Raven and the Rose

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Raven and the Rose Page 6

by Knight, Charisma

  “I don’t have time for this. Release me, now.”

  “You lack patience.”

  “I thought of protecting Rose and her family.”

  The man shook his head and sorrow filled his eyes. “Someone within the McQueen family

  has made a pact with darkness, thinking they had good intentions.”

  “We know about the demons, Niall helped us.”

  “Niall was misled, he saw only what someone wanted him to see. But, surely you must

  know. You’re a weakness Rose McQueen cannot afford. Or so, you tell yourself.”

  Anger filled Storm. “She doesn’t see it that way and I know there’s a way out of here.

  Surely, you wouldn’t have brought me here for nothing.”

  The man frowned and gazed at him. “You possess the traits of a warrior and a wise man. The

  witches have century’s worth of darkness surrounding them. It is of little wonder you’ve survived this long. Did you not know of the consequences when you accepted the spirit within yourself?”

  “I’m meant to protect them, and will continue to do so, just as Micah Ravencloud protected


  “And that has cost you everything.”

  * * *

  “Where did he go?” Desperation filled Rose as her family helped her to her feet. “Where’s

  Storm?” Off balance, she spun around, dazed and confused until her uncle Walter scooped her up

  into his arms.

  She felt herself being carried up the basement stairs and she was placed on the familiar soft

  couch. “Storm,” she moaned. Her energy had been depleted, when she took the demon in. She

  could hear her family discussing the incident and knew Storm sacrificed himself for her…So she

  wouldn’t suffer. Storm took it upon himself to save them all and she promised herself she’d jump his shit later. For now, her body still burned from the violation and her stomach lurched.

  Hours later, she woke from her sleep and immediately sat up. She felt relieved to see she was

  surrounded by her family members. “Where’s Storm?”

  Aunt Viola frowned and looked away.

  “Aunt Viola, tell me!” Rose demanded. She cast a questioning gaze to the rest of her family


  “He banished the thing that possessed us,” Jesse said quietly, never taking his eyes from her.

  “But it came with a price.”

  “Saving me?” She gasped. “This must be some kind of horrible mistake. No. No No! Where

  is he? Take me to him.” She clutched her chest, fearing the worse, but only could sense him

  partially. A part of him was missing. Her voice quaked as she wept while Corey and Jesse took

  her to her chambers.

  When she entered their room, the stench of charcoal filled her nostrils and tears immediately

  fell when she spotted him lying beneath the purple crushed velvet comforter. “Storm.” She gasped, immediately rushing by his side. “Storm, why did you do this? I’m so—sorry.” Rose held

  her head down and wept.

  “He carried the demon to the Netherworld, and then returned to us,” Corey’s voice was low,

  and shook with emotion.

  “He’d already shifted to human form when we found him on the grounds. His body was

  severely scorched, we healed him as much as we could, Rose,” Jesse informed her.

  Lowering over Storm’s body while releasing tears, she felt his pulse, but it was faint.

  “Please, baby? Don’t do this to me.”

  “Rose.” Viola entered the room, clutching The Book of Whispers against her bosom.

  “Leave us,” Rose sounded out harshly, peering at them through her tears.

  “Rose, there wasn’t anything anyone could do,” Corey told her softly. “We tried banishing

  the demon, but Storm took over because he knew we’d all die, including you.”

  Sobs shook her body. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing coming out. The stench of

  death was near. Rose immediately knew her mate straddled this plane and the next. Sickened, she lay her head down on his chest, his heartbeat barely audible.


  She felt the mattress of the bed dip beneath her aunt’s weight. Viola gently rubbed her back,

  and usually that soothed her, but not this time. It felt like her world had come to a thunderous halt.


  “It’s all my fault,” she admitted in a whisper. “I should have sent him away years ago.”

  “Oh, don’t say that. Storm loves you,” Viola softly prompted. “Gentleman. Please wait


  She slowly sat up and Viola reached over, wiping the tears from her eyes. Emptiness filling

  her, she was unable to escape and there was no spells to help to ease the pain of the impending loss.

  “Don’t you do that.” Viola said. “Do you honestly think he’d want you to do this?”

  “What? Mourn? How can I not? Didn’t you mourn the loss of Seneca?”

  “I didn’t give up, Rose.” Viola’s tone sounded sharp. “In spite of the pain, I kept moving

  forward. Damn, that was my baby girl, that demon took her from me.”

  “It should have been me!” Rose cried out. “In both instances, I should have died instead of

  Seneca. I’m the one who should be lying where Storm is now.” She began sobbing. Her wails of

  agony pierced her own ears. Her head throbbed and her heart, once filled with love, shattered

  each time she laid eyes on her mate.

  “Come here, child, let it all out.” Violet reached over and grabbed her, holding her tight and

  rocking her just as she had when Rose was a child. “It’s okay, it’ll be all right. I promise you.”

  After about half an hour, Rose sat staring across the room as Viola prepared tea for them.

  “This isn’t over,” Viola stated.

  Rose gazed down at him, brushing wisps of hair from his cheek. “He should be fighting his

  way back to me, right?” She placed a hand on Storm’s forehead, hoping to see whatever it was he saw. She peered up at Violet, hopeful. “Why can’t I read him?”

  “Perhaps you’re not meant to. He took the demon to the Netherworld. The price was costly

  for it to remain down there. He escaped in the flesh, but spiritually—”

  “They’re fighting for his spirit.” Rose trembled.

  “And if I know Storm, he’s putting up one hell of a fight.” Viola summoned half a smile, but

  not for long. Reaching over, she laid a hand on his forearm. “Storm, baby. Come back to us.”

  “What if I went after him?”


  “Yes. I can do it.”

  “But, you may never return. The Netherworld is dangerous enough for a raven to enter, but a

  witch? A McQueen witch at that?” She shook her head. “It would be suicide and Storm would

  come after me with everything he has.” Viola laid the book on the table. It immediately flew

  open. “Look and listen.”

  Rose observed the aged pages, and paused several moments, listening to the faint voices of

  their ancestors. Gathering her wits about her, she watched as the pictures began to move, forming their own story.

  The older woman shifted her gaze to Rose. “What you and Storm are going through is no

  coincidence. You’re being tested.”

  Roes couldn’t believe her eyes. “Our ancestors are preparing me for what’s to come.”

  Viola patted her on the back. “Exactly, chickadee. If you and Storm can overcome this,

  you’ll be able to move mountains in the future. Several more days until the Blood Moon runs its course, and we’ll all be in the clear. Just don’t give in, baby. Just relax, focus and let the power do the rest.”

/>   “Oh, Aunt Viola.”

  “Hush now. I know what you’re going to say. I’ve lived a long, fruitful life. It’s your turn to take the helm.”

  “Okay.” Rose laid her hand over the book, sifting through several pages.

  “What are they saying to you?”

  “He needs to be protected while in the Netherworld.” Rapid-like, she rose to her feet. She

  opened the large cabinet adjacent from the bed and retrieved two large white candles, then lit


  Next, she retrieved Asafetida, crushed and burned the herb on a silver plate while Viola

  watched on. Finally, after chanting over the contents, Rose brought the remnants over to her aunt.

  “This needs to be blessed by an Elder.”

  Viola waved her hand over the plate and as she blessed the herb, a rumble sounded beneath

  them, making the room shake. “It is done.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Rose pinched the remnants between her fingers and sprinkled it

  around the bed to form a protective circle. When she’d completed everything, she watched Storm, looking for signs of movement, but there were none.

  “He’ll be okay, I promise.” Viola picked up the book. “Now, we must focus on the other

  tasks at hand downstairs.” Viola coaxed as she walked to the double doors. “And you must be

  strong. The candles will light his journey to reveal an opening in which he can escape. They may even help him find distant ancestors.”

  Biting her lip, Rose said a brief prayer. “I love you, Storm.” With that, she joined Viola and

  they walked downstairs. “We only have a small opening around nightfall to get these things out

  of town for good. The ancestors spoke to me, and they were very strong, but after that, my

  powers will cease tremendously, until The Heightening. I know now how to defeat them.”

  “How?” Viola asked.

  “I’ll need Clara’s athame in the witch room. If we perform a revealing spell, it will turn them into flesh, and only then we can kill them using it.”

  “That could pose a problem. We only have one and there are many of those things. What do

  you suggest?” Viola asked with a smile.

  The two women quickened their pace through the red-carpeted corridors on the second to the

  lower level. With a wave of her hand, Rose opened the large oak double doors to the room. “We

  can direct the magic from within me, through Clara’s athame and into the demons.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. You think like a true McQueen witch. The Book of Whispers

  must remain in here, at least until this is over with.” Viola clutched the large book to her bosom.

  Rose nodded in agreement and strode over to a large crystal case that contained the althame.

  She studied the thick four-sided blade. Swiftly, she opened the case and eased the dagger out of it, carefully studying the sterling silver hilt encrusted with rubies. “I’ll use my power to stun them, if only temporarily. In that timeframe, we must destroy them all and put an end to this once and for all.”

  Viola smiled proudly again. “I’m proud of you, Rose.”

  Rose kissed the dagger and grinned. “It feels good to be operating at full force, even if it is only temporary. But, save the praises for once we’ve defeated these things,” Rose stated sharply.

  “I won’t rest until this task is completed.” She watched as Viola returned the book to its invisible stand. It appeared to be floating in mid-air. She glanced around the semi-dark room while

  reconnecting with the power of her ancestors.

  When they reached the parlor, they were met with concerned looks.

  “Is he still the same?” Dehlia asked with concern in her voice.

  Rose simply nodded, unable to answer for fear of releasing a floodgate of tears.

  “He’s still alive. So that’s a good sign,” Viola announced to them.

  “He’s a demigod,” Walter interjected. “There’s got to be some way we can help pull him out

  of this.”

  “Demigods eventually die,” Corey added.

  Feeling numb, Rose announced, “I prefer we turn this gathering into a witch’s council, so we

  can focus on safeguarding the town. Whatever attacked us plays a vital role in what’s been


  “But, it should be over with, right?” Jasmine asked.

  Rose shook her head. “No, it’s only just beginning, because there are several of these things

  lurking around town.”

  “And we must bring them to our plane. Where we can see them.” Jasmine figured it out


  “I’ll perform a spell that will bring them into sight. According to the Book of Whispers, we

  must destroy them with the athame Clara blessed on her wedding night.” She turned to look at her uncle. “Uncle Corey, all citizens, human and shifter alike, must remain in their homes. That goes for the police force as well. This is out of their hands.”

  Corey nodded and picked up his cell. “I’ll get word out to the Leslie and Luke.”

  Chapter Six

  An hour later, they all stood in a circle, holding hands. Rose exhaled as she chanted the spell that would force the shadows to become flesh. “Omni v’us, tiaoto, mu’cleck.”

  They would only have a brief window, an opening before her powers lie dormant again, until

  The Heightening. As planned, the streets were completely deserted with exception of the witches.

  When the sun set, they paroled the streets. They had only minutes to track and reveal the beast terrorizing Raven’s Falls.

  “Now,” Viola commanded.

  The winds picked up. Clouds swirled around the sky, temporarily blocking out the blood red

  moon. Rose shivered because she knew she needed to utilize her time wisely.

  While they stood on the red cobblestone streets, Jesse chanted another spell.

  Every witch was armed. Each had their own vital roles to play.

  “Behind you!” Jasmine nodded toward a black figure over to the right.

  With unearthly moves, it spun around and screeched an unholy sound. Its jaws opened wide

  to bare razor sharp teeth.

  Raising her hands, summoning all the power she could, Rose aimed to send an electrical bolt

  into the creature.

  It screeched, hissed, and exploded into dust particles.

  When the other demons were revealed, she heard the same multiple sounds. Exerting her

  power, she tried not to remember the deadline, but it couldn’t be helped. Less than forty minutes.

  Several more of the creatures snarled and hissed, standing in front of Rose. “Omni v’us

  tiaoto mu’cleck,” she uttered. More of the creatures surrounded her and now that they were in sight, she no longer needed the spell.

  “McQueen Elders, come forth, stand by our sides, and fight,” Viola chanted loudly,

  “McQueen Elders, come forth, stand by our side and fight. Elmira, Rose, Simon, Silas, Clara…”

  “…Taylor Robert, Mavis, Mabel, Henrietta,” Rose continued the list, calling upon past

  McQueen Elders too. The air around her became thick and sticky as one of the creatures turned its vile gaze in her direction. Unaffected by the threat of this demon, she continued her chant.

  “McQueen Elders, Ciara, Mavis, Mabel, Henrietta, banish this evil from our midst…” Rose then

  levitated several feet off the ground as she felt the energizing vibrations of McQueen magic

  flowing through her veins. She raised her blade, the athame. “Hexum’mu latchche”

  The area around her lit up even though it was night

  “…Forged from McQueen steel, this blade shall be our salvation. Seek out and find that

  which would dare harm us and banish it from whence it came.” Rose he
ld up the athame, and the

  demons retreated from their midst. Lightning struck the tip of the blade and flowed in various

  directions, to the demons. Howls crackled through the night, as the lightning hit their targets, disintegrating the demons in their midst.

  Another shadow, one more hideous stood its ground, peering at her with eyes that tried to

  pierce her soul.

  “So, you want a challenge,” Rose chided as she aimed her hand at the beast, releasing

  several bolts of light.

  Each time, the being dodged it.

  “Kill it Rose!” Jasmine shrieked. “All the others have been destroyed, this is the strongest of them all.”

  When it laughed, she thought she saw fangs, and instead of yellowish eyes, it possessed red

  ones. Pain ignited through her skull, bringing Rose to her knees. Howling in agony, Rose could

  scarcely see her adversary.

  Jasmine and the others rushed to her side, trying to amplify her powers.

  “Why isn’t this working?” Jesse grunted as he held up both his hands, emanating his power.

  Viola stood beside him, doing the same. “We’re too weak for it,” he grunted.

  “Impossible,” Viola stated angrily. “We’ve got to maim it, contain it, banish it. Say the

  chant, say it now.”

  “Omvlio os, oh sota seh iao.” The demon’s form wavered several times, but appeared to

  grow twice in size.

  “Repeat it! Everyone at the same time!” Viola yelled.

  “Omvlio os, oh sota seh iao, Omvlio os, oh sota seh iao, Omvlio os, oh sota seh iao,” The McQueens chanted several times over until finally, the thing disappeared. Everyone collapsed on the ground, drained from the excessive use of their waning powers.

  “I’ll be damned glad when this freaking blood moon is over with,” Dehlia gasped as she lay

  on her side. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take!”

  Rose sat up and panted. “It will be over soon enough.” She couldn’t agree more, but since

  Dehlia was a neophyte witch, she lacked patience. It was Rose’s responsibility to instill faith and patience in witches under her protection. The power waning became taxing for everyone. Bile

  burned in her throat. Her stomach twisted in horrendous knots and she feared she would vomit.

  Looking around, the rest of the McQueen witches appeared to feel the same.


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