Races of Armis: Emerald Wings

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Races of Armis: Emerald Wings Page 7

by Deb Sartoris

  “It is a bit confusing even to me. It is both the planet and someone or something.”

  Just then, Steven appeared beside his mom and dad. “Aunt Sofia, have you told them yet that we must bring the transport ship down to the planet?”

  Roberto’s voice rose. “What? We are NOT going down to the planet. We can not do that. Both of you were just controlled by…something…down there. What do you think will happen once we are actually ON that planet? I will not allow you both to be put in such danger.”

  “Calm down, husband. What Steven was trying to communicate is that we must take a legion of our group down to the planet. Two separate ships to two separate places.” Sofia’s face took on a pensive look. “I’m not sure why I know that…but I know the exact location that each group must go to and exactly who should be in each group. We don’t have much time. I am sure many lives depend on our swift action and our ability to get both groups down on the surface at the same time.”

  Silence filled the room but it was Roberto that overcame the initial shock and latched on to the implications of what Sofia just said.

  “You are crazy wife. There is no way to bring that many people down to the planet at once. It took several trips to transport us from Earth. And if you haven’t already noticed, there is now only ONE transport ship available.”

  That’s when everyone started talking at once.


  “We do not need the transport ship for the second group of people – that is going to be our weapon we can use to win the fight.”

  “What fight? You are talking in riddles. I think I need to take you back to our chamber and get you into that bed of ours for some additional rest cycles.”

  “Do we even have enough for a legion?”

  “Excuse me – Excuse me – HELLO!” Steven was standing on a chair in the middle of the waiting area, yelling at all of them now. “Listen to me! I know what Aunt Sofia is saying seems odd, but she is telling you everything that I was told. I was actually on the planet. I was talking with someone. We must get down to the planet before the end of this day or many lives will be lost forever.”

  “Steven – please get down from there before you fall and hit your head.”

  “Alright everyone, let’s all take a deep breath. Calm down.” Ely helped his son down from the chair. “I know the both of you can sense that there is a desperate need to reach the planet. The computer stated that Steven has had some transfer of information via his brain scans. I believe that you both were given instructions but – do we really know if the being that is communicating with you is even working for the good of the planet?”

  “YES” – came out loud in DUAL voice as Steven and Sofia both answered at the same time.

  * * * * *


  Chapter 32:

  “Computer, can you tell us what is in the area of the following two locations on the planet?” Sofia entered the two locations from the memory that she had.

  “WORKING…Both locations show primitive building structures. One is located deep inside a maze of caves. The other is located among many buildings. The caves do not appear to have many people around them. There are large non-humanoid creatures buried deep in the caves. In the other location there are many human like creatures, armed with battle gear.”

  “Great, just great!” Mesquil entered the room. “Just what I wanted to hear. See, I told you guys that I had a dream about a battle.”

  Roberto raised his voice “Listen up everyone; we are not going head strong down into a battle without some preparation time.”

  Sofia put her hand on his arm. “We do not expect to go down to the planet unprepared, do we, Steven?”

  “No Aunt Sofia, we do not. We both have a list of items we need to bring with us…I’m not sure why I know that…but I do. Aunt Sofia, I’m to lead one group while Mesquil leads the other fighters to the other location.”

  Ely raised his eyebrows. “You both are acting as if the entire battle has already been fought and you know exactly what to do. We have never been here before – you said so yourself. The planet did not even appear in your computer charts. Just how do you both know where to go on the surface, whom to bring with you and what supplies to bring?”

  “DON’T KNOW” – came the dual voices again. Sofia tried to explain. “We just know – it really is like we have fought this battle already.”

  Roberto shrugged his shoulders. “Since you both seem to have this battle planned out ahead of time, spill the details and let’s see how well planned out this battle really is.”

  “Mesquil and his hunters will go to the maze of caves and enter from a hidden rock formation at this location.” Sofia was pointing to the computer generated map that had appeared out of thin area above the table. “They will free the queen and her group and bring them to the surface…here near this great lake. There they will clean and feed the beasts and allow them time to heal from being buried inside the caves.”

  It was Roberto’s turn to raise his eyebrows. “Queen you said? Queen of…you just said beasts? Really, wife, I think you must have hit your head or something when you fell a few hours ago. You are talking like it is everyday that you plan a rescue mission onto an unknown planet.”

  “Roberto, your wife – Aunt Sofia – is telling you what we were told. My group includes Aunt Sofia, Roberto, my parents and a few others. We are to go to the main building area. We are to hide our weapons in this area…here.” Steven pointed to another location on the map. We will enter the main building here…in full royal clothing under the impression that we are visiting from another area. We are to allow them to feed and entertain us while Mesquil works to free the beasts from their caves. We are to spend several nights as the guests in the…castle?”

  Sofia nodded her head “Yes, it’s a castle. The time we spend there will allow Mesquil and his group to locate and heal the beasts. After…3 days?”

  She glanced toward Steven who nodded his head and took up the story. “At the end of the third day, we are to appear sick so we’re left alone inside the castle. We then make our way to our hidden weapons and rescue the new queen.”

  “What did you just say?” Roberto was not convinced. “Steven you just said we are to rescue a queen. But Mesquil should have already rescued the queen. Really the both of you need to have your heads reexamined by the computer again. Riddles around and around we go.”

  “Husband you must trust what Steven and I say. We know this is what happens and how it must occur within the next 3 days. That time is needed to help heal the beast that Mesquil must rescue. Without the beast we cannot kill the evil witch and free the planet from its enslavement.”

  “Wow – now we are killing witches and freeing planets! All in a day’s work it seems!” Roberto’s tone edged with condescension. Maybe I should go pour the wine now and celebrate the battle being won!”

  “Funny you say wine, husband. That is important. We will enjoy the wine with the witch on the 3rd day – it is what helps us kill the witch and free all those that have suffered at her hand for many years.” Just as Sofia finished speaking, her body sagged. Roberto used his super speed and caught her just as she fell toward the floor.

  “Enough of this crazy talk! Sofia you cannot even stand on your own two feet let alone ride into battle.”

  “You are right, husband. Steven, we must allow ourselves time to rest and prepare for the coming days. I know that we are desperate to get to the surface but we must be at full strength. There is only one way we can all be ready – we must teach Steven now how to accept his true form.”

  Ely blurted out “NO! We are NOT teaching my son how to do that yet. He is too young. You know it takes several of us to do that. Sofia you are not ready either; you are just not strong enough.”

  “What exactly are the two of you talking about, Ely? Tell me what is it that Sofia is wanting to do with Steven.”

  “Roberto, in order to ensure that Steven can transform at will into his wisp form, his cl
osest relatives must take him into a trance and go with him into his wisp form. It will take Sofia, me and Wisteria to bring Steven to this state. It is not easy under the best conditions and it often takes many months of preparation time.”

  “Ely you are correct – and yes, husband there is not enough time to prepare for this training, but I know deep within my heart and that of our unborn son that we will find the strength to do this.”

  “Sofia, you are asking me to risk you and our son and several others to do this training all for a planet and its unknown creatures. You ask too much from me this time.” Roberto did not wish to fight with them and his only thought was that of the safety of his wife and their yet unborn son.

  Sofia walked over to Roberto and touched his face. Sofia looked into his eyes. As always Roberto also touched his wife face at the same time. It was their way.

  “I could not bear to lose you, wife,” he whispered.

  “I feel the same husband.” Sofia whispered back. “We will be fine – I promise you.”

  “If I agree and I’m not saying I do…but if I did…when exactly do you plan on doing this training for Steven?”

  “IN TWO HOURS” again in dual voice.

  “Wow – I really wish the two of you would stop doing that – it is just creepy!” muttered Roberto.

  * * * * *


  Chapter 33:

  Azual, the oldest queen dragon, could feel something deep within her bones. Her daughter was coming of age. Soon she would have to enter the egg casting and be reborn. If she does not do this soon, her life is in danger.

  All of their species would die if the new queen did not come of age soon. Azual needed to be set free from these caves soon. She thought that her message to the strange ship had been heard, but too much time had passed. Perhaps her ability to breach the time fragments had been lessened by the time she spent underground without her beloved sun light. The dragons had always kept their strength through their mate but she was without a mate in her human form; sure that the king’s son had died many years ago.

  Dragons can usually outlive their human companions by many years, but she was never actually married to her mate; the witch arrived at the time of their wedding. Her mate was not aware of her ability to transform. So much time was lost. Azual had been in communication with the other dragons and they had all used their last remaining strength to summon the strangers on the ship.

  They are coming soon. Azual and the others had to start preparing the new queen’s egg casting. They only had 3 days – a feat that had never been performed before. Usually the old queen had much time to ready the egg casting. But now with the witch and all the lost time, Azual knew that she must complete her final task as the great queen dragon.

  Each remaining dragon offered to Azual gifts: feathers, bones from their bodies and blood of their veins to cast the egg. Each one placed their offerings around and around the casting until it was nearly done.

  Azual must be the last one to offer her own body parts, binding the old queen to the new queen in dragon form.

  Azual used her own talon and sliced a long strike down her leg, allowing the blood to begin flowing. Blue foam came from her veins as she used her tongue to finish the final shape of the egg. With her last remaining strength, she allowed a single tear to flow from her eye and scooped it up and placed it on the top of the egg. As the tear flowed down the surface of the egg it turned into sparkly diamonds. A small hole opened up in the middle of the egg and Azual laid her head down and wrapped her wings and talons around the egg for safe keeping.

  Azual called to her daughter: I give you, my daughter, three days time to come to me. Hurry! You must come or all will be lost!

  * * * * *


  Chapter 34:

  “Algamight, are you alright? You were thrashing about in your sleep again last night, worse than the other nights.” Tusk grew more worried for the dragon each day. “You have not slept well for several nights; each time it appears as if you are fighting something within yourself.”

  Algamight closed her eyes and shuddered. “I do not know what is wrong with me. I don’t feel right. I keep dreaming of someplace that I need to be. It is very important and I must go there soon or something bad will happen. Tusk, you must find a way to get me out of here soon…to the lake. Remember…the strange area…where the bones were at?”

  Tusk shook his head. “We can never go there. The witch has been more crazier then normal. Even the other animals can sense the danger. She is pacing about the castle, talking to herself. I think she mixed too many of her potions together or something. She is frantic about visitors showing up here. I cannot get you or myself away from the castle right now. The witch is watching me all the time as if it will be my fault that something happens.”

  “We must Tusk; you do not understand.” Just as the words left her mouth Algamight screamed out in such pain and then just like that the white hair lady was lying naked at the ground at Tusk’s feet.

  “Oh no! You can not do this now; the witch will be coming in here soon looking for you. Only just this morning she was working on another potion to try an experiment on you. Algamight, can you hear me? You must wake up!” Tusk was bent over the white haired woman when someone touched his shoulder. As he turned, he realized it was the witch.

  “Tusk what are you playing with down there? You know how I feel about you touching the other animals. Speaking of animals, where is that great big dragon of ours? I thought you brought her down here last night. What is this…a woman? Where did she come from?” The witch leered at him. “Tusk you are being naughty? How did you get her in here?”

  The white hair woman moaned in great pain. The witch went to place her hand on the woman and, without thinking, Tusk pushed the witch away. “Do not touch her witch!”

  A flash of light appeared and Tusk was thrown against the wall. Fire appeared on all sides of him and he was trapped with his back against the wall opposite from the white haired woman.

  “No! Leave her alone!” Tusk screamed at the witch.

  The witch turned toward Tusk and sneered. “Just what do you think you are going to do about it? You can not break free from the fire that I have encased you in. Perhaps I need to bring it a little closer to your skin to remind you of my strength.”

  The fire inched its way closer and closer to Tusk. He could feel the heat of it. “Stop…please…I beg you!” he gasped. “Kill me! I do not care…just do not touch the woman!”

  “How sweet of you, Tusk, to offer your life, for such a little thing as this woman. She must be important to you is she not?”

  “Yes…No! She is…”

  The white haired woman screamed out in pain once again and changed back into the great dragon. This time her size was much bigger and her silver tattoos appeared all over her wings, chest and neck, bright and shinning for all to see.

  The witch turned her head away from Tusk just as the dragon appeared. She called out in a sing-song voice, “I call upon the fire spirits! Capture the dragon/woman! Do not let her free!” The fire left the wall away from Tusk and moved toward the dragon. As the fire enveloped the dragon, her eyes flew open and she pulled from the chain in the wall.

  “Tusk! You and the dragon have been keeping secrets from me. Such magic she has. Just how long has she been able to transform between the two shapes?”

  Tusk choked on his words as he felt his doom approaching.

  “You will answer me Tusk or I will send the fire back to you. This time it will not be as far away from your skin as it was the last time!”

  “Leave Tusk alone; it is I you will address! I, Algamight, will not allow you to harm Tusk, or anyone else, any longer.” Algamight pulled with all her strength on the chain wrapped around her leg. The metal cracked and gave way, breaking the stone wall that it was nailed to.

  “You are strong I give you that,” the witch cackled, “but not strong enough to fight the fire that encases you.”

��Fire, bend to my will. Bind deeper to the dragon. Fill her with your heat!”

  “Stop hurting her!” Tusk screamed at the witch.

  The witch turned her head for just an instant as Tusk screamed. “Enough both of you.” The witch called upon such power that both Tusk and Algamight were encased in fire; each pinned against the wall with no hope of getting free.

  “That will hold you both for now, until I can decided how best to drain the magic from the dragon. Now I know she is the one to give me the final magic I need to take total control of this planet.”

  The witch began pacing. “They are coming now! You both stay put. I must get everything ready for our quests…what fun we will have! I know they will want rest and entertainment. And then, just when they least expect it, I will give them our potion, Tusk.” She reached for a jar and a handful of herbs. “The one that made your great dragon scream in pain for hours! They will writhe in agony! Then we will attack them and we will have our victory!”

  As the witch left the room Algamight used her strength and called out to the man in her dreams. Please you must come soon we are in great trouble – we need you – please hurry!


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