The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4)

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The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4) Page 17

by J. A. Kerr

  He remembered a case of a father, desperate to find his teenage daughter who’d run away with her boyfriend. Evan sensed immediately that something was wrong. The father’s behaviour rang alarm bells. Evan did not trust him. He’d been around enough sexual predators to recognise the signs when he saw one. It didn’t take him long to find the girl and even less time for her to confirm his suspicions. She’d run away because her father had tried to get into bed with her. Screaming blue murder, she pushed him out the bed. She ran downstairs in her pyjamas and out the door. She told Evan she wasn’t going home to get raped. However, her boyfriend was running out of money. She was desperate. Evan could feel her despair. Her boyfriend looked scared and angry. Parents controlled their children’s lives, from the clothes they wore to the food they ate. Evan knew what he had to do.

  “Let’s report this to the police. You’ll get the protection you need and it will give you some breathing space. Is there a relative you could stay with?”

  Her face had gone scarlet. “I c-c-can’t tell anyone,” she stuttered. “I’m too ashamed. What would everyone think?”

  “They’d think you were brave and that your father broke the law. Is there a relative?” he pressed.

  She hesitated. “I could stay with my Gran, I suppose.” She blew out her cheeks. “She’s old but I know I could stay with her.”

  “Is she your father’s mother?” asked Evan, worried her loyalty would lie with her son.

  “Yes, but she and dad don’t get on. He hasn’t spoken to her for years but my Gran and I kept in touch.”

  Evan saw her boyfriend’s look of relief.

  “Where’s your mum?”

  “Abroad with her new husband,” she spat. “If she’d stuck around maybe Dad wouldn’t have...” her voice trailed away.

  “He’s nothing but a pervert,” said her boyfriend hotly.

  Evan agreed but said nothing. He took the girl straight to the police who handled everything. He knew he wouldn’t get paid, but it was enough that a young vulnerable girl was safe. That was payment in kind but not all his cases had a happy ending...if you could call it that. Plus, he moved away from runaways to more lucrative assignments. That’s where he’d made real money. People disappeared all the time...but it wasn’t always for the right reasons. Insurance fraud was huge. Large life insurance policies would pay out after a set number of years with or without a body—in the bigger policies Evan would be called out to investigate. His first case was a million dollar life insurance with the policyholder presumed dead in war torn Iraq. His employers were ready to pay-out until they heard of Evan’s services. His commission was one percent of the policy plus expenses. He found the policyholder alive. He was holed up in a deserted village...miserable but alive. Evan didn’t understand at first but he explained his company was in trouble. When the war ended, his contracts dried up. He’d been living a decadent lifestyle with a high maintenance wife. He told Evan it was her that suggested the insurance fraud. The man seemed desperate and Evan believed him but that changed nothing. It was his first big payment and the start of many.

  The pilot’s voice announcing it was ten minutes until landing brought him out of his reverie. His thoughts turned to Benedict Harrison and the Braille Club; now he could give it his full attention. He’d never taken on a case where the target was out in the open. Benedict Harrison was convinced that would change and the POI (person of interest) would disappear. Evan would know more about the case after he spoke to Nicki. He’d make an assessment after their meeting later today. Evan sensed secrets when he entered Harrison’s. An underlying vibe of...what? Expectation? No. An underlying vibe of the forbidden. He exhaled. There was no denying he was interested. They both were. Chloe was asleep beside him. She was the only good thing to come out of the trip.

  Although he didn’t like being analysed, her accurate assessment of his job, and him, had shook him. He’d never had a girl do that before. They’d spent very little of the twenty-four hours together but every second they’d been apart she’d been on his mind. He called her often, she’d told him her plans and what she wanted him to do to her later. It was hard to concentrate with his dick constantly hard but that’s what she did to him. After his sensory lesson, he was almost positive Chloe was a member of the Braille Club but, of course, could not be sure. When he’d finally got back to the hotel and crawled into bed, her warm body had snuggled against him. Her hungry mouth had found his. He made love to her with his mouth. Her screams of ecstasy deeply satisfying. Then, with Chloe’s guidance and although frightened, he made love to her with his body. Chloe’s gentle encouragement and honesty helped him achieve a normal connection. When he held Chloe in his arms afterwards he had been worried, but her constant reassurance that she’d loved it helped relax him.

  He couldn’t wait to get Chloe home and get her naked again. He grinned as he thought about it. Turning, he saw Chloe was awake and looking at him intently.

  “You’re awake. What are your plans for the rest of the day?”

  Chloe stretched and grinned at him. “Depends on what you’re doing?”

  “I’ve got to work,” sighed Evan. This was the first time he resented his job and its demanding hours.

  Chloe’s face fell. “Okay. Want to come to mine for dinner?”

  Evan hesitated. “Can I call you? I’ve got a big case on at the moment. I’ll know more once I get to the office.”

  “Sure,” said Chloe easily. “You didn’t say much about your case in Hong Kong.”

  “Buckle up,” said Evan, avoiding the subject.

  They landed, Evan grabbed their hand luggage and joined the queue to get off the plane. They walked through the airport. Evan’s driver would be there to collect him. As soon as Evan switched his phone on it rang. He didn’t recognise the caller and let voicemail pick it up. He had just put it in his pocket when it rang again. Frowning, he looked at the screen. Same caller, he declined the call. When his phone rang for the third time, irritated, Evan took the call.

  “Evan Radley,” he said.

  “Evan, I need your help. It’s Guy Walker.”

  “Yes, Mr Walker, is there a problem?”

  “Yes, and it is urgent. Can we meet?”

  Evan looked at his watch. “I’ve just arrived at London City airport. Is it an emergency?”

  “It is. I’m close by as it happens. I could collect you?”

  Evan paused, the man sounded calm and yet there was desperation in his voice. “Yes, I can wait.”

  He sent Chloe home with his driver. She was disappointed but understood. He promised to call her. As he waited for Guy Walker to collect him, Evan called his office to update them on his change of plans. His secretary confirmed she’d give Guy Walker his flight details because of the urgency of his case. Evan thanked her and dealt with a number of emails. He was just emerging from the airport terminal when his phone rang and he hurried to Guy Walker’s car. He gripped his hand and could see the man was visibly stressed. They wasted no time in getting down to details. Guy filled him in on his concerns. Evan only interrupted to clarify certain details. He was recording the conversation on his phone. He found it useful when he needed to remind himself of any specific details. When Guy Walker finished they were entering Harrison’s. They did not resume speaking until they reached an office. Guy knocked and entered with Evan following him. Benedict Harrison was already seated in the room. Evan sat down.

  Benedict wore a sincere expression. “Thank you, Evan, for coming.”

  “Guy has brought me up to speed on recent developments,” said Evan.

  Benedict turned to Guy, his tone hopeful. “Anything from the police?”

  “Nothing,” said Guy. “They’re canvassing the area and looking through CCTV footage but it takes time.” Guy’s shoulders slumped in resignation.

  “You’ve told me Anna has disappeared. Has she any enemies?” asked Evan.

  “The police asked me that too. She’s put a lot of dangerous people in prison. They’re
reviewing her cases for any recent releases. It’s possible.”

  “But you don’t seem convinced. What are your thoughts?”

  “I think it might be linked to Nick Waters.”

  “You’ve told the police this?”

  Guy’s hands curled into fists. “No, I wanted to speak with you first.”

  “Do you believe he’s connected?”

  His mouth set in a grim line. “Yes.”

  “Does he have motive, Guy?” asked Evan.

  Guy paused and glanced at Benedict. “I helped stop his assault on Benedict’s wife. He knows who I am. He had Benedict’s home under surveillance and it is possible he was watching mine too.”

  “He’s still your main suspect in the abduction?”

  “Yes,” said Benedict firmly. “He has both motive and means.”

  Benedict handed Evan a file. “This is the off the record information we have on the case to date.”

  Evan stood up. “Can you give me somewhere quiet where I can read the file and access Wi-Fi?”

  “Use my office,” said Guy.

  “No, I’d prefer somewhere neutral. Just a desk and Wi-Fi.”

  “Our spare conference room,” said Guy.

  “Perfect,” said Evan. “I’ll get to work.”

  Guy jumped up and escorted Evan to the conference room. Evan noticed the sophisticated technology around the club. The thumbprint security lock seemed excessive when the room revealed nothing more than a long conference table and chairs. Evan put his laptop on the table while Guy closed the door. He looked terrible and on edge.

  Guy cleared his throat. “Evan, there are things I need to tell you. I didn’t want to discuss this in front of Benedict. He has his own worries. I’ve found out a prison officer called Cassidey working on Nick Waters’ wing was badly beaten in an attack. There is a long list of suspects with a grudge against the officer. He was known to slap prisoners around,” said Guy, not meeting Evan’s inquisitive stare.

  “Why is this significant?” asked Evan.

  “Because I organised for Waters to have an accident,” said Guy, his voice low. “Cassidey got a little over zealous, broke his leg and crushed his hand.”

  “You think the attack on the prison guard was retribution?”

  “Yes, and designed to extract information. He was tortured. Nick Waters is smart. I think he figured out the prison guard was acting on someone else’s wishes.”

  “You mean this guard, Cassidey, might have implicated you?”

  “Yes,” sighed Guy. “He’s in a bad way and not talking to anyone…but that’s what I suspect.”

  “But you said the guard had many enemies. How do you know it was Nick Waters behind the attack?”

  “I don’t…not for sure, just a feeling. This assault was personal. They broke his hands and legs, maybe a coincidence but I don’t think it is. Nick Waters is clever and, although not part of a criminal underworld, I think he got to Cassidey too. He somehow masterminded the surveillance of Benedict’s home from prison. Katie Burns hasn’t the means to pay for that kind of operation. The footprints found at the surveillance scene looked like a man’s. It doesn’t rule Katie out but it doesn’t put her there either. Nick Waters has got connections.”

  “If he’s not part of the criminal underworld, how did he arrange the assault from the inside?” asked Evan.

  “That’s what we need to find out,” said Guy. “He has people working for him: surveillance teams and possibly men willing to hurt people.”

  Evan nodded. “Anything else you can tell me?”

  “Did Benedict mention the pen found at the scene?”

  “He did and also the fact it has Nick Waters’ prints on it.”

  “I think it’s something…not sure why…a feeling.”

  “Okay,” said Evan. He was tapping his keyboard. “Let’s hope you’re right? I’ll look over the file and get to work.” Evan stopped and looked at the man in front of him. “Guy, what do you think has happened to Anna?”

  He watched a range of emotions pass over Guy’s face. “Nick Waters abducted her. Drugged her like the twins and took her somewhere.”

  “Do you think she’s alive?” Evan’s blunt question could not be avoided.

  Guy’s face twisted in pain. His hand rubbed his face. “I don’t know,” he said finally. “The man’s got it in him to kill. I saw what he did to Siena and the twins. He would have killed then if we hadn’t stopped him.”

  Evan nodded. “That was more personal. Would he be motivated to kill to get back at you?”

  Guy’s voice cracked, “Anything is possible with Nick Waters.”

  Chapter 44

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Nick awoke the next day with a start. Events from the previous night came rushing back. He didn’t like to admit it but he was shaken. Not because he may have killed Anna but because his plans were in disarray. He’d been looking forward to their interaction. There was the possibility she was alive, but in what condition? He had pulled the rope hard; had her neck snapped before her head slammed into the floor? The necessary arrangements to hold Anna captive had been made, but if she was injured, then what? If she wasn’t already dead, he’d have to kill her. Nick wasn’t a complete monster; he wouldn’t let her suffer for days on end.

  Nick could feel the stress building. Organisation of a surveillance team for Guy Walker was on hold until the dust settled for a few days. However, he was desperate to watch his torment as he waited and hoped, in vain, for Anna to come home. No chance of that now, Nick thought. He remembered Toby Fraser and understood how things could go wrong so quickly. Nick fully expected a police visit. He knew Guy Walker would suspect him. His alibi wasn’t cast iron by any means but the waiter would attest to seeing him while delivering his room service order. The receptionist would confirm he checked into his room. There was CCTV in the lobby to confirm he arrived and did not depart that night. Wearing the hotel uniform would confuse anyone who had seen him.

  He wondered what was going through Guy Walker’s mind. He hoped the bastard was suffering. Had he raised the alarm immediately? Nick had no way of knowing. The police would want to trace Anna’s last movements. There were no cameras around her building. Nick had checked. Her time of disappearance would be vague, Nick was sure of it. His expected visit from the police was putting him on edge. He must appear calm—he felt anything but. The reason he lived at the hotel was to give him visibility. Alone in a flat with no one to substantiate his whereabouts was asking for trouble. Nick had picked the hotel because of its underground car park. It was easy to leave his room unseen and head directly to the car park below. He had parked the van in a street and brought the hire car back to the hotel. He would need to get one of his contacts to sell it when he was finished with Anna. It was easy enough to arrange.

  He had searched Anna and found her phone in her jacket. He was thorough checking every part of her for any other devices. This time he wanted to be certain there were no tracking or GPS that would lead police to his lair. He’d disposed of Anna’s phone in the first trash bin he’d passed but switched it off first. He knew the police could track cell phones and wanted them to find it right outside her flat. It would reveal nothing about her whereabouts. He didn’t want to repeat his earlier errors. He was unaware Siena had a phone on her when he took her from the hospital bay; its insistent ring had undoubtedly saved her. Harrison and Walker heard it and came running. Nick clenched his hands into fists, forgetting, as he always did, the pain of doing so. When he thought of either man he found it hard to contain his rage. Harrison hadn’t suffered the way he intended. His kids should be dead. Nick cursed his luck. That animal Cassidey had smashed his hand to pieces and broken his leg. Did Walker think he could do that to him...and get away with it? Well, he’d make him think again. However, the worst thing, the thing that hurt him the most, was that Siena was out of his grasp. All his careful planning and attention was for nothing.

  He entered the
bathroom. He had to think. Stepping under the hot shower he relaxed a little. He switched off the water and reached for a towel. He picked up the jogging pants he’d worn last night and frowned. The dampness of the garage seemed to have penetrated the fabric, and the smell was foul. He stuffed them in a laundry bag. Pulling on a hotel robe, he padded into his room feeling better. He ordered room service, hungry now. The other thing worrying him was his pen. Events over the last few days had been crazy. Not missing it at first, he was certain it was not in his possession. He had been through all his things several times. He could have lost it anywhere. Nick closed his eyes. Did he leave it at Katie’s? He needed to get it back. He jumped when he heard a knock on the door. He tensed and then forced himself to calm down. Taking a deep breath he turned the handle.

  “Room service?” asked the waiter standing outside.

  He made himself relax. “Yes.”

  The waiter placed his order on the desk and turned and left. Nick sat and ate slowly; his mind in turmoil. He needed to figure out what to do about Anna. The thought of killing her in cold blood with a weapon was unappealing if she was still breathing, not to mention messy. He wanted no more blood or tissue to contaminate the scene. He would have to clean up the area as it was. The thought of strangulation excited him and his cock jerked in response. But, with his damaged hand, he wasn’t sure he could. Rage blinded him for a second. Walker had deprived him of that pleasure too. There had to be a better way of killing Anna. Nick fantasied about strangling her and his erection returned. His good hand grabbed his cock and he jerked off as the fantasy played out in his head. He visualised the light going out of her eyes and groaned loudly when he climaxed.


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