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Inkari Page 8

by Rom Siquijor

  The Q’eros refer to this level as Ayllu Apu or a small-sized tutelary mountain spirit within a very restricted domain.

  2. Sinchi Roca—Llaqta Apu4 Yachay

  The second monolith depicts Inca Sinchi Roca, which represents “Ego”, as this Inca was the first one who brought enormous quantities of soil in order to improve the fertility of the valley. He was also known to have developed the rice terraces method in Cusco for planting. This Inca king was said to be a seeker of deeper understanding of oneself, the world, the moon, the sun—and the universe in general. Sinchi Roca was said to have a tremendous curiosity for new knowledge, but thinks that he can utterly discern everything by himself alone. He wants to find all the answers to all the questions by using discernment and listening to his own intuitions and judgment alone. He is constantly seeking for rational explanations to all the questions in the universe. To him, if a thing cannot be explained, then it does not exist, he is utterly pragmatic. According to the Q’eros, this level of consciousness is potentially dangerous because of too much confidence and reliance to oneself; having the thought process that the whole universe revolves around him.

  Knowledge sometimes can be dangerous because of its treacherous corruptive nature. The Q’eros characterize this level as Llaqta Apu or a medium-sized tutelary mountain spirit.

  3. Lloque Yupanqui—Suyu Apu5 Yachay

  The third monolith was dedicated to the left-handed Inca Lloque Yupanqui, which represents “The Emancipation of the Subconscious”. Lloque Yupanqui having attained a comfortable level of knowledge sought truth through mysticism. Being left-handed, he was said to be more artistic and had greater attachment to his subconscious, the more powerful part of the brain.

  He had devoted a great deal of effort to seek truth through occultism. He had engaged in shamanism and relied on spirits for guidance. However, at this state, according to the Q’eros, ones consciousness becomes prone to kaq’cha or the state of being deceived by a brilliant light of the energy of another spirit. Therefore, losing one’s own perceptive judgment and becomes too much reliant on the power of other spirits.

  The Q’eros refer to this level as Suyu Apu or Alto Misayoq or a large-sized tutelary mountain spirit overseeing an entire region.

  4. Maita Capac—Kamasqa6 Yachay

  The fourth monolith depicts Inca Maita Capac, which represents “The Golden Equilibrium”, as his reign was the most glorious of the Incas. He has governed with firmness but with compassion. He has expanded the Inca Empire at all directions by tact. This Inca king was said to have attained a transcended state and therefore able to overcome natural boundaries.

  It was said that with all the glory he had attained, one day he just stopped his mighty pursuit for further conquest to expand the Incan empire—as he became more conscious and focused on life’s essentials. He began realizing and feeling the Kausay Poq’po7 or the light-force of living energy around every human, plant, animal, mountain, or any natural being. He felt the connection of his own spirit with Pachamama or Mother Earth, as well as the other life-forms—anywhere and everywhere. He became more agile and flexible and does not impose his beliefs on others. His understanding of truth cuts beyond the boundaries of the horizon. He can see from beyond, as below, and as above.

  He embraces the Munaya or the power of will and love altogether in an unconditional way and seeks the Yanantin9 or the harmonious relationship between different things. What people usually perceive as opposites, he perceives as complements (i.e.

  day and night, male and female, light and dark, right and left). This is the Taripay Pacha10, where one achieves a true sense of harmony with the universe.

  The awakening of this level of yachay in the present day humans, signals the emergence of a golden millennium of harmony, global unity, and peace in the new Pachacuti. This is the state that the world consciousness will transcend when the Sun, the Earth, and the Milky-way align together. This is the stage of the self purification of man—like a lotus11 flower blooming pristinely white amidst a murky pond, dispelling and repelling any impurities that tries to infiltrate it.

  The fourth level of yachay is not something that is taught nor learned, but it is something that is awakened from within. It is about remembering, awakening, and empowering ones natural capacities. In Q’ero religious tradition, this level is characterized as Kurag Akulleq or equivalent to a Bishop in the Christian priesthood whose supervision covers a diocese.

  According to the Inkari prophecy, this global awakening and transformation will take place when the Earth (represented by the puma), the Sun (represented by the condor), and the Milky Way (represented by the serpent) align together by December21, 2012.

  5. Capac Yupanqui—Tukuy Hanpiq11 Yachay

  The fifth monolith was devoted to Inca Capac Yupanqui, which represents “Healing”, as this Inca was the first to immensely conquer great territories outside the valley of Cusco—which may be taken to delimit the importance of his predecessors. This Inca king had expanded the Incan territory by harmonizing with the other tribes in grandiose number. If engaging into battle is imperative, he makes sure that after the conquest, they would heal all those who were injured during the siege; not only their physical wounds but their spiritual and emotional injuries as well. For this reason, he was known to be the great healer or Tukuy Hanpiq.

  According to the Q’eros, healing is one of the gifts of this level of consciousness. Hence, people who attained this level of yachay are able to tap the energies of wellness and health from the universe.

  At this level however, since one has learned how to tap to the infinite living energy and get attuned to the immense power of the universe, he can therefore, manifest other abilities that are currently considered miraculous or supernatural.

  Hence, at the new dawn of Dec. 21, 2012, we are going to wake-up into a beginning of the new sun, the sixth lnti. The Incas measure life in a period of 1,000 years cosmic cycle called lnti. Each Inti is divided into 2 halves called Pachacutiwhich is a period of 500 years, precisely like the day and night. This is basically 500 years of darkness/chaos and 500 years of light/harmony.

  6. Inca Roca—Illiasca13 Yachay

  The sixth monolith depicts Inca Roca, which represents “The channel to the infinite light’, as this Inca was well remembered for improving irrigation works and water channels of Cusco and its neighboring areas. Water means life, and life means energy, and energy is signified by light. The sixth level according to the Q’eros, is when a human who is fully enlightened has channeled and tuned his consciousness towards God. This being is seen having a golden or white glow around his or her body like Jesus Christ, the Saints, Buddha, and Melchizedek or Tunupa.

  Usually, the paintings of saints and other “enlightened” beings are often depicted with a halo or light around their shoulders and heads. This is the mark of the sixth level. At this level, one has fully realized their full connection to the source energy of the universe and is in full command of his or her personal power, but nonetheless suppresses its use.

  At this path, one realizes the full potential of his unique connection with the final divine destination to the One. The Q’eros refer to this level as Illiasca or the illuminated person.

  7. Yahuar Huacac—Taytanchis Ranti14 Yachay

  The seventh monolith was dedicated to Inca Yahuar Huacac, who was the father of Hatun Tupac himself. As it was told, Yahuar Huacac shed tears of blood when he was a boy. This has a semblance with Jesus Christ who wept blood at the garden Gethsemane and therefore, this level was interestingly referred to by the Q’eros as the, “The transfiguration15”. At this level, it is said that one would possess the power of resurrection and other inexplicable Godly powers.

  Q’eros believe that the mind is the portal to the gods. It is the faculty in humans that has direct channel with God; by itself it is Godly in nature, and therefore has the ability to discern and comprehend
just about anything if we believe so. This level of consciousness is actually embodied by outgrowing one’s physical attribute and be one with the divine energy. It is the full transfiguration of a human being into the universe of living energy—into the great ultimate cause of the cause and originator of energy and the light who is God Himself. This is the ultimate transformation of a human being and the unleashing of man’s inner power to be one with the divine.

  This was the level that Jesus Christ and Melchizedek achieved in their lifetimes. This is the ultimate metamorphosis—from God-to-man-to-God They’ve become. The Q’eros refer to this level as Taytanchis Ranti or the equivalent of God on Earth—the apotheosis of the evolved man.

  We are an essence of God, from His image and likeness. This is the simple but good news of those who we refer as Divine Masters like Jesus Christ, had brought to Earth, “He is the Son of God—and so are You!”

  As such, God became as we are so that we may become as He is. St. Peter greets the Church: “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord, according as His divine power hath given unto us all the things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue: whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature… “ (II Peter 1:2-4).

  Nothing more can beautifully summarize all these prophecies and sacred teachings of the world than the lost manuscripts and the gospel of Saint Thomas which was found at Nag Hammadi,

  Egypt in 1945, which reveals and advocates that:

  “If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what is within you will destroy you… “ (Gospel of St. Thomas).


  In several archeological sites at Easter Island, artifacts of a bearded man whose ribs and vertebrae were grotesquely extended were found. Many believed it to be the figure of Jesus Christ on the depiction of the Inca artisans during the time of Tupac Yupanqui. Strangely, but the figure of Viracocha or Tunupa in Peru has a great resemblance to the image of Jesus Christ.

  Some said that the letters INRI inscribed at Jesus Christ’s cross was used by Hatun Tupac as an emblem and coat of arms, which the Incas referred to as INKARI; basically a derivative of INKA and INRI. In Spanish, Inca-Rey means Inca King. Inkari, the prophesy of the Inca Kings, was believed to have originated from the story of Melchizedek himself (who was referred by the Q’eros by the same namesake).

  In 1571, before the last Inca King Tupac Amaru was dismembered by the Spaniards, he prophesized, that when his head is reunited with his body, the great awakening of the human consciousness will follow.

  In an attempt to cease all links to Incan religious beliefs, which were considered heretical and sacrilegious, all the chronicles in reference to the original Celestine prophecy (or the list of Popes from Celestine II till the end of time) and Inkari (the prophecy of the great awakening of human consciousness) were banned by the Spaniards; all copies were ordered to be burnt and destroyed. But, the Q’ero Indians, who retreated high into the mountains,

  preserved them through oral tradition through generations. Some said that the Q’eros transcribed them in the quipus (the knots used by Inca accountants) using a binary system code which still remains to be deciphered.

  For almost 400 hundreds years, the Q’ero had preserved the sacred prophecy of the Inca Kings until they were rediscovered in 1949 and were reintegrated to the modern society. Together with their discovery, was the revelation of the coming of age of the great change of the 10th Pachacuti or the new dawn of the 6th Inti, in which the world would be turned right-side-up; chaos and mayhem will end, then harmony and order would be restored under the unity of the one true God.

  The Qeros believed that when Melchizedek or Inkari disappeared at Mount Pinkuylluna, he just transported to the mythical golden land of Paytiti. When the time is ripe, he will return. According to the prophecy, this era will be heralded by the awakening of a new human consciousness. Then, to be followed by an emergence of a golden age—a golden millennium of peace and harmony called Taripay Pacha. This day will commence after the alignment of the Earth, the Sun, and the Milky Way, an astronomical phenomenon that will transpire on Dec. 21, 2012. This prophecy is represented by the Incan trilogy icon, where a condor (Inti or the Sun) rests on top of a puma (depicting the Earth), that sits on top of a serpent (depicting the Milky Way).

  As Willaru Huayta, an Incan Spiritual Messenger from Cusco, Peru narrates:

  “We’ve been waiting for five hundred years. The Inca prophecies say that now, in this age, when the eagle of the North and the condor of the South fly together, the Earth will awaken. The eagles of the North cannot be free without the condors ofthe South. Now it’s happening. Now is the time. The Aquarian Age is an era of light, an age of awakening, an age ofreturning to natural ways.

  Our generation is here to help begin this age, to prepare through different schools to understand the message of the heart, intuition, and nature. Native people speak with the earth. When consciousness awakens, we can fly high like the eagle, or like the condor…

  Ultimately, you know, we are all native, because the word native comes from nature, and we are all part of Mother Nature. She is inside us, and we are inside her. We depend totally on the earth, the sun, and the water. We belong to the evolution of nature in our physical bodies. But we also have a spiritual body that comes from the sun, not the sun you can see with two eyes, but another Sun that lies in another dimension, a golden Sun burning with the fire of spiritual light. The inner light of humans emanates from this spiritual source. We came to earth from this Sun to have experiences, and eventually we will return to this—Sun.

  We are the Children of the Sun “.

  Soon, Tunupa will return

  not as a giant in the mountain-top ofPinkuylluna, but from within us—to awaken our true divine nature…

  On Man, Nature, and God

  In the last century, industrial and technological growths have soared into an exhilarating height. With more than seven billion people on planet Earth just at the advent of this new millennium, the question is, can man sustain this raging evolution and growth?

  Humanity is reaching an alarming threshold; a dangerous tipping point brought about by overindustrialization in the last few decades which was fueled by coal, oil, economic greed, and gluttony of power. Man has threatened his own existence by too much acceleration that will surely lead to over-heating. An abhorrent evolution that is utterly detrimental to life’s long-term sustainability.

  Soon, the man-made growth that we owe to fossil fuels will collect the long overdue debt that we have against Mother Nature. A high-yield debt, that at this time, some of its life threatening interests are already being claimed, like: global warming, earthquakes here and there, red tide, economic crises (famine), unknown diseases (pestilence), war, and the rest of a seemingly familiar apocalyptic list goes on.

  The prophecy of the Inca Kings tells us that we need to go back to our native ways. That we need to step back to nature, then use the higher knowledge and technologies that we’ve learned along the way to

  reconstruct and heal the plaguing world where we currently live in; then, humanity can quantum leap into a better sustainable future. After all, whether we like it or not, it is our rightful duty and responsibility as humans to protect nature, as nature protects us. The simple truth is, we are part of nature and she is a part of us; without her, we won’t and can’t even exist. Nature is absolute and we are relative.

  The new dawn of Dec. 21, 2012 marks a new beginning; a chance for us to know who we really are, an opportunity to partake of our true divine nature—to be the safe-keepers of the earth, the vicegerent gods of the earth. But, while this date marks a global awakening, there is a personal decision that we need to co
nsciously take—to rise-up and act. It is the global wake-up call that we need to respond to, an internal Armageddon that each of us need to triumph over with; as we will never consciously go out of our vices of wasting power (which we pilfer from nature) or pollute the air and water—if we are not conscious enough of the ominous consequences of such actions. Let this day, the day we stop prostituting our own mother. Let this day, we start using the remaining fossil fuel reserves in the world to construct and build renewable sources of energy coming from the sun, water, and the wind. Let this day, the start of our consciousness to be atoned with nature; as to be in harmony with nature is to be in harmony with God. Atonement (at-one-ment) is the basic law of the cosmic order.

  If and only if we opt to, this global consciousness and awakening will start the healing of our environment

  and lead us into a golden age of prosperity and harmony of the Taripay Pacha; so that we can thrive forward-until we reach, what the Incas call Taytanchis Ranti, the god-level consciousness on earth. This is the only way and time that we will be prepared to face God and claim that we have been His co-creators and His viceroys on earth.

  Man is 99% animal and 1% God; this ratio however is inversely proportional, based on what one believes in-and more importantly, based on the results of one’s actions. Cogito, ergo sum. Credo ut intellegiam. Sed, exitus acta probat. (I think, therefore I exist. I believe so that I may understand. But, results would prove the deeds).

  Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

  (To the Greater Glory of God)


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