The Lady and the Sheriff

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The Lady and the Sheriff Page 5

by Carole Archer

  “You naughty girl,” Percy playfully scolded. “Your work is well below the standards I expect.”

  “Sorry Sir,” she giggled. “I’m so very sorry Percy, please spank my naughty bottom hard to teach me how to behave like a lady.”

  Emma scowled. That filthy trollop will never be a lady, she thought, unable to move from her spot at the top of the stairs or tear her eyes away from the scene before her, even though her vision was clouded with the tears that pricked at her eyes.

  “Roll onto your back, you bad girl. I’ll teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget.” Percy was slurring his words, but his tone was playful. Emma had never seen this playful side of Percy before and realized they were absolutely worlds apart and were certainly not in love. Percy may well be in love, that much was apparent now, but the object of his desires was definitely not Emma.

  The crack of the riding crop surprised Emma, who was deep in thought, and she was startled to see Percy whipping Lillian on her large, naked breasts. As the maid spread her legs wide, Emma was grateful that Percy stepped in front of her so that Emma did not have to witness him whipping her between her legs. The maid’s cries were most definitely not cries of pain now and as Percy stepped away from her Emma watched her squirm with obvious delight.

  Emma averted her eyes as Lillian spread her legs wider and moaned in pleasure as Percy continued to crop her. “Please take me across your knee and spank me on my bottom, Percy,” the maid begged. “I’m a very bad maid and I need a sound spanking on my bare bottom.”

  Percy laughed heartily as he took the maid’s hand, pulled her up from the table and guided her to the sofa. As he pulled her across his knee and Emma saw his lecherous grin as he fondled her bare buttocks, Emma decided that she had seen enough and fled to the safety of her room, the sound of Percy’s hand cracking down on the maid’s bottom ringing in her ears.

  Why has no-one else got up? Emma wondered. They’re hardly being quiet. She sighed as she realized this obviously wasn’t the first time Percy and the maid had done this. The more she thought about it, the more instances she could think of where the maid was overly friendly with Percy and neither the housekeeper nor the butler—both of whom were sticklers for things being done properly—ever reprimanded the girl over her behavior or her apparent lack of work.

  Emma lay on her bed and sobbed as the reality of her situation dawned on her. She was about to marry a man she did not love and who clearly did not love her. Even worse than that, when they were married and went to England to start a new life, her husband would be bringing his mistress with him. Emma wept as she wondered what she was supposed to do. Yet again she wished her father was with her. Daddy would know what to do, she thought unhappily, as she dried her eyes with her handkerchief.

  After a while Emma noticed that the house was silent, but she hadn’t heard Percy come up the stairs. She always heard him go to bed; he never did things quietly, and the loud slam of his bedroom door always woke her with a start.

  Although she didn’t want to see anything else that would upset her tonight, Emma felt that she must find out what her husband to be was really like—although she had a pretty good idea already—and she crept back out onto the landing. How on earth does he expect to be fit for our wedding in the morning? wondered Emma, when he can barely even stand up straight. Emma’s eyes widened as she saw Percy half naked on the sofa and the maid on her knees sucking his cock. Emma resisted the urge to be sick. She couldn’t believe that a woman would put that in her mouth! It was disgusting. The woman belonged in a brothel. Maybe that’s what I can do with her when we get to England, Emma thought bitterly. I’m sure there’s always room for one more whore in a brothel!

  She silently watched as Percy told the maid to get up. Emma focused on the maid’s bright red bottom as Percy led her over to the table, where he bent her over again. Emma squeezed her eyes tightly shut, not wanting them to be burned with the vision of her fiancé making love to another woman, but unfortunately she couldn’t block out the sound of the pair’s rising pleasure.

  Tears poured down Emma’s cheeks and as the maid breathlessly begged Percy to “use my other hole, give it to me up the bum again, you know how much I love that”, Emma realized that she was right in her assumptions that this was not just a one off.

  Wouldn’t his mother be proud, thought Emma? She took some comfort from the knowledge that his mother would be appalled and her aspirations of grandeur shattered if it ever became public knowledge that her son preferred to sleep with the hired help. Emma had seen more than enough by this point and stumbled back to her room where she threw herself down onto her bed and wept loudly once more.

  A couple of hours later, as Emma still sobbed quietly into her pillow, her door swung open. Great, none of the staff hear them making out in the dining room, but it seems my crying has woken someone, Emma thought with resentment.

  Emma sat up and turned to face the doorway. She was shocked to see Percy stumbling awkwardly into the room. He seemed even drunker than he had been when he arrived home earlier. “Go away,” Emma cried, “this isn’t your room.”

  “Oh it is my room,” he replied menacingly. “Everything in this house is mine, including you.” Emma pulled the covers tightly around her. “Just get out,” she shouted, “Get out, you filthy pervert.”

  Percy laughed as he grasped at the bedding and dragged it away from Emma. Emma gasped and quickly decided to change her approach, smiling coyly at him. “Percy, please don’t. I want our wedding night to be special. Please let us wait. We only need to wait until tomorrow night.”

  Percy stopped in his tracks, as if considering her request. He smiled wickedly as he climbed onto the bed beside her. “No, I think I’ve waited long enough. I’ve given you everything—a roof over your head, I’ve fed and clothed you and what do I get in return?” Emma tried to push him away, her eyes wide with fear, but Percy was too strong. Percy pushed her back onto the bed, tearing her nightdress and forcing her legs apart.

  Oh my God, thought Emma. I can’t lose my virginity like this. No! Using every ounce of strength she could muster, Emma shoved Percy forcefully, knocking him backwards. She jumped up from the bed but was distressed when Percy quickly got up and grabbed her by her upper arms, forcing her up against the wall.

  “Fine,” he leered at her. “I’ll have you standing up. It’s all the same to me. We’ll do it the traditional way at first, but then I’m going to bend you over and use the tradesman’s entrance.” Percy laughed loudly at his vulgar joke and Emma struggled desperately to escape. “Lillian’s too keen to have me take her from behind. She isn’t as tight as she used to be. I bet your two holes are both nicely tight. I can’t wait to find out. Virgin pussy and virgin asshole! I’m a very lucky man,” Percy said menacingly as he put a hand to her throat and held her. Emma’s eyes lowered as she watched him take his cock out.

  If she wasn’t in fear for her life, Emma would have found humor in the situation. She looked down to see Percy held nothing more than a limp piece of flesh in his hand, which he was desperately trying to bring to life.

  “Sorry Percy, I think one woman—though I use that word very loosely when describing her—is more than enough for you for one night.” Emma laughed at him and his grip around her throat tightened, causing Emma’s eyes to bulge in fear.

  “Please let me go,” she croaked. Percy kissed her forcefully, repulsing her. He reached under her nightdress and stroked his hand over her bottom, making her wince, before rubbing his flaccid cock against. Emma was horrified when his cock started to harden and pressed against her.

  Percy grinned as he stepped back and reached under her nightdress, grasping her pantaloons and tearing them down before fondling her bare buttocks. Emma began sobbing as she begged him to stop. “This isn’t proper, Percy. Please, we must wait until we’re married.”

  Percy shook his head. “I’m not waiting a minute longer for what’s mine,” he angrily told her. He then shocked her when he put his foot up onto
the chair and hauled her across his lap, raising her nightdress in the air. She braced herself for the sting of his hand which was surely about to come but was horrified when he instead fondled her buttocks and roughly fingered her anus. “No,” she yelled, as she kicked her legs. “Please don’t.”

  Emma was grateful, though extremely embarrassed, when Percy’s butler appeared in the doorway. “Is everything OK, Sir?” he asked. Emma was relieved and started to push herself to her feet but was horrified when Percy’s hand connected sharply with her bare bottom. “Everything’s fine. I just caught my fiancée out in the garden, entertaining one of the stable hands. I’m going to give her what she deserves and in the morning I will call the doctor and have him check if her virginity is intact. If not, the wedding is off. I will not marry a slut.”

  Emma’s eyes widened, and she collapsed in sobs when his butler closed the door and left. Emma’s bottom stung desperately from the one smack Percy had landed and she hoped that he did not intend to punish her further. Emma struggled as Percy cracked his hand down on her bottom again before he once more fingered her anus. She fought him desperately as he tried to push his finger into her bottom.

  “Oh yes, you’re nice and tight. I’m going to enjoy this. I’ve decided I’m going to take you here first,” Percy told her, prodding the end of his finger roughly into her bottomhole as Emma squirmed desperately to escape, “and then I’ll take your virginity in the traditional way afterwards. When the doctor arrives in the morning you’ll be sent away in disgrace and no decent man will ever touch you again, I’ll make certain of that.”

  Emma couldn’t understand where this viciousness had come from. She knew Percy could be quite obnoxious at times, but she would never have believed he had it in him to be so cruel. She had to escape quickly. As Percy helped her to her feet, Emma realized this was probably going to be her only opportunity to get away.

  “Take your nightdress off and bend over the bed. I want you naked. Spread your legs wide, slut, and push your bottom out. Grit your teeth and try not to make too much noise. I don’t want your pathetic crying and begging putting me off. I promise you, I’m going to enjoy this very much,” Percy bragged, “but unfortunately it isn’t going to be quite as pleasurable for you.”

  Percy laughed as he released her and pointed towards the bed. “If you don’t satisfy me, I’ll take my belt to you when we’re finished. In fact,” he chuckled, “that’s an excellent idea. I’ll take my belt to you anyway. Teach you what will happen if you try to deny me my pleasures.”

  As Emma got up onto her feet, she moved quickly. She slammed her knee into his groin and connecting hard enough to make him yell out in pain as he dropped to the floor, clutching at his genitals. Emma stumbled to her feet, rubbing her bottom as she tried to catch her breath. He was down but she was certain he wouldn’t stay down for long.

  You have to escape now, thought Emma. You must get away or he will rape you. “I’m sorry Daddy,” she said, looking heavenwards. “Please forgive me for what I’m about to do. I would do anything to hold onto Windmere, but not this. I love you Daddy,” she wept as she picked up a heavy vase from her dressing table. It was cheap and tacky—a bit like Percy, she thought—but probably worth a small fortune.

  Without another thought she raised the vase above her head, stepped towards Percy, and brought it down with a sickening crack on his skull. The vase shattered, and Percy fell to the floor with a loud thud. His head bounced against the floor as he came to rest on the bedroom carpet.

  Oh my God, I’ve killed him, thought Emma, rushing to Percy and checking for a pulse. Relieved to find that he was still breathing, she realized that when he woke up no-one would believe her story. Listening carefully, she hoped no-one would come. After a few minutes, she guessed that his butler would believe that any noise was as a result of the punishment he believed his boss was dishing out to his unfaithful fiancée.

  Desperate and terrified, Emma stripped off her ruined nightdress and put on the white dress her father had bought for her—in fact the last thing he’d ever given her before his untimely death, she realized.

  She looked again at Percy. She briefly considered getting help for him but feared she would end up going to jail for attacking him. She quickly collected a few personal items, including her father’s gold pocket watch and her mother’s wedding ring, along with the little bit of money they had left.

  Emma reluctantly picked up a small bag and filled it with some jewelry and silverware from the room. She would need some money to get away from here and although theft was against everything she believed in, she realized there really was no alternative if she was to escape.

  As she slipped out of the bedroom, Emma looked heavenwards again. “I’m so sorry Daddy, I realize I’ve lost Windmere. I’d do anything for you, but I’m sure you wouldn’t expect me to marry that hideous man.”

  With tears in her eyes, Emma crept quietly down the stairs, wondering what on earth she would do now.

  Chapter Five

  Percy probably wouldn’t be found until the next morning, Emma thought as she quietly slipped out of the house, closing the door gently behind her. If she moved fast she could be well on her way before anyone came looking for her.

  Emma fled to the railway station. She had decided against heading for the docks and trying to find a ship back to England, since she figured that if Percy woke up and sent people after her that would be the first place they would look. Also, deep down, she wasn’t ready to go back to England and watch Windmere be sold or fall into disrepair. She had always wanted to see the west, and her father had planned to go with her. She would take the trip for both of them, she decided. Once she made it somewhere safe, she would write to John and Mary and tell them what had happened.

  Suddenly realizing with dismay that she wouldn’t be able to sell her things and get a train ticket until the next morning, she slipped into a nearby inn and booked herself a room for the night. She didn’t sleep a wink, constantly worrying about what would happen if Percy woke up. Is he awake yet? Is he still alive? Emma panicked. Has anyone found him yet? Are they out looking for me yet?

  Emma was relieved when morning finally arrived. She dressed quickly and headed to the ticket office, eager to get out of New York and knowing that the longer she hung around there the more likely she would be caught. She told the ticket office attendant that she needed to sell some items to be able to buy her ticket, explaining that her aunt who lived in Santa Fe was dying and she needed to get to her as soon as possible. She didn’t have enough money and she needed to sell the few valuables she had with her. Emma was pointed in the direction of a nearby pawnbroker’s shop. Emma rushed across to the shop, tipping the items that she had taken from Percy’s onto the counter. “Please, my aunt is dying. She’s in Santa Fe and I need to get to her quickly. How much can you give me for these?” Emma toyed with the idea of also selling her father’s pocket watch and her mother’s wedding ring, but quickly returned them to her bag. “I’m sorry, I can’t sell those. It’s all I have left of my mother and father.”

  The pawnbroker smiled kindly at Emma as he carefully examined her items. He made her an offer which Emma calculated would buy her ticket to Santa Fe but leave her with little money to spare. She was about to get the watch and wedding ring back out again when the pawnbroker smiled at her and said “I could give you a fair few dollars for that ring on your finger, but I’m guessing you don’t want to sell that?”

  Emma looked at her engagement ring and relived the horror of the previous evening. With tears rolling freely down her cheeks, she felt repulsed as she pulled the ring off her finger and handed it over eagerly. “My fiancé ran away with another woman. I guess he can’t object if I sell his ring, can he?” That isn’t too far from the actual truth, thought Emma, feeling no qualms at all about selling Percy’s engagement ring.

  The pawnbroker smiled and patted her hand affectionately. “Don’t cry. It sounds like you’re better off without him. A pretty young lady
like you will have no problem finding another man. I pray that the next one treats you right.” He counted out some more money and pushed it towards Emma, who happily accepted it and thanked him. She was extremely grateful that she had been able to hold onto her most treasured possessions in the world.

  This money would get her to Santa Fe and feed her along the way, leaving her a bit extra for when she arrived there. Once in Santa Fe it would feed her for a little while longer and pay for her to stay somewhere, until she decided what she was going to do.

  Emma returned to the railway station and bought her ticket. As she had a little time to pass while she waited for the train, she went into a shop where she bought herself a new dress, explaining to the assistant that the dress she was wearing was very special and she didn’t want to get it dirty while she travelled. She needed something more appropriate for travelling west and she was thrilled when the assistant helped her find exactly what she was looking for.

  The kindly assistant allowed her to change into her new dress on the premises and she parceled Emma’s own dress up for her to keep it clean on her long journey to Santa Fe. Emma thanked the assistant and hurried back to the station, where she waited anxiously for the train that would take her away from Percy and New York. She couldn’t believe that a little over a month earlier she had been so excited to arrive in this city. Now she couldn’t wait to see the back of it.

  Percy is sure to have been found by now, Emma thought. She then realized with dread that had she not found out what Percy was really like, she could have been preparing to marry him right now. Although Emma had been traumatized at the time when she feared Percy might rape her, she realized it was a blessing in disguise as it had saved her from a fate much worse. Emma smiled as she remembered her father’s wise words. “Look for the good in every situation. Don’t focus on the bad. You’ll never get anywhere in life if you brood over the bad things. You need to dust yourself down and move on.”


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