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In Love with My Brother's Best Friend: Complete Box Set

Page 13

by Cummin, Sharon

  Her hands moved across my chest and down my stomach. She undid my pants and shoved them down with my boxers. When her hand wrapper around my extremely hard cock, I felt her body stiffen and grabbed her lip between my teeth.

  “Fuck, Jackson,” she moaned.

  “Yes, baby,” I said.

  Her hand began stroking up and down my shaft, and my fingers moved across her clit. It felt like I was in high school and it was my first time. I seriously thought I was going to let go in her hand and had to pull back from her touch.

  “On the bed,” I commanded.

  If I didn't get my shit together, I wasn't even going to make it inside of her. She moved up the bed and onto her back. I loved the way her hair fanned out across my pillow. When I grabbed my pants and reached into the pocket, she looked at me and her mood shifted. She went to move and I shot my eyes over to hers.

  “Don't you dare,” I snapped.

  “Did you have plans?” she asked, as her eyes moved from mine to the package in my hands.

  “You were the one that was here with your boyfriend. Do you have any idea what that shit did to me?” I said sternly. “Keep that beautiful ass where it is. You have no idea how badly I need you right now.”

  “Need,” she said sarcastically.

  I was on the bed and hovering over her in seconds. My knee went between her legs and spread them. I looked down at her sexy body and my cock twitched.

  “Yes,” I said, as my knee moved against her pussy. “Fucking need.”

  Her eyes were locked on mine, as I rolled the condom down my shaft.

  “I need to look into your beautiful eyes while I claim you. I need to smell the smell that is only yours. I need to be buried balls deep inside of you where I belong, Tina.”

  With one hand on each side of the bed next to her head, I hovered over her perfect body with my cock at her entrance. She looked into my eyes as our lips connected. Both of her hands went to my hair, and I moved into her. I felt her thighs tighten and her hips move forward. She wanted it just as much as I did. It didn't matter if she said it or not. I could still read her thoughts all those years later. I pulled back and thrust into her, and she cried out. Her hands moved to my back and held on tight. It felt like she was afraid to let go. I couldn't blame her. I'd run from her before. I could feel the muscles in my body tighten each time I pumped into her. Her fingers tightened, and I felt like she was breaking through my damn skin. I pulled back from the kiss and looked into her eyes, as I thrust into her hard and deep. Her body moved up the bed, and I wasn't about to slow down. I needed to feel her from the inside. I knew she needed it too. Her body was made for me. The way her tight pussy sucked me in with each pump was perfect. I couldn't hold back. My hands moved just above her shoulders to stop her body from moving away from me.

  “Fuck, Jackson,” she whimpered.

  “Say it again,” I demanded.

  “Jackson,” she whispered.


  “Jackson,” she said with a smile.

  I pulled back, kept my eyes connected to hers, and slammed into her.

  “Shit,” she yelled out. “Fuck, Jackson.”

  “That's it,” I said. “I want to hear my name come from that smart mouth of yours over and over, baby. I want you to know who fucks you like this. Does anyone else fuck you like I do?”

  She shook her head.

  “I haven't been with anyone in two years,” she said. “I got sick of hooking up. It wasn't the same.”

  “The same as what?” I asked, as I slowed my movements.

  If she was about to open up to me, I wasn't going to stop her. She didn't respond, and I stopped inside of her. I heard the growl come from her chest and laughed.

  “That was a question, Tina.”

  She sucked her lower lip into her mouth. I felt like I could see into her heart. She was so damn perfect. She always had been.

  “The answer,” I said. “The same as what?”

  “Being with you,” she whispered.

  “Fuck,” I said, as I thrust into her again. “Hang on tight, baby. I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before. I want you to forget every single man you've ever been with. I want you to remember my cock and the way it makes you feel. You will feel me between your legs tomorrow. When you touch yourself, I want it to be me and my fingers you think about.”

  “Jackson,” she whimpered.

  “Stop thinking,” I said. “Just feel.”

  I dropped my forehead to hers and pumped into her so hard and deep that she screamed out my name. Her fingers dug into my back and her legs went around my waist. I could feel her hips move to meet each of my thrusts. My mouth claimed hers hard. I took one hand down and rubbed her clit. She moaned, whimpered, and cried out, and I loved every sound she made. Her back arched against me and her eyes closed. The headboard knocked off the wall, and I was sure we were going to break the damn bed. It didn't matter. I had to have every bit of her.

  “Jackson,” she cried out. “So damn good. Please.”

  I could feel the sweat dripping onto her chest from mine. She made me feel things nobody had ever made me feel before. I didn't want to lose her again. It didn't matter what her brother or parents thought. I wanted her, and I knew, as I looked at her beneath me, I was going to do whatever it took to prove to her that she was mine. She was supposed to be with me. That was where she belonged. All the money in world wasn't shit without her.

  “Jackson,” she mumbled. “Fuck, please.”

  I claimed her mouth again, sped up the movements of my fingers, and fucked her deep. She was about to fly over the edge, and I knew it.

  “You have no idea how damn sexy you are, Tina. You are so fucking beautiful. I could have you naked in my bed all day every day and never have enough of you. Open your eyes, baby. I want to look into them while you come around my cock.”

  She opened her eyes. As soon as they connected with mine, I thrust into her hard and she exploded. The feeling of her pussy pulsing around my cock had me right there with her. I let out a growl like never before and came so damn hard. I could only imagine what it would have felt like to be bare inside of her. It was something I had never done with anyone and knew she was going to be the one.

  I let my body down on top of hers slowly. We were both breathing hard and dripping with sweat. With my hand in her hair, I held her cheek against mine. I felt tears move to where our faces were connected, but I didn't say a word. When I rolled to her side, I didn't like the feeling of not being connected anymore. She rolled over and turned away from me. I moved in behind her, wrapped my legs around her, pulled the cover up, put my arm over her chest, and held her tight. It took all I had to try and keep my eyes open. I hadn't been that comfortable and relaxed in longer than I could remember. There were so many things I wanted to say, but I couldn't stay awake. My eyes drifted closed, and I held her so tight. It felt like a dream when I heard her speak.

  “Be yourself, Jackson. We love you just the way you are. I'm so sorry for saying that tonight in front of Tim and my mom. Please fix it. I need you to have your family back. They need you too. I should have stayed away.”

  Chapter 6


  I looked up to see that it was three o'clock and completely dark. When I moved the cover to get up, there was an arm over me. Oh shit! It wasn't a dream, I thought. How could I have been with him again? I knew I had to get out of there before I gave him the chance to get into my head. It wasn't happening. I scooted out from beneath his hold and moved fast out of the room. I had never been so thankful to have lost all of my clothes before even getting to the bedroom. The lights were still on around the suite. It put the suite I rented to shame. The place had to have cost him a fortune. I pulled on my shorts, bra, and shirt. My panties were destroyed, so I left them there. I slipped my flip-flops on and was out the door.

  I was so glad it was the middle of the night. Doing the walk of shame with no panties wasn't something I looked forward to doing. I
got into the elevator and pushed the button for my floor. As soon as the doors opened, I ran for my room with no key. I definitely hadn't thought ahead earlier that night.

  Please be up, I thought, as I knocked on the door over and over. It seemed like it took forever before the door opened to a very sleepy Chris on the other side. His mouth looked awful, and my hand went right to it.

  “Cut it out,” he snapped.

  “We have to go,” I said frantically. “Get your stuff packed.”

  “Wait a minute,” he said, as he grabbed my hands and squeezed his eyes closed. “Slow down, Tina. What did you do?”

  “I didn't do anything,” I said feeling offended.

  “You didn't kill him, did you?” he joked.

  I pulled my hands back from his.

  “No,” I snapped. “I slept with him.”

  His eyes widened. That sure woke him up.

  “So why are we running?” he asked.

  “It was a mistake. I need to get out of here. You can stay and fly out later tonight if you want, but I'm going now.”

  “It's not that bad, Tina,” he said.

  “It is,” I said. “I need to get as far away from here as possible. You don't understand. I shouldn't have come here.”

  “Was he that bad?” he joked.

  “This is not the time, Chris,” I said. “It was the best sex I've had in my life. I can't be around him. He fucks with my mind. The fucker had me thinking he cared about me. He had me feeling like I was special to him. No way. That is not happening. I fell for that shit before. There is no way I'm giving him the chance to hurt me again. If I leave, he won't be able to.”

  I went to my room and starting throwing my stuff into my bag.

  “You're supposed to see your parents and brother for lunch tomorrow,” Chris said.

  “That's not happening either. My asshole of a brother is going on the trip Jackson paid for even though he says Jackson isn't his friend and he hates him. I can't face them. I just can't do it. Are you going now or later?” I asked.

  “I'm going with you,” he said.

  We went separate ways in the suite and met at the door thirty minutes later, dressed with our bags in our hands. I checked out without even looking at the receipt. We returned the rental car and got to the airport. It cost a small fortune to get our flights moved to the first flight of the day, but I knew I would deal with that later. We made it to the gate, sat down, and waited for an hour. I was so relieved that we were able to get such an early flight. There was no way I wanted to sit in the airport the whole day, but I would have done it to avoid Jackson and my family.

  We got on the plane, buckled our belts, and were ready to go. I still refused to discuss any of it with Chris. He didn't push, and I loved him even more for that. I was already so exhausted. I knew if I said one word, I would lose it and be a blubbering mess in seconds. With my head back and my eyes closed, I had never been happier to feel the wheels lift off of the ground. In a few short hours, I knew I would be back where I belonged.

  Chapter 7


  I opened my eyes and looked over at the clock as I rubbed my eyes. It was seven o'clock. I never slept that late, I thought. Then I remembered that I hadn't set the alarm on my phone. When I looked on the bed next to me, she was gone. I never felt her get up. It was the best, most relaxed sleep I'd had in so long. The light from the hallway was shining through the open door of the bedroom. She must have gone to use the bathroom, but why hadn't she just used the one attached to my room? I stood up, pulled my boxers on, and walked out into the hallway. Maybe she was making breakfast. That was probably it. I had the biggest smile on my face as I walked toward the kitchen. There were so many things I wanted to say to her. She needed to know that the night before wasn't a one-time thing for me. I wanted her in my life.

  When I came around the corner, she wasn't there. The entire place was quiet. I turned around and walked back toward the living room. When I looked down at the floor by the entrance to my suite, I noticed her clothes were gone. The only thing that remained of her was her ripped panties. Where the fuck was she, I wondered? I took off back to my room, pulled on my pants and a t-shirt, grabbed my room key, and headed for the elevator. How could she leave my room without telling me? Maybe she told me when I was asleep and I hadn't remembered. That was possible.

  The elevator door opened on her floor, and I walked toward her room. She wasn't meeting her parents until lunch. She'd told me that the night before. When I got to her room, the door was wide open. I walked in and looked around. A woman surprised me when she came out of the bathroom. She looked at me with a questioning look.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Where is the woman that was in this room?” I asked.

  “She checked out,” the woman said. “I'm cleaning for the next guest.”

  “When did she check out?” I asked.

  “Early this morning,” she said.

  “Fuck,” I whispered. “Sorry, thank you.”

  I went down to the front desk. The annoying girl from school wasn't there. When I asked about Tina, they said they couldn't tell me anything. I was beyond pissed. How could she just leave, I wondered? Had her mom called to meet her early? There was no way I could call and ask. Her parents probably hated me. I knew her brother already did.

  I went back to my room, got dressed in clean clothes, and packed my stuff. I was supposed to see my parents before heading home. Her parents lived on the same street. I'd drive by and make sure her car was there, but I had to find a way to see her before she left.

  I checked out of my room and made sure they still had my card on file to pay for Tina's room before leaving the hotel. I even thought about calling Tim and trying to talk to him again. I didn't do it. He was getting ready to go on his honeymoon, and I wasn't sure I wanted to piss him off even more before his trip. It would have to wait until he got back. That would give him time to cool off.

  I drove by Tina's mom and dad's house, but her car wasn't there. What the fuck, I thought? Where the hell was she? I stopped my car in front of my parent's house and pulled out my phone. Tina didn't know I'd gotten her number, but I didn't care. I needed to figure out where she was. We needed to talk. I needed to see her.

  Me: Where are you?

  Of course she would wonder who it was and text back. I was sure of it. When she never answered, I started to get nervous. I decided to see my mom and dad and head home early. There were definitely things I needed to do before work the following day.

  The visit with my parents wasn't all that. We sat in the living room while my dad watched television. None of us really had anything to say. They asked the usual questions about how I was. I asked about their lives. It was just as awkward as always. By ten o'clock I couldn't take it anymore and told them I needed to get home. My dad made his usual comments about how I never came around and never appreciated the things he did for me. He was good and making me feel worthless, even though I'd accomplished so much in my life. I never took the path he wanted, and that was all that mattered to him.

  I'd just closed my car door when my phone beeped.

  Tina: Who is this?

  I was pissed.

  Me: It took that long to answer. You checked out before seven, and you're not at your parents. Where are you?

  Tina: Stalking me much. Who the fuck is this?

  Me: Jackson

  At least five minutes went by before she said anything else. I wanted so badly to talk to her mom, but I drove by and kept going. It was going to take some time before I could face what I was sure she was going to say to me. I'd been with her daughter when she only eighteen. I knew it wasn't going to be easy.

  Tina: How did you get this number?

  Me: Where are you?

  Tina: I went home.

  Me: You're not there. I just drove by.

  Tina: That's not my home, Jackie. Did my mom give you my number?

  Me: No. Do you really think I've been able to face your m
om after yesterday? I got it when you sent your brother the text before the wedding. You're at the airport? I need to talk to you before you leave. I wanted to talk last night but figured we could talk when we got up this morning. When I got up, you weren't there.

  Tina: I'm not at the airport. I'm in New York.

  Me: That's bullshit. You weren't supposed to fly out until tonight.

  Tina: I can throw money around too. We flew out on the first flight of the day.

  Me: Why?

  Tina: I needed out of there. I couldn't be there in the morning. I couldn't face them.

  Me: What about me?

  Tina: You're part of them. I need you to do whatever it takes to fix your relationship with Tim and my parents. They're your family, and they need you. You had me for a second. You're good. I felt special for a minute. You almost had me thinking I mattered to you. You've fucked with my head for ten years, Jackie. I can't do it anymore.

  Me: You fucking left.

  Then she crushed me.

  Tina: I learned from the best.

  Chapter 8


  When that first text came through, it scared the shit out of me. I had no idea who it could be, but Jackson wasn't even one of the options. I was so pissed off that he'd gotten my number from my brother's phone. If I wasn't as equally angry at Tim, I would have let him know what his friend had done. There was no way I wanted another loving conversation with my brother. I knew that would only push them apart more.

  He couldn't keep sending me messages. I needed to stop him. There was no way I could move on if he was talking to me. When he said something about me leaving, it only left one choice. I knew he was going to get upset when I sent what I did. As soon as I hit send, I shut my phone off. There was no way I was dealing with him, and I wasn't changing my number. Both of my jobs had it along with my bill companies and all of my friends. He wasn't going to interfere with my life. I wasn't going to let him.

  I fell into my bed and was done for the rest of the day. The outside world would have to wait. I never even bothered changing clothes. My eyes closed the second my head hit that pillow. I was done with everyone and everything. I thought I would be happy to be home, but I wasn't. It didn't do anything to help the feelings running through me. That fucker got exactly what he wanted. I was questioning everything about him and that night so long ago. He was damn good in more ways than one.


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