Royally Yours

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Royally Yours Page 22

by Amy Brent

  “You scared me,” I told him as he grinned.

  “I wanted to see you. We had plans with friends and couldn’t see you. Braden is still out.” Callin told me as I nodded silently. “What did you do?”

  “I went out with Violet. She works in the kitchen.” I told him, not wanting to say where we were.

  “That’s great. You’re making friends.” Callin stood and pulled me into his arms for a kiss, making me still.



  Freya was so stiff in my arms and I pulled away from her, looking closely into her face. She wouldn’t look at me and I tilted her head up to meet her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her as Freya moved up to kiss me again. Her arms slid around my neck and I pulled her against me. She was always passionate with me and Braden but tonight there was a need in her kiss. Freya deepened it and her hands slid down my back, slipping into my jeans. She kept at it, slipping her tongue against mine as I grasped the shirt that she was wearing in my fist.

  “Are you with anyone else, Callin?” Freya asked softly as she pulled away, just inches from my mouth.

  “What? No.” I assured her before she pressed her lips to mine again. I hadn’t thought of being with any other woman since seeing Freya come that first time. I was addicted. “Have you?”

  “No. I can barely handle this,” Freya laughed as she pulled me over to her bed. We fell, kissing hungrily as I settled myself between her legs. My arms slid beside her and I felt her heat through the thin material of her camisole. Her nipples were hard, and I gasped against her lips as she arched against me. I slipped her shirt off, finding her bare underneath. My mouth moved down her body, sucking a nipple between my teeth as she cried out. I was glad that she was the only one on this floor as she writhed underneath me. I moved down her stomach, slipping off her shorts before I buried my face inside her dripping pussy. Freya reached down and gripped my hair as I licked her slit, firmly and slowly. She gasped as I moved against her clit, circling it. She was so responsive to me. My cock was strained against my jeans and I moved my hips up to rip the buttons down. My bare heat rested against her skin and I slid my tongue inside of her tight entrance. I loved fucking her this way and smiled as they rocked against me.

  Freya came with a low cry, soaking me with her release as I kept my mouth locked on her body. I felt my cock twitch, longing to be inside of her as I slowly licked her. I pushed the need down as I rose and rested my face on her stomach, staring into her flushed face. Freya’s eyes were hooded, and she reached down to stroke my face.

  “I want you,” she whispered as I froze. “I have condoms in here. I’m ready and I want you.” I stared into her face, seeing her hair messy around her face as she tried to pull me up. I kicked off my jeans on the way and took the package that she handed me with shaking hands.

  “Are you sure?” I asked as she nodded quickly. I knelt over her, sheathing myself before I told her to spread her legs for me. I dropped down between them and positioned myself in front of her, sliding in slowly. Freya gasped, and I moved slow, not wanting to hurt her. This was her first time having a man inside of her and she wanted me. I kissed her as I pressed in a little further, stretching her pussy around my cock. “You feel so good.” I moved deeper still, going by her cues.

  Eventually, we were rocking together. I wanted to be as deep inside of her as I could be, and she arched her back to get more of me. I didn’t see the innocent Freya any longer. She was a passionate, sensual woman that pleased me in ways that no other woman could. She came a beat before me and her tight pussy made me jerk inside of her a few more times before I filled the latex wrapped around me. Jesus fucking Christ.

  We rested in her bed together when we were done. I held her body close to mine and stroked her stomach as she smiled in the dim light from the window.

  “Any regrets?” I whispered to her as she looked at me.

  “No. We were headed there anyway. It felt right tonight.” Her voice was soft and sated. I was never sure who would be the first. I’d been messing around with her for a few weeks along with Braden now. We got time in at night when everyone was asleep, jumping from room to room. It was addicting, making me forget every other girl I’d had in my bed.

  “I agree. You felt amazing wrapped around my dick.” I slipped a hand between her legs, stroking her clit again to make her moan for me. We were coming down from that when there was a tap at her door, making us both freeze under the covers.

  “Freya? It’s me?” I heard Braden’s voice, and she told him to come in. He stumbled inside and made his way through the room. “Are you in bed?”

  “Yeah. Callin is in here with me.” Freya told him as he paused.

  “He is?” Braden asked, sounding disappointed. I felt a surge of adrenaline at the idea of him being jealous. It was more timing than anything else.

  “He was home, Braden. You weren’t.” Her voice was a bit harsh, and I tightened my arms around her. “You seemed fine earlier at the pub with those girls.”

  Ice filled me as I stared at her.

  “The pub?” I repeated as she sucked her breath in. “You saw us?”

  “I was shopping. I couldn’t help it.” Freya snapped as Braden moved to sit on the bed.

  “Did you fuck me because you were pissed at my brother? What kind of point were you trying to make?” My tone was accusatory, and I stared at her for a long moment.

  “You slept with him?” Braden asked as she huffed in annoyance.

  “I told you that it was going to happen at some point. Tonight was it.” Freya said, tossing back her blankets, and walking to the bathroom.

  “You were flirting with Maddie tonight. What the fuck do you care?” I hissed as Braden snorted.

  “She was flirting with me, not the other way around.” He responded, and I rested my head back against the pillow. It hurt to think that she slept with me because she was hurt or just feeling emotional. I watched as the bathroom light shut off and Freya walked in, dressed in a thick robe.

  “I want to be alone. Get out.” Her words were low, and I sat up, staring at her.


  “Go,” she said, and I slipped out of bed to pull my jeans back on. I left with Braden, securing the door behind me.

  “What the hell was that? Did you force her to do that?” Braden asked as I stared at him. He continued down the stairs, and I followed with one last look at Freya’s door.

  “No. Never. She asked me for it.” I could tell how pissed Braden was and paused at the door to the man cave. “Did she do this tonight because she was jealous?”

  “I don’t fucking understand women. Never will.” Braden walked to his room and closed the door, ending all conversation for the night. I walked into mine and slipped on some boxers to sleep in. I stared down at my cock, marveling at the fact I was inside of her tonight. I could still feel her milking me, her walls tight and slick as she rocked against me. Fuck. She felt amazing. I reached down to stroke myself slowly, wondering if I’d ever have her again.

  I knew that she’d be jealous seeing us with other girls. We still had a life outside of these castle walls with friends and activities. Freya had nothing apart from a budding friendship with someone from the staff. We his every interaction with her for both of our sakes and while I didn’t enjoy that, Freya was concerned about her job. She lived for helping her mother and getting her out of the situation that they’d gotten in.

  If she was worried so much about that, she wasn’t staying here long-term. If she wasn’t staying here, then there was nothing to worry about for our future. We’d slept with staff before and perhaps she was no different. We’d all move on.

  I dropped to my back and played back the way it felt to fuck her, jerking my cock with tight thrusts. If I couldn’t have Freya again, I’d have to have somebody. Going weeks without sex was brutal for me. I closed my eyes and came on my stomach, groaning her name. I reached for a tissue to clean up the mess before dropping it into the
trash and closing my eyes.



  I slept poorly and woke up to my alarm groggy and in a foul mood. I thought that the first morning after I had sex, I’d be buzzing all over the place. I suppose that normally I would. It just ended so badly with Braden coming home and my immediate reaction to that.

  I was jealous. I didn’t want to think about them with other girls. Looking back, I wondered if I slept with Callin out of some kind of twisted spite. I played back the way his body felt against mine again and knew that I wanted it.

  I rose and showered before dressing for work. I knew that my eyes were red from crying last night, doing the best I could with cold water to tone it down. I was too pale and sighed as I pulled my hair up in a messy bun. I put my dress on and skipped coffee today. I didn’t feel like it would help.

  I jumped when I saw the queen sitting in the room. I looked at the clock to make sure I wasn’t late before approaching her.

  “Good morning,” I greeted her, trying to sound cheerful. “Is everything okay?”

  “I was tossing and turning last night with an idea for a dress.” She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and gave me a soft smile. She looked tired although still beautiful. I wondered how much the situation with her husband was taking out of her. It had to be hard just in general. Being royalty had to make it much worse.

  Heat washed over me as I turned on the light at the large desk and grabbed my notepad. I slept with one of her sons last night and I’d been messing around with both of them before that for weeks. I’d lose my job if she found out. “Tell me what you’re thinking of.” I managed to focus as she explained her design to me, jotting down notes and making a rough sketch.

  The queen pressed her hands over her soft sweater as she smiled. “That will be perfect for the Summer Ball. Please work on it soon. It’s a priority after the garden party.”

  “Of course. Consider it done.” I sat for a moment, smiling brightly at her. I hoped that she had no idea about her sons. This was a situation that she’d dealt with before and it ended badly for the women involved. I knew that the woman could be frosty and chewed out her sons for their part in the scandal. She just couldn’t, or wouldn’t, disown them. Certainly not to this close to Braden taking over the throne.

  I’d lose in this situation. There was no doubt in my mind. She rose and told me that she’d check in on my progress. I watched as the door closed behind her, dropping back in my chair. I felt guilt and shame surging through my body as reality hit me. I should end everything with Braden and Callin immediately. It couldn’t be that hard to pull away after this relatively short time, could it?

  Yes, it could. We’d burned like a wildfire in the short time that we’d been involved. I was physically addicted to both of these men especially after last night. I wanted to have my turn with Braden if he was still talking to me. There seemed to be a lot going on last night between the brothers and perhaps me. I sighed and got to working on finishing the dress for the garden party, working through the morning as anxiety and exhaustion threatened to take me over. I jumped when I heard the door open, glancing back to see Callin.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked as he approached me, holding a cup of coffee.

  “I thought you might need this. Helen said that you never came down this morning, so I offered to bring you coffee. I wanted to check on you, anyway.” His eyes searched my face. “Are you okay after last night?”

  “I’m fine. Kind of tired, so thank you.” I took the cup and set it on the desk beside me. “What was wrong with Braden?”

  “I haven’t talked to him yet but I’m just assuming sibling stuff. He went right to bed.” Callin looked around and his eyes rested on the dress that I was working on as well as my sketch. “You’re a talented designer.”

  “Thanks.” I replied as I tossed a strand of hair out of my face. “It didn’t have to do with me?”

  “One of us was going to be the first,” he said with a shrug. “It worked out the way that it did. He’ll be fine.” Callin smiled and I couldn’t help but smile back. “Regrets? You seemed a little crazy last night.”

  “No regrets. I think I was just thinking too much and picking up on the tension between you two.” I looked at the door. “The queen was already here, first thing this morning. We need to be careful.”

  “I did it as a favor to Helen,” Callin said, holding up his hands and stepping back. “Come into the man cave tonight if you can get away.” Callin turned to leave the room, and I sighed heavily, reaching for my coffee. I already wanted him again.

  I worked through the day, making an appearance to Helen for lunch. I grabbed my sandwich and went outside, relieved to see that I was alone today. I needed a break to think and just breathe in fresh air. I leaned against the tree and closed my eyes, wanting to be done so I could sleep.

  I finished my day and walked to my room, exhausted. I changed into leggings and a t-shirt before crawling in bed for a nap. Hell, if I slept all night I’d be fine with that. My sleep had been off ever since I started with my princes and I smiled before drifting off.

  I came to in the dark, feeling someone pressed against me under the covers. I panicked, wondering if I forgot to lock my door. Who was this? I reached out to feel them, grasping hair that I knew belonged to Braden. He stirred and reached his arms around me, pulling me close.

  “What are you doing in here?” I whispered, feeling him kiss my hair.

  “I was tired and figured I’d see what you were up to. You should lock your door more often. You never know who could sneak in.” I smiled against his mouth, feeling him kiss me.

  “Are we okay?” I asked as he brushed his lips across mine again. Lust drive through my veins as I deepened the kiss, needing to feel what he’d be like inside of me. All concerns went out of the window as he turned me to my back, slipping his body between my thighs as I pulled him closer.

  “I need to be inside of you,” Braden told me huskily, kissing my jawline in between his words. “I won’t be the first anymore, but I need you, Freya.”

  “That doesn’t matter.” Braden would complete this and maybe I could walk away after that. The first-time awkwardness was over. I could meet a guy in town or even once I went home. We could settle down together and have a family far away from this madness. But for now, I needed Braden all over me.

  We kissed hard, our teeth crashing together as he hovered over me. Braden pulled back and tugged my shirt over my head, baring my breasts to him. I moaned as he kissed my lips, down to my neck and then over my chest. He slipped my leggings down and sucked a nipple into his mouth as he slipped his finger over my clit. I arched my back and reached into his hair to hold him against me.

  When did I become this woman?

  Braden began fucking me with his hand and I cried out his name. I was wet, and his palm brushed my clit with each thrust, bringing me close to release. When I was close, he dropped down and kissed my pussy, sucking my swollen clit into his mouth. I moaned his name and flooded his lips with my juices as he sucked hard.

  When I was done, I dropped to the mattress. Braden stripped his pants off and I felt his lips against my hair. I felt him roll to his back and the tearing of a packet, kissing him as he sheathed himself.

  “I want you on top,” he murmured as adrenaline rushed through my veins. This was new to me, but I crawled over him eagerly, placing my entrance over his hard cock. Sliding down, I impaled myself on him with a soft whimper. The brothers were both well endowed. I’d give them that. Braden might be slightly thicker than Callin and stroked every part of my walls as he filled me.

  I pressed my hands down to his chest as I moved back up. I tried different positions and once he was guiding me with his hands on my hips, I knew I had it right.



  She felt so fucking good. Freya was tight and wet as she gripped me, riding my cock with hard bucks of her hips. I drove into her, matching her rough rhythm as I
moaned her name. I knew that Freya would feel like this and the irritation of Callin taking her first slipped away with every movement.

  Once she was coming, I rolled her on her back and drove myself into her. I stretched up and pulled her feet to my shoulders, pumping into her as I raced towards my own orgasm. It hit me hard, and I jerked a few more times inside of her before I exploded.

  I dropped over her body, breathing deeply as her legs slipped to the mattress. I knew that I just had the best sex of my life as I buried my face in her neck, slick with sweat.

  “You felt amazing,” I told her as she laughed.

  “So did you.” Freya told me as she stroked my back. “So good.”

  I thought back to the night before where I was resentful towards my brother and in part, Freya. I didn’t feel any of that now. I was with her in a rare moment of it being just us. I did have the chance to sleep with Maddie last night and pushed her away at practically the last minute. She didn’t taste like Freya. Maddie didn’t give me the adrenaline that Freya did. In fact, no woman ever had. I kissed her hair and focused on that for a moment.

  I heard a tap at the door and looked over to see the knob twist. I locked it coming in and gazed down at Freya. “Should I let him in?”

  “Sure,” she said softly, smiling up at me. Freya seemed to care for both of us equally. How could that be? She was a virgin when she came to work here and now sleeping with two men didn’t bother her. I slipped out from under the covers and slipped my boxers on, going to unlock the door.

  “I figured you’d be here when you weren’t out for Derrick’s party,” Callin noted as he walked inside and over to Freya. I locked the door again and watched as he sat on the bed with her.

  “How do you feel having had both of us? Are you over it and in need of another guy?” I could hear the bitterness in his tone and Freya shook her head at him in the dim light.


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