The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4)

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The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4) Page 6

by J. A. Kerr

  The only thing that remained unpredictable was his relationship with Anna; his long hours at the club kept them apart. He’d learned it was dangerous to ignore Anna. Her flirtation with that arrogant arse, Simon Lawrence, still made his blood boil. Guy wanted to get home early tonight. However, his good intentions slipped away as he briefed Benedict on the case developments. Somehow time got away from him. Benedict had been surprised and then excited by Guy’s work. Writing on a large white board, Guy reconstructed the abduction. He wanted Benedict to write down everything he thought was relevant before and after the event. He had photographs of the burial scene but hesitated to display them in case it was too upsetting but Benedict told him to go ahead. Painstakingly, he built a timeline. Photos of the bagged and recovered evidence were put in order of discovery. Guy had some access but not all. He filled in the missing details as best he could. When he put Katie Burns and Nick Waters photographs on the board, the tension in the room intensified. Nick Waters, with his shaved head and gaunt face, was barely recognisable. Guy noticed his changed body. He had always been slim but had lost so much weight his frame was tiny; almost as slight as the woman next to him.

  “Fuck!” Guy slapped his hand against his forehead and then pointed at the whiteboard.

  Benedict’s head snapped up. “What?”

  “Look at Nick Waters’ body and then look at Katie Burns.”

  Guy watched Benedict scrutinise the photos and saw his frown change to understanding.

  “They’re the same size.”

  “Which means he’s small enough to wear her jacket,” said Guy. “That’s why doing a reconstruction and using visual pointers is so effective.” His face was triumphant. “We would never have noticed. But put them side by side and there’s no doubt in mind. He could easily impersonate Katie by putting on her jacket.”

  “Yes,” said Benedict. The hood obscured his face, that’s why we couldn’t tell the difference on the CCTV footage.

  “It doesn’t prove it was him. But might put some doubt in DI Clark’s mind because he can’t prove it’s Katie Burns either. Lizzie was convinced it was a woman but under the circumstances I can see why.”

  “I agree. This is good work, Guy.” A fierce look crossed Benedict’s face.

  “Okay, I need you to complete what I asked earlier. As soon as you do, we can update the board.”

  “Right,” said Benedict. “I’ll get on it and leave you in peace for the time being.”

  Benedict left his office. Guy was as convinced as his boss that Nick Waters masterminded the whole plan and now, with this breakthrough, they were a small step closer to proving it. He heard his mobile buzz with a text. He checked it in case it was DI Clark but felt his pulse speed up.

  Anna: Are you coming home? I’ve got a surprise for you.

  Anna didn’t do kisses or small talk. His cock tightened. She may not have his full attention but she certainly had his body’s.

  Guy: I like your surprises but I’ve got a new game. x

  Anna: I’m listening.

  Guy: Tell me the first place that comes into your mind. x

  Anna: Your car...get in it and drive home now!

  Guy: Only if I get to fuck you in it?

  Anna: Ahhh...I thought you’d never ask.

  Guy: I want to bend you over the passenger seat.

  Anna: I’m getting into a taxi now. I’ll be with you in ten minutes.

  Guy: I’ll meet you in the car park.

  Guy knew Anna had access to the car park with her Braille Club key. The taxi would drop her at reception and then she would take the elevator down. He knew this was madness. CCTV cameras covered the entire area but Guy was too turned on to care. His parking space was one of only four spaces and secluded. He’d disabled the security camera directly above his car before he went down. He didn’t want his staff to get an eyeful. His heart thumped against his ribcage. The adrenaline rush was like old times. Shaking with anticipation, Guy took the elevator down to the car park. He walked towards his car. The area was empty, and he slipped inside his car. He moved the passenger seat forward and then moved the seat so it was flipped down towards the windscreen. So preoccupied with the mechanics, he jumped when he heard Anna’s fingers knock against his window.

  She opened the back seat door and he pulled her in. Their mouths met as her weight settled onto him. Hunger ignited, his hands pulled at the belt of her coat and reached inside. Anna was naked underneath. When his fingers found her breasts, he heard her gasp, but he wanted her right now. Pushing her forward until her arms rested on the front seat he flicked her coat up and entered her. The confines of the car made the movement difficult and yet he could feel her muscles gripping his cock. In a blur of lust and need, he thrust into her again and again. His finger sunk into her flesh as he pounded into her. His shaking and vocal release blinded him for a second. Panting, he lay over Anna. The sexual high of the illicit sex made him lose control faster than he’d planned.

  Anna stirred beneath him. Her hand placed something in his. He looked down. The tube of lubricant could mean only one thing.

  “Not here, Anna,” he panted. “It’s too exposed.”

  “It didn’t bother you before. I want anal. You promised.”

  Guy’s cock hardened at Anna’s words because this was a step they had been building towards but he wasn’t ready for this public encounter.


  “Do it,” she commanded.

  Guy looked around, but the car park was empty and he knew they were in the shadows. Taking the lubricant from her hand he squeezed a generous amount onto his fingers. Parting her creamy cheeks he ran his fingers back and forth. Anna pushed herself against him, moaning impatiently. He inserted a slippery finger inside her back passage as she thrust against him. God, he wanted this. His cock was rock hard with desire. Slathering it in more lubricant he pulled his finger out and inserted his cock in.

  “Fuck,” said Anna.

  Guy stroked her spine. “Relax, let me in.” He took his time, but bit by bit she opened up to him until his balls touched her skin. He almost climaxed but somehow reigned in his desire.

  “Mmmm. So good,” murmured Anna, pushing up against him and almost making him come. Just like a switch had been thrown, he lost control. His rhythm was fast and hard as they both screamed in ecstasy. Guy roared and climaxed. He was dimly aware of Anna pulling away and reaching for the door handle. The cool blast of air was the shock he needed.

  “Where are you going?” he asked confused.

  “I told the taxi to wait,” she said slamming the door.

  Guy fumbled with his underwear. Pulling out a hankie he quickly cleaned himself up and zipped up his trousers. Getting out of the car he hurried to the elevator and was annoyed to see he would have to wait. Stabbing at the button repeatedly, he knew Anna would be making her way out of the club. He suddenly turned and retraced his steps. Furious, he got back into his car and gunned the engine. Turning the wheels, he accelerated out of the garage.

  Chapter 12

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Anna’s heart still hammered in her chest as she stepped inside the taxi. The driver gave a little start of surprise as she barked out her address. She winced as she sat back in the seat: her backside tender. Conflicting emotions coursed through her. She was the one to demand anal sex. It was something she had wanted to try for a long time. Guy had been gentle, and it had been pleasurable…so why was she running? Anna couldn’t answer her own question. She had gone into it with her eyes wide open. The thrill of being discovered made the sex more exciting. It was no accident she put the lubricant in her pocket. She wanted to push Guy and explore new things but somehow the experience had left her feeling dirty. It had taken her back to when she had been married—the sex, hot, fast and dirty. She never for a moment considered she would acquire a conscience. But it looked like she had.

  She wanted distance between them now. Anna had no idea how she was supposed to fee
l. Guy hadn’t done anything wrong. They were both consenting adults and yet Anna could not explain her unease. Paying the driver, she hurried into the flat and unlocked the door. She walked towards the fridge, yanked it open and reached for the bottle of wine. Pouring herself a large glass, she gulped it down and put it down on the kitchen table. What the fuck was wrong with her? Perhaps, it was her growing annoyance with Guy’s preoccupation with the abduction case. The fact he was rarely home before ten pm. Or, if she was honest, the realisation their relationship was failing.

  Anna drained the glass and, without hesitation, refilled it. She thought living together would have brought them closer, but it hadn’t. Tonight’s sex had been exciting but Anna’s insecurities were in control now. Guy didn’t really want or love her. If he loved her, he would be home at a reasonable time each night. If he loved her, she would not have to compete with his work commitments. These thoughts were like a knife piercing her heart. Was she so desperate she would respond to his requests no matter how degrading? The alcohol was clouding her judgement. Why couldn’t he just take her to dinner like a normal guy? Why couldn’t she suppress her desires like a normal woman?

  When she heard his key in the door, she grabbed the bottle of wine and burst out onto the roof top garden. Her thoughts were no longer coherent or logical. She could hear him calling her name but ignored him. Anna desperately wanted to be loved. After her separation from Robert the guilt had been unbearable. Even though Robert had strayed, Anna knew if it wasn’t for her dark desires and affair with Guy, they would still be together. Robert had loved her unconditionally. She was his first priority and had been spoilt for most of their marriage. Yes, their sex life had waned but Robert had been kind and loving in other ways. Ways that Guy had never been. If she took away the sex, what did they really have? Their living together was meant to be a step forward in commitment but Anna felt quite the reverse. Her reluctance to accept Siena’s Waters invitation to dinner was more to do with the fact she couldn’t stand to be around a couple that so obviously adored each other. She and Guy would never have that.


  Guy’s voice made her turn and look at him. He was so handsome. His face was full of concern.

  “Go away,” she sighed.

  “Anna, if I hurt you, I’m sorry,” said Guy.

  “I’m hurt, but not because of tonight,” said Anna. Sadness overtook her.

  “What are you saying?” Guy looked confused.

  “You’re never here,” Anna screamed in frustration. “I’m sick of being the last person on your list. You make me feel worthless.”

  “Stop shouting, Anna,” said Guy.

  “I’ll fucking shout if I want to.”

  “I can’t talk to you when you’re like this,” said Guy.

  “Just fuck off back to your precious club,” Anna snarled.

  “Anna, be reasonable,” said Guy, his voice desperate.

  “What like you?” She accused. “Since when has your behaviour been reasonable? Fucking me in your car…is that the best you can do?” As the words left Anna’s mouth she knew she was being unfair but her anger was in control.

  “Don’t do this, Anna,” said Guy, his voice deadly quiet.

  “Get out,” she retorted. As she heard the door slam Anna sank down onto the chair. Putting her hands over her face, she burst into tears.

  Chapter 13

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Nick had enjoyed his little media stunt. Leaking Katie’s mental health background had been fun. He wanted her mental instability recorded and in the public domain. Reading the print story had been satisfying. He wanted to garner public sympathy for her. Did Katie call to thank him? No! He hadn’t spoken to her since her release. In fact, he was getting increasingly annoyed she wouldn’t take his calls. Nick knew the British public loved an underdog or even better, a miscarriage of justice. Nick had the lawyer he’d hired for Katie, telling anyone that would listen, she was innocent and to be pitied. She should enjoy it while it lasted because when the DNA evidence came back and she turned out to be the only suspect, the public would turn. He’d seen it happen before. A desperate husband appealing on television with tears in his eyes. He would beg his missing wife to come home, and then that same husband was charged a few weeks later with her murder. The public dislike being duped. Whether that husband was guilty or not, he was in their smoke without fire was something most people believed in. He wanted the same effect with Katie.

  That had been days ago now and Nick wasn’t feeling any calmer. He took matters into his own hands but his unplanned visit to Katie’s home had not gone as planned. When he arrived and knocked, a guy in a body suit opened the door. He stepped back, confused.

  “Is Katie at home?”

  “No!” He moved to close the door but Nick was quicker, jamming his foot in the gap. “She has things belonging to me. I need to get me stuff back.”

  “This is a crime scene mate,” said the unsmiling man. “I suggest you contact the police to get your gear back.”

  Nick had left feeling visibly shaken. At this moment the police could have his pen. He’d driven home and phoned his attorney. After days of getting the run around, his lawyer finally called to confirm his possessions could be collected from the station. With no desire to go there himself, he asked a member of the firm to collect them and send them to his hotel. When he finally received them, he could see immediately his pen was not among the belongings. He spent the next few days expecting the police to arrive and arrest him. It didn’t happen. Emboldened, he returned to Katie’s flat to reason with her to let him in. He needed to find the pen. Driving towards her flat his nerves returned. Katie still wasn’t taking his calls. The stupid bitch didn’t realise what was at stake. He rang her bell.

  A huge man with a scary face opened the door.

  “I need to talk to Katie,” said Nick.

  His lips drew back in a snarl. “She’s not here.”

  Nick recoiled at the man’s animosity.

  “Who the fuck are you?” He scowled.

  “I’m a friend,” said Nick. “I’ve left my pen in her flat. My mother gave it to me and it has sentimental value,” Nick heard himself babble.

  The guy slammed the door in his face.

  “Wait...I need to check inside.” Anger bubbled up inside Nick.

  But the door remained closed. Nick stood there for a moment stunned. What the fuck was going on? Where the fuck was Katie?

  “I know you’re in there. Open up,” shouted Nick. He banged on the door with his fist.

  “Fuck off. Either go away or I’ll make you,” the man threatened.

  Nick had no choice but to leave. Angrily, he drove back to his hotel. His panic was mounting over the missing pen. Without access to Katie’s home he had no way of knowing if it was there or not. He slammed his hand down on the steering wheel of his hired car and winced. He stared at his twisted hand in fury. Fuck Katie Burns, and fuck Guy Walker. He’d sort them both out. Parking the car, he stormed up to his hotel room. He picked up his cell and called Katie, adopting a calm he didn’t feel, and left her an urgent message to call him. He had no idea who the guy at her home was. Nick realised he knew very little about Katie Burns. It was time to move the show along with an anonymous tip off to the police. He might have to get someone to break into her home and search for the pen. It was risky because it could draw the attention of the police. Shit, thought Nick. He wasn’t sure he could take the chance.

  Frustration and worry were making him crazy; the hotel walls were closing in on him. He badly wanted to hurt someone. Guy Walker’s face came to mind. Yes, he wanted to give that bastard a taste of his own medicine. He had everything he needed in the locker. Also the transport was close by. Nick smiled. This would stop Walker in his tracks and provide a nice distraction too. The room he’d painstakingly organised for Siena was still waiting for an occupant and it was silly to waste all his hard work. Guy Walker’s world was abo
ut to implode. Nick smiled for the first time in days.

  Chapter 14

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Matt felt ridiculously nervous as he sat in front of Guy; his mind reeling with all the information he’d given him. He was now officially a Braille Club member and was completely blown away with what he was hearing. The concept behind the club was alien to him. He was struggling to understand why it was all necessary—the secrecy, the anonymity...the endless rules. Don’t do this and don’t do that; he was thrilled and terrified in equal measure. He’d never really saw Guy in work mode and he was impressed and, a little intimidated. When Guy left the office for a few moments, he breathed out in relief.

  He was regretting agreeing to this. Somehow, he could not picture Niven going through the same thing but she must have. The thought of Niven sent conflicting sensations racing through him. He wanted her; how he wanted her but his confidence was at an all-time low. She was a model for God’s sake; picture perfect in every way. He could lose himself in her eyes for hours. He didn’t feel worthy of her love or support and was ashamed by how he had treated her. But at the time he’d hated not only himself, but everyone around him. He didn’t like to think of those dark days. Days where he’d fantasised about taking his own life because it was more attractive than lying in a hospital bed, day after day. A red blush of shame crept up his neck at his actions and thoughts. He hung his head. However, some hidden macho element he hadn’t known he possessed kicked in when Niven’s trial began. His rage at what Toby Fraser had done to her, finally surfacing.

  He couldn’t bear to think of her facing the trial alone. When he looked at her in the court room, he knew he loved her...had always loved her, from the moment he saw her. It felt so long ago their chance meeting in Harrison’s but their connection had been immediate. He sensed her vulnerability even then. He couldn’t quite believe she was interested in him. The phrase ‘punching above his weight’ came to mind, and he smiled wryly. They had spent a wonderful night together and when they’d kissed Matt was left breathless. He didn’t want to rush Niven. He wanted it to be special... he thought they’d have plenty of time to get to know each another, but that bastard Toby Fraser had other ideas. Matt gritted his teeth. The full horror of Niven’s ordeal was revealed during the court case. He had been sickened and wondered how she had done it; amazed at her strength and ingenuity. She had been so lucky. His warrior, his beautiful girl, had fought for her life and won. It was up to him now to fight the war against his own insecurities.


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