restrained, bound together with electrocuffs. An adjustable chain stretched from her ankle restraints to the handcuffs. He tightened the length until she couldn't move without toppling over.

  He panted for breath from the exertion and yanked her up from the floor to her knees. She had to arch her back to stay upright. Tears gathered at the strain, but she held the position. Her pussy throbbed, and moisture trickled down her leg.

  He didn't speak, but he took off her bra and used a knife to remove her skirt. All her strength had to be used to remain on her knees, the chain pulled taut between her ankles and her wrists. His hands were hot on her skin, traveling, learning every curve, every crease. Her breasts jutted out, and she gasped when he took one nipple into his warm mouth. She almost whimpered in protest when he stopped.

  He stood in front of her and spoke. “I want your eyes on me, machinka. You will call me Master. I don't want you quiet. You'll beg me for what you need, and you'll do it loudly."

  "No, please,” she whispered.

  He lifted his hand, and she flinched. When his fingers tangled in her hair and tipped her head to force her to meet his gaze, his face was somber. “Yes. The more you whisper, the worse your punishment."

  Punishment? She was a Blueshift Brotherhood assassin. What could he do? She pursed her lips and glared at him.

  He nodded sharply. “Punishment it is."

  When he stepped away, she almost protested but caught herself in time. Then he retrieved a strange device from a wall cupboard. It was long, like a dildo, but had a programming pad on the end of it. He pressed some buttons and then slid it slowly inside her pussy. She shuddered, almost losing her balance. The man's hand braced her so she would stay upright.

  The dildo began to thrust inside her automatically. Slow and steady, it didn't penetrate deeply, and she longed to grab it to make it fuck her hard. Close, so close. Then he approached her with the first clip. Her eyes widened and jerked to his face. He stroked one of her nipples and then slid his fingers up to the sensitive skin on her arm.

  She gasped when he pinched her flesh and clipped it. Pain ripped through her, but he wasn't done yet. Another clip. And another. He cupped her tits and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Heat curled in her belly, and then electricity shot through her as he clipped the skin of her belly even as he nibbled her breast.

  When she lost count of the clips, she lost her ability to remain quiet. For so long, she'd had to keep her words contained, deep inside her, written on her heart. The needs she had, the dreams that had shattered, the lies she told were all kept hidden, unspoken. Now, this man was driving her voice to the surface and demanded truth.

  The slow torture of the dildo, the shooting pain from the clips, and his mouth everywhere drove her insane. “Please,” she managed, though her voice cracked.

  His mouth was by her ear. “Louder."

  "Please,” she said in a shout.

  His finger rolled her nipples, and she arched closer to his hands. The demand in his eyes held hers captive. “Please what, machinka?" />
  She snarled at him and lunged. She would have toppled over, but he gripped her arm. “Goddamn you,” she shouted. “Fuck me. Make me come."


  Tears streamed down her cheeks. The sizzle of pain from her pinched flesh and the wild yearning in her pussy flooded her senses. Her silent tears only emphasized what she already knew: she was broken, damaged goods. A killer who had rejected everything she believed for one thing—revenge. What would be left of her after her job was finished? Nothing. Nothing at all.

  With a jerk, she tried to break his hold, to curl up in a ball of misery on the floor. All she'd wanted was a good fuck. Instead, she'd found a man who dominated her, understood her needs better than she understood them herself.

  He gripped her chin. “You know what we both need."

  She hiccuped and then nodded. “Master,” she whispered.

  He pinched her nipple hard, and she gasped in pleasure-pain. “Louder,” he insisted.

  "Master,” she screamed.

  "I am your master,” he said, and his hand reached down and manipulated the buttons on the dildo. “You will not come until I order you to. Do you understand?"

  She swallowed. “Yes,” she said through a tight throat.

  The dildo began to thrust deep, touching her very soul. Her orgasm gathered, rolling everything in front of it away. She desperately tried to stop the wave of pleasure, jerking the restraints to rub them roughly against her skin. “I can't, Master,” she wailed.

  "God, you're beautiful. Stunning. If you could only see what I see,” he said, his tone rough.

  She gasped and twisted to stop the onslaught of her release. “Help me,” she cried.

  "Yes,” he hissed and removed one of the clips. The throb of pain shoring up her resistance for only a second before it beat at her door again. Again, he unclipped another one of the clips, and the blood rushed back to the bruised skin. Marks were all over her skin, and she used the sting to keep her orgasm at bay. But soon the rush of adrenaline only added to her intense pleasure.

  "Master, I can't—” Her voice broke, and she shattered like glass.


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