Boss: A Novel

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Boss: A Novel Page 16

by Lauren Love

  I keep telling myself it’s for the best but the sting of disappointment tells me differently.

  I guess I can’t blame him for staying in New York.

  What’s the point of flying all the way out here just so I can tell him leave?

  Because there is no way I can continue to be his girlfriend now. Not with Melinda hanging over our heads.

  Maybe those pictures in the papers were a misunderstanding but they were just one of many of Melinda’s attempts to show Kaden that she was the woman he wanted.

  Kaden never said anything.

  He always told me that I was the one he wanted, but he never told her to stop, never noticed how pictures like the ones in the paper hurt and humiliated me.

  Checking my phone, I notice that a couple of the missed calls are from Olivia and immediately feel guilty.

  Of course she called.

  She would have called to make sure I was alright the moment she saw those pictures on the front page.

  She picks up on the first ring. “Claire, tell me you haven’t done anything stupid.”

  “I told him we were over.”

  She sighs. “Aw, honey. I’m so sorry. But I’m sure he had a good explanation.”

  “Always does,” I say then lower my voice to a whisper. “Luke Hart and that snooty actress Nikki Bloom knew about it before I did.” I sit back and sigh. “I don’t know why it’s so surprising. It’s not like we’re married or anything. He never showed the slightest inkling that he might want to marry me one day. Maybe this is just the way it was supposed to end.”

  “Okay now you’re talking bullshit,” Olivia snaps. “Kaden loves you and you two are amazing together.”

  “When we see each other.”

  “And that’s all his fault?”

  I huff. “Whose side are you on?”

  “Yours, the side I’m always on,” she says. “You love him and I know he loves you.”

  I can feel my lower lip trembling and fresh tears are slipping down my cheeks.

  “Aw, Claire, are you crying?”

  “It’s my fault,” I whisper. “I brought this into our relationship.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Between sniffles and nose blowing I tell her about the kiss with Luke, the way we’d made eye contact during his love scene with Nikki and finally the fantasy I’d had in the sex club.

  “Oh man, a sex club? What was it like?”


  “Sorry. Sorry. I hear what you’re saying.” She seems to be picking her words. “It was Luke that kissed you, right?”

  “Yes, and I shoved him away…”


  “And in the club, the fantasy was Luke and Kaden, not Luke instead of Kaden.”

  “I guess, yeah. It was just like, if there was going to be two men – doing me – the other one may as well be—”

  The door suddenly flies open and Luke pokes his head in.


  “Hey,” he says. “I heard you were here and just wanted to check in.”

  I can hear Olivia laughing over the phone and can’t help smiling. Her laugh has always been infectious and it feels good to smile.

  “I’m fine. I will be.”

  “Great!” He makes a pained expression. “Sorry, I mean, I’m glad you’re okay.”

  I point to the phone and he shoots me with a finger gun before slipping out again.

  “His voice is even sexier over the phone.”

  “I’m not having this conversation right now.”

  “No, you’re right…” Olivia says then asks. “So what’s he wearing?”

  The rest of the day passes relatively quickly.

  I throw myself into my work and manage to avoid the sympathetic looks thrown my way by the crew. Apparently the news of my breakup spread fast.

  I check my phone while I’m packing up to find no missed calls. Kaden hadn’t tried calling again since Sunday.

  It’s a good thing.

  I swallow the lump in my throat and finish packing up before returning home. The flat is dark when I get there, as expected.

  Of course Kaden wouldn’t be there waiting. I’d told him not to come.

  It’s a good thing…

  Chapter 15

  The week passes in complete silence.

  Under a cloud of grey, I go to work and I go home. I check my phone to see no missed calls and I return every night to my empty apartment alone.

  That’s it.

  I’m officially single again.

  I know I need to call Kaden.

  Hurt feelings aside, we need to deal with the mansion we both own and my silent partnership in his app company.

  But every time I pick up the phone, I just can’t bear to hear his voice.

  I know he could talk me into getting back together in a heartbeat if he tried but he hasn’t tried, not since the day we broke up and part of me is terrified that he simply didn’t care anymore.

  The sting of that thought hurts worse than seeing those photos had.

  Is it really so easy for him to simply switch off his emotions?

  “Maybe he’s just trying to give you some space to cool down,” Wade suggests as we’re sipping coffee while the crew sets up. “Maybe it’s time for you to call him.”

  He’s right but later that day I try and I’m taken right to voice mail.

  Assuming he’s in a meeting I try again a few hours later only to be disappointed with the robotic voice once again.

  After another whole day of listening to his voicemail message, I stop calling. It’s clear he’s moved my number to the ignore list along with the more annoying clients and sub-friends.

  A nasty voice reminds me that Melinda was never put on the ignore list. He was always available for his oldest friend.

  I guess I can’t blame him.

  It had been cruel of me to simply not answer his calls, not allowing him to explain himself. And a full day of being sent right to voicemail really is annoying.

  It’s Friday night and as I’m preparing to go home when Luke swings into my office with a wide wicked grin on his handsome face.

  “That’s enough moping for you, young lady,” he says, taking my hand and placing it firmly in his. “I’m taking you out for dinner.”

  “Luke,” I sigh. “Thank you but I can’t—”

  “Yes you can,” he cuts me off. “You are officially single, and I hate seeing you look so sad. No strings, no expectations and I’ll keep my hands to myself — unless you tell me otherwise.” He raises a suggestive eyebrow and I can’t help giggling.

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to say no, but the thought of returning to my empty apartment and the frozen pizza for one in my freezer makes me wince.

  “Dinner. No funny business.”

  Chapter 16

  The restaurant is small and intimate and both Luke and I order the steak. I didn’t realize how hungry I was and end up wolfing down the steak, mash, and salad in a matter of minutes and spend the rest of the time eying Luke’s plate.

  “I thought you were looking thin,” he says, cutting a piece of his steak and offering it to me. “How long has it been since you’ve eaten?”

  “Does coffee count?”

  “Not unless it comes with muffins.”

  I accept another bite off his fork.

  The conversation is easy and he tells me about his plans to travel to India after we’ve finished filming next month.

  “I really don’t know what I want to do with my life yet, but I’ve always wanted to visit India. Maybe I could find myself a spiritual leader like that woman in Eat, Pray, Love.”

  “It’s a start. You could write about your experiences. Of course you’d have to give up eating beef.”

  He feeds me another piece of steak and smiles. “I reckon I’m half way there. Want dessert?”

  “I probably shouldn’t,” I say, flushing at how much food I’ve eaten so far tonight.

  “Maybe I can hel
p you work off those calories.”

  “You promised to behave,” I scold him, only half serious.

  “I promised to keep my hands off, unless…”

  At my expression he raises his hands in surrender.

  Overall, it’s a nice night.

  Luke is entertaining company, easy going and funny and charming, almost a polar opposite to Kaden’s broodiness.

  A band starts to play and couples move out onto the dance floor.

  Luke gives me a look and I nod. His boyish smile is so adorable I can’t help laughing. It’s not a secret why woman fall over themselves to be close to him.

  On the dance floor Luke takes me in his arms and we move effortlessly around the floor. Like everything else, he’s a brilliant dancer.

  But I can’t help comparing him to Kaden.

  I remember the way he held me so tight when we danced on our last night together. His mouth humming along with the music like there was no other place in the world he wanted to be.

  There was no doubt Luke was exciting and fun. I’m sure I could have a very good time with him and maybe even forget everything for a while.

  But I miss the calm that comes when I’m with Kaden.

  I can’t really explain it. When we’re together it’s like my whole body is on fire. My mind and my chest working a mile a minute…

  And at the same time my soul, that inner part of myself feels so calm, so at peace like everything is the way it should be.

  Luke lifts my chin so he can look in into my eyes.

  “You’re thinking about him.”

  It’s not a question.

  Without warning he dips his mouth and kisses me.

  His mouth is warm on mine but that’s it.

  Warm and nice.

  The spark of excitement that came that first time has gone.

  “If you give me a chance I could help you forget him,” he says.

  “I know you could,” I say and kiss him on the cheek before pulling away. “But I don’t want you to. I think it’s time for me to go home.”

  Chapter 17

  Luke drives me to my apartment and walks me to the door.

  I can tell his ego has been utterly deflated but I have no doubt he’ll have moved on to a new conquest within a day or so.

  It’s not till I have the key in the lock that I notice the Limo idling at the curb.

  My heart skips a beat when the door opens and I’m sure it’s Kaden.

  But my stomach drops when a woman gets out instead.

  I blink and realize that I know her.


  She looks from me, to Luke, to me again and frowns.

  “Well, I guess you and Kaden didn’t make up after all,” she says. “I thought you would have by now. I have to say you’ve moved on faster than I thought you would.”

  My hands form fists at my side but I manage to maintain my control.

  I suck in a breath and reply, “I haven’t moved on, I was just having dinner. This is my friend, Luke Lo—”

  “Yes, I know who he is,” she snaps with a dismissive glance at the movie star standing beside me.

  The expression on his face would have been funny had I not been imagining what it would be like to just shove Melinda out into the street.

  “Look, I’m sorry, okay?” she says. “I set Kaden up for those pictures. He was only there because I begged and begged and he spent the whole time brooding about how much he wanted to be with you.”

  I blink. “What?”

  She rolls her eyes. “You win. He loves you. He was so mad when he saw the pictures, and he worked out that I’d set it up right away. I asked the photographer to make sure he got every picture of me and Kaden. I set him up for those pics.”

  Her perfect red lips tremble and I think I might be seeing the first real emotion I’ve ever seen on her face.

  Her eyes shimmer and she looks at me with a sort of pleading expression that brings tears to my own eyes.

  “He said that he never wanted to speak to me again. He blocked my number, he never blocks my number. I love him but I forgot how much he means to me as my friend,” she says, sniffing. She pulls out a tiny pink tissue and blows her nose with a delicate honk that’s almost adorable. “He was always there for me. When daddy was drinking, he let me stay at his house. He’d smuggle me into his room and we’d play cards and eat cookies till I fell asleep.”

  She grasps both my hands. “I’m so sorry,” she says desperately. “Please tell him that I’ll never do anything so stupid again. He’s my best friend in the world and what I did was unforgivable.”

  Understanding grows.

  Yes, she’s in love with him, but on a deeper level she needs him in her life as her friend in the same way I need Olivia and Justin.

  “Of course I’ll pass on your message,” I say, giving her hands a squeeze. “But I haven’t seen him either; not since I saw the pictures.” I frown. “Why are you here? Why not just visit his office?”

  “His secretary said that the last time she spoke to him, he was flying here.”

  Something shifts in my stomach and I get a very bad feeling.

  Both Melinda and I look at one another, wide-eyed.

  Neither Melinda, me, or his secretary had been able to get on to him in three days.

  “You check the airport, see when he arrived and I’ll call the hospitals,” I say and we both get to work, pacing the footpath outside my apartment while we’re both put on hold and passed from department to department.

  An hour later, the three of us pile into Melinda’s Limo and race to the hospital in a frantic mess.

  Chapter 18

  A John Doe matching Kaden’s description has been in a coma for days.

  Apparently, a drunk driver had crossed lanes and smashed into the cab carrying Kaden to me. Kaden had been thrown free but the car caught fire and they hadn’t found any ID on him.

  And being a private man meant that not many people would recognize him, despite his wealth.

  “The doctor says he should wake up any day now,” the nurse says as Melinda, Luke, and I look at the sleeping man on the bed.

  There’s a bandage wrapped around his head and a cast on his arm, a few cuts and scrapes but otherwise, he appears to be in one piece.

  A wave of guilt makes me gasp and cover my mouth.

  All this time I’ve been wallowing in self-pity and he’s been here, all alone.

  Luke places his hands on my shoulders and squeezes.

  “He’ll be okay,” he murmurs.

  I yank myself out of his grip and it takes everything I have not to glare at him.

  “Thank you, Luke. But I need you to leave now.”

  He looks like he wants to argue but something in my expression makes him stop and he just nods and walks out. I feel even guiltier but it’s a guilt I can bear. Kaden is the only man I care about right now.

  “Can we sit with him?” I ask.

  The nurse frowns. “The doctor prefers that only one person enters at a time.”

  “No,” Melinda says, raising to her full height and looking the nurse square in the eyes. “We both need to be with him.”

  “I’m his partner and this is his best friend.”

  The nurse looks from me to Melinda and back again.

  Finally, she nods.

  Inside I race to Kaden’s side and grasp his hand, kissing the grazed knuckles and whispering all the stupid things I’ve longed to say to him over the last week.

  I apologize so many times I lose count and settle for just sitting in the chair next to him and holding his palm against my cheek.

  Melinda is watching, her eyes glistening and I back up so she can hold his hand for a while.

  We sit there side by side in silence for an hour before Melinda looks at me.

  “This is my fault,” she says. “I was so caught up in my own desires that I didn’t see how much the two of you love each other. If I hadn’t set up those pictures he wouldn’t have rushed out here
, he wouldn’t have been in that cab…” Her words dissolve into sobs and I wrap my arms around her slim shoulders.

  “This wasn’t your fault,” I say, letting my own tears slip down my cheeks. “If I had just answered my phone and let him explain he wouldn’t have flown to L.A. in the middle of the night.”

  There’s a groan, deep and gravely and a familiar voice.

  “Unless the two of you are wearing pajamas and hitting each other with pillows, I’m not opening my eyes.”

  “Kaden,” we gasp together and hurry to his side.

  His eyes flutter open and he grins. “Who knew that all I had to do was get hit by a car to get you two to play nice.”

  “If you promise to never get hurt again, we’ll play nice forever,” I say, taking his hand and bringing it to my cheek again. “I love you so much. I take back everything I said, I…”

  “Shh,” he shushes me with a thumb over my lips. “I know, sweetheart.”

  His gaze shifts to Melinda and he smiles, holding his hand out to her. She takes it and brings it to her lips.

  “I’m the suckiest friend ever,” she sniffles. “You’re my best friend and I was afraid of losing you.” She looks at me and smiles and I think it might be the first real smile she’s ever given me. “I know now that Claire isn’t here to steal you.”

  “I’m sorry I yelled at you,” he says. “We’ll always be friends.”

  Someone clears their throat by the door and we look up to see the doctor.

  “I see you’ve woken and is it possible our John Doe has an identity after all?”

  “His name’s Kaden,” Melinda says and we look at each other and laugh.

  It’s a silly, giddy sound the even the doctor seems to find contagious.

  “Okay, well there are a number of forms that need to be filled out. Why don’t you go get started, while I take a closer look at Kaden?”

  Melinda and I split the forms and fill in half each. When we finally finish the nurse hands me a clear bag labeled with the same number on Kaden’s wrist band.

  “These were the items we found on him when he was brought in,” the nurse said. “I’m so glad someone came to claim him. He’s much too handsome to be a nobody.”


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