Lone Star Burn_Watching you

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Lone Star Burn_Watching you Page 7

by Aliyah Burke

  “You let your guard down.”

  Abruptly, he was off her and she hovered over him. Her core set directly over his groin. Her hair falling around him filling his nose with that damn enticing sent of sweetened apples. “Are you sure it wasn’t on purpose?” His voice was low and the words for her only.

  She hopped off him, shoving a hand through her wavy locks. “You can defeat people larger than you. Stay alert and be safe.” She walked off leaving him there on the mat.

  He pushed up on his arms, remaining seated and watched her depart. Two men approached him and one held out a hand. He accepted the help and stood. “Where is she going?”

  “Her locker I’m sure. She was on her way home when she got asked to come here.” The one who helped him up smiled. “I’m Jonas and she’ll be heading out the back, I’ll show you where. Based on what we just saw between y’all, there’s something there.”

  He waited out in the heat until finally, the backdoor opened and Teena stepped through, still in those gray workout pants but a yellow t-shirt had been added to the wardrobe.

  “Did you think I would just let it go?” he asked.

  She jumped and he smiled as she whirled to him. “I didn’t think anything.”

  “I did.” He stepped up to her, drew her close after wrapping an arm around her waist. “I thought about how much I missed you and how much I missed touching you. Then there is this.” He lowered his head.

  Her breathing quickened as her pupils dilated. “What’s this?”

  “I thought about how much I missed kissing you.” Then he did.

  Chapter Five

  Teena whimpered and sank further into the man who held her tight to his chiseled chest. Lord help her, she missed him so much. His taste sank into her as she moved her hands up to slide over his shoulders and sink into the thick hair at the nape of his neck.

  Their tongues dueled with each other.

  “I think there is something more here than simply he was with you in Texas.”

  She and Patrick stopped kissing and he didn’t allow her to back away from his embrace. She looked to her left and saw three of her fellow Marshals standing there, amused expressions on their faces. Patrick spread out the hand settled at her back, his large palm sending heat and calming wave through her. Suddenly, she didn’t mind that they knew.

  It’s time for me to stop running from my feelings. “You could say that.” His touch skimmed along her back, teasing the waistband of her pants.

  “So, are you two dating?” William Holder asked. Another man she worked with quite often, she liked him a lot and admired his work ethic.

  She gazed up at the man in front of her.

  Patrick’s eyes waited for hers. “Yes,” he announced.

  Teena didn’t dispute him as she made introductions then excused them and walked away toward her car. Patrick didn’t let her go completely but continued to touch her. She wasn’t about to complain, she didn’t mind the way his hands on her body had her feeling. Safe, secure, and more specifically, important.

  Once they reached her Camaro, she unlocked the doors and smiled when he opened her side for her. Closed it, then went around to the passenger side and slipped inside. “Nice ride.”

  She smiled. “Thanks. My splurge when I got the promotion.”

  Patrick reached over and picked up her hand after she turned over the engine and laced their fingers.

  She gave his hand a small squeeze. “I have to pick up something to eat. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

  “Who takes care of you?” He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. “That’s not healthy.”

  “Got busy.”

  “We’re Marshals, we’re always busy.” Another brief brush of his lips. “Are we eating out or at your place?”

  “Home. I have a feeling this is going to turn into a talk.”

  “It’ll turn into something.”

  His words created a warm burn in her belly. She drove to a small restaurant she frequented often, parked in the back and together, they walked inside.

  “Evening, Teena,” Howard called out.

  “Howard. How’s it hanging today?”

  “Same ol’ same ol’. Can I get you your regular?”

  She nodded and glanced over to Patrick. “Yes please and then whatever he decides to have.”

  “Is this your young man? Lola was in here earlier and said you had a man now. Or rather, that you weren’t hiding him from all of us anymore.”

  Patrick quirked his lips.

  She rolled her eyes. “Your daughter is too nosey and needs to keep her mouth shut.”

  Howard laughed. “I know that, she takes after her mother. But, you haven’t answered my question.”

  “Yes, that’s who he is. Patrick West, meet owner and Chef Howard Francone. Howard, Patrick is a fellow Marshal.”

  “Good to meet you, son. Take good care of my girl here or you’ll end up in a bayou somewhere as gator food.”

  Patrick slid his arm back around her, tugging her close. “Have no intentions of doing anything but treating her right.”

  “Good. Because if it’s not me or her two girls, her dad is mighty protective of his baby. Look over the menu and let me know what you’d like.” Howard retreated to the back.

  A few of the other regulars came over and talked to her, meeting Patrick. He didn’t seem at all fazed by it. While they waited for their food, they sat at a table.

  “You’ve told people about me.”

  She grunted over the smugness in his tone. “No, they’re nosy and I didn’t.”

  “Come now, Mason. A lot of people know about me.”

  “Because my friends have big mouths. I’ve kept you a secret for years. I hadn’t confirmed you yet, I hadn’t planned on telling anyone.” At his expression with the flash of pain that crossed it, she added, “Not until I’d talked to you first. Look, I’m no good at this relationship thing. I don’t do them. What we had in private was the longest one I’ve ever had. I’ve been in a ten year relationship that was not known by anyone other than us. I don’t know how to do a public one.”

  “You think I’m any better? It can’t be that difficult. We do what we’re doing but actually, claim it when people ask if we’re in a relationship.”

  “Okay,” she agreed. “Let’s give it a go.”

  “You don’t sound too sure about it.”

  “I’ll be honest. I’m nervous. I’m afraid I’m going to muck it all up.”

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  She admired his confidence even if she didn’t quite share that level of it. She was a loner aside from her two good friends. Occasionally, she would go out and do things with the people from work but it wasn’t something she did a lot of.

  They received their food, and after a hug with a farewell for Howard, they departed.

  Patrick carried the food and she their drinks. “Tell me about Clark.”

  “Not much to tell. Competent Marshal.”

  “What’s his beef with you? I didn’t like the way he watched you when you kicked his ass.”

  “I didn’t kick his ass. I only showed him he can’t rely on his size only.” She juggled her keys and the drinks as she unlocked the vehicle. Back inside, with the air blowing, she buckled her belt and set the drinks in the holder.

  “He’s not a fan of yours.”

  “There are a lot who aren’t. I don’t care. So long as they do their job and have my back if or when the time comes, I don’t give a flying pig’s ass what they think of me.”

  “He doesn’t like working with women?”

  “Nope. Don’t think he feels they belong out in the field. Isn’t the nicest when he’s paired with a female. Doesn’t feel we can pull our weight out there and are a liability.” Clark’s behavior used to bother her. Now she merely made it her mission to show him when the opportunity arrived, she was more than capable.

  Patrick trailed her to her apartment and as she unlocked the door to push through, her chest
tightened. Would this work? Or would she again, open her mouth and say something stupid enough to push this man away from her and find herself alone without him or his touch ever again?

  “You’re thinking too much.”

  “Sorry?” She peered over her shoulder at him as they walked to the kitchen.

  “I can tell when your brain doesn’t shut off and you’re over analyzing stuff.”

  She put the drinks on the countertop. “That doesn’t even make sense. You don’t know me that well.” She got the glasses, filled them with ice, and transferred the sweet tea to them.

  “That sounds like a challenge, Mason.” He accepted the tea and took a drink.

  “It is. How come you think you know me that well?”

  “I’ve been watching you since the first day we met. When we’re together, it may have just been sex for you, but I watched you. Learned what you liked what you didn’t. Learned your facial expressions, your thoughts.” He reached out and brushed the tip of his finger over the bridge of her nose. “I learned you.”

  A fluttering rippled in her belly, then exploded and spread throughout her entire body. Her fingers trembled around the cool glass she held. I need to put the ice against my skin to try and bring my temperature down.

  “You’re still skeptical,” he said as she got some silverware.

  “Yes. We shared a bed.”

  A wicked glint appeared in his gaze. “We shared a lot more than a bed. I recall walls, tables, couches, floors, chairs, and well, you know, you were there. Surely, you haven’t forgotten.”

  Another few hundred degrees of increasing body temperature soared as she shook her head. “No. I haven’t forgotten.” She grabbed the containers and took them to the table. “I’m just saying that I’m not arguing you haven’t learned my body, but I am not sure you know more about me than that.”

  “I’ll prove it to you.” He held her chair and kissed the side of her neck as he slid her in closer.

  “Can’t wait,” she muttered.

  They dug into the food, putting their talking on hold. She was ravenous.

  Patrick must’ve been as well, because he ate all his and finished up hers too, when she pushed the container away. “He is one hell of a cook.”

  She leaned back and groaned. “Yes, he is.”

  “And his daughter, Lola? Does she work there as well?”

  “No, no. Now, she can cook a mean meal but Lola is actually a geneticist.”

  Patrick got up and snagged a picture she had on the end table by her love seat. “She’s the one on the left? The one on the right is in law enforcement.”

  Teena shook her head. “Impressive. Yes, Mellie is a detective.” She began clearing the table and hid her smile when he returned to assist.

  He led her to that same loveseat and positioned her at his side. For a short while, they sat there in quiet and she allowed him to hold her.

  She loved cuddling with him. “I need to shower and get this off me.”

  “Care for some company?” He ran a hand up and down her arm.

  She didn’t bother answering verbally. Instead, she turned and kissed him. Crawled on his lap, straddling him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Pushing her tongue deep into his mouth, she allowed her need and desire for this man to pour free. It’d been far too long and she’d been scared that after she’d pushed him away, she would never get this again.

  Patrick responded instantly. He curved his powerful arms around her in return and tangled his tongue with hers. His callused hands ran up below her shirt, skimming her skin.

  Her body tingled and she whimpered, shifting against him, grinding his hard cock into her core.

  “Teena,” he muttered against her lips.

  “Yes?” Fingers in his hair, she raked her nails along the back of his scalp.

  “Keep this up and we won’t make it to the shower.”

  “So we start here and move on.” She wedged a hand between them and tightened her grip around the hard ridge in his pants.

  He had her off him in seconds. “Strip,” he barked out the order as he removed his boots.

  Naked, they met again, lips mashed against each other. The broad head of his cock pushed against her belly. She nipped at his lower lip and he lifted her. She moaned in pleasure as he lowered her onto his cock, filling her.

  “God yes,” she cried, head lolling back. “I’ve needed this.”

  He moved them so the wall was at her back and began stroking within her. Patrick put his fingers on her clit and teased her, heightening the pleasure rocketing through her. “Needed this?”

  “You,” she amended as he drove hard into her. “Needed you.”

  “Better,” he said, pinching the bundle of nerves, shooting more pleasure through her. He dipped his head forward and captured one breast. His teeth grazing the nipple before he nipped lightly.

  Her belly clenched and she squirmed.

  “You’re so damn tight around my cock,” he praised. “I can’t get enough of you.” In and out he stroked, alternating between heavy and light, different speeds. Nothing to allow her to settle into his rhythm. He kept her on edge.

  “Patrick.” She pressed his head against her, needing more. Craving that edge to fall off and experience euphoria.

  “Right here, baby. I’m right here.”

  She panted as her body’s tension increased by each heartbeat until she believed she would explode. He hummed around the tip of her nipple in his mouth and combined with his fingers on her clit, his hard cock within her, she crested. Back bowing, she came with a loud cry.

  Her breast popped free of his mouth and he claimed her lips, tongues tangling once more. He kept them locked together like that and walked. Each step reminding her he was still hard and inside her. Within moments, he had them in a hot shower and they were once again starting over, where he drove her to distraction.

  All of this was what she’d needed. He was what she did need.


  Patrick stared at the woman who’s bed he was in. Teena slept. He’d stayed awake while she crashed but she’d been going for nearly twenty hours and he let her sleep. He enjoyed watching her. Understated beauty, she downplayed her looks, opting to be taken seriously in a mostly male-dominated world. But there were times, like now, when she let that guard down and he was able to see her.

  He fingered some of her thick curls, allowing the soft hair to glide through his touch. He wasn’t sure how she managed to get it to smell like sweetened apples but she did. There wasn’t any shampoo in the shower with apples in it.

  “Another mystery about you, Teena Mason. One I intend on finding out.”

  Edging the sheet over her shoulder down, he dropped a kiss on her smooth skin. She was out, hard. Small soft snores came from her as she slumbered. With another kiss for her shoulder, he drew her in closer and wrapped his arms around her.

  With no more than a faint light shining through the window, he remembered she’d offered to take off tomorrow and give him a tour of her city. For one, he couldn’t wait. Sure, he felt excited about viewing the city, but it was the time he would get to spend with her. When they weren’t together, she was what his brain focused on.

  And it was more than just sex. Although the sex is beyond amazing. Everything about her intrigued him.

  She stirred and shifted in his arms. “What are you doing awake?”

  “I was trying to think if I should sneak out and go down to Café Du Monde for a breakfast treat for us.”

  “I can make beignets if you want some. But it would be much quicker to go there. Or we could wait a while and get to Howard’s place. He makes some terrific ones and it’s much quieter. Then we can swing by Café Du Monde after we visit Jackson Square.”

  “When does Howard open up?”


  “Getting there but I know you like to run before you eat and I wanted to have some here for you when you’re done.”

  “How do you know that?”

t question made it even more apparent she didn’t want to believe he knew her. More than just the basics. “I told you before, I know.”

  She rotated in his embrace and wrapped her arms around him. “So you did. I’m still skeptical. In some circles you knowing this much would have you branded as a stalker, you know.”

  Patrick chuckled. “Are you worried?”

  Teena grazed her teeth over his nipple and he jumped a little. “Nope, not even a little bit.”

  “Come home with me.”

  She pulled back slightly, just enough to look at him then she tucked her head back beneath his chin. “I just got home.”

  “Mason,” he said.

  She rolled off him but he followed, pinning her beneath his larger frame. “I want you to give me some time.”

  “You’re in my city, in my bed. You have time.”

  “And I can’t wait to do all sorts of touristy shit with you, but I also want you to come back to Texas with me.”

  “To the bustling metropolis of Fort Mavis?”

  He playfully snapped his teeth at her. “Sarcasm noted. They may be a small ranching town, but it has its perks.”

  Teena shimmied free of him and went to the bathroom.

  Rolling to his back, he tucked an arm behind his head while he waited for her to return.

  Moments later, she reemerged and headed for her dark oak chest of drawers. “Like what?”

  Patrick stared at her as she pulled on tight running clothes. The purple lycra hugged her curves like a lover. Until that second, he’d never been jealous of clothing. “Celebrities.”

  “Have those here,” she commented with no excitement in her tone.

  “We have the Takedown Cowgirl. You can find her nowhere else.”

  She adjusted her black shorts. “Congrats. I’m a city girl, Patrick.”

  Now that she sat at the foot of the bed tying on her shoes, he moved closer to her. “No, not entirely.”


  “You love sunsets, being in the parks. Spending time away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Look at your apartment. Scenery pictures, not city life. But sprawling meadows dotted with flowers. Lakes and streams. You’re used to the city but I don’t buy it feeding your soul.”


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