Freefall (Santa Cruz Skydivers Book 1)

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Freefall (Santa Cruz Skydivers Book 1) Page 25

by Joanne Efendi

  Before Tony could even take a step toward me, Bobby turned and yelled at us.

  “They’ve got her heartbeat.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Nervously, I paced the floor, back and forth, and back again. I was sure that after two solid hours of pacing, I had worn a path into the white-tiled floor. I felt useless. Andi was in emergency surgery having her stomach pumped and God knew what else, yet here I was, in the admissions area in the ER, forbidden to see her. Only approved family and friends were allowed admittance to the floor where Andi was. There was no way I would be able to go up there. I already tried.

  As I tracked my way past the admissions counter for about the two hundredth time since arriving, Mike hurried through with Andi’s parents toward the elevator. Grief was etched into their faces. They didn’t see me, which was a good thing. I figured her whole family must hate me right now considering how it was my fault she was up there. It was a moot point really. No one could hate me more than myself right now. Fuck, I may as well have given her the tablets and poured the vodka down her throat myself.

  I waited until her family had disappeared into the elevator before I recommenced my pacing. I turned, ready for another lap, and was met by a male member of the nursing staff.

  “Excuse me, sir.” He was standing right in my path, leaving me no other choice than to stop. Behind him stood a hulk dressed in a hospital security uniform.

  I groaned. What now? Not entirely sure the hulk could even understand English, I directed my comments to the nurse through clenched teeth. “I’m not here to cause any problems, okay? I just need to be here, for her.”

  The nurse responded with pure professionalism. “I’m sorry, sir. I empathize with you, but we’ve been instructed by the family of Miss LaRosa to request that you leave the facility immediately.”

  No doubt they had told them I was violent, and given my face and hands were still busted open from the fight with Tony, I couldn’t disagree. While I had wiped most of the blood clean from my skin, I must have resembled a fighter straight from Las Vegas fight night.

  I sighed, defeated. I already knew the outcome. “I’m not hurting anyone by just being here. Please have some compassion.”

  “I’m sorry, sir, but this is not open for dispute. You can either leave quietly, or you leave our way.”

  Hulk took a step forward and crossed his arms, his Herculean-sized biceps bulging. He meant business, leaving me with no question as to what “their way” would entail.

  “Looks like I don’t really have a choice, do I?” Not wanting to cause a scene, I turned around, deviating from my well-trodden path, and headed towards the exit doors. The hulk followed me as I left the building, even watching as I climbed on my bike and rode away.

  They thought they’d won. I’d give them this round, but not the championship title. I’d be back. I was a fighter in the true sense of the word, and even though it disgusted me, I was also a James. We always came out on top. No matter what the cost, I was going to win this fight. I knew what I had to do, but first there were two people I had to see—one to clear my name, the other get me access to Andi.

  I steered my bike to the highway, lucky I had the crotch rocket. I had a long ride ahead. My destination...Los Angeles.


  “Mary, I need to see him. This is urgent.” I was begging. I hated begging.

  Queen Secretary Bitch looked me up and down with her steely blue eyes and picked up the phone on the reception desk. “Mr. James, your son is here to see you.” She nodded and listened to my father on the other end of the line, then hung up the phone, smiling tightly. “He said he doesn’t have a son. And if you don’t remove yourself from this vicinity immediately, he will have you arrested.”

  I slammed my fist down hard on the desk, knocking a cup holder of pens and loose paper pages flying. “This is bullshit. My girlfriend died today, and I had to watch her be brought back to life. She’s in surgery and I have no fucking clue if she is going to live or die. Her family hates me, and for all I know, she does too, all because of that asshole in there. So, Mary, cut me some slack. I’m begging you. Let me in to see him... I need his help.”

  I choked as my anger subsided into grief. I couldn’t hold it together any longer and lost my shit well and truly, falling to my hands and knees. Tears streamed down my face, blinding me. Years of pent-up raw emotion flowed from my body like an uncontrolled dam release. I cried for my mother and her demons, I cried for Andi and our stolen moments. I had failed them both in their hour of need.

  A firm hand clamped down hard on my shoulder. My final chance at help was gone. The asshole had actually turned me in to security.

  “Son, come with me.”

  The familiar voice of my father shocked me. I looked up into his green eyes. His face, for the first time ever, looked remorseful. Or was it pity? He held out a hand, helping me to my feet. Surely this had to be a trick.

  “Let’s go to my office and talk.”

  Like a lost soul, I followed him and reminded myself I had no choice but to submit to his demands. If it meant Andi’s survival, I would do whatever necessary to make it happen, even if that meant bending over, and figuratively speaking, letting him fuck me over.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “I need your help.” Sitting across from my father, I stared him down and waited for the belittling sermon that usually followed. “I’ll do anything you want. Move back to LA, or take over the paper in Santa Cruz...”

  He held his hand up. “Levi. Stop. Groveling doesn’t become you. You need to shut up and let me talk. If I may?”

  He looked at me, waiting for my approval. I was confused. Derek James never waited for anyone. Cautiously, I nodded at him to continue.

  “You know, I thought I’d never see you again, and yet here you are. Your hatred for me seeping from your pores, begging and delivering promises you won’t keep. Why should I help you again? What makes this time so different?”

  I gritted my teeth. “I’m not doing this for myself, that’s why this is different. I’ll do whatever is necessary to get Andi the help she needs.” I flexed my bruised, cut hands discreetly in my lap, reining in my anger. “You think this is easy for me? I never wanted to see you again. You’re responsible for my mother’s death, and now my girlfriend is lying in a coma because of what you did. But you have something I need. Money…and power to make things happen. And as much as it kills me to say it, I need you to save Andi’s life for me. I’m here as a sacrifice—my life for hers. I figured it’s a fair trade.”

  “You talk about me like I’m the devil. You’re my son, my only living flesh and blood. Despite what you may believe, I have only ever wanted what was best for you, although I admit my methods of showing you affection may have been somewhat misguided. But, I’m not a fool. I didn’t get where I am in life by continually giving handouts to the next sob story. I don’t appreciate being used, by anyone, even my child. If I give you what you want, then this time, it’s a signed contract. You come to work for me in Australia. Give up the skydiving crap and work for James Publishing. Start from the ground up. When I say jump, you say how high.”

  He stood, taking a break from his speech, walked to a small bar stocked with hard liquor, poured himself a glass of neat whiskey, threw it straight down, and refilled it before sitting back down opposite me. He leaned back into his high-backed leather chair and looked at me over the top of his whiskey glass. “So, what do you say? How willing are you to actually save this little girlfriend of yours?”

  The ball was now in my court. As much as I hated the thought of being under his control, I had to suck it up. It was Andi’s life. I gritted my teeth. “I’ll do it.”

  My father downed the remaining liquid in his glass. “Now, tell me what I can do help your girlfriend.”


  James Publishing’s private jet came to a stop on the edge of the tarmac at the Santa Cruz airport. The aircraft doors op
ened to reveal a waiting limousine ready to chauffeur us directly to the hospital. I snuck a discreet sideways glance at my father and Taylor as they disembarked ahead of me. Since I signed his little work contract, he’d been treating me like a father would treat a son. All for the benefit of the board, of course. Our little agreement was secret, between us and his lawyer. My criminal past had been taken care of. Press releases had gone out across the globe, heralding the heir to the throne, and company stocks had risen. Derek was on cloud fucking nine.

  He may have won, but just because I’d literally signed my life over, there was no way in hell I was about to do the dutiful son to his doting father routine. Really, he needn’t have bothered with the cloak and dagger act, and the stupid work contract. I didn’t care what happened to me anymore, or my future. As long as Derek and Taylor both kept their promises to me and helped Andi, then I would be their beck-and-call bitch for the rest of eternity.

  “Levi, are you coming?” Taylor turned halfway down the stairs, looking me up and down. Her fake accent was like nails on a chalkboard. I cringed but smiled, reminding myself that I needed her recently anointed crown of the Children’s Hospital Patron to get me uninterrupted access to Andi.

  I nodded at her, and with an outstretched hand, indicated she continue down the stairs, then followed her and Derek to the limousine. Once inside, they both made themselves comfortable on the luxury leather seats and poured themselves drinks from the mini bar on board. Taylor opened her smartphone and began texting while Derek opened a newspaper with a flick and began skimming articles. They both looked accustomed to the life of luxury, like they owned the world. I wished I had my Harley instead of being cooped up in this leather and metal extravagance.

  As we commenced our journey to the hospital, the limousine passed the skydive plane and clubhouse, evoking a feeling of loss deep in my gut. I missed jumping and the adrenaline, but not nearly as much as I missed Andi. Hopefully after the meeting with the hospital board of directors and Andi’s family this morning, she would get the best specialists in the country and her own private room for her treatment. Until then, I would remain by her side, at least until she had recovered. And as per my agreement with Derek, I’d be shipped back to Sydney to embark on my new career.

  Derek folded the newspaper in half and threw it on the leather seat next to him. Removing his cell phone from his suit jacket, he dialed a number and began talking almost immediately, barking down instructions. For once, I was glad of his efficiency.

  “Mary, you were supposed to call. We have landed and are en route to the hospital. What’s the situation? Has the family agreed to meet with us yet?” He waited, looking at me, nodding his head as he listened to Mary’s reply. He allowed himself a genuine smile, and directed it at me. “I’m sure he’s very appreciative.”

  He disconnected the phone and slid it back in his pocket. Taylor shut off her cell and looked at Derek, both of us not so patiently waiting to hear the results of the conversation.

  “Well?” I asked him. “What’s the news? Are they coming to the meeting?”

  “Yes. The family will join us at our meeting. I’m sure once they hear our proposal to privatize her entire hospital stay and fund her recovery, they will agree to the terms and conditions.”

  “And not only that, when the hospital receives the sizable donation from James Publishing, there is no way you will be denied access to her,” Taylor said, smirking. “Derek, is the media going to be present?”

  Of course the media had to be involved. I snapped at her. “Don’t include Andi and her family in your little media circus. That’s the worst thing you could do.”

  She rolled her eyes at me. Overdramatic as usual. “This isn’t my first rodeo, cowboy. I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry, I won’t involve your girlfriend and her family.”

  Derek spoke, breaking up our childlike spat. “Taylor, a media conference is planned immediately after our board meeting.”

  “Can you both fill me in on what’s happening? I seemed to have missed the memo on the media involvement.” This was not how this was supposed to play out.

  Taylor rolled her eyes again. “Derek, may I?”

  Already bored with the conversation, my father, who absentmindedly nodded his head, picked the paper again and commenced reading.

  Taylor leaned forward in her seat. “LJ, it’s like this. You need the power of the hospital behind you, and the only way these people talk business is when money is involved. Derek has agreed to fund a new wing in the children’s ward, and with my celebrity and exposure, you’ll get exactly what you want—the best treatment available, and access to Andi.”

  “Taylor, I’m not an imbecile. I know how this shit works, so please stop talking to me like I’m a three-year-old.” No matter what she said or did for me, I would always despise her.

  “The media is to sweeten the deal. It’s got nothing to do her and her overdose,” she snapped at me. “You asked me for a favor, and this is how you talk to me. You’re lucky I’m here, Levi.” Sat back in the seat and examined her fingernails.

  “This is retribution, not a favor. You are here for one thing only. To explain to her family how you lied about us being back together, and confess how you spoke to Andi, causing her to break up with me and then overdose. Not to come here and set yourself up for more media whoring. This is so typical of you, Taylor.”

  My father dropped the paper enough to peer at us over the top, raising his eyebrows. “I’m sure that is your intention first and foremost. To talk privately with the family. Isn’t it, Taylor?” Derek asked her.

  “I wasn’t the only person involved in the paper article, you know.” She looked at Derek.

  “No, you weren’t, Taylor, but Levi and I have discussed that and came to our own agreement. If you expect James Publishing to finance your next movie, then you had best tell the LaRosa family and the media the truth.”

  She battered her fake eyelashes. “Of course, Derek. It’s all free publicity anyway.”

  It was right about now I was glad to have the old asshole and his bank account on my side. However, it didn’t change my opinion of him one bit. The three of us sat in silence for the remainder of the trip to the hospital. Derek reading the paper, Taylor on her phone, and me just wishing I could get the fuck out of this car.

  As soon as the limousine pulled to stop at the main entrance of the hospital, I jumped ship. Waiting to greet us was the Chairman of the Hospital Board of Directors and behind him, the hulk. I raised my eyebrows in a smug greeting. Guess who’s back for round two? He dropped eyes in defeat, unable to look at me.

  That was easy. Now for the challenge of Andi’s family. Most importantly, Tony and me, head to head. This one, I couldn’t wait for.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Tony’s twin black eyes shone with hatred as he pointed his finger in my direction. “So you’re just going to let this asshole waltz in here and buy access to Bella? He’s the whole reason she is in here!”

  Bobby stood up from the table opposite his brother. “Stop yelling, Tony, it’s achieving nothing. Are you forgetting that he actually found her and saved her life? He didn’t give her the pills and liquor. That was her choice. We enabled her, and now we need to do everything we can to save her. ‘Cause whatever they’re doing up there, it’s not working.”

  Sitting beside Bobby on one side was Mike, with Andi’s parents on the other. They looked like they had aged twenty years in the past twenty-four hours. Andi’s dad was pale and drawn while her mom continually dabbed at her red, puffed eyes with her white handkerchief and rubbed her thumb over the cross on her necklace. Having already agreed to Derek’s proposal to fund her hospital stay and get in the best specialists in the country, they let their two youngest sons argue. In actual fact, they looked like they have very little strength to speak out.

  Tony spoke to his parents again, his voice no longer raised. “This type of treatment he’s proposing doesn’t come cheap. Private r
oom, specialist doctors flown in from around the world. I smell a rat and I want to know why he’s doing it. And I don’t believe it’s for his prodigal son.”

  “Derek, now would be a good time for Taylor to speak. Don’t you agree?” I suggested. This argument was going nowhere. It was also taking up valuable time. Time Andi didn’t have.

  Derek cleared his throat with a cough. “You are a very perceptive individual, Tony. I guess that’s why you work in law enforcement. Please take a seat, both of you, and listen while I explain.”

  Tony and Bobby obliged, but both kept glaring at each other regardless.

  My father addressed Andi’s parents. “Over the years, I’ve made some very big decisions, and not all of them were with the best of integrity. Do I regret these decisions? No. Except for one. The one where last week I had an article and photo placed in my newspaper aimed to destroy the relationship between your daughter and my son.”

  Tony jumped up. “So it’s your fault she is laying here in an induced coma with possible irreversible brain and liver damage. You disgust me.”

  “Tony, sit down and let Mr. James continue.” Anthony LaRosa found his voice and spoke out against his son. “I think we would all like to see where this heading. Please continue, Mr. James.”

  Derek bowed his head in respect and continued. “My son and I have been estranged for most of his life. Yes, he has been involved in some less than favorable situations, and yes, I have bailed him out on more than one of those. But I love him. He is my son. I’m sure, as parents of four children, you can understand the unconditional love I am talking about.” He paused, looking at Andi’s parents for affirmation. Andi’s dad clutched at his wife’s hand and they both hummed in agreement. I almost gagged.


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