Boss: A Novel

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Boss: A Novel Page 7

by Lauren Love

  Even now, when I think about that first night in his arms and in his bed my whole body tingles with heat and excitement. If I have the pleasure of growing old and forgetting everything, I hope that night is the last thing I forget.

  Kaden has made me feel things I’d never thought possible, at least not for me. And though his constant need for control can get annoying in the daylight hours, behind his closed door, between his expensive silk sheets, I belonged to him and he never let me forget it.

  I slip out of bed and step into my slippers so my feet won’t get cold on the hardwood floor. I’m not even sure why I’m getting out of bed - I have nothing to do. I remember when I was a teenager, I always thought it would be so glamorous to be a rich man’s wife or a lady of leisure.

  But in truth, it is actually kind of boring. I don’t like tennis or horseback riding and daytime television doesn’t interest me.

  Two years ago, I was a driven woman. I wanted to be successful. I went to this unknown handsome billionaire and begged for money to fund the new app I developed. Kaden agreed to be my business partner, but we also landed in bed together.

  I was able to identify the gap in the market, and with Kaden’s guidance, I programmed and designed the app to meet the market needs.

  The app took off the second it was released. We broke all sorts of sales records in the first few weeks and the excitement was dizzying. I knew the app would be a hit but I never expected it to move so fast.

  In the first year, I made more money than I had ever even dreamed of and just over six months ago, we’d negotiated a deal to sell the app for an insane seven-figure sum.

  I am now a very wealthy woman in my own right.

  I have everything I’ve ever wanted and the days of worrying about where the next month’s rent was coming from or whether I would eat are a blur now.

  Still, sometimes I miss those days of having nothing but noodles in the cupboard for a whole week. My old roommate and best friend, Olivia, and I would talk it up like we were eating caviar, giving the noodles funny suave-sounding names like ‘oriental angel strands’. No matter how dire our finances were or how hungry we felt, we always found things to laugh about.

  Yawning, I make my way down the stairs and through the huge foyer into the kitchen. Long gone are the days when I found Kaden’s mansion intimidating and labyrinthine. Even before he asked me to move in six months ago, I’d been able to easily make my way around even in the dark.

  I squint at the antique grandfather clock as I pass and have to stop and look closer.

  It’s almost 10:30!

  There was a time when I couldn’t excuse sleeping in past 7:00 on a weekday unless I was on vacation. I tell myself that there’s no need to feel guilty since I have nowhere to be – I am a lady of leisure. I worked hard and created something the people loved, and now I’m living off the profits...

  Lois greets me with a bright smile when I walk into the kitchen.

  She’s already pouring me coffee and I can smell the spicy aroma of my favorite cinnamon toast. I have no idea how she always manages to have breakfast ready just as I walk into the kitchen. I know she’d been a housekeeper for many years with another wealthy family before Kaden discovered her, so I guess she’s just that good.

  Still, I argue when she slides the toast my way.

  “Lois, you don’t have to make me breakfast. I’m perfectly capable of...” I take a bite and my argument is forgotten. I moan in pleasure. “This is incredible.”

  She smiles. “It’s my pleasure, Miss Snow.”

  I flip through the paper while Lois busily wipes over the benches. Once I’ve swallowed the last of the coffee and popped the last morsel of spicy-sweet toast in my mouth, Lois clears her throat and I look up with a smile.

  “Am I in the way?” I ask.

  “Of course not, Miss,” she replies waving a hand. “I wanted to ask, would you mind if I took the afternoon off? It’s not urgent, just my niece’s school play.”

  I remember Kaden saying that he probably wouldn’t be back tonight and would get dinner at the office, so I smile and nod.

  “Of course, yes!” I reply. “What’s the play?”

  For the next half hour, Lois tells me about her niece and family.

  I learn more about her in that chat than in the two years I’ve been dating her boss. Her niece reminds me a lot of a young Olivia and I show Lois a picture in the latest gossip mag of Olivia with some big-name actor she’s supposed to be dating.

  I can’t help feeling guilty when Lois gets back to work and I wonder off to find something to do. I should have taken the time to get to know her better.

  It’s not like I’ve had much else to do…

  Chapter 2

  It’s getting dark outside and I’m considering making myself something for dinner, something I haven’t had the pleasure of doing in a long time, when I hear Kaden’s limo pull into the drive.

  I grin, feeling suddenly giddy, and run to the door to greet him.

  Maybe tonight we could try cooking together - enjoying a quiet meal together, and finishing the evening with some leisurely lovemaking.

  My whole body tingles at the thought.

  When the door opens, I’m smiling brightly but it falters when I see his tired eyes, five o’clock shadow, loosened tie, and rumpled shirt.

  “I thought you were having dinner at the office?”

  He gives me a smile but it looks forced.

  When I wrap my arms around him, his own returning embrace is limp and his kiss is a brisk brushing of lips before he pulls away and strides towards the kitchen.

  “Meeting was canceled,” he says over his shoulder before pushing open the swinging door into the kitchen.

  This is the reason why I wish he’d wake me before he leaves.

  He’s always so tired and distant when he arrives home, which I understand, but it feels like it’s been a long time since he wasn’t tired and stressed from work.

  He marches out of the kitchen, grumbling.

  “Where’s Lois?” he asks, walking past me into the study.

  “I gave her the afternoon and night off,” I say. “She wanted to see her niece’s play so I thought... Well you said you wouldn’t be home and I can...” My words stutter and drop off when Kaden clenches his fists and he rounds on me with a look so dark, I actually take a step back.

  “No, Claire,” he snaps, making me jump. “I haven’t eaten anything since before dawn. Is it too much to ask for a–”

  “Excuse me?”

  My temper flares so suddenly I don’t even feel it coming till the words are exploding from me.

  “You said you weren’t coming home till late. Lois is the best housekeeper you’ll ever have and in the last two years has she ever asked for anything? Or were you expecting me to have something hot waiting in the oven in the hundred to one chance that you might come home early?”

  “I didn’t say that!” he shoots back. “I just said that I’ve had a long day and it would have been nice to know that you gave my housekeeper the night off.”

  My breath catches in my throat.

  It’s not like he said anything cruel or hurtful, but the words hit me like a slap in the face and I back away a step. Looking down at my feet, I blink angrily at the tears brimming there.

  “You’re right,” I concede, trying to keep my voice steady but failing miserably. “I should have had her call you to make sure you didn’t need her.”

  I turn and walk out of the room.

  What a stupid thing for me to have done.

  Of course I had no right to give her the night off.

  She wasn’t our housekeeper, she was his, and this isn’t our home – he just lets me live here.

  I hear him calling after me but I don’t think we should continue until we’re calm. Something in the back of my mind screams at me to walk away and get some distance before I say something that I can’t take back... Or before he does.

  That’s what scares me most.
r />   His next words, what he might say if I stay in the room and listen to him rage.

  So I make my way up the stairs, feeling like a coward.

  In the bathroom I strip, feeling numb, and step under the hot spray and it’s like a dam breaking. The tears flow down my cheeks, hidden by the flow of warm water.

  I hadn’t realized just how lonely I was until this moment.

  When I made the deal to sell my app, part of the negotiation was a no contest agreement. That meant I couldn’t work in phone or tablet app development for three years.

  I knew it was a big ask at the time but I didn’t understand just how much not being able to work in the industry would hurt.

  I had to stop making all apps, including the ones I made for the gym and others I did mainly for fun. I didn’t realize what a big part of my life app design was until I had to stop. Most of my social connections were through the industry too.

  I had to say goodbye to all that.

  At first it had been okay because I had Kaden.

  My handsome, charming, slightly kinky, billionaire boyfriend.

  But ever since I moved in, everything changed. He works longer hours than he used to and when he comes home, he’s grouchy or too tired to talk. In fact, the only time he seems to like me at all these days is when we’re having sex.

  The bathroom door opens and Kaden steps in, closing it behind him.

  Looking at him makes me forget everything.

  He’s glorious in his nakedness.

  Standing over six feet tall with broad shoulders, muscular arms, big hands, strong legs – he looks powerful. His cock is already hard and long and thick, standing to attention between his thighs.

  He’s breathing hard, making his powerful chest rise and full as steam from my shower billows around him.

  He strides towards me and I let him.

  The hot spray makes him slick and shiny and our hands slide over one another easily. His mouth clamps down on mine in a kiss so hot and passionate it makes my toes curl.

  Why was I so unhappy just moments ago?

  How can I possibly be anything but in heaven when his mouth is on mine, when he’s lifting me, positioning me, sliding into me in the way that’s always been beyond perfect?

  Chapter 3

  “What do you mean you’re not coming home tonight?” I hate the slight whine that’s been inching into my tone these last few weeks.

  “I’m sorry, Claire,” Kaden says, sounding distracted.

  “You have to come. We haven’t done anything together for so long and I was looking forward to actually spending some time with you.”

  “We spend lots of time together, Claire,” he defends himself. “But I lead a busy life. Work is crazy at the moment but the work will slow down soon.”

  “I would like to see you when you have clothes on…” I mumble.

  “You know I wanted to join you for that garden party tomorrow, but I’ll be out of town till Sunday.”

  I have to grit back an angry retort. “Then I won’t go either. Maybe I could come join you?”

  “It’ll be boring as hell for you here,” he says, and I have to clench my teeth when I hear a familiar deep female laugh somewhere in the background. “Besides, you have to go to the party. It’s Melinda’s birthday.”

  “But... Melinda is your friend. They’re all your friends. I don’t really know any of these people. I’d feel awkward and alone without you there.”

  “Oh come on, Claire,” he snaps. “You’re a big girl now. I’m sure you can handle a simple garden party without needing me to hold your hand. Introduce yourself to people and mingle with them. If you tell them that I’m your partner, they’ll have plenty of time for you.”

  The laugh in the background sounds again and it stings almost as much as his words.

  “I am a successful woman by myself,” I snap back.

  “I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant.”

  “The problem is that I don’t know these people, Kaden. And I don’t really like them either.”

  “Come on, Claire. Be nice.”

  “There is only so much talking about the latest polo match that I can take.”

  “Then talk about something else.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know… talk about girl stuff, like shopping and jewelry.”

  It makes me angry when Kaden reverts back to his sexist talk.

  I have tried very hard to show Kaden that women are as powerful, smart, and business savvy as men. For the most part, he listens and learns.

  But occasionally, he has a relapse.

  “You wouldn’t know what to talk about because you don’t really know these people either.”

  The other end of the line goes quiet.

  It is true.

  Kaden lost contact with most of his childhood friends as he was building his wealth. He replaced them by socializing in circles where business networking was more important than friendships. Most of his friends are wealthy business associates who were born into families with money.

  “I have to go,” he says briskly and hangs up before I can say anything further.

  What the hell?

  How hard is it to understand that it’s uncomfortable for me to show up at a birthday party for Kaden’s friend, without Kaden?

  It wasn’t that I didn’t know his friends very well – I barely knew them at all!

  Because of his work schedule, we nearly never went out together and had maybe attended two or three of his friend’s parties in the two years we’d been together.

  I put the phone down and grab my purse.

  I was heading out to go dress shopping for tomorrow when he called so I continued out the door and down to the sports car he’d bought me for my birthday last year.

  As I sit on the still new-smelling upholstery and adjust the mirror, I catch a glimpse of my own reflection.

  I look tired.

  My eyes have slight bags under them and my complexion is pale.

  Even when I wasn’t looking washed out, I would never look glamorous like his friend Melinda or his new secretary, Natasha.

  Was that the reason why we never went out?

  Maybe he just preferred to have Natasha on his arm.

  She’s young, perky and fun – everything that you lose as the years tick past.

  And everything I am jealous of now that I’m older.

  Natasha travels with Kaden on most of his business travels and attends to every need… Well, I hope not every need.

  I met Natasha after he first employed her… and I almost had to be restrained.

  I’m sure that her natural state is flirty and cheeky, but she could have at least toned it down with Kaden when I was around. She adored him and he laughed with her.

  The way I used to laugh with him…

  She certainly looks the part of the billionaire’s girlfriend more than I ever would.

  Chapter 4

  An hour later I tentatively walk into the classiest boutique dress store in the city.

  As I was driving I decided that I was being too hard on myself. I remembered that day I had my first interview with Kaden, but more importantly I remember how I felt looking in the mirror: like I was looking at a stranger.

  Not only did I look totally glamorous that day, but I caught the eye and the full attention of Kaden.

  I remember how he pursued me so passionately, every fiber of his being attuned to the task of acquiring first my body in his bed, then all of me in his life.

  How can I possibly doubt how much I mean to him?

  Maybe I’d just slipped from his radar for the moment. But this is my chance to prove not only to him, but also to myself, that I can be the woman he wants and needs at his side.

  As I think that, I feel myself standing taller and I stride through the doors of the boutique.

  My confidence is short-lived.

  I’m immediately greeted by a sour-faced twenty-year-old. She doesn’t look much older than fiftee
n, though she must be older if she works here. Her voice certainly sounds older. Her short blond hair is cut in a stylish, slightly-longer-at-the-front style. Her makeup is immaculate, as are her sky blue painted nails.

  “Good morning,” she says. No smile. “Can I help you?”

  Sometimes I wonder if these exclusive boutiques want to actually sell anything. The owners are just so rich they don’t need to actually work, so they open a shop to allow them a place to be nasty and rude for the fun of it.

  Not deterred, I smile brightly. “No, not just yet. I’m looking for a dress for a garden party, but I like to browse.”

  “Hmm,” she says in reply.

  She looks me up and down.

  It’s not a quick once-over, or even the skilled inquiry of a professional. This is a slow dragging of her gaze, from my face down to my comfortable slip-on flats.

  And then she frowns.

  She actually frowns.

  I have no idea how to respond to that so I smile even brighter till my cheeks hurt, and start moving amongst the spacious racks.

  I can feel her at my back, her disapproval like a living thing picking at my clothes, my hair, and my shoes. Damn it, I should be used to this by now!

  I pick out a black slight-weight dress covered in what looks like hibiscus blooms. I usually don’t like patterns or images on my clothes, but the flowers aren’t too big or small, and both clashed and complemented the black.

  A low back and tastefully cut front and it looks like it might drop to about mid-thigh. It’s beautiful and perfect, and I told my supervisor so with a genuine smile.

  “This is just what I was looking for,” I say without even looking at the price. Maybe that will impress her.

  It doesn’t.

  I tell her my size and she makes a sound that might be a stifled laugh. Now she smiles, but it’s not a nice smile.

  It’s the kind of smile I remember all too well from high school.

  “I’m sorry,” she says, sounding anything but. “We don’t have that size.”


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