Close Obsession (The Krinar Chronicles: Volume 2)

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Close Obsession (The Krinar Chronicles: Volume 2) Page 17

by Zaires, Anna

  And apparently, she wasn’t the only one. The mood of the audience seemed to shift, and Mia could sense the sudden tension in the atmosphere. A warm male hand landed on her thigh, caressing it lightly, and Mia turned her head to see Korum looking at her with a familiar glow in his amber eyes. “Now the fun part begins,” he mouthed to her, and Mia’s cheeks got warm again.

  Surreptitiously glancing around, she saw that the other spectators were staring at the stage with a rapt expression on their faces.

  In the meanwhile, the couple on the stage came even closer to each other. Even though Mia couldn’t see their bodies, she could tell that they had to be touching at this point. Leeta’s eyes were now closed, and she looked flushed underneath her light golden skin, while her mate seemed to be breathing harder as he gazed at her beautiful face. They didn’t kiss, and there was no visible physical contact of any kind, but Mia’s heart still pounded at the knowledge of what they were doing. The scene playing out on the platform was unbelievably erotic, made even more so by the fact that so much was left to the viewers’ imagination.

  Enthralled, Mia stared at the stage, unable to tear her eyes away.

  * * *

  A couple of rows away, the Krinar watched Korum’s charl observing the bonding ceremony.

  Her little face was pink with color, and her lips were slightly parted. He could see her small chest rising and falling with every breath, and his fingers itched to pull down her dress and expose those perfectly round, pink-tipped breasts to his gaze.

  In the past two weeks, his craving had turned into an almost unbearable obsession. When he tried to analyze it logically, he knew it had something to do with the fact that she belonged to his enemy. He’d hated Korum for a long time, and the thought of taking away something he loved was exceedingly appealing.

  But it went deeper than that. He found himself thinking about her constantly, fantasizing about touching her, tasting her . . . Fucking her, as he’d seen Korum do on the beach. To this day, he hadn’t been able to watch that incident fully, rage and bitter jealousy coursing through his veins at the sight of his nemesis enjoying something he so desperately wanted himself.

  It was incredibly dangerous, this obsession of his. He was starting to have trouble controlling himself, and he couldn’t afford to let his true feelings show. There was too much at stake to throw everything away for the sake of one human girl, no matter how much he hungered for her delicate little body.

  Besides, if he succeeded in his plan, she would be his.

  Everything would be his.

  Chapter 14

  After the bonding ritual was over, an opaque wall rose up around the edges of the platform, hiding the couple from view, and the music quieted down.

  Her cheeks flaming, Mia rose from her seat, following Korum’s example. What she had just witnessed had been far from pornographic, yet she couldn’t get the rapturous expressions on the couple’s faces out of her mind. Their sexual act had been hidden from view, but their feelings and emotions during the ritual had been on display for everyone to see. At the end, the music had reached a crescendo, and Mia realized that it was both imitating and facilitating their lovemaking.

  Now everyone was standing. Glancing up at Korum, she saw that he was looking straight ahead. All of a sudden, he stomped his foot, once and then again and again. His actions appeared to serve as a signal of some kind because the hall was suddenly filled with loud stomping noises, as every person in the audience followed Korum’s lead. Uncertain at first, Mia did it too, deciding that it was probably the K version of clapping. Korum turned his head and gave her an approving smile.

  The spotlight on the stage faded, and the hall gradually became lighter. All the seats rose into the air and floated away, leaving a large empty area where the spectators had been sitting.

  A different song began to play, this one more along the lines of what Mia had listened to before in Korum’s house. It sounded like a mix of some kind of synthesizer, with weeping undertones and a pulsing beat. Krinar party music, Mia guessed, watching as everyone started milling about and gathering into small groups.

  “What did you think?” Korum asked, putting his hand on her shoulder and looking down at her with a smile.

  “I thought it was beautiful,” Mia told him sincerely, and his smile widened.

  “Do you want to stay for the dancing or are you too tired?” he asked.

  “Oh, no, I’d love to stay!” What kind of an idiot would she be to miss out on her first Krinar dancing party?

  “Well, then, let’s go dance.”

  He led her away from the platform toward one of the corner areas that apparently functioned as dance floors. As they walked through the crowd, other Krinar stepped to the side, letting them pass. Korum nodded to a few people in acknowledgment, pausing to briefly say hello and introduce Mia to a few Ks here and there. Everyone they met seemed to treat Korum with some mixture of deference and respect, and Mia realized yet again just how powerful her lover was in the K society.

  When they reached one of the corner dance floors, Mia stopped and simply stared. There was no way she would be able to dance like that. Simply no way.

  The athletic grace displayed by the dancers was unbelievable – and inhuman. They didn't move – they simply flowed from one dance step into another. It was a spectacle unlike any other Mia had ever seen, and she tried to imagine what K athletes or professional dancers would be like – if such a thing existed.

  Looking up at Korum, she said wryly, “I think I'll watch from the sidelines. This might be just a tad too advanced for me.”

  “Don't worry about it,” Korum said, grinning down at her. “You can just follow my lead.”

  And before she could protest, he swept her onto the dance floor, his hands firmly holding her waist. Startled, Mia grabbed his shoulders, clinging to him as he launched into an unfamiliar series of moves.

  Dancing with Korum was an experience unlike any other. She wasn't sure one could even call it dancing – it was more like being picked up and carried by a tornado. For the next hour, her feet barely touched the floor as he whirled her around in a complex routine. Laughing and gasping at some of the more extreme moves, Mia could only hold on as the room spun around her. Finally, thirsty and out-of-breath, Mia had to beg him to stop.

  “That was amazing!” She couldn't help the huge grin on her face as they stopped by one of the floating tables that held a variety of interesting-looking liquids.

  Korum grinned back at her. “See? You can dance.” Filling a rounded cup with a pink liquid, he handed it to her.

  “More like I can hang on to you as you spin me around,” Mia said, laughing at the image they must've presented. She'd felt like she was flying, and it had been an incredible sensation. Taking the cup from him, she took a sip and immediately downed the whole glass.

  “That was yummy,” she said. “What is it?” It tasted like juice, but had a cool, refreshing aftertaste.

  “It's a type of fruit cocktail. Very common at parties and other events.”

  “You don't drink alcohol?”

  “We do.” Korum pointed at the other drinks on the table. “But it's nothing that you can have. Those are designed to give us a buzz, so they’ll probably knock you on your sweet little rear end. So stick to this cocktail, okay?”

  Mia pretended to pout. After the club incident in New York, Korum seemed to go out of his way to limit her alcohol intake. She didn't actually want anything strong enough to get a K drunk, but she found it funny that Korum felt the need to warn her away.

  “Don't give me that look,” he said softly, his eyes glued to her mouth. “It makes me want to bite that delicious lower lip of yours.”

  Surprised by the sudden shift in Korum's mood, Mia reflexively moistened her lips – and realized her mistake when she heard him inhale sharply.

  “That's it,” he said quietly, and his voice sounded a little hoarse. “We're going home.”

  And before she could say anything, he
ushered her quickly through the crowd, heading decisively for the exit.

  When they arrived home, he stripped off her clothes as soon as they entered the house. Bemused, Mia stood there naked, watching as he disrobed as well. He was already fully aroused, and a familiar heat burned in her belly at the hungry look in his eyes.

  “You’re driving me crazy, you know that?” he said roughly, stepping toward her and lifting her up to stand on the couch. From this vantage point, she was a little taller than him, and she enjoyed the novelty of looking down at him.

  “I’m not doing anything,” Mia protested, then moaned as he pressed his hot mouth to her neck, nibbling on the sensitive spot in the area. Tremors of pleasure ran down her body, and her eyes closed as he pulled her closer to him, his large hands stroking her naked back. His lips traveled down her neck to her collarbone, then lower, until his tongue was slowly swirling around her right nipple. Her insides clenched at the sensation.

  He lifted his head, looking up at her with a burning amber gaze. “You exist. You make me want you just by breathing. Everything about you appeals to me – your taste, your scent, the look on your face when I am deep inside you. I can’t go a single fucking day without touching you, without feeling you in my arms. I can’t even go a few hours. And it’s not enough, Mia . . . I want more. I want everything.”

  Mia’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at him. His intensity was almost frightening.

  “You have everything,” she whispered, clutching his powerful shoulders. “I love you. You know that –”

  “Do I?” His hands slid down her back, cupped her butt cheeks. He pulled her closer to him until her lower body was pressed against his, the tip of his hard penis prodding between her thighs.

  “Of course . . .” Mia gasped as she felt him beginning to push inside.

  “Tell me you’re mine,” he ordered, and she wondered at the dark need she saw on his face. His face was flushed and his eyes glittered with some strange emotion.

  Mia licked her lips. Only the head of his cock was inside her for now, and she was desperate for more. “I’m yours,” she told him softly, and then immediately cried out, her head falling back, as he entered her fully with one thrust.

  “That’s right,” he whispered savagely, “you’re mine. You will always be mine.”

  And for the next several hours, Mia didn’t doubt him for even a second.

  * * *

  “How are we getting to Florida? And can you please make some more human clothes for me? I don’t think I have enough here . . . And shoes . . . Maybe we should get some of my new clothes from New York?”

  Feeling like a bundle of nerves the next morning, Mia paced up and down the kitchen, too wired to sleep past 7 a.m. despite getting less than four hours of sleep last night.

  “I don’t think I’ve seen you this nervous even when you were spying on me,” Korum observed with amusement, slicing up a papaya for her breakfast smoothie. He was back to his normal self, having apparently gotten over whatever weird mood he was in last night.

  Mia took a deep breath and plopped down on one of the chairs. “No, but seriously, I have nothing to wear. All I have are those jeans and the T-shirt that I was wearing earlier –”

  “Do I ever not take care of that for you?”

  It was true, he did. He always handled all the logistics, and everything came out perfectly fine.

  “Okay, I am nervous,” Mia confessed, bringing her thumb toward her mouth to bite at the nail before she remembered that she’d gotten rid of that nasty habit in high school.

  “Why? You should be happy. You’re going to see your family. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  “They’re going to find out I lied to them,” Mia impatiently explained, giving Korum a don’t-you-get-it look. “And then they’re going to flip out when they meet you –”

  He sighed with exasperation. “They’re not going to flip out. We’ve discussed it already. You’re going to first tell them about me, and then I’ll do my best to reassure them of your safety and wellbeing.”

  Mia jumped up, unable to sit still. “I know, but I don’t see how they would not flip out. I’ve never brought home a boyfriend before, and here I show up with a K. They’ve never even seen one of you except on TV.”

  “Well then, they’ll have a new experience.”

  Korum was completely inflexible on this topic. As far as he was concerned, her parents would just have to get used to the fact that their daughter was now his charl. Whenever Mia tried to bring up the idea of her going to Florida by herself, he would immediately shoot it down. Far too dangerous, he’d told her, and, besides, he had no intention of not seeing her for a week. When Mia had argued that they could still see each other at night – since his super-fast aircraft could get anywhere within the globe in a matter of minutes – he reminded her of the first part of his statement. Not all the Resistance fighters had been caught yet, he explained, and thus it was not safe for her to go anywhere outside of Lenkarda by herself.

  Mia blew out a frustrated breath. “Okay, fine. So are we going there by the same ship that brought us here to Costa Rica?” At Korum’s nod, she continued, “And where are you planning to land? In my parents’ backyard?”

  He laughed. “No, my sweet. That might frighten them too much, not to mention bring a lot of unwanted attention to your family. We’re going to land at a special section of the Daytona Beach International Airport, and I will make us a car there. Then we’ll drive to your parents’ house. Your arrival is going to be very human and straightforward.”

  “And you’ll what? Sit in the car while I explain the whole thing to them?”

  “I’ll drop you off and go for a drive to explore the area. You’ll call me when you’re ready for me to come by. Here, drink your smoothie and stop stressing. It’s going to be fine,” Korum said soothingly, handing her the shake.

  “Thank you,” Mia told him after a few sips of the flavorful concoction. She was starting to feel marginally better. Maybe she was over-thinking it. “So when are we flying out?”

  He shrugged. “Whenever you’re ready. We can go now if you want.”

  “What? Like right this second?” Her nerves were back in full force.

  Korum looked exasperated. “I said whenever you’re ready. Finish your shake, do whatever you need to do, and then we’ll go.”

  “Shouldn’t I also get dressed?” Mia asked, giving him an anxious look. She was currently wearing her bathrobe and house slippers.

  “Yes, you should. And if you’ll look in the closet, you’ll find an outfit I prepared specifically for today,” Korum told her patiently. “Now stop panicking and get ready. Your family is waiting.”

  Almost vibrating with tension, Mia ran into the bedroom and opened the closet. Sure enough, Korum had prepared a pretty blue sundress for her and a pair of silvery flip-flops. There were no labels on either the dress or the shoes; her lover had obviously created them himself. He’d gotten the style right, however; the dress had the wide scooped neckline that had been featured in all the fashion magazines, and the flip-flops had just the right amount of sparkle to make them “casual daytime glam” – or whatever the magazines had labeled that look most recently. There was also a set of underwear for her: a sexy pair of lacy boy-cut panties and a matching strapless bra. Korum had clearly thought of everything.

  Putting on her new human-style clothing, Mia studied herself critically in the mirror, trying to figure out how her parents would perceive her. In her own not-overly-modest opinion, she looked unusually well. Her skin was clear of all imperfections – even the freckles had somehow faded despite the hot sun – and her dark brown curls were smooth and glossy. The color of the dress complemented her eyes, turning them a deeper blue. Overall, she looked exactly as she felt – happy and healthy. Hopefully, that would help mitigate her parents’ concern about the situation.

  Exiting the bedroom, Mia found Korum sitting in his office, apparently tweaking a design. He had changed
as well, into a pair of jeans and a white polo shirt that hugged his powerfully muscled body to perfection. On his feet, he wore a pair of brown loafers that managed to look both casual and elegant.

  “I’m ready,” Mia told him bravely, feeling like she was going to face the guillotine instead of her loving parents.

  At the sight of her, Korum slowly smiled and golden flecks appeared in his expressive eyes. “Come here,” he said softly, pulling her onto his lap before she had a chance to protest.

  Leaning down, he kissed her deeply, his tongue delving into her mouth even as his hand found its way under her skirt, pressing against her lace-covered pussy. Her body reacted with swift arousal, her nipples pinching into tight buds and her sheath moistening in preparation for him.

  Coming up for air, Mia moaned, “What are you doing?” His wicked fingers were now inside her panties, and she could feel them starting to stroke the area directly around her clitoris. Unable to sit still, she squirmed on his lap, feeling the tension starting to build. She couldn’t believe he was doing this to her right now, so soon after last night’s sexual marathon.

  “I’m making sure you’re less stressed when you see your parents,” he murmured, and she heard the sound of a zipper being lowered. Before she could say anything else, he pulled down her underwear, leaving it hanging around her ankles, and raised her skirt. Now her naked bottom was on his lap, and his hard cock was pressing against her butt cheeks.

  “Korum, please . . . I’m not sure that’s a good idea . . . Oh!” she gasped as he entered her suddenly, his thick penis pushing into her vagina without any preliminaries. With her feet bound by her panties, she couldn’t spread her legs wider for a more comfortable fit and he felt huge inside her, his shaft like a heated baton burning her from within.


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