Wildin On Staten Island

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Wildin On Staten Island Page 9

by Noire

  “I’m telling you right fuckin now,” the shapely young prostitute named Taquanoshia snapped as she put her foot up on the bumper of Officer Wilson’s patrol car. They were parked in the area of the Ferry, behind an abandoned storage facility, right down the street from a maintenance warehouse.

  Sucking her teeth, she lifted her skirt and spread her legs, and offered him her naked pussy. “This ain’t no goddamn buffet, a’ight? I wanna get paid for real this time, and you gonna have to pay me extra ’cause yo ass be eatin too damn long!”

  Officer Wilson’s mouth was watering as she tooted her ass out and he prepared to attack her from the back. He took off his shoulder holster and unbuckled his belt, then he took his stiff pecker out and squeezed it in his fist.

  This was the stuff of his fantasies, and he always made sure he hit Taquanoshia near the middle of her day, after she had already been with quite a few other tricks. He bent over and stuck his large nose between her booty cheeks and took a deep, long whiff. What would have knocked an ordinary man off his feet smelled like heaven to Officer Darren Wilson. Still digging with his nose, he started lapping her out, going back and forth between swirling his tongue deep into her pussy and tossin her salad. The whole time his lips were nibbling and sucking up as much of her juice as he could get. They were the same lips that he kissed his wife and kids with, but right now they were kissing that thang that Officer Wilson loved best. Pussy and ass!

  Taquanoshia leaned over the warm hood of the squad car, bored as hell.

  “Hurry up,” she looked back over her shoulder and snapped. “Don’t eat all the damn pussy up! Save some for the next damn trick!”

  He rooted deeper and Taquanoshia fell forward on her elbows and yelped. Officer Darren Wilson’s head was buried so far up her coochie it felt like she was giving birth. “I gotta fart,” she grit her teeth and warned him. “So you better hurry the fuck up!”

  Jerking his dick, Officer Wilson started lapping at her ass with a frenzy. He stiffened his tongue like a dagger and jabbed it in her pussy and then inserted it deeply into her asshole. His balls swelled up and his dick started jerking. He had to get his. He just had to! His tongue was moving a million miles a minute and he felt his nut rising. He moaned and slurped and humped and panted. He was almost there. He was almost there! And that’s when he heard the blast go off.


  Whitey stepped through the double bay doors of the large warehouse and blinked against the sudden vastness inside. He found himself in a large open workroom, the type of maintenance joint where big trucks were repaired, and used tires and equipment was stored.

  There were about a dozen Hispanic mechanics dressed in coveralls busting truck tires and stripping down stolen cars. At least five or six more soldiers from the Goode Brothers Gang were posted up on point too, waiting for instructions from their chief capo.

  Handgun’s brother had backed up his ebony stretch Mercedes Benz SUV right into the middle of the bay, and as soon as Goody walked over and tapped on the hood all the doors flew wide open.

  The first man out was Ice Pick Goody. He got outta the driver’s seat and his younger brother Cannonball and two of his cousins climbed outta the back seat right after him.

  Jewelz was pushed outta the back of the whip next. She was buck-naked and her eyes looked wild and weak. Two shiny pieces of silver duct tape were crisscrossed over her mouth and her hands were tied together in front of her with a piece of thick yellow rope.

  She stood there unwilted under everybody’s harsh gaze. Even bald, naked, and beaten, her bruised brown body was beautiful and dignified, and her magnificent breasts rose and fell with each labored breath.

  “Jewelz,” Whitey muttered under his breath as Handgun Goody motioned for Ice Pick to send her over.

  “Hur’rup, goddammit,” Goody spit, eyeing Jewelz’s high, curvy ass with a sneer. “Give that stank bitch up and let’s make this shit happen.”

  Whitey took a step forward as Jewelz staggered toward him slowly and painfully. She was battered but unbroken, and although the Goode Brothers had tried to humiliate her by parading her around in her nakedness, she held her head high and refused to cry.

  Whitey met her at the halfway mark and Jewelz fell into his arms like dead meat. He caught her and supported her thin frame with ease. He peeled the thick tape gently from her mouth then looked down at her abused body and saw the torment that the Goode Brothers had put her through. He sighed deeply and his blue eyes teared up.

  “Ah, shit!” he said as his voice broke with pain. “Oh damn, baby girl. Shit!”

  Staring at all the bloody lumps and bruises that stood out on her naked flesh, Whitey shook his head in disbelief as he gazed into the eyes of the woman he loved. Suddenly deep pain and anger filled his heart and white-hot murder rushed through his mind.

  “See there…look at what that punk-bitch got you into,” Whitey whispered coldly in Jewelz’s ear. “He was supposed to love you, but instead his sucka-ass walked you right into a trap! Why didn’t you just choose me, Jewelz? I never would’ve allowed these scumbags to put their hands on you. Never! Why didn’t you just let me love you?”

  Whitey looked up at the Goode Brothers and sneered. “Stupid motherfuckas! What the fuck did y’all do to her?”

  “Nah, what the fuck did you do!” Cucci Momma hollered as she jumped outta the whip looking pissed and shocked at the same damn time.

  “Fuck is your ass doing here?” she demanded, killing the whole transaction as she grilled the shit outta Whitey with the mad eye.

  “You low-down cracka mothafucka, you! You lying-ass trick bitch! Mothafucka you made me suck your white-ass dick for nothing!” she screeched, jabbing her manicured finger at him as she killed him with her glare. “I sucked your pink shit down to the nub for nothing!”

  Cucci’s eyes were blazing as she put her hand on her hip and turned to her man.

  “Shoot this mothafucka, Ice Pick! Dead his white ass! This mothafucka is FBI, y’all!” Cucci hollered at the team. “His alphabet ass is F-B-fuckin-I!”


  A huge pile of empty gas cans were stacked up high and blocking the side entrance to the warehouse. Slick flung about twenty of them shits outta his way only to find that the swinging door was chained closed and secured with a big silver padlock.

  The chain rattled a little bit as he pushed against the door, and a cool breeze escaped the crack as he pressed his face close and peered inside.

  He squinted through the two-inch space and cursed under his breath when he saw Jewelz stumbling naked across the floor toward Whitey.

  Jewelz! Slick bit down on his bottom lip, his heart hurting to the very core at the sight of her ravaged naked body and what they had done to her.

  Even from this distance he could see that Jewelz had been fucked up. She looked like she was hanging on by some miraculous thread that Slick couldn’t even fathom. His mind flashed back to that horrible day when Haz and Handgun had brutalized and slaughtered his fuckin family like they were just a bunch of stray dogs.

  Jewelz looked vulnerable and weak just like that again right now, and something inside Slick snapped as he peered through that crack in the door. He made his decision right then and there.

  Suddenly a brown-skinned chick jumped outta the back of Handgun’s whip and more words were tossed back and forth. Slick could only make out a couple of phrases here and there, but it didn’t matter what they were saying. Handgun Goody wasn’t leaving up outta there alive no matter what kinda shit they was talking or how smooth this deal went down. Hell, nah. That nigga had to die, and he had to die today!


  “Blast his ass!” Cucci hollered again as the Goode Brothers paused for a split second to ponder the repercussions of murking a Federal Officer. “Shoot him, goddammit!”

  “None of y’all bitches better fucking move!” Whitey yelled as he yanked his burner out then spun Jewelz around and yoked his forearm tightly around her neck. Raising his hand high, he smas
hed the butt of his piece down hard against her temple, drawing blood as he dropped his mask and let his true colors show.

  “Clap him!” Cucci screeched again. “Shoot him and get the fuckin diamond, y’all!”

  “I said don’t none of y’all niggas fucking move,” Whitey warned coldly as the Goode Brothers drew beads on him.

  Huddled up close behind Jewelz and using her body as a human shield he barked, “Toss your fuckin burners down or I’ll kill this bitch. I swear I’ll blow her top clean the fuck off!”

  Handgun Goody chuckled loudly. “Ga’head! Bust that bitch’s melon, nigga! We’ll wait. Fuck I care?”

  “You care because you wanna get paid and Slick’s sitting on the diamond outside in the truck, idiot,” Whitey told him. “Who the fuck do you think is stupid enough to walk in here carrying a fifty-million dollar jewel?”

  A look of hesitation crossed Goody’s face and Whitey knew he had him.

  “Uh-huh, mothafucka, that’s right,” Whitey nodded. “You told Slick to stay in the truck and he stayed there. With the fuckin diamond! Now, unless I walk outta that door with this stinking bitch all in one piece, Slick is taking off in that armored truck. And if he takes off then all y’all bitch-boys are ass-out and you won’t be getting a goddamn thing!”


  “Whitey!” Slick screamed as he peeped through the door crack and watched his manz yoke Jewelz up and smash the tool against her head. “Nigga what the fuck is you doing?” he shrieked, enraged and bewildered as fuck.

  The sound of multiple gats cocking filled the air as the Goode Brothers and all their soldiers simultaneously aimed deadly heat at Whitey’s dome.

  Outside, Slick leaned away from the chained door and blew a chunk outta the padlock, shattering that shit. He twisted the shards of broken metal away and kicked the door open wide as sunlight flooded inside the large bay.

  “Ay, dammit!” he screamed in disbelief as he charged into the warehouse with his muzzle sighted on the center of Whitey’s forehead. “Whitey what the fuck are you doing? Nigga you hit her! I saw you fuckin hit her!”

  With every gun in the joint trained dead on him, Whitey was sweating from head to toe. “Fuck this bitch, Slick! Tell these muthafuckas I ain’t no federal agent!”

  “Nigga I don’t know who the fuck you are!” Slick spit. “I know you better take ya fuckin hands off her and give these idiots they diamond!”

  Whitey’s eyes darted crazily. “I ain’t got it! Stop bullshitting, Slick! These dumb fucks think I’m the FBI! Go in your right pocket and give that shit up!”

  “Yo,” Slick said, staring into his homey’s wild blue eyes. Whitey looked like a trapped rat, and suddenly Slick understood the role reversal and the game that was being played. The wrong muthafucka was holding Jewelz hostage, and this shit wasn’t gonna be nothing nice. “Nigga maybe you is FBI,” Slick said slowly. “Maybe you tryna set all of us up!”

  “Haa-haaa!” Handgun yelled in amusement. “Look at the fuckin irony here, now would ya! Homeboy vs. Homeboy! This shit is better than Jerry Springer! This goes to show you that you can’t trust nobody Lil Slick.”

  “Oh I see what you tryna do,” Whitey sneered at Slick. He dug the muzzle of the gun even deeper into Jewelz’s bloody head as she slumped limply in his arms. “You tryna save this bitch and get these guys to flatline me at the same time!”

  Slick cocked the hammer back and spoke in a voice colder than ice. “Give up the diamond you pussy-ass nigga, and gimme my woman.”

  “Your woman?” Whitey laughed. “I been sticking my dick in this bitch for months! While you was running around crying over that old woman I clipped off and a bunch of shitty pigeons, I’m the one who was taking care of her and making her feel good! And what did I get in return? I got shitted on! This bitch couldn’t even love me because you were always in the way!”

  “Damn, Jewelz!” Goody sounded off with an evil chuckle. “You was suckin my dick like that and fuckin this white boy too? You’s a smut-ass hoe!”

  “Ay, Goody,” Whitey said. He kept his gun jammed on Jewelz and his eyes on Slick as he directed his attention to the druglord. “Slick ran through your whole family. It was all him. Allow me to put this sucker down for a nap, and then you and I can discuss a very lucrative business venture. I have a few top-notch connects that I can put together to help you get your diamond outta the country.”

  “Don’t believe him!” Cucci yelled. “This pale-face fuck is 5-0 y’all! I’m telling y’all he’s the damn enemy!”

  “I ain’t no fucking pig!” Whitey snapped.

  “Yes you is!” Cucci pointed her manicured finger at him. “You locked me in your damn car and made me suck your dick! You tried to beat me outta my reward money too!”

  “Bitch shut up!” Goody yelled over his shoulder. “We can kill two birds with one stone right here and right now! Listen up, white boy. You wanna live? Then ga’head and rock Slick and Jewelz to sleep and prove you ain’t no cop! Then maybe, just maybe after I get that diamond I’ll lend an ear to the lil side-deal you tryna cut and let you walk outta here alive.”

  Whitey and Slick were locked in a Mexican standoff with a dying hostage between them. Both men were top-shot gunslingers, and Jewelz’s fate was gonna come down to who was smarter, who was quicker, and who wanted that shit more.

  “Put your strap down, Slick,” Whitey commanded. He tightened his grip on Jewelz’s neck and pressed the gun deeper into her temple. “Lay that hammer right down on the floor or I’ll spray this hoe’s DNA all over ya face.”

  “Bro, why the fuck are you doing this?” Slick pleaded. “That’s Jewelz you over there pawing up, man! She’s one of us. Why you switching up on me?”

  “Cause he’s a cop!” Cucci screamed. “He’s a goddamn cop!!!”

  “Put ya shit down!” Whitey shrieked. “Or watch this bitch die!”

  Slick stared into that snake-nigga’s blue eyes. The calm, all-American demeanor that was Whitey’s trademark was completely gone. He had absolutely no chill left and he looked like he coulda shot up a movie theater or an elementary school without blinking an eye.

  “A’ight you bitch-made pussy,” Slick finally conceded. He hated to do it but he had no choice. It had come down to either him or Jewelz, and the choice was easy. He had looked into Jewelz’s eyes and seen real fear. She was beaten and broken, but she wasn’t ready to die yet.

  “Enough with all the soap opera shit!” Goody spit. His patience with the dumb shit had evaporated. “Handle ya handle, white boy, or we gone start ripping all three of y’all the fuck up.”

  There wasn’t even a question in Slick’s mind about what he had to do. If he didn’t do it then him and Jewelz would both be corpses in just a matter of seconds. He squatted down slowly to put his ratchet on the floor.

  “Just fuckin relax Whitey,” Slick said calmly, fixing him in his gaze and knowing full well he was about to get shot. “You ain’t even gotta do this shit slime…”

  Slick was in a full squat when he went to put the gun down, but instead of dropping it he dove forward and lunged flat toward the ground, raising his ratchet and aiming it at Whitey before his stomach even hit the concrete.

  The unmistakable crack of a sniper rifle split the air from up above, quickly followed by rapid machine gun fire.

  “Jewelz!!!” Slick yelled as he looked up from the ground and saw Whitey’s head explode behind her and his brains shoot skyward like a gushing water fountain.

  It seemed to take all day for Whitey’s brain gore to rise up toward the ceiling. And when gravity caught it and it finally rained back down toward the ground, it splashed all over Jewelz and she screamed and dropped down to her knees.

  Whitey’s body hit the deck like all his batteries had been knocked out. The sniper rifle had gone silent, but the machine gun was still spitting rapidly from someplace up high, and Handgun and his brothers were ducking and diving to escape the unknown shooter as they scrambled to take cover behind their stretch SUV.

  Time seemed to go into extra-slow Matrix-mode as Slick jumped up and ran toward Jewelz. His eyes shot up toward the ceiling of the warehouse and he had a brief flashback to his Special Ops days.

  What he saw up there fucked him right up. It was a shooter. And he was on the move. To Slick’s surprise, the shooter was poppin off with a purpose, keeping the Goode Brothers running while at the same time covering his ass on the ground.

  As Slick aimed his hammer and started firing, dude came scurrying down outta the rafters and took up a position on a high ledge right above the bay doors. With deadly precision he started picking Goody’s boys off with his sub-machine gun like they were a bunch of sitting ducks.

  Slick peered up at the ledge real quick and he couldn’t believe what the fuck he was seeing.

  Wild Man!

  His bruh was on it! Goody’s crew was ducking and scrambling as they caught countless hot shells from the Zip ’em up gunslinger and started hitting the ground like hijacked airplanes.

  Maintenance workers and mechanics were running wild and screaming like bitches as they dove behind big trucks and slid up under cars hoping to avoid a stray bullet.

  Leaping over one of his fallen dun-duns, Ice Pick Goody jumped behind the wheel of the stretch-SUV and gunned the gas pedal to the max. Cannonball tried to hop in on the passenger side but he only managed to get one leg in the whip. Handgun caught the handle of the back door just as his brother peeled off and busted that fine automobile straight through the double bay doors.

  The force of the impact shook Cannonball loose from the SUV. It sent him sailing violently through the air toward a pile of twisted steel and rusted metal. He landed face up, right on a sharp metal spike. It impaled him from the back. Clean through the neck. He was dead before he could draw another breath.


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