The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4)

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The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4) Page 13

by J. A. Kerr

  “Benedict, can you handle the meeting with Evan Radley?”

  Guy saw Benedict’s look of surprise. “Of course, Guy.”

  “I want to get home. I’ve barely seen Anna,” said Guy, not wanting to burden Benedict with his problems.

  “You can leave anytime. You don’t need to ask me,” said Benedict, his face earnest. Guy felt awkward letting him down but his unease over Anna was increasing. He knew she was stubborn but her total lack of contact was really bothering him. Both himself and Benedict were preoccupied but for very different reasons. They worked on, but Guy was finding it difficult to concentrate. He was desperate to see Anna. When Guy’s mobile rang and he saw it was DI Clark, he tensed further.

  “We’ve discovered a pair of muddy boots hidden at the back of Katie’s wardrobe which we’ve removed.” Guy could hear the excitement in the DI’s voice. “Katie wasn’t at the flat; she’s back with her parents, apparently. It was her landlord who let us in after a bit of persuasion and the warrant. He wasn’t happy but couldn’t stop us searching the place. He was still ranting about the cost of replacing the door when we left,” said DI Clark.

  “You think they’re a match for the shoe prints at the burial site?” said Guy.

  “If I had to guess, then yes, but forensics will tell us for sure. Also…”

  Guy’s shoulders tightened.

  “We found a shovel in her car!” said the DI in a rush, triumph evident in his tone.

  Guy said nothing as he struggled to picture Katie Burns as the abductor.

  “I’m headed over to Katie’s parents’ house now. We want to seize her laptop.”

  “Okay,” Guy sighed. “Thanks for updating me.”

  His mind was in turmoil. All the evidence was pointing at Katie Burns. He relayed the conversation to Benedict and watched as the colour drained from his face.

  “I can’t believe this,” he fumed. “I know Waters is responsible. He’s set Katie Burns up.”

  “I think so too,” said Guy.

  “This is just an idea…do you think we could speak with Katie ourselves?”

  Guy rubbed his face. “Honestly, I don’t know. Why? What would that achieve?”

  “We are the only people who think she’s not involved with the abduction. She might listen to us. Plus she’s running out of options and we can help her.”

  “We need to speak with her lawyer,” said Guy. “Convince him we can find evidence Nick Waters set her up. But how do we get the proof?”

  “That’s why I’ve employed Evan Radley. It’s the only thing I can think of. Can you get me the details of Katie Burn’s lawyer?”

  Guy got to work and ten minutes later he gave the number to Benedict. However, Liam Bell was not in his office. Benedict left a message for him to call him urgently.

  “Could Anna find out about Liam Bell?”

  “I’ll ask her,” said Guy, not meeting Benedict’s gaze. There wasn’t much they could do but sit tight and wait. Benedict’s mobile rang, and he took the call. From what Guy could hear it was Evan Radley. When the call ended Benedict told Guy Evan’s teams would be in place the next day. They needed an additional team because of the hotel’s underground car park. Cover was needed for both exits. They couldn’t access the car park directly without the hotel’s involvement. They’ve got that now and one team would be down there tomorrow. Evan had secured a hotel room next to Nick Waters’ for tomorrow. His scout team confirmed they’d seen Nick Waters enter the hotel. They heard him speak. His accent distinctive. He was in the hotel. Everything was organised, they were good to go.

  “So we know he’s still at the hotel,” said Benedict. “Which means he’s not with Katie.”

  “For the moment,” said Guy. “I feel better knowing the surveillance will be in place tomorrow. Waters is a slippery bastard. This will give us an edge.”

  He glanced at his watch. It was early but he wanted to get home and resolve his issues with Anna. Also, Benedict’s question was at the back of his mind. Could they work with the lawyer representing Katie Burns? Anna might know him, her involvement in the case could help them. That’s when it came to him: Anna should represent Katie Burns. He groaned. Why hadn’t he thought of this earlier? His personal problems had distracted him. If things seemed too good to be true with a case, they often were. Sure, not all criminals were smart. The number of dumb idiots he’d arrested for bragging about their crime or wearing something distinguishing that later identified them was frightening. However, Katie’s crime wasn’t in this category. It had been planned and expertly executed.

  “You know, Benedict, I think you might have something. I could ask Anna if she would consider Katie Burns as a client.”

  Benedict was prowling around the conference room but stopped and turned.

  “Do you think she would do it?”

  Guy gulped nervously because right now he wasn’t sure about anything. “I’ll head home and ask her,” he said. “I won’t make promises I can’t keep. It’s up to Anna but if she takes the case…we have a real chance.”

  “Go,” said Benedict, his head lowered. “Call me with her decision.”

  Chapter 33

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Evan’s mind was definitely not on work. No, for the first time, his mind was on a woman—Chloe. The Braille Club sensory lesson had been so amazing, he’d thought of little else except Chloe. Her elfin face and soft lips were hard to forget. Even Nicki had teased him about being distracted. Evan had two hours before he was due to meet with Benedict and Guy. He arranged to meet Chloe in Harrison’s for a quick bite to eat and saw her sitting in the lounge. His heart thumped with excitement and then annoyance. She was talking to another guy.

  “Hello stranger,” he said and saw Chloe jump and turn.

  Her face broke out into a grin. “Hello yourself.” She said goodbye to the person next to her and joined him.

  “Why didn’t you say you were here?” he asked.

  “Why didn’t you?” She smiled impishly.

  Evan ignored her comment. “Who was that?”

  “No one you know,” said Chloe. She gave a dismissive wave of her hand.

  “I’m working later, I’m afraid,” said Evan, looking at his watch. “I’ve only got an hour. Let’s eat.”

  He saw her face fall in disappointment. “You are such a man of mystery,” said Chloe, her eyebrows arched.

  “Not really...just a meeting and business in Hong Kong. How have you been?”

  “Good. I’ve been really good,” said Chloe smiling.

  A bolt of desire so strong made Evan move closer to Chloe. He wanted to take her face in his hands and feel her soft lips against his. The sensory lesson had heightened his awareness and his body was desperate for her touch. As they sat at their table and ordered, Evan was disappointed not to be spending the whole evening with Chloe.

  “I’ve been to Hong Kong. I love it,” said Chloe. Her eyes were twinkling. “Do you fancy some company?”

  Evan, taken by surprise, felt his mouth drop open. “Chloe, we’ve just met. You hardly know me.”

  Chloe toyed with her wine glass. “Is that a no?”

  Evan’s mind raced. His heart leapt at her suggestion but he had to be fair. “I won’t have any time off.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “What, you don’t get to sleep?”

  “Well, yes, but I don’t want to leave you alone all day and night.”

  She flapped her hand. “I’ve got things I can do there. Evan, I know we’ve just met…” Her eyes were full of mischief. “But this trip could be fun. Aren’t you ever impulsive?”

  Evan’s brow puckered in a frown. “Not where work is concerned.”

  “I’m not work, Evan, I thought we’d established that,” she said smiling.

  Evan was still uncertain. “What would you do?”

  “I can shop and research new trends. It’s what I love to do and there is no better place than Hong Kong.” Chloe placed her hand ove
r his and squeezed.

  Her excitement was infectious and Evan realised with a jolt; he wanted her with him but there were the practicalities to consider. “But you’ve got no passport or clothes,” he protested.

  Chloe took a finger and touched his lips. Evan couldn’t think never mind talk. “Is your driver still outside?”

  He nodded, distracted by her fingers slipping down his shirt and disappearing below the table. His gasp was drowned out by the food arriving. Chloe smiled and turned to search her bag. She pulled out her set of house keys.

  “Give these keys to your driver. My passport is kept in the hall table. That’s all I need.”

  Evan stared at her stupidly. His heart leapt with joy.

  “Well?” said Chloe and her hand disappeared beneath the table again.

  “Yes,” he gasped as Chloe’s hand slid dangerously close to his crotch.

  Evan dug for his phone and spoke with his driver. He felt reckless. They hardly knew each other and he was working for God’s sake. However, his pulse was racing and throwing caution to the wind—he ignored his doubts about Chloe coming with him. He arranged for a member of staff to deliver her keys to his driver outside. Next, he went online and booked Chloe on the same flight as his. Excitement fizzed inside him but his doubts returned: he was on business, he had to focus on the job. But being close to Chloe was all he wanted. The food was delicious but Evan’s taste buds were screaming for something else, and it had nothing to do with food. Chloe’s touch on his hand sent shock waves of desire pulsing through him. He watched her mouth knowing the pleasure it could give him. Her gaze met and held his. Her smile was slow and seductive. He excused himself for a moment and spoke to a member of staff. When their coffee arrived so did the room key. Evan thanked the waiter and turned to see Chloe was already standing.

  “You don’t want your coffee?”

  “I just want you,” she replied.

  Chapter 34

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Chloe was giddy as they stepped inside the elevator and, as the doors closed, she pressed herself against Evan. The thrill of being together and now travelling with him made her bubble with happiness. She now understood the term ‘a whirlwind romance’. When she saw the room key, she felt a gush of warmth between her thighs. That’s what he did to her, she wanted him badly. Never had a man pleasured her like Evan had. Chloe assumed there was no higher pleasure than penetration, but she was wrong. The climax his mouth had given her was testament to that. She wanted more and couldn’t wait to touch and be touched in return. Being in Harrison’s made Chloe think of her sensory lesson. Her insides tightened with anticipation. Evan wanted to take it slow. Something she’d never experienced. She slipped her hands beneath his jacket, feeling his warm hard body, and what a body it was. Lean and mean with a six pack any man would be jealous of. He’d laughed when she’d complimented him, saying he didn’t feel the burns because he couldn’t feel pain, just got the gain. Evan worked out and enjoyed it, never suffering the lactic acid burn lesser mortals like Chloe did. She loathed the gym and thanked God every day she was slim and petite.

  They hurried to the room. Chloe was peeling off her clothes as Evan looked worriedly at his watch.

  “I don’t have…”

  She silenced his mouth with hers. Her hands undressing him. “What time is the flight?” she breathed.

  “12.30am but my meeting is in less than an hour.”

  Evan groaned as her hand slipped inside his boxers. Chloe’s core throbbed.

  “Let’s not waste time then.” She needed him inside her more than anything but wanted Evan to take the lead. He was moving her towards the bed and removing her clothes at the same time. His hands brushed her skin in a gentle caress. To Chloe it was deeply erotic. She pushed him back on the bed and, slipping between his legs, pulled Evan’s erection free. God, he was magnificent. As she took all of him in her mouth, she heard his gasp of pleasure. But Evan pulled back and tugged at her gently. Chloe didn’t think, she stood and straddled his body. Her hands guided him inside where the ache was deepest. As he slowly filled her, she sighed and then his mouth found hers. Although connected in the most intimate way, she was aware Evan barely touched her. She noticed his hands grabbing the sheets, his face tense. Gently, she pried them loose and placed them on her breasts.

  His caress on her hardened nipples had her hips moving back and forth. When his lips brushed against her neck and kissed it, she quickened her pace. As her rhythm increased, she realised his hands were squeezing her breasts painfully. Wincing, her hands covered his and loosened them. Evan’s face twisted as he understood. He pulled away but Chloe put her hands to his face. She leaned in and kissed him passionately until she felt him relax again. She didn’t move his hands as he twisted them into the sheets. Her breasts stung but Chloe ignored them. With concentration, she put her hands on his shoulders and pumped her body up and down. She slammed against him hard and groaned when his climax came first. She clenched around him and continued until her own release followed. Panting, she hung onto him as he bowed his head. When he looked at her, she could see he was checking her breasts to see what he’d inadvertently done. She heard him gasp and pull away.

  She grabbed his face. “You did not hurt me,” she whispered.

  He shook his head and, lifting her up like she weighed nothing, he gently placed her on the bed.

  “Chloe…” he looked wretched as he buried his face in his hands.

  “It was my fault,” said Chloe truthfully. She was the one who had taken his hands and placed them on her body. “I’m the one who should be apologising.”

  “I told you, you don’t want to get involved with me, especially with your history,” said Evan. Despair etched on his face.

  “Evan, you have given me the best orgasm ever. Your mouth is incredible.”

  He looked at her, uncertain.

  “I made a mistake. We can find a better way.”

  “Look what I’ve done.” His face crumpled with misery as he pulled her towards a mirror. Chloe bit her lip. Her breasts were indented where his fingers had sunk into her tender flesh. Her ribcage felt sore.

  “My fault,” she repeated. “Evan, this thing we have…it’s different. I’ve never felt like this before.”

  “I don’t want you to get hurt,” said Evan. “I’m not that kind of guy,” he said, his face haunted.

  Chloe wanted to reassure him. “I can see that. I’m sorry. I was reckless but I’ll get better. Give me a chance to prove it to you. Your cock is incredible by the way.”

  Chloe saw the flicker of a smile cross his face.

  “Why don’t you kiss them better?”

  When his arms carried her to bed and his lips met her tender skin—she closed her eyes and sighed.

  Chapter 35

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Anna’s tears slipped down her face. She’d come across dangerous people in her line of work but she’d never felt threatened. She shifted her body. The chair she was in was comfortable but it felt different and she wasn’t sure why. Unable to move around with her full bladder and immobilised hands and feet—she sat slumped and stationary. However, her bladder was getting harder to ignore. Tiredness engulfed her as she shifted her body again trying to get comfortable. The cold had almost numbed her.

  Blindly, she pulled at the tape trying to get some feeling in her limbs but they were tightly secured. A sudden noise made her jump. She froze, her body tense and still. A door opened; no, a roller shutter, loud in the silence. She shivered as panic and dread filled her. Her ears strained and her heart galloped as footsteps approached. Anna whimpered and her body tensed further. She heard a key in a lock behind her. She panicked and pulled desperately with all her strength at the bindings. Body thrashing, the chair rocked violently under her. Her breathing was hampered by the obstruction across her mouth. Sweat and terror seeped from every pore in her body but a blast of cold air made Anna freeze. The
smell of oil filled her nose, the scent stronger now. Her ears strained to pick out the sound of her captor in the silence. Dragging panicked breaths through her nose, her fear was absolute.

  Anna tried to stay calm. It was important to concentrate and use her remaining senses: however, the smell of aftershave again could only mean one thing—she was no longer alone. Her stomach rolled and warm liquid spread between her legs. She let out an anguished, muffled moan as she heard the liquid falling on the floor beneath her. Behind her, there was a strange rustling sound that Anna struggled to comprehend. She cowered as the floor moved below her. Loud grating sounds: metal against metal. Something large was moving and grating against the floor. Everything shook. Anna’s mind frantically tried to work out what was happening. The movement continued but she remained in place although her body swayed from time to time. The scent was stronger now, her body trembled in fear as the rustling got closer. She tried not to inhale the cloying scent as terror clawed at her insides. She could hear him, she was certain it was Nick Waters, the aftershave, perhaps, or just instinct.

  He was breathing heavily behind her. He was so close. She tried to pull on her bindings once more, her body thrashing. She’d rather die fighting than give in to him. Then she heard him laugh. The sound was strange—creepy. Anna desperately tried to get away. Her fight-or-flight instinct so strong, the chair was rocking wildly beneath her. No. No. No, she thought desperately as she became aware of his warmth. He was standing behind her. Anna tried to pull forward, her attempts pathetic. Then his breath on her skin. She turned her face away, whimpering. His hand gripped her face and Anna screamed and thrashed. He released her and again she heard the laugh.


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