Wonderland: King of Diamonds

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Wonderland: King of Diamonds Page 5

by Cheyenne McCray

  Karn rose up so that he was standing before her. He clenched his fist in her hair and brought his mouth to hers in a fierce kiss, and it surprised her to taste herself on his lips and tongue. When he pulled away his eyes were smoldering and she half expected him to take her virginity right then and there.

  And she wanted him to. “Are you going to, ah…” Her face burned and she couldn’t finish the question.

  Apparently he understood her only too well. “No, not yet,” he said in that maddeningly low tone that gave her shivers. His grip on her hair tightened. “But do not mistake me. What you have to give is mine to take—mine and mine alone, just like you, kitten.”

  Annie wanted to deny the thrill his statement gave her, but she couldn’t. For all of her education, books, and learning, she could find no words to deny this sexy, powerful man.

  “Forever mine,” he rumbled with the same word-slaying certainty that kept her from refusing him.

  As Annie pulled against her bonds and felt the electric brush of his rough skin against hers, she had no idea why words were so important anyway.

  Chapter Four

  Annie barely held back her tremors as Karn finished soaping her body with vanilla-scented gel. The rinse was even more sensual. The way he seemed to enjoy the full curves of her body made her beyond excited for him.

  By the time he freed her from her bonds, her desire for him had increased tenfold and she wanted to jump the man. The series of orgasms he’d given her merely whetted her appetite.

  She was long past ready to lose her virginity.

  But what about pregnancy?

  “Do you have condoms?” she asked while Karn toweled her off with a thin but amazingly absorbent piece of cloth. “I don’t want to get pregnant.”

  His eyes met hers and he gave her an amused look. “The only time men of my species can impregnate a woman is if we release our seed when we reach simultaneous climax with our mates. Our mates must also be in heat.”

  “Oh.“ Annie watched the play of his muscles and enjoyed the feel of his hands rubbing her with the cloth. “What did you mean by your species?”

  He shrugged. “My people.”

  By his closed expression, it was obvious that he wasn’t in the mood to explain further. But she still needed to find out more information about her cousins. “Where are Alice and Alexi?”

  “Silence, kitten.” Karn scowled and flexed his muscles. “If you wish to be punished I will gladly turn you over my knee and spank your ass.”

  Annie shivered. The look in his dark eyes made it clear he was serious. She swallowed back a retort and stood still as he finished drying her from her hair down to her toes. Oddly enough, the thought of being spanked by Karn excited her. Why, she couldn’t say, but she had to admit that it did.

  “These are your quarters,” he said as he took her by her upper arm and brought her into the bedroom.

  Annie pushed aside thoughts of scaling this mountain of a man. She sure as hell wasn’t going to beg the man for sex.

  Instead she let her gaze drift over the room and simply enjoyed the beauty of the place. Countless candles flickered throughout the bedroom from where they were arranged on top of dressers, tables, and chests. The soft lighting played over rosewood furniture and delicate flower print cushions, giving the room a lovely, dreamy feel. If she had been asked to design the perfect room for her, this would be it.

  There was even a bay window with a cushioned seat, and the drapes were pulled back so that she could see the storm was still in full force. Since the time she was a little girl, she’d always wanted a window seat to stare out at the stars.

  Although tonight there were no stars visible from what she glimpsed through the window. Outside the storm continued to vent its wrath with keening winds, lightning flashes and booming thunder. In the bathing room Annie hadn’t heard the tempest, but now it sounded fierce, like it might blow apart the mansion.

  “Your clothing is here.” Karn pointed to a rosewood trunk and the lid opened as if raised by invisible strings.

  “How do you do that?” Annie asked, but snapped her mouth shut when she saw Karn’s glare. Obviously he was in no mood to chat, and she was too tired to argue or be spanked.

  When Annie went to the trunk and peeked inside, she saw stacks of clothing in beautiful hues, all so unlike the dark colors she normally wore. The bright fabrics seemed out of place from what she’d seen of the gloomy mansion, except for this one beautiful room. Of course she hadn’t seen much in the short amount of time she’d been here, but gloomy had been a dang good description for what she had seen.

  Karn reached inside the trunk and pulled out a sheer nightgown in sparkling gold. “Stand still,” he commanded. When she obeyed he slipped the filmy material over her head.

  His jaw tightened as the glittering cloth slid over her breasts and dropped to the top of her thighs, just barely covering her mons, like a baby doll nightie. The material clung to her curvy figure, clearly showing her pink nipples and the dark triangle between her thighs. Even though she’d just spent the last couple of hours naked with Karn, she felt exposed. Heat rose to her cheeks and she wanted to dodge under the bedcovers.

  He waved his hand, and instantly he was clothed again, as quickly as he had undressed in the bathing room.


  She bit her lip then got her courage up and asked, “Will you be sleeping in here?”

  “No.” The terse answer was all he gave her as he clasped her upper arm and led her to the bedside then pulled down the covers and helped her into the bed. Like a child being tucked in at night, she found herself following his directions. The next thing she knew she was in bed with covers up to her neck.

  “My chambers are on the other side of that door.” He gave a nod toward a door on the other side of the room, between a potted tree with feathery blue leaves and a tall rosewood wardrobe.

  The thought of only a door between them was both frightening and exhilarating all at once.

  “If you have need of me, I will be in my study.” Karn gave a dismissive wave of his fingers and all candlelight snuffed out immediately, plunging the room into near darkness. Lightning flashed outside and in the brief illumination she saw his hand move again, and a small fire started crackling in the fireplace.

  He leaned down, brushed his lips over her forehead then stepped back. “Sleep, kitten,” he murmured before turning away and striding toward the door.

  Gee, what did one say to a man who had dragged you through a picture and into another world? “Uh, good night,” she finally murmured to his back, and then he was gone. The door closed behind him with a soft thump.

  For a long time Annie stared up at the canopy that shrouded her bed. What a weird day.

  No, weird didn’t begin to describe it. Everything that happened was so unreal, and so surreal that she wondered if she’d wake up and find that she’d been dreaming.

  Although she didn’t feel like she was dreaming. Yet how could it be true? She’d been pulled through her own painting for heaven’s sake. She’d given a god of a man a blowjob, her first ever. And better yet, he’d tied her up with magical rings and ribbons and licked her pussy until she had the most amazing series of orgasms. Heck, she would have had sex with him, if he’d wanted to. She sure wanted him.

  Her pussy ached so much that wild thoughts filled her mind. What if she slipped out of the room, found him in his study and really did jump him? Or later, she could sneak through that door to his chambers and crawl into bed with him.

  Annie rolled her eyes. With a sigh she turned onto her side and watched flames flicker and dance in the fireplace. The room was dark save for occasional lightning flashes and firelight. The flames cast haunting shadows that moved and waltzed about the bedroom like ghosts of the past.

  What secrets did this mansion hold?

  Just the thought of spirits made her shiver and she slid deeper under her covers. When she was a little girl she’d been afraid of the dark, and a little of that fear
had always remained with her.

  She missed Abra so much. Her cat had been her only companion for the last five years, and Annie was used to the calico curling up close to her neck when she slept.

  Thank goodness Awai would be taking care of the poor kitty, so maybe Abra soon wouldn’t feel as alone as Annie suddenly did.

  At the thought of Awai, Annie frowned in the darkness. She hated the fact that now Awai would be worried sick about all three of them—Annie as well as Alexi and Alice. And Awai would be alone.

  But a part of Annie was excited that she would see her missing cousins soon. For some crazy reason she trusted Karn and hoped he’d been telling her the truth that the twins were doing well and were happy.

  Holding that thought tight in her heart, Annie drifted asleep.

  Although in his human form, Karn paced his study like the tiger he was, his boots thunking with every step. He was surely wearing a groove through the finely woven rug arranged before his hearth. The room smelled of burning ch’tok wood, old books, and cedar. The fire blazing in the hearth had chased the storm-chilled air from the room, but did nothing for the chill in his heart.

  But mere hours in Annie’s presence had threatened to warm him.

  No, damn the skies. I won’t allow it.

  Yet for the first time since he had gone from youth to man, he had climaxed from one woman’s soft touch. He usually required two or three wenches at a time to assuage his needs.

  Karn growled and clenched his fists, and tried to turn his thoughts away from Annie.

  His study was filled with books and scrolls along with remembrances from the past, such as the magical wooden bird he treasured as a cub, a present from his father. And next to it was the worn war-ball he and his brothers had oft played with when they were young.

  Their artistic mother had gifted all her sons with portraits of each member of the family. Karn kept them all on his study walls, even his sister…one of the women who had taught him the uselessness of love and trust. Their mother had completed portraits of family members for each of the sons before she took ill. She never had a chance to start on a set for her youngest child and only daughter, Mikaela.

  Karn scowled at the portrait of his traitorous sister. In the picture she looked so angelic, her face sweet and loving and so unlike what she had turned into.

  It was just as well Mikaela had no pictures of the family. He oft considered taking down his sister’s portrait, smashing it to bits, flinging it into the fireplace and burning it to cinders. But perversely he kept her picture on his study wall, another reminder to himself to keep thick boundaries around his heart and to refuse to allow anyone to penetrate its barriers.

  While he paced the length of his study, Karn’s thoughts continually returned to Annie. He kept seeing her brown sugar eyes, her nut brown hair, and her gentle smile. And her face…how beautiful she was when she reached climax.

  She’s just another woman who could betray you, Karn reminded himself. Yet instinctively he knew she was different.

  Still, it frustrated him to no end that he couldn’t get the sweet wench off his mind. His cock yet ached and it had taken all his restraint not to throw his future Queen on the bed and fuck her many times over. Hell, he had almost taken her while she was bound in the bathing pool. He had no doubt that she wanted him, too, and he would have ensured she enjoyed the encounter.

  But Annie deserved gentleness when they mated.

  The first time.

  It pleased him greatly that he would be the only man to thrust his cock into her core, to take her innocence and bring her fully into her womanhood. As beautiful as Annie was, it had surprised Karn to discover his future Queen was a virgin. But there was no doubt in his mind she was unaccustomed to a man’s touch.

  What was it about the maid that stirred his protective instincts? That made him crazy with need for her?

  Lust, you fool, Karn all but growled to himself. That was all he would allow his mind and soul to feel for her. And of course he would protect what was his. After all, he was a weretiger, and all weretigers guarded their own with incredible fierceness.

  But love…no.

  Karn’s scowl deepened. He would not allow Annie to take residence in his heart. He would care for her, protect her, and mate with her, but he would not fall in love with her. Too many times his heart had been ripped to shreds, and there was no love left for him to give, save for a very few—his brothers, nieces, and nephews. Even with those members of his family he restrained his emotions. He would not allow himself to care so deeply again.

  An odd sound met Karn’s keen hearing, even through the storm. He paused his endless pacing. It was a tiny noise, much like the mewling of Darronn’s and Alexi’s newborn cubs.

  Yet there were no cubs in Diamond Hall.

  Karn instantly shifted into a tiger, fur covering his flesh, limbs transforming into powerful legs, and sharp teeth bared to protect his kingdom. He bounded from the room and into the candlelit hallways toward the manse’s immense front doors where the mewling sound was loudest. When he reached the doors, he used his magic to open one and crouched, ready to pounce, should he need to.

  A tiny creature sat huddled on the doorstep, drenched and shivering. The moment it saw Karn the tiger, the creature hissed, arched its back, and held up one paw with its claws bared.

  Karn would have laughed had he been in his man’s form. He recognized the tiny beast that had peered through the path entrance. Annie had called it Abra, and had said it was her cat. Obviously the cat followed her through the path before it was sealed. Karn’s mate had seemed concerned for the creature, and he was confident it would please her to have her companion.

  If Annie was forced to be in a loveless joining, then better for her to have something with her to offer comfort.

  Not giving the creature a chance to run, Karn pounced and gently caught Abra by the scruff of her neck with his teeth, careful not to hurt her.

  The cat gave a fierce, “Yerowl,” and tried to bat at Karn with her sharp little claws, but she was helpless in his grip. He turned toward the stairs after using his magic to close the door behind him.

  Karn bounded up the staircase to Annie’s chambers. After he quietly let himself into her room and closed the doors behind him, he took the tiny beast to the rug in front of the fireplace.

  With a quick movement, Karn pinned the cat so that she couldn’t move. He proceeded to lick Abra’s wet fur like he would one of his own cubs, even though he never intended to bring any into this harsh world.

  Gradually Abra relaxed as he licked her fur, and soon she began to purr as she warmed from Karn’s cleaning and from the crackling fire.

  While he attended to Abra, Karn was intensely aware of the sleeping woman mere feet from him. Her breathing was soft and on occasion she murmured in her sleep. His desire for her had never waned and he wanted nothing more than to shift into his man form and slide into bed with her.

  What is she dreaming? he wondered. Was it about him? Or perhaps her family, of Alexi and Alice.

  Why do I care?

  When Abra was clean and dry, the cat drifted off to sleep. She was obviously worn out from her journey from the path to the mansion, and likely she had spent time trying to find a way in before she positioned herself at the front door and cried out for Annie to come to her.

  Karn thought about carrying Abra to Annie’s bed, but he didn’t want to wake the sleeping creature or his sleeping mate. He stretched out beside Abra, keeping the little beast close to his chest and sharing his warmth.

  As he grew sleepier, an errant thought slipped through his mind. He wished it were Annie that lay beside him, rather than her cat.

  Annie stumbled in the darkness, the storm raging all around her. Wind pulled at her hair and clothing as if an attempt to rip all from her body. Her hair was drenched and water ran down her face and seeped into the neckline of her cloak. She clutched Abra tight to her chest, beneath the water-repellent traveling cloak, keeping the cat relativ
ely dry.

  Abra trembled every time lightning crashed and thunder boomed, and if Annie didn’t have such a tight hold, she was sure the cat would flee in terror. Annie prayed they wouldn’t be struck by lightning. If only she could find shelter.

  “Go back to the mansion,” her inner voice said, but she ignored it.

  They neared the moors, and soon Annie would be the tallest entity around, surely drawing the next bolt of lightning. She needed to crouch down and hide amongst the grass—something!

  Abruptly the storm ceased.

  No lightning, no thunder, no wind, no rain.

  Only an eerie silence prevailed, somehow more frightening than the storm.

  Annie straightened and blinked, slowly looking into the darkness. Over her shoulder she could see warm yellow light from Diamond Hall’s windows, beckoning her, telling her to return.

  Abra hissed from beneath the traveling cloak. Hair prickled at Annie’s nape.

  Slowly she turned back to face the moors…

  Her heart ceased to beat as a hideous beast rose up from the grass…

  Annie woke with a start. Her heart thumped and she wanted to scream. Her dream world warred with reality, both blending and confusing her as she struggled to place where she was. Gradually everything came into focus, and she realized she was staring up at a rose-colored canopy and she was in a rosewood four-poster bed.

  Not her own simple bed with the brass headboard.

  Part of her dream was real then. She was in Diamond Hall…and good heavens, she’d given a man fellatio last night.

  Annie clapped her hand over her eyes. Her cheeks burned and a warm flush stole through her at the thought of what she’d done, and what he’d done to her, too. All of her mother’s rantings came rushing to her mind all at once. How sex of any kind outside of marriage was bad.

  But Annie was intelligent and mature. She was living in the new millennium. What made a woman feel wonderful and special was a good thing. Not something to be ashamed of.


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