Through the Kisandra Prism

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Through the Kisandra Prism Page 1

by Jack Challis


  Chapter One

  Watching Eyes

  Chapter Two

  The Arrival: The Sillian

  Chapter Three

  Terror at the Door

  Chapter Four

  Blodwyn’s Dilemma

  Chapter Five

  The Circling Happy Eagle

  Chapter Six

  Blodwyn’s Birthday Party

  Chapter Seven

  A Deformed Alien’s Toil

  Chapter Eight

  At the Trap Door of the Sillian

  Chapter Nine

  A Victim of a Shadow Chaser

  Chapter Ten

  Myfanwy’s New Car

  Chapter Eleven

  A Thieving Little Swine

  Chapter Twelve

  The Lord Tarrbanabus of Golgin Hade

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Time Warper

  Chapter Fourteen

  Nemesis: The First Queen of the Lings

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Quest for the Worm-eaters

  Chapter Sixteen

  A Sap-sucking Stabasade

  Chapter Seventeen

  The Narib Gols

  Chapter Eighteen

  The Worm Eaters of Signusgragg

  Chapter Nineteen

  Sagittarius Minor: The Spotted Symator

  Chapter Twenty

  Ora Pellas Two

  Chapter Twenty One

  Three and a Half Million BC: The Race to Become Man

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Cretaceous: Intelligent Lizards

  Chapter Twenty Three


  Chapter Twenty Four

  A Mar-Lissa’s Dangerous Pets

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Quilla Prime: Four hundred and eighty million years BC.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  The Creature in the Lake

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Time Catches up! Tala Pandy 1925


  Alter Dom:

  The still missing Lord of the Antares Cluster

  Calara Shimmerings:

  Delicate winged beings with magical powers


  Life form that can change into a being or an animal


  Land-adapted aquatics; fish-heads

  Dandy Indra:

  Vain, alien humanoid warriors of simian origin

  Dom Maxamus:

  The highest Being; Creator of all the galaxies

  Daggled Nilks:

  Aggressive insect beings bred from cocoon by the Fairy Queen just for war.


  Earthly Fairies, beautiful beings, Silkies, Changelings - lovely human sized dwellers of the cold seas


  Kin to the fairies, tiny, male and females

  Feeding Black Hole:

  Swallows everything: space ships, planets etc

  Festus Noop:

  Alieniod blue-bottle; excellent chefs


  Humanoid ice-warriors from the frozen Stella Wastes

  Galla Qualls:

  The oldest known alien race; delicate, land-adapted, aquatic alienoids


  Large primitive Humanoids

  Grunwalde Angharad:

  True Changeling, beautiful human Fairy Queen of the Lings and all Fairies: outrageously rude and greedy by nature

  Gyrille Ghylls:

  Delicate female Wood Nymphs

  Ida Jaade:

  Reptilian; Land-adapted humanoids; warriors of the Galla Qualls

  Jed Bella:

  Gill breathing, aggressive aquatics


  Small sparkling life-forms

  Kar Saar:

  Warriors of the Jalmar (primitives)


  Kin to fairies often appear as small shaggy ponies


  Venomous, Alien fairies four of finger and toe, that have evolved from insects on the planet Venus; these include Narlings - evolved from dragonflies; Maylings from, butterflies and Sisling from bees

  Malis Afar:

  Aggressive ‘Cold-bloods’, reptilian humanoids, originally evolved on Earth


  Usually appears as a beautiful powerful female


  Dangerous aquatic; last of its kind

  Na Idriss:

  Feline bondsmen of the Malis Afar; also evolved on Earth


  Evil, small four-tailed alienoids of the fourth Quadrent


  Giant predatory hornet; first Queen of the Aliens

  Ora Pellas:

  Lovely green, frivolous and dangerous females

  Orb-eyed Oga Koya of Goya Perilus:

  Lamprey-like alieniods; untrustworthy sand- swimmers

  Paranoid Iraa Brill:

  Easily angered humanoids of the fourth Quadrent

  Perrygrists, Gimbels:

  Kin to the fairies, male ground dwellers

  Prism Window:

  Entrance into another world

  Queen Raa:

  Egg laying, Reptile Queen of the Malis Afar

  Renndille Nass:

  Spiky-finned, aggressive aquatics


  Giant, sly brown Rats; residents of the Moon

  Sarris Shadow chaser:

  Chases and jumps into anyone ones shadow

  Semmi Tal:

  Humanoid, stick-like, ‘Shape-shifters’


  Lightening fast, venomous, snake-heads; ruled by a Mar-Lissa

  Shape Shifters:

  Only changes its form visually not in substance


  Mysterious aliens, and conjurors of dangerous Illusions


  Dangerous, web-spinning, predatory six-legged solitary aliens

  Six-fingered Salas Panar:

  Bambi-eyed, elfin, thieving rouges

  Sly Jal Mar:

  Evil witchdoctors of the Antares Clusters

  Spotted Symator:

  Intelligent Bi-ped feline


  Large blood-sucking flies: who speak


  Lord of Golgin Hade (Hell)

  Tartarus Hobs:

  Brutish slaves of the Fairies (lowly males)



  Tormented Taarbs:

  Scrawny, burnt beings; dwellers of Golgin Hade


  Gateways to the four Quadrants


  A never previously encountered alien race with special powers; with sinister needs


  Bat-winged, obnoxious, bold, She-males, scavengers


  Do Shape Shifters and Changelings exist?

  Consider this: A moth that is visible ‘till it settles on the bark of

  a tree… and then disappears. is it not in the first stages of becoming a Shape Shifter? A caterpillar that enters chrysalis and emerges as a butterfly… Is it not in the second stage of becoming a Changeling?

  Do Aliens with three hearts exist? We have a ‘three heart’ with us on earth: luckily for us… it’s not as yet a Changeling!

  Time is a speed; if you can overtake the speed of angry Time… Pass it .you will go back in Time.

  Are we the only life-forms in the Universe?

  Many planets cooled down before Earth. The life forms on these planets had a head start…

  In distant times when fairies were more numerous, ancient man kept close to his hearth when darkness left the underworld; fairies were bolder then!

sp; Aliens live for thousands of years; we Terasils only live for sixty-four thousand hours on average.

  But there is one exception, a beautiful Terasil female who lives for seven hundred years: she is a True Changeling! Her atoms even spare her the indignity of old age and decay. When she dies, she is as young and as beautiful as ever; her name is Grunwalde Angharad: Queen of all Fairies and the alien Lings.

  The requiem of the Fairy Queen

  No tall pallbearers; three times two.

  No damp, cold grave to await decay.

  Just to lie and sleep in woodland wild; dispensing in a burst of rainbow spray; floating upwards…

  Before the out-going Fairy queen dies, she has to choose a successor. The young woman chosen has no choice but to comply. The new Queen of all Fairies and the alien Lings is: Myfanwy Jenkins of Tala Pandy! A Silky Changeling has taken Myfanwy’s place in the Jenkins’s home.

  Jack Challis


  The Antares Cluster is made up of millions of planets comprising our own Milky Way and that of its neighbor – the Andromeda Galaxy. The Cluster is divided into four Quadrants; our own planet Earth (known as Tarrea-two to the aliens) is in the Second Quadrant.

  When time was young, a planet exploded in the distant Third Quadrent of Syties-seven. Large pieces of debris were sent hurtling into deep space. Within some of these large meteors a terrible life-form lay dormant, protected in a cocoon of the strongest gossamer silk: a web-spinning, Bat-faced Sillian! Thus, this grotesque, predatory life-form began to colonize and terrorize other planets throughout the Antares Cluster. Although small, this alien is extremely strong and capable for its size.

  Bitten victims decompose in one Earth hour: for this alien can only ingest putrid flesh! The shape of a Sillian offends the eye; it is a paradox. This creature has the screwed-up face of a vampire bat; the abdomen of an arachnid, on which two silk-producing spinnerets stand proud, and like a spider lurks behind a silken trap-door. It can rearrange its body like an octopus; has the velvet skin of a mole and digs like an aardvark. Sillians scuttle on six hooked, appendages like an insect and hisses like a reptile. Even so, it is a unique species.

  Sillians are intelligent, knowledgeable and can communicate. Victims of interest are held captive: for Sillians are lonely beings. This dormant alien is curious of outside events. The greatest pleasure for a sedentary Sillian is scandal-brokering and gossip-mongering.

  It is now our turn to receive this unwelcome visitor! The arrival of this hideous alien is due to take place near the enchanting hour, on a warm June evening. The meteor containing the dormant, cocooned Sillian is heading straight for mid-Wales, towards the outskirts of a sleepy little village called Tala Pandy. Only two people are about to witness the meteor’s arrival: Blodwyn Jones, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jones – smallholders and Bryn Jones, the local wino (not related).

  Book Synopsis

  Blodwyn Jones is back on Earth. Her first quest to find the Alter Dom ended in failure. She escaped the Orb-eyed, Oga Koya; the cold-blooded Malis Afar, a blind Tamasic and some pot-bellied, rodent Bitch-Rills who tied their hairless tails around their waists before attacking her: these aliens had sinister motives! She was helped by a small Sisling; common sense mixed with a generous measure of female theatricals.

  The Galla Qualls, a race of land adapted aquatics are helping her on her next space adventure into the Antares Cluster. They search for two beings of legend, a rare Calara Shimmering; the mysterious race called the Worm-eaters, whose bone yard holds a deadly secret. She has to survive an attack… then a deadly proposition from a blood-sucking Stabasade. Outwit a Symator, a large predatory big cat… in the process of evolving into a humanoid and survives an attack by repulsive She-male, Yarbies. Back in prehistoric time she is hunted by Malisaraptors – the distant ancestors of the Malis Afar: who wish to return to the planet they first evolved on: Earth!

  First she comes into personal contact with one of the most feared and despised aliens in the Antares Cluster: a web-spinning, Sillian! This intelligent, dangerous six-legged alien has the abdomen of a tarantula; lives behind a trap-door and possesses a necrotizing bite: for it can only ingest putrid flesh. This creature takes up residence overlooking the small lovely village of Tala Pandy. With the help of the Fairy Queen, Blodwyn must try to get rid of this capable predator… before she can resume her personal quest for the Alter Dom.

  Chapter One

  Watching Eyes

  The song of the Tartarus Hobs

  We were pagan horsemen, who could never lay idle.

  Riding full gallop into battle was our pleasure and pride.

  We were always slaves to the sword, stirrup and bridle:

  But the Golden horde was lords of the world when they ride.

  Dusk was falling. On the outskirts of Tala Pandy, Blodwyn Jones was lying on her bed; sleep eluded her. Darkness was softly and gently approaching on velvet slippers. She could see the clear purple-blue, star-speckled sky dazzling through her leaded panes. Getting up, she sat by the window and took several deep breaths of fresh, warm, pure mountain-scented air.

  Her eyes drifted upwards towards the slopes of the wild-wooded Pandy Mountain. June was her favorite month, particularly just before the shades of darkness lazily left the underworld.

  At the ides of dusk, the different trees displayed their varied shades of prime greens; moss, emerald and jade were all punctuated with the pale trunks of the ghostly silver birches.

  This time of evening saw the stunted May trees and mountain flowers dispense the finest fragrances to court the attention of their fluttering, soft-winged, nightly visitors; the delicate and dainty, nectar-dippers. But these nocturnal flutterers were not alone; the Star-worshipers (Fairy clan) are also partial to sipping sweetness at dusk on the Pandy Mountain!

  Blodwyn’s eyes shifted even further upwards, gazing at the fat, pale, anemic moon, that hung suspended like a stage prop. She now found it difficult to believe that she had recently actually walked on its sandy-crusted surface, sheltering and hiding from blood thirsty, foraging Bitch-Rills in its dusty craters. These large mangy, malignant, female rodents with their pot-bellies, drooping breasts, and protruding navels, scavenged every evening for red flesh, noses windward. While hunting they tied their long hairless rat tails in a knot around their waists. Terasil flesh was their favorite: no fur balls to cough up the following day.

  Blodwyn remembered the terrible sight that she had come upon whilst on the lunar surface; crimson-framed, were fresh remains of the Bitch-Rills’ latest Terasil victim – the unfortunate young human, owner of expensive blood-stained and tattered designer clothes and trainers. To add to the horror, the victim’s mobile had rung; possibly from some friend or concerned relative back on Earth!

  She was glad she had been rescued by the Galla Quall before she was taken underground by the Orb-eyed, Oga Koya on Goya Perilus: they had ulterior motives! Would the Galla Qualls keep their promise and come back for her? She hoped they would. Blodwyn still hoped to find the Alter Dom.

  Now… one mile away, on the wooded banks of the Pandy River, at the base of the Pandy Mountain, Bryn Jones (the local wino) was getting ready for another drinking binge; another night of sleeping rough. It was that enchanting time of warm June, mid-summer evenings, when dusk and twilight, like old friends, dallied with the fickle shades of darkness prolonging the enchanted twilight.

  A gently bubbling cast-iron pot hung suspended over a blazing wood fire. The smell of wild rabbit stew, potatoes and wild herbs drifted lazily through the woodland’s evening pales of dusk.

  It was Thursday, pension day, for the next three days Bryn Jones would be buying his alcohol from the off license instead of binging on the home made rocket fuel secretly distilled by his friend the Shepherd ‘Peter the Goat’ high on the mountain.

  Bryn Jones was well aware that by drinking and smoking from an early age he would die young; a fact he bitterly regretted when sober. Life was still precious to this rapacious, cons
umer of all alcoholic substances and beverages: without prejudice. Even so, few men appreciated more the dawn and sunsets of the mountains or the nature of the changing seasons and the different solitudes they offered. He looked forward to the following seasons and their various natural bounties.

  Bryn had planned to awake early the following morning. He had been invited as usual to Blodwyn Jones’s seventeenth birthday party, to be followed by an Irish Ceilidh. Strong alcohol had not dulled his musical talents; he was still a fine fiddle player, Irish fashion. For the time being the Wino of Tala Pandy had no inkling of the horrifying moments that awaited him in the coming small hours! The Wino knew the new Queen of the Fairies was Myfanwy Jenkins. He wondered why she had been chosen. It puzzled him that Myfanwy could be at home and on the Mountain at the same time. He had taught the young Blodwyn Jones and her best friend, Myfanwy Jenkins how to catch eels and lampreys in the Pandy River when they were both ten years old.

  The Wino also knew he was now being watched from the edge of the wood. This is the favorite time of the Lings and the earthly Fairies. Small sparkling colored forms flitted with amazing speed from branch to branch; from ground to leafy bough. Small voices and faint laughter filtered through the young tender leaves, just a pitch above the nearby river’s soft ripple as it flowed from the Goose Girls weir.

  Small, round, black button eyes below twitching antenna and beautiful, blue and green almond eyes giggled as they studied the alcoholic tramp. The Wino did not make eye contact out of respect and fear, he knew their powers: they were Changelings and Star worshipers!


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