The Lady and the Sheriff

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The Lady and the Sheriff Page 11

by Carole Archer

  Emma felt her dress being raised once more and her bare bottom was exposed for a second time to the bar room. Even worse, she realized that in this position if she kicked at all during the spanking, everyone in the bar was going to be seeing everything she had between her legs. She laid her face against the table and sobbed pitifully.

  “Bob has done his best for you and this is how your repay him. You deserve each and every smack, young lady. I hope it’s painful enough to make you think next time you decide to do something so foolish,” Lee told her sternly, as he gripped her wrists tightly.

  Emma blushed. She liked Lee and his wife Becky. They were a few years older than she was but she really enjoyed spending time with Lee when Bob assigned him to what Emma sarcastically called “babysitting duties”. Lee was kind and often took her to the saloon where Bob had said she was allowed to play the piano and sing. She felt comfortable with Lee and imagined this was what it would be like to have a big brother. She couldn’t believe that he was about to hold her down while Bob punished her and she looked at him with pleading eyes. Please Lee, don’t do this to me, she begged silently.

  Seeing her pleading look, Lee spoke firmly to her. “No Emma, you brought this on yourself. You are becoming an absolute brat and it’s about time Bob brought you into line. You’ve had this coming for a long time and nothing you can say or do will stop me ensuring that Bob doles out what’s due to you, little girl,” Lee said, tightening his grip on Emma as he pulled her further onto the table.

  Emma struggled frantically and kicked her legs but she could no longer feel the floor beneath her feet and her legs simply flailed away at air. “No, I’m not a little girl, I’m a woman,” she pouted at him.

  Lee shook his head and sighed. “You might like to try acting like it then because all I can see right now is a very naughty little girl who desperately needs a sore bottom to teach her right from wrong, and it looks like you’re about to get just that,” said Lee, watching the sheriff approaching Emma from behind.

  Bob had barely been able to believe Emma’s foolishness and wanted to try and calm himself down before he continued her punishment. Lee was holding her securely so he knew there was no danger of her escaping. He also wanted to give the misbehaving young woman time to reflect on her behavior by leaving her in such a humiliating position. She won’t be quick to come back here and flaunt herself, he thought bitterly. After this she probably won’t dare to show her face in town for months. I’m going to make absolutely certain of that.

  Emma twisted her body round and looked fearfully over her shoulder. Her heart sunk as she looked at Bob approaching her. His expression was one of absolute fury as he unbuckled his belt and slipped it from his trousers. She closed her eyes as Bob’s belt cracked down against her bottom. In spite of her best efforts, she couldn’t prevent her legs from kicking, and she could do nothing but howl in agony each time the belt striped her unprotected buns.

  “Please Bob, I’m sorry,” she howled as the belt relentlessly striped her bare buttocks. “Please Lee, please stop him, he’s killing me,” she pleaded. Neither man answered her heartfelt pleas, and Lee continued to grip her wrists firmly as Bob cracked his heavy belt repeatedly against her bottom.

  Emma squirmed as he continued to lay the thick leather down over and over again, building the sting to an unbearable level.

  “No more,” howled Emma. “I’m sorry,” she yelled, as Bob cracked his belt fiercely across her upper thighs, causing her to scream in agony as she looked up at Lee. Tears streaked her cheeks and dripped onto the table, but there was not an ounce of sympathy in his expression.

  Emma slumped against the table, her body rising from the hard wooden surface each time the belt slapped loudly against her thighs, stinging the tender flesh unbearably. “I’m so very sorry,” she wailed, her legs kicking frantically as she twisted her body desperately from side to side in a bid to escape. Early on, she had tried to control her kicking and struggling in order to maintain her dignity and keep from displaying her most intimate parts to everyone watching her spanking, but by now she had given up completely and the only thing on her mind was the intense sting in her burning backside.

  Bob never missed his target once as he gave Emma the hiding of her life. At last he decided that she had had enough as there wasn’t an inch of unmarked flesh left on her bottom or upper thighs. Bob told his deputy to release her as he walked over to the bar to get a much needed whiskey. His hands were trembling as he picked up the glass and drained it.

  Emma was grateful when Lee released her hands, but she wasn’t able to get up straight away, afraid that her legs would not support her. Instead she chose to stay face down over the table. She was no longer concerned about covering her bottom. The vision of her bottom being punished so harshly was probably etched into the memory of each person in the bar. Emma did not know how she would face anyone ever again.

  As she lay face down on the table in the center of the bar, Emma sobbed loudly, not caring who could hear. Let them see what a ruthless bastard Bob is, she thought. She found the cool air on her bottom was slightly comforting as her exposed flesh burned unbearably, but she was heartbroken that Bob had been so angry and humiliated her so thoroughly. She couldn’t believe the sweet and caring Bob had punished her so hard. She would never forgive him for this.

  Emma’s sobbing increased in volume as her whole body trembled. As she reached back to rub her bottom, she gasped audibly as her fingers touched the hot, swollen flesh. She was shocked when Bob dragged her to her feet and hauled her into the corner. She couldn’t believe he was still so angry.

  “You stand there and keep your skirts raised. I want everyone to see what happens to a naughty young lady who willfully causes trouble in my town. You have no idea how angry I am with you right now. If you don’t want another spanking, you’ll stand there and keep quiet,” he stormed.

  “I do not appreciate you parading yourself around town like some cheap whore. If you ever dare to make such a show of yourself again, I’ll be displaying your bare bottom through the town for all to see. I’ll tie you down over your horse and I’ll take a switch to your bare backside in the middle of the market square,” Bob fumed. Emma glanced at his face. She had never seen him so angry and tears stung her eyes as he walked away from her.

  Emma sobbed pitifully in the corner of the bar. She clung desperately to her skirts, trying to keep them raised so as not to anger Bob further. What have I done, she thought as her tears dripped to the floor? I can’t believe I’ve made Bob so angry. What will I do if he doesn’t allow me to go home with him? It would be no more than I deserve, she sobbed.

  Emma was inconsolable when Bob approached her almost half an hour later. She hoped he might hug her but instead he dropped her pantaloons to the floor in front of her and ordered her to step into them. Emma blushed as she realized she must have kicked them off during her spanking. Bob yanked them up her legs and tugged them roughly over her swollen bottom, giving her a sharp smack which made her yell loudly.

  “Cover yourself up, get outside and get onto that horse. We’re going home. If I hear one single word out of you on the way home, I swear to God I’ll cut a switch and wear it out on your bare backside. Do you understand?”

  Bob glared at Emma angrily and she tearfully nodded. She didn’t dare speak for fear he would carry out his threat.

  Emma sobbed as Bob took the reins of her horse and led her slowly through the town, Emma’s bottom bouncing uncomfortably on the hard leather saddle. She wanted to beg Bob to let her get off and walk, or even let her ride face down across the saddle. It would be humiliating, but it would be preferable to this agony. Bob’s threat of taking a switch to her bottom was too much for her to risk, so instead she rode in silence as the tears poured down her cheeks as every small movement made her bottom ache.

  As they neared the house, Bob told her to go to bed as soon as they got in and to stay there until morning. “Do not even consider disobeying me, unless you want another spa
nking. I can’t believe you think so little of yourself and so little of me too. How do you think I would feel if anything happened to you?” he asked angrily.

  Emma lowered her eyes, not daring to answer him. I’m sorry, she thought sadly. I’m so very sorry. I need you to hold me and tell me you forgive me. I’m so very sorry.

  As they approached the house, Emma was relieved to finally get down from her horse. She tried to hug Bob, but he spun her away from him and cracked his hand against her bottom, causing Emma to howl in anguish. “I’m sorry,” she wailed, as she clutched at her bottom.

  “Go to bed and stay there if you know what’s good for you girl. I can’t believe you directly disobeyed me. What the hell were you thinking? Do you really resent my rules so much that you would put yourself in danger just to prove a point? I am trying my best to keep law and order in this town and you go out of your way to cause trouble. Go to bed, and we’ll discuss this in the morning.”

  Emma turned away from Bob and ran into the house in tears. She ran up the stairs, crying loudly as she tried to cope with Bob’s rejection of her. She would willingly take another spanking if only he would forgive her. She was desperately unhappy and she threw herself face down on her bed, howling as she reached back to desperately massage her scorched buttocks.

  Bob hates me, she thought. He’s going to send me away. He wants me to go back to England. I love Bob so much and I don’t want to leave him ever. Oh, why did I do something so stupid? Emma thought, as she sobbed into her pillow and longed for Bob to hold her in his arms.

  * * *

  As Emma lay on her bed and rubbed her aching bottom, Percy and Richard had just dismounted their alternative mode of transport and Percy was experiencing similar pain from bouncing on and off a saddle.

  Percy had been horrified to see two horses tethered to the rails, which Richard announced was their transport for the rest of the journey to Great Bend. Percy was horrified. He hated horses. He had never ridden one in his life.

  As Richard had helped Percy up into the saddle, the horse had obviously decided it shared a similar hatred for Percy and bucked forward, hurling him to the ground and snorting in glee as he landed in a heap at its feet.

  Richard had taken great pleasure in seeing Percy struggle to befriend the horse, and eventually Richard helped him onto the other horse which was much tamer. Being an accomplished rider, originally coming from Texas and working on his father’s ranch for many years before heading out to New York, Richard had no problems mounting the stallion which had taken a great dislike to Percy.

  They had set off towards Great Bend but when they reached the halfway point just as dusk arrived, Richard reluctantly stopped and set up camp for the night. Percy was almost crying as he bounced uncomfortably in the saddle and Richard decided it would be better if they rested overnight before continuing on their way. It wasn’t safe to ride after dark. They would start again in the morning.

  As Percy walked bow-legged around the camp, whining about how uncomfortable the saddle was and how his horse deliberately bounced him around too much because it hated him, Richard watched him with a bemused expression. It was good to see him suffer after the constant misery Richard had endured over the previous couple of months. The pay might be good, but this man was intolerable. Richard would be eternally grateful when they found Emma and he could finally get rid of Percy.

  Richard eventually grew bored of watching Percy whining so he went to his bed and settled down for the night. Richard was used to sleeping in the open air; he had done it regularly as a boy. He was sleeping soundly almost as soon as he got into his sleeping bag. Percy, on the other hand, squirmed uncomfortably on the ground. “This is not a bed,” he whined. “I have never slept on anything so uncomfortable. I want a real bed,” he demanded, but Richard was sleeping soundly and didn’t hear a thing.

  As Emma lay face down on her bed, sobbing pitifully, her nightgown raised and her pantaloons lowered as she rubbed her tender bottom, Percy lay face down in his makeshift bed, groaning as his bottom ached from an uncomfortable few hours in the saddle. He sighed as he thought of the rest of the journey that lay ahead of them. At least there’s only twenty-five miles to go, thought Percy, then I’ll be reunited with my runaway fiancée, and I’ll make sure she regrets every second she has made me spend out here looking for her.

  As Percy smiled smugly while dreaming of his revenge, Emma lay in her bed and wept loudly.

  Bob stood in the open doorway, his heart aching as he looked at Emma’s bright red bottom which she was rubbing frantically in an attempt to relieve the sting. Despite Bob’s desperation to take her in his arms and hold her, and rub some of the sting out of her bottom, he reluctantly went to his own room, wiping away the tears that spilled from his eyes. He desperately needed her to acknowledge the dangers all around her and he would spank her every day if necessary to make her be more careful.

  As Bob tossed and turned in an unsuccessful attempt to get some sleep, terrified he might have pushed Emma too far away and she would now head back to London, he had no idea that the biggest danger to the woman he loved lurked just twenty-five miles away and was moving ever closer.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next day Emma sulked constantly and refused to speak to Bob. Although Bob knew that she had thoroughly deserved the spanking he had given her, and his deputies had told him that if he had not nipped her behavior in the bud now she certainly would have ended up getting herself into serious trouble, it was breaking his heart to see her so sad.

  At least she hadn’t said she was heading back to England—he was grateful for that, but if they didn’t sort things out soon he was sure that she would leave him.

  * * *

  At the end of the day when Emma went to bed, not having spoken a word to Bob or his deputies all day, Percy and Richard were setting up camp five miles outside of Great Bend. Percy was whinier than ever and refused to ride a single mile further without some rest. Richard reluctantly agreed, pleased to hear an end to Percy’s constant complaining.

  * * *

  Bob returned home for lunch the next day, hoping for a warmer reception from Emma. He wasn’t really surprised that she had yet again not made him anything to eat, but he was pleased to see her speaking to his deputy Lee. It seemed she had at least forgiven Lee now. The only words Bob had heard her speak the previous day was when she had told Lee that she held Bob’s deputies equally responsible for her humiliating ordeal as they did nothing to stop Bob.

  She was now eating lunch with Lee and chatting quite happily until Bob entered the kitchen.

  “Emma, please, I won’t apologize for spanking you, because you deserved it, but you must understand I did it for your own good. I couldn’t bear to see any harm come to you,” he told her.

  Emma scowled at him. “If you cared about me you wouldn’t humiliate me in front of all of those people. I won’t be able to show my face in town ever again,” she sulked.

  Bob shook his head. “Don’t exaggerate. You’re not the first young lady to receive a public spanking and I’ll bet you won’t be the last, but if it has prevented you from going into town alone then I did my job right.”

  Emma pouted and turned her back on Bob. “Just go back to work,” she told him. “I hate you and I’ll never forgive you.”

  As the door slammed behind Bob as he left, Emma turned to Lee with tears in her eyes, which quickly started to trickle down her cheeks.

  “I’ve had enough of this,” fumed Lee. “You were badly behaved and you were deservedly spanked. My own wife has had her fair share of spankings, and if she behaved like this she’d be finding herself upended across my lap with her bottom bare once more until her behavior changed for the better. Stay where you are. If you’re not here when I return I’ll come and find you and take my belt to your bare backside. Do you understand?”

  The color drained from Emma’s face as she nodded slowly. She was horrified that Lee would make such a threat to her. You’re supposed to be my fri
end, she sulked. I thought you of all people were on my side.

  Lee left her alone for a moment, and when he returned, Bob was with him. Emma noticed that he looked sad, but she couldn’t easily forgive him.

  Before Bob had the chance to speak, Emma tearfully told him “It’s OK, I know you’ve had enough of me. I’ll arrange my transport back to England and I’ll leave as soon as possible. Is it OK if I stay here until then or do you want me to go and find a hotel now?”

  Bob shook his head and grasped her firmly by the arms. “No, you’re going nowhere. At least not until you’ve listened to me. If you still feel the same way, I won’t stand in your way. I’ll let you go.”

  Bob suddenly realized that he needed to tell Emma that he loved her, but not here. He needed to get her away from the house, somewhere neutral. “We’re going riding,” Bob announced.

  “No Bob. You’ve got nothing to say that I want to hear.”

  “Emma, I won’t take no for an answer. You are going to listen to me and if I need to spank you again to make you listen, I will,” Bob warned. “Please don’t make me do that,” he added, taking her by the hand and leading her outside. It broke his heart when he saw tears in her eyes, but he helped her up onto her horse despite her vocal objections.

  They rode in silence out to the lake, where Bob helped her down and led her under the tree where they had once shared a picnic in happier times. “Emma, this is where I brought my wife ten years ago when I asked her to marry me. I loved her very much and I was devastated when she died. I never thought I would ever feel that way about a woman again, but then you came along.”

  Emma looked blankly at Bob, trying to take in what he was saying. She had been expecting a harsh lecture and an even harsher spanking if she didn’t listen to him. She was absolutely stunned when she saw tears rolling down his cheeks as he continued. Emma’s anger suddenly ebbed away as she reached out and gripped his hand.


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