Races of Armis: Emerald Wings

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Races of Armis: Emerald Wings Page 5

by Deb Sartoris

  “Agreed, my love” Roberto bent down and placed a soft yet passionate kiss on his wife’s lips and was gone in the next instant.

  Hmm – super human speed – some day that will get you into trouble – just wait and see husband!

  * * * * *

  Chapter 21:

  Roberto tapped on the door to Mesquil’s chambers. Not a sound could be heard. Roberto at first thought that he had the wrong door. His memory was above average and he was sure this was the door number the computer had said his friend was in. Roberto was about to tap on the door again when the door suddenly flashed open and Roberto almost tumbled into his friend.

  Mesquil smiled. “Damn technology! I can not get use to this stuff. I like the forest, caves and wild animals better; at least you knew where you stood. Here on this ship…well, weird is all I’m saying…just plain weird.”

  Roberto smacked his friend hard on the back. “I agree old friend. I think I would also love a long run after some beast rather than wake up frozen in some plastic tube.”

  “Why are you here Roberto? I would think that you would be with your Sofia somewhere curled up in the bed sheets. Seems that is all you two do, even with her belly already swollen with your seed.”

  “Yes hunter, that would be a great place to be now but that was last night and my wife needs to sleep and eat sometime. But enough about my wife, I hear that it took feeding on 3 people to get you to calm down before they could talk any sense into you?”

  “I woke up from a dream with flying creatures all around me, my sword in my hand. I was in a battle for my life. Then I found myself climbing out of that damn plastic tube over there half frozen and 3 people were holding me. What did they think would happen!”

  “Old friend, I wish I could have been with you when you woke. While I did not have a mad dream, I woke frozen and hungry also. I nearly drained my wife dry before I came to my senses. It is a good thing she is something other then a mere human or she would be dead now. Did anyone tell you that you were not the only one to be woken up early?”

  “Yes. They told me that several dozen people, including Master Steven, were awoken early. Rumor has it that several went into their chambers as infants and woke up as adults. Is that true or was that just talk among the ships crew?

  “True enough, old friend. Steven and a few woke up as young men, well, physically at least. Sofia told me that the computer was in teaching mode while the children slept. Steven has all the knowledge from his people in his head but has not had the time to adjust to being a man yet.”

  “But let’s talk about you Mesquil. I heard you say just now something about a crazy dream. I have heard some of this story from others on the ship but I would like to hear the story straight from the horse’s mouth this time. So talk before I have to beat it out of you!”

  Mesquil looked past Roberto towards the Kyro tube. “I’m not sure what I can tell you Roberto. It is all kind of foggy. It felt real to me at the time when I was waking up but now I’m not so sure…”


  “Well in this dream…I knew I was fighting for the good side…like you and I together in a big battle. I think master Steven was there also – I can’t be sure. But I remember seeing your wife.”

  Roberto grinned. “WAIT HOLD ON JUST A MINUTE – you were dreaming about my wife?”

  “Give me a break Roberto. It’s not like that…let me finish. There were these strange flying beasts all around us. You will love this – some of the beasts had riders. You, Sofia, myself and I’m assuming master Steven were among them. Steven’s father and several others were on the ground in full battle gear, fighting.”

  “These beasts were creatures I have never seen before, not ever. They were large, with wings the size of half a tree length. They were all different colors, blues, browns, yellows, greens. It was like the sky was filled with colors from everything we have ever seen.”

  “There was smoke everywhere and it was HOT, I mean REAL hot; like the world was melting or something. The ground had cracks and was shaking and rumbling. Roberto…I was scared. I have never been scared in all my life. I know what I’m capable of and I know I can kill easy enough but this battle…it was worse than anything I have ever encountered.”

  “There were strangers all around and they were coming toward us but I knew we held a surprise for those who were going to attack us. Just when we were about to get attacked I woke up.”

  “I’m sure the dream had something to do with being frozen and not eating for such a long period of time. My imagination must have been working overtime.”

  Roberto shook his head. “Mesquil, you should know that the description of your dream is not unlike some of the details that others have given. Many that were woken up early shared a dream very similar to yours. Each had a little more or less detail, but they all agreed on one thing: a battle was upon them and they all saw the same strange flying creatures in the air.”

  “Get dressed. It is time to go meet Sofia and some of the others in the docking area. Sofia has said that we should all meet in one place and discuss what the computer has found out about the planet.”

  Mesquil shook himself. “Very well, let’s get going. I’m anxious to see what others have to say about all this strange stuff going on.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 22:

  Sofia was almost finished with her meal in the dining room when she felt the baby move. It was not a normal movement. Something odd was going on. She did not want to worry Roberto but there was something wrong with the baby and she needed to spend some time alone to figure out if the baby was ok. For now, she hoped that the baby was just upset over the odd events of the last few hours. Roberto had taken more blood from her than she expected but not so much to cause any real problems. No, it was more then food or blood loss that was causing the baby to be upset. Sofia returned her empty plate to the food station and headed out toward the docking area.

  Her brother Ely and his wife were walking up just as Sofia entered the hallway. “Where is Master Steven?”

  “He is ahead of us by a few minutes.” Wisteria replied. “He could not wait to catch up with Roberto and Mesquil. He said that he needed to talk with them both about something.”

  Ely stopped. “Sofia, are you feeling alright? Your color is a little off and…wait…let me count: one…two…three…four; the baby’s heart rate is elevated. Have you taken time to meditate since you were woken up?”

  Sofia sighed. “No. Not yet. Yes, I know that the baby is having some issues…I can tell. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about just now.”

  Ely spoke softly. “Sofia, you know Roberto will hear the baby with his super hearing. He will know something is wrong.”

  “I know, but what can we do just now? We need to get to the docking station and meet up with the others.”

  Ely shook his head. “Wisteria please you go on ahead and catch up with Steven and the others. Sofia and I need to take a few minutes and see if we can give the baby a rest.”

  “Ok husband, I will try and stall them a little while. Remember, Roberto does not like to be put off long and he will come looking for you both soon enough.”

  Ely took Sofia into one of the empty chambers along their path. “Let’s get you seated on the floor and I will try and help you into a trance so we can ensure that the baby is ok. Computer, can you bring the temperature up in the chamber to meet Sofia’s requirements?”


  “Ely, I’m not sure this is necessary. I’m sure everything is fine.”

  “Sofia, you carry the heir to our planet in your womb. I think taking 5 minutes to ensure the child’s well being is not asking too much.”

  Ely and Sofia sat down on the floor of the chamber while the room adjusted for them to try bringing Sofia into her birth trance.

  “Ok, breathe in…now out…slowly…in…out…slow. Sofia, take my hand. Count with me: one…two…three; feel the baby. Relax and let yourself fade…easy…ta
ke it slow.”

  Sofia closed her eyes and breathed deep for several seconds.

  “Sofia, you can transform into your true form now. I will hold you here until you are ready to return. Take the time to bond with the baby – calm the child.”

  The chamber filled with a bright light as Sofia’s form changed.

  “Sofia, can you sense anything from the baby yet? You are not far enough along to be able to meditate completely yet but usually the mothers can tell by now how the baby is doing.”

  “Ely, I was asleep for 50 years and the time that we usually spend bonding with our children was lost to me during our sleep cycle. I’m sure that the baby is trying to adjust to me and all the crazy stuff going on around us.”

  “Did you let Master Roberto feed too much?”

  Sofia hesitated. “Perhaps…I didn’t think it was a problem but maybe he took a little too much this time.”

  “I can speak to Roberto about his feeding habits until you delivery this child. He can take his fill of me or any of the others until we know you and the baby are both safe.”

  “You and I both know that Roberto will not be happy about feeding from anyone else but me; he will starve himself before he drinks from another person.”

  “You can’t say that for sure; he is devoted to you and this child. You do not give him much credit. I’m sure he will comply.”

  “Enough of this talk. We can discuss this later after we figure out what is going on with our ship, your son and this planet that we have found ourselves orbiting around.” The bright light went out as Sofia’s body returned. “Ely, please don’t worry about me or the baby. I know I carry the heir to our world in my womb but remember a woman always knows what is going on with her baby. I have rested long enough. I can sense that Roberto is becoming impatient with us. Help me up and let’s get to the dock before he comes looking for us and we have to explain what we were just doing.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 23:

  Most of the ship’s crew was standing around the shuttle craft when Sofia and Ely entered the dock.

  “Quiet everyone – Mistress Sofia has arrived.”

  Roberto was suddenly at his wife side as if he had never left. Sofia jumped ever so slightly. “Did I scare you wife?” Sofia smiled, “No, I’m not used to your suddenly just appearing. It still gives me pause.”

  Sofia turned to the others. “Ok everyone. I’m sure you all have had time to refresh yourselves and discuss our recent events. It is true we have been woken from our journey early. It seems that our ship and one of our own, Master Steven, is somehow linked to this planet.”

  The room was suddenly filled with whispers as many people started talking at once. Ely tried, best he could, to get the group to calm down but nothing seemed to work until Steven climbed up on a table, seemingly lost in thought. In that moment the entire room got instantly quiet.

  Ely reached for Steven but Sofia put her hand on Ely and gave him a look that caused him to stop short of touching Steven. “I think he is in a trance. Give him a minute – let’s see what happens.”

  Steven’s body was standing on the table in the dock area but his spirit was not on the ship any longer. He felt his mind drift off the ship and down toward the planet. He could feel the wind as it passed by and see the clouds of the planet. As he drew ever closer to the planet surface he recognized the lake that was in his dream.

  He landed in a meadow near the edge of the lake. He was in wisp form and yet he could see and smell and hear everything going on around him.

  And that’s when he heard the voice. “Finally, Steven, it is about time that you found your way to me.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 24:

  The voice came from a beautiful young woman with a pale face and long hair, white as snow and shining as silver. “What is happening to me…where am I…and WHO ARE YOU?”

  “Do not be afraid, Steven. I have summoned you across many galaxies and across many time segments. I need your help. You must bring your group down here from your ship. They must rescue the queen dragon and help release our people from their enslavers.”

  Steven felt confused. “First of all, how could you summon our entire ship here? What did you say about time segments? My father was just talking about time fragments to me. He said it is not possible to bend time this much. There could be side effects.”

  “Yes, Steven, the major side effect is that I had to force your development from a child into the man you are now. I needed you and your group strong and ready for battle.”

  “You said something about rescuing a queen dragon…what is a Dragon?”

  “We do not have much time to discuss everything just yet. I promise all things will be revealed to you soon. I only contacted you now because I know you are gathering on your ship. Please try and understand. When you wake up back on the ship, tell your Aunt Sofia what I have told you – she will understand. This conversation will trigger a memory I have placed in her unborn child’s mind. That message will be transferred to Sofia a few minutes after your return. Both of you will appear to faint but when you wake up, all of what I said will make better sense.”

  “Now you must leave this place I do not have any more time to explain as my keeper is approaching. Go. We will be together soon I promise.” His body began to lift from the surface when the strange woman with white-silver hair touched his face and she was gone.

  Her voice became an echo: “Remember, Steven: RESCUE THE QUEEN DRAGON! It is the only way to save everyone here.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 25:

  Steven stood for a long time on the table. Several minutes passed and the room remained very quiet. It appeared as if Steven was safe but he was starting to fade out. Little by little his body transformed into the mist that Roberto had seen before. Ely and his wife both gasped as Steven faded out almost completely.

  As Steven’s body faded, Sofia fainted. With his super speed Roberto was able to grab his wife before she fell into the floor. “Something is wrong.”

  Roberto lifted Sofia and placed her on the table near where the mist of Steven was barely visible. Ely and the others gathered around Sofia. She started to fade but not as completely as Steven. Roberto reached out his hand to touch his wife but Ely stopped him short of the touch.

  “What are you doing Ely? I have never seen you stop me from touching Sofia. Why start now?”

  “Roberto please understand: I think there might be something wrong. Sofia is not feeling well. I tried to bring her and the baby into bonding earlier but we did not have much time to accomplish that task. The time jump and our extended sleep cycle must have altered the way she and her child bonded. When you fed from Sofia after you woke, you took more blood then normal. The draining of her life force along with all the odd events must have done something to her.”

  Roberto shuddered. “Ely I did not know. Sofia did not tell me that my feeding was harming her or the baby. She kept insisting she was fine. I did not know any different. I’m not familiar with woman and their birth cycles and your species is new to me as you know.”

  “Roberto it is ok I promise. I checked Sofia earlier and there was no real issue a few minutes ago.”

  “Then why did she just faint? Look at her. She is fading in and out of her wisp form. That can’t be good. It always takes a lot of energy and strength from her when she does that even one time and she has been like this for a few minutes now…this can not be good.”

  Roberto stopped talking as Ely had turned his attention to his wife and their son Steven, who was transforming back into his human form. Slowly he became more solid and then he was falling onto the table just as Sofia had a few minutes before. Ely was able to catch Steven just as he landed on the table.

  All eyes were on Steven and no one noticed that Sofia was also becoming more solid. Sofia reached out her hand and touched Steven and Roberto realized at that moment that his wife was also back to her human form.

  * * * * *
  Chapter 26:

  “Sofia, are you alright my love? Let me touch you now…you are cold…do you need a blanket?” Roberto’s voice went from relief to worry.

  “Aunt Sofia, what happened?”

  Ely cut in. “Steven, are you alright? You transformed into our true nature: our wisp form. This normally does not happen for many years and usually you are aware of this time and there is a ceremony that occurs where some of the elders help you with your first transformation. Your early awakening must have done something to your life cycle and forced you into your first transformation sooner then was expected.”

  “Aunt Sofia…I must tell you something…it is very important.” Steven murmured.

  “Steven now is not the time. Your Aunt Sofia just fainted and was in wisp form for an extended period while you were gone. She needs to rest…”

  “NO!” Steven’s voiced gathered urgency. “This can’t wait. Aunt Sofia, I’m to tell you –RESCUE THE QUEEN DRAGON!”

  As the words left his mouth and Sofia heard them the baby stirred within her womb and Sofia placed her hand instinctively upon her belly. To the others around her it appeared as if something was wrong. Sofia’s belly vibrated and you could see the baby move.


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