Show Time: A Bad Boy Sports Romance

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Show Time: A Bad Boy Sports Romance Page 8

by KB Winters

  “She’s all right. It’s kind of…complicated. Listen, I’m not really the kind of girl to tiptoe around shit. I’m not very good at it. So, can I just ask if you’re still interested in seeing me or whatever it was, is, that we’re doing?”

  A startled laugh broke free at her bold question. “What? Are you serious? Of course I’m interested.”

  She hesitated for a moment before saying, “I just…yesterday felt off toward the end. Like I’d done something wrong or maybe my family. I mean, I wouldn’t blame you if Aunt Maggie scared you off.”

  I chuckled. “No, that’s not it at all.” I was overwhelmed with the urge to hold her, to pull her into my arms and never let go. “Where are you? Can I come get you?”

  “I’m at home…”

  “Is that a yes?” She didn’t answer right away and my heart slammed against my chest. “Gwen, please, I need to see you.”

  “Okay. Yeah. I’ll be ready.”

  “I’ll be there in twenty.”

  We hung up and I hurried to get out of my sweats and into a pair of jeans and a soft t-shirt before bundling into my winter coat and heading for my truck. Twenty minutes later, I pulled up out front and before I could get the driver’s side door open, Gwen was on her parents’ front porch. She pulled the door closed behind her and came down the walkway. I leaned across and pushed the passenger door open for her and she climbed inside. Her hair was down in long waves, trapped under the collar of her coat. Her face was rosy from running through the brisk air and a few snowflakes glistened from where they’d landed on her face.

  “Hi,” she said, her voice a breathy whisper as she turned toward me.

  “Hey.” Without waiting, I reached for her and stole a kiss. She melted into me and her warmth rushed over my skin. It felt so good to hold her. Even if there were far too many layers of clothing between us. “I’m so sorry about yesterday,” I said once we parted. I kept a hold of her waist with one hand while the other went to wipe a trace of snow from her cheek. “The holidays are kind of rough. You and your family did nothing wrong. I had a really good time.”

  Gwen gave a slight nod, her eyes fluttering down as she looked at her lap for a minute. “I don’t want to pry or anything, but just know that you can trust me, and whenever you’re ready to talk, I’ll be here to listen.”

  I tipped her chin back up, bringing those chocolate brown eyes back to mine. “Thank you.”

  She kissed me and the intensity went through the roof, as though a barrier between us had been broken and we could get closer, touch more, feel more. Every sensation that surged through me went higher and I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. I needed more. I wanted to taste her skin, explore every inch of her body, and make her cry out my name.

  Gwen pulled away, her breathing ragged as she dragged her fingers through her hair. “Whew. Okay…let’s maybe go somewhere where my parents can’t see us making out like crazy high schoolers.”

  I laughed and put the truck in drive. “Buckle up, baby.”

  She giggled and clicked her seatbelt in place as I pulled away from the curb.

  Chapter Twelve


  There were still a swarm of questions floating around my mind, but there was an overwhelming urge—a need—that spoke louder than the unknown. I wanted Carson. In every meaning of the word. I wanted to be in his arms, in his bed, to give him my body for the night.

  Hell, maybe forever.

  I wanted to know every little thing about him, even the deep, shadowed places that he kept close to his chest. I was willing to wait for those things to be revealed, but I could no longer ignore the ache I had for him.

  Carson kept one hand on my knee and one hand on the wheel and every minute we drove made me more antsy. I glanced down at his large, strong hand as it rested against my leg, and wished he would drag it up my thigh. Every nerve ending was on high alert, tuned into Carson’s every move, glance, and flicker behind his stormy eyes. The more aware of him I became, the more I ached for him. The pressure inside was building to unbearable heights and we were barely touching. I knew when we were finally alone, there would be no resisting the undeniable pull between us.

  He pulled into an underground lot in the heart of downtown, not all that far from the stadium. I recognized the building above the lot, although I’d never been inside of it. Carson pulled into a marked parking spot and we got out of his truck. As we doubled back toward the elevator, he reached for me and wrapped his arm around my waist, one hand resting naturally on my hip. His touch was so casual, comfortable like a well-worn pair of jeans, but still managed to light me on fire and spin my head with possibilities. Without saying a word, Carson unearthed deeply buried fantasies and urges.

  Inside the elevator, he tugged me even closer against him after hitting the button for the twenty-seventh floor. The elevator rose smoothly and I savored every moment wrapped in his strong arms. I still felt like I was watching someone else’s life through their eyes. It was almost like some kind of trippy out-of-body experience. As though it wasn’t really me in Carson’s eyes, but some other sexy, sultry, confident version of me.

  Some girl I didn’t know.

  But, I liked it. It was like Carson rooted out some hidden confidence that I didn’t know existed. The stress and drama over what to wear in the time between his phone call and him arriving in front of my parents’ house, was all but gone. As soon as we were together, the insecurity melted away. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that his eyes wandered like a hungry tiger, just enough to let me know he liked what he saw, without being leery or creepy.

  Even as we rode the elevator, silently knowing there was only one reason we were going to his condo, I was filled with anticipation and desire. Not terror at the thought of Carson seeing every flaw and imperfection.

  In college, I’d been so focused on studying, I’d only allowed myself a couple of relationships, and they were short lived enough that some people would only call them flings. With each of those two men—boys, actually—I’d never really allowed myself to be free. I was always so wound up with anxiety over how I looked or wondering what they were thinking and I missed out on real enjoyment and pleasure of the moment because I was lost in my own head. I was determined to not repeat those mistakes with Carson. And something in his eyes told me he’d effortlessly steal away all my thoughts and clear my mind.

  The elevator dinged as it came to a smooth stop and the doors slid open. “After you,” Carson said, smiling as he ushered me out with a hand at the small of my back. God, he was such a gentleman. It was very sweet and deliciously sexy. “I’m this way.”

  He directed me to his condo, number 2732, and unlocked the front door with an electric key fob, almost like a hotel room door. A green light blinked and we stepped inside. Soft lights automatically activated once we were inside and Carson placed his keys in a glass bowl that sat in the center of a small table. He took my coat while I glanced around the condo. It was fairly small, with an open layout that allowed me the vantage point of the kitchen, dining, and living room all from the entry way that was walled off by a low pony wall.

  The walls were painted with a soft grey color, accented with dark hard wood floors, with white crown molding and matching baseboards. The furniture was tasteful but simple, an upholstered L-shaped couch, cherry wood coffee table, and a built-in entertainment center with a sizeable flat screen TV, flanked by bookshelves on either side. The kitchen featured granite counters, stainless steel appliances, and white cabinets.

  “Well? What do you think?” Carson asked, taking my coat and hanging it on a peg on the wall before removing his own and hanging it beside mine.

  “Not your typical bachelor pad,” I said, craning around to flash him a teasing smile. “I don’t see a single pizza box or beer can. So, you’re miles ahead of most guys I’ve ever met that lived alone.”

  Carson chuckled. “You’ve clearly been dating the wrong guys.”

  I nodded. Truer words had ne
ver been spoken. What little experience I did have, was mostly bad and left me wishing I’d just stayed single. “What about you?” I asked, tracing my fingers around the curve of the glass bowl that held his keys. “What kind of girls have you been seeing?”

  Carson stepped behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist, his thumbs caressing my hips. “None that compare to your beautiful heart and brilliant mind. And definitely none that made me feel…” He dropped his lips to my neck and pressed into me, his hardness evident. “…like this.”

  I sucked in a silent breath at the rush of heat that flooded me at feeling his cock pressed against my ass. Flurries of shivers raced all over my body as his lips grazed my neck, kissing and teasing me. He rolled his hips and I dropped my head back against his chest. “You’re trouble. You know that?”

  He chuckled, his breath warm against my skin. “I could say the same thing. I’m supposed to be studying the playbook. Living, eating, breathing football. But all I can live and breathe right now is you, sexy lady.”

  Damn it, he knew just what to say to make my toes curl. Thank God for these damn boots!

  He released me, only long enough to spin me around, and gather me against his chest. I melted into him, neither of us saying a word for a long moment. When he pulled back, he lifted my chin and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “I’m glad you’re here, Gwen. Thanks for giving me another chance.”

  “You didn’t do anything to need a second chance, Carson. We’re still on chance number one as far as I’m concerned.”

  His eyebrow rose into a smoldering look that made my lady parts tingle and when he stroked his thumb across my cheek and said, “Then, that’s very good news.” I almost lost it. My knees buckled and I silently prayed I could hold myself up. I’d never had a man make me feel as wanted and sexy as Carson did.


  Not ever.

  And I found that I liked—no—loved it.

  He tugged my chin up and kissed me again, lingering a few seconds before he let me go. “You want anything to drink?” he asked, starting for the kitchen. “I’ve got water, tea, coffee. A couple of hard ciders—don’t tell Coach.”

  I laughed at his expression as he made his way to the fridge. “Cider sounds good. I’ll take one of those off your hands. Keep you outta trouble.”

  He laughed as I winked at him. “Deal.”

  Minutes later, we both had a bottle in hand and were seated on the couch. I drew my legs up onto the cushion and faced Carson as he sat in the corner where the L-shaped pieces connected.

  After a little while, he set his bottle on the coffee table and pushed off the couch. “So, I know it’s a little late, but I got you a Christmas present.”

  I smiled up at Carson as he crossed the living room, going back toward the front door. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “I wanted to.” He pulled open a slim drawer built into the cherry wood desk in the entryway where he’d dropped off his keys. “It’s selfish, really.”


  Carson didn’t answer. He pulled an envelope from the drawer and came back to rejoin me on the couch. “Open it. You’ll see.”

  I grinned up at him and took the envelope. It was heavier than I’d expected and I tore it open carefully, so I wouldn’t damage the contents. With the top torn open, I peeked inside and pulled out two slick pieces of paper. The first was a ticket to the Cannons vs. Cougars game. “This is in New York?” I said, reading the front of the ticket.

  “That’s what the second ticket is for,” Carson said.

  I glanced up at him and then peeled back the first ticket to see that the second was a first-class plane ticket to New York for the morning of the game. My eyes flew to Carson’s. “Oh my gosh!”

  Carson smiled. “Like I said, selfish. I’m really just trying to fill out my cheering section.”

  “Right, totally selfish. I can’t believe I’ll have to endure in-flight champagne, a hit movie and a warm blanket. Not to mention reclining chairs—all for your damn ego. How despicable!” I teased.

  Carson chuckled and I fought the urge to lean into him, to feel the vibrations of his rich, deep laugh. “I booked a hotel suite too, so you’ll probably have to suffer through some gourmet chocolates and fancy wine as well.”

  With a mocking sigh, I rolled my eyes. “The horror! Make it stop! Next you’ll be telling me about a massage…” I peeked over at him.

  “Is that a hint?”

  “It sure would take the edge off all the other trauma,” I teased.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  I glanced down at the tickets in my hands. “Seriously though, thank you.”

  “I hope this wasn’t too…presumptuous,” Carson said, reaching for my free hand as it rested in my lap. “I can book a separate room if that would make you more comfortable. Rose’s lady, Cassie, is going as well. I’m sure you two would hit it off. She’s really cool, works with underprivileged kids here in the city.”

  “Yeah, that’d be great. I’m so excited!” I hoped she wasn’t the playboy bunny type, but I kept my mouth shut. If she was—I didn’t want to sound ungrateful. Not after this fine hunk of man candy just handed me a first-class ticket to his game in New York of all places.

  “Oh, and another little perk of this game?” Carson put his thumb and forefinger up, leaving a tiny space between them. “Langston Rose is a huge star. Way bigger than I am and he buys luxury box seats.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Well, I don’t really know how New York is set up, but usually, they have a bar, a TV to watch the game up close, comfortable seats, and a private bathroom. And I think they’re catered—and have a heater.”

  “Wow. This is going to be insane. What’s Langston’s girlfriends name again?”

  “Cassie. She’ll be in first class with you on the flight.”

  “Carson, I am so excited. This is the best pres—”

  “How’s this for excitement?” Our banter fell to the wayside as Carson’s hand moved between my legs. He closed the space between us and I sucked in a deep breath as my body shivered against his solid chest. My nipples were hard under my bra and I ached to be free of the constriction and feel his bare skin against mine. The thought of his rock hard muscles against my chest had me squirming in my seat, my thighs clenched tightly on his hand, trying to ease the pressure building between them.

  Carson moved his hand up, across my hip and under my sweater and I moaned as his rough fingertips scratched my skin. Heat and tension collided as he slid his hand around to my back and pulled me just another inch closer. “Damn, you feel good,” he said, his voice ragged, almost a growl.

  I dared a glance up at him and was instantly lost in the hunger and fire in his eyes. The stormy grey color had returned, but this time it was richer, like the sky right before a thunderstorm. Anticipation. Desire. Urgency. “Is this really happening?” I whispered, more of a thought than a question.

  Carson kissed me hard and moaned, leaving no doubt.

  He was real. This thing between us was very real.

  Carson’s hand moved up my back, taking his time to explore my body as he continued to kiss me. His lips trailed off, grazing my jaw and over my earlobe as his hand moved around and held my breast, moving ever so slightly as if he didn’t want to break me.

  And God, how I wanted him to break me! Hard. Like a caged animal. My heart beat so hard in my chest I could barely hear his words.

  “You’re so fucking sexy, Gwen. Do you have any idea?” He teased my nipple again, watching the pleasure play across my face. I bit down hard on my lip to stifle the moan that wanted to escape.

  I didn’t answer. I couldn’t. My brain was melting and short-circuiting to the point where I couldn’t trust myself to put together a sentence. Carson didn’t wait. He reached for the edge of my sweater and started to strip it away. I shook my hair as he tugged it over my head, letting it fall loosely around my shoulders. Carson smiled at me, moving a strand
of hair from my face. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” I choked out, blushing at his words. No one had ever been so into me before.

  He pushed me back against the couch, dragging his knuckles across my breasts. I shuddered under his touch as he turned his hand and cupped my boob, giving it a little bounce. When he dropped his head down and sucked at it over the thin fabric, I pushed forward and ran my fingertips along his back before frantically tugging at his t-shirt. Carson straightened up and grinned down at me as he stripped off his t-shirt, casually tossing it to the floor.

  I blinked twice at his torso—his chest. His right arm was covered in black inked tattoos. Every muscle from his shoulders to his abs was solid, defined.

  I ran my hands across his arm, tracing the dark ink, unable to get enough of his velvet soft skin and the solid, smooth muscles that lay underneath. When I reached the lines of his perfectly segmented abs, he sucked in a sharp breath and his eyes fell shut.

  We’d just crossed the point of no return. There was no turning back. As though we both realizing it at the same split second, we crashed together in a frantic tangle. Carson went to work on my bra and I tore his belt off.

  Somehow, we made it to his bedroom, a mess of clothing on the floor and frantic breathing, until he had me laid out on the bed. He pulled at the button and then the zipper of my black denim jeans. They were skin tight and took some wiggling but he pulled them over my hips and I kicked out of them as I perched on the edge of his bed. His own jeans had been left in the hallway, leaving just a pair of black boxer briefs between me and every last inch of his skin.

  Carson met my eyes and I bit my lip as he reached for the elastic band. He slid his boxers down his legs and when he straightened back up, it was like watching him in slow motion. Every muscle moved with the fluid grace of an athlete. Honed for his sport. But damn it if he wasn’t made for sin too. His nice-guy persona was completely gone. Stripped as bare as his body was. Back to his animalistic side that had its sights set on one thing and one thing only.


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