Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Lea Barrymire

  “Stand up now. You anger me already by disobeying me?” Pain brought her quickly from her thoughts. Her arm hurt where Mapra’s large fingers had pinched her. She glanced down and could see the bruise forming already. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she rubbed at them with the back of a hand.

  A large hand wrapped around her arm and pulled her off the bed, unceremoniously dumping her onto the floor. She scrambled to her feet, smoothing the shirt she still wore down her thighs. All of the lessons Raharan taught her ran through her mind. This male was not going to allow her to slip like she’d been allowed to do before. With downcast eyes, she breathed deeply trying to calm her heart rate.

  “You will follow me, now.” Mapra turned and stalked out of the cell without a glance behind him. Maggie rushed forward to take her place two steps behind the male. She looked through her lashes at her new owner. He was as tall as Raharan had been, maybe even a little taller. His hair was really long and braided again, running down his back and ending just above his belt. Black leather pants covered his legs, and he wore a black vest over a white shirt. He walked with more emotion than Raharan had. His movements were harsher and more pronounced. Where Raharan had been feline and graceful in his movements, this male was more aggressive.

  Maggie didn’t try to pay attention to where they walked as she didn’t know the ship well enough to guess where they were anyway. She spent the walk trying to wrap her mind around the last day. Instinctively she knew that Mapra was not going to give her time to mourn and would probably punish her for showing emotions for Raharan’s death. She tried to push her grief and pain into a corner of her mind where she could deal with it at another time.

  Curiosity took over as they walked through hallway after hallway without coming in contact with another soul. How could that be? If there were enough Pa’Kren warriors to take over this ship, then where were they? She wondered if they’d decided to blow the ship up like Raharan’s had been and were just moving the last few people now. Through lashes she watched yet another hallway stretch out in front of them. She noticed that Mapra continued to check some sort of communication system on his wrist whenever they approached a new passageway. He seemed intent on the little device more and more as they walked further. She wondered if it showed a map or something else.

  “When we enter the ship, you will follow me to my quarters. You’re not allowed to speak to anyone, including other humans if we come in contact with them.” His voice echoed through the silent hall and seemed to amplify as it bounced around them. Maggie didn’t respond because he hadn’t asked her to do so. She just kept her head down and tried to keep herself two paces behind him.

  They walked through a round portal, and she could tell right away that they were no longer on the same ship. The floors and walls changed abruptly to dulled black instead of the shiny silver of the Xeltec ship. The temperature increased as well and almost felt balmy after the frigid temperatures she had grown used to. Mapra continued to check his wrist unit as he stalked through the new ship. They only walked a few minutes before he stopped in front of a doorway. He touched the panel next to the door, and it slid silently open. He turned quickly and grabbed Maggie’s arm and squeezed it painfully, making her squeak in surprise.

  “You’ll wait here until I come back for you. You’re not allowed to touch anything within this room. You’re to remain on the bed. If you need to use the bathing room, make sure to leave the door open.” He shoved her through the door, and it closed behind her.

  Maggie rubbed her arm where he had grabbed her. She was going to be quite the collection of bruises from that male if he didn’t stop grabbing her so roughly. She stood just inside the door and looked around. The room was small and only held a small bed, table, and chair. There was another doorway to the left that she decided led to the bathing room. There wasn’t anything that would point to the owner of this room. Nothing personal at all sat out where she could see it. The bed was made with almost military precision. With slow steps, she walked to the bed and climbed on it. The mattress wasn’t too hard, but it definitely wasn’t the most comfortable one she had ever been on.

  With a sigh, she lay on the bed and curled up into the smallest ball she could. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, but she ignored it. There wasn’t anything to eat, and she hadn’t been given permission to eat anyway. Maggie had the feeling that doing anything without permission would not be good for her. She forced herself to relax and eventually she fell asleep curled in on herself.

  * * * *

  “You sleep too much.”

  Maggie woke with a start and scrambled back away from the large body hovering over her. She quickly tried to remember what she was doing in this foreign bed with this strange male staring at her with angry disapproval. Memories rushed back. Raharan was gone. She was now owned by this male. She watched his face twist in rage before she remembered she wasn’t supposed to be making eye contact. She quickly looked down to the blanket and hoped that she wasn’t going to be punished.

  “You dare look on me without permission. Didn’t Raharan train you to be respectful?” Mapra growled his question at her and grabbed her chin in a cruel grip, forcing her to look up into his face. “You will answer a direct question, human.”

  “Yes, he trained me. I’m sorry. Submission is new to me. I won’t let it happen again,” Maggie whispered, wincing as he squeezed her jaw hard before releasing her face. She instantly looked down. If nothing else, she was a fast study.

  “You will call me Master when addressing me.” He stood and loomed over her, casting a very large and impressive shadow over her body. Intimidation was his game, she guessed, and he was very good at it.

  “Yes, Master,” she replied. “Sorry, Master.”

  Placated, he moved away from the bed and paced the room. His anger was stifling in such a small space. He seemed to suck the oxygen from the tiny room, making it difficult for her to breathe. Maggie wondered why he was so angry. Why he seemed to be so agitated. She huddled on the bed trying to make herself as small as possible.

  “You smell of him. Go wash your body and return to me.” He pointed at the doorway to emphasize his statement. She scrambled quickly off the bed and eased around him, sidling toward the bathing room door. Deep down she knew that there wasn’t anything she could do if he wanted to harm her, but there was no reason to give him more reasons to be angry.

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered, eyes downcast. She reached out and touched the panel next to the door and breathed a sigh of relief when it slid open. She walked quickly into the small bathing chamber and entered the shower as fast as she could. She was terrified of having sex with Mapra, but then again she didn’t want to be punished either.

  With fast and efficient movements, she bathed, cleaning her body and her mind in preparation of what was to come. She would not allow him to enter her mind. She would submit, give him her body, but she refused to let that get to her. She’d keep Raharan in her thoughts and memory even when this other male was using her. Maybe she should hope that Mapra would give her to someone else once they reached their planet.

  When she was dried and as ready as she could be, she touched the panel, readying herself for the coming assault. When the door slid open, the bedroom was once again empty. A breath rushed from her, releasing the tension riding her body. She had gained a reprieve for now. She climbed onto the bed and covered herself with the top blanket. Instinctively she knew that dressing would be a mistake, but she was not going to wait, naked, on the top of the bed. She sat with her back against the headboard, waiting for her fate.

  Sleep must have crept up on her because she woke with a start when the door from the hallway slid open. She looked down at the blanket as soon as she caught a glimpse of Mapra entering the room. She breathed deeply, chanting to herself to stay calm. No need to push him too far too fast by smelling of fear. Her heart rate sped up as she saw his body enter her periphery. It’s just sex. He can’t touch your mind or soul.

  “Give me your w
rists, human.” The order was low and rough. Lust already colored his voice.

  Maggie stuck her arms out toward him, knowing that he would restrain her. She tried to keep the tears from leaking from her eyes, but she couldn’t. They ran slowly down her face and off her chin as black cuffs were buckled to her wrists. At least they weren’t too tight.

  “Lay down on your back.” She complied and closed her eyes before she could see his face. She flinched slightly when he attached the cuffs to cloth restraints at the corners of his bed. “Spread your legs.”

  Maggie hesitated slightly when he told her to spread her legs. Being tied to the bed was one thing, spreading herself out for her would-be rapist was too much. She yelped as a large hand slapped her hard on the thigh. Her eyes snapped open, and a new rush of tears ran down her face. She looked into the face of rage personified. Mapra’s face had twisted into a feral snarl. She cringed from the look of anger, trying to ball her body up but only able to pull her legs into her body. She cried out when his hand came down again against her other thigh. The pain coursed through her body and left her panting.

  “You will obey me!” He screamed the words at her and raised his hand again, this time with a closed fist. She closed her eyes, waiting for the fist to descend and cause untold injury to her. A whimper escaped her lips.

  The sound of a door sliding and a deep, terrifying growl echoed in the small room. She shook with fear.

  “You will not harm my mate,” roared through the tiny space, almost shaking the walls with the force of the rage.

  Maggie’s eyes popped open, riveted to the voice she had thought never to hear again. She soaked in the view of Raharan standing with fists curled at his side, his hair loose, and tumbling around his shoulders, rage flashing in his golden eyes. She watched as he launched his body across the space and landed a punch to Mapra’s jaw, crumpling the other male to the floor.

  “You’re alive?” Her voice was barely above a whisper, but Raharan’s head whipped around, his eyes capturing her gaze. Tears ran down her face as joy and love exploded in her chest. Darkness crept around her vision, and before she gave into the urge to pass out, she whispered one more sentence, “I thought you were dead.”

  Chapter 10

  “Wake up, little human.” Warm fingers slid down Maggie’s face, bringing a smile to her lips. All was well in the world if she was hearing that voice again. She sighed and slowly opened her eyes to find the golden eyes of her mate inches from her face.

  “Oh, God, Raharan. I thought you were dead. He told me you were gone.” Maggie reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into her embrace and kiss. She sobbed against his neck as relief coursed through her. She kissed every inch of skin she could reach, murmuring her love against his skin.

  “Shh, Maggie. I’m fine, you are fine, and now I have found you.” Warm hands held her face. Concern and anger warred in his face. “Did he touch you? Did I stop him from harming you?”

  “He didn’t touch me sexually. I’m sure I have bruises from his treatment of me, but other than that I’m fine.” She watched relief loosen his brows and allow a smile to play across his lips. The one question she needed to know the answer to bubbled from her mouth before she could stop it. “Why did he take me if he knew you were alive?”

  A growl rumbled in his chest before he answered her. “He thought to steal you from me and then make me think you’d agreed to it. He was going to seal his claim with you and then bring me to you to witness his claiming. Like I would have accepted that. You’re mine, Maggie. Mine.”

  She wanted to grin at the possessiveness. Joy flowed through her mind. He was alive and had saved her. Nothing could stain her happiness at the moment. The future was unknown, but for that moment, she was perfectly happy. A sigh left her lips as she reached up to stroke his face. An impish smile played around her lips. “Yes, Master, I am yours.”

  He jerked at her words and then smiled in answer. He leaned down to kiss her, capturing her lips with his. Warm breath feathered over her face when he rested his forehead against hers. She closed her eyes and reveled in the feel of his heartbeat pounding against hers. Nothing ever could compare to the feeling of his body close to hers, reacting and causing hers to react in passion.

  Maggie finally looked around at the room she woke in and noticed that they were no longer in Mapra’s room. This one was larger, as was the bed. She could tell that the cabin had recently been vacated by its owner because there were still a few personal affects around the room that surely didn’t belong to Raharan.

  She turned to him to ask about the room and was swamped with the look of lust and possessiveness in his eyes. She sucked in a breath through her teeth as her body reacted instantly to the heat. Her body knew what it wanted before her brain did. Heat pooled in her belly, spreading slowly through her body. A shiver skated down her spine as she watched his eyes dilate, turning to a burnt gold.

  “Maggie. I don’t think I will be able to wait much longer. Are you over your trauma?” His voice was low and vibrated through her chest.

  “My trauma? What are you asking?” Maggie had a good idea of what he was saying especially if she factored in the hard cock pressed against her hip. She wanted to laugh but thought against it in case he took it the wrong way.

  “I don’t want to push you into having sex with me if you are still traumatized from your experience, but when you look at me like that, I can’t help myself. I want to feel your heat around me.”

  “Raharan. I’m fine. I want nothing else than to feel you inside me.” She watched him slowly unleash the control he had on his lust. The heat and need that flowed off him in waves was almost palpable. She groaned when he rubbed his cock against her side and slowly slid a hand down her stomach.

  “My little human. Do you think you could ride me? I want to watch you taking me into your body. I want to see your breasts moving as you impale yourself on my cock.” His voice was so gravelly with need that she could barely understand the requests. She was wet with wanting. She moaned when he ran his hand further down her body and slid a finger through her folds, finding her wet and ready. “You are so wet for me.”

  “Please. Master, please. Let me ride you. I want to feel you inside me.” She whimpered as he slowly thrust a finger into her opening. She watched as he bent and slowly licked a nipple and sucked it into his mouth. Her eyes closed as the sensations flooded her. God, he felt so good.

  “Come, Maggie. Ride me.” He rolled them on the bed, pulling her body on top of his. Naked and needy, she slid her slick pussy along his hardened cock, coating him with her juices. She threw her head back as she ground the head of his shaft against her clit.

  He chuckled before grabbing her hips and picking her up enough for his cock to enter her opening. He helped her slide down his shaft. Both of them groaned in bliss when he filled her completely. She loved the feel of his shaft embedded inside her. He was hot and hard where she was soft. She leaned back and placed her hands on his thighs, rocking slightly to move him inside her.

  He snaked a finger into her folds and started circling her clit. She gasped and closed her eyes at the feeling. She started moving in earnest, pulling herself up his shaft and sliding back down in a slow, sensual pace. He moved his hips in concert with her tempo, thrusting a little further into her. She leaned back a little further and moaned when his cock stroked over her G-spot with each movement. She laughed as she felt herself climbing quickly toward a climax.

  “Touch your breasts, Maggie.” His command made her pussy clench, and she moaned with the feel. One of her hands moved to her breast, massaging it and running her palm over a nipple. She delighted at the feel of her own arousal. With a thumb and forefinger, she rolled and pulled on her nipple, sending shocks of sensation to her clit. Raharan started working her clit in the same rhythm she used on her nipple, and her release was suddenly there, waiting for her to throw herself into the abyss.

  “Please, Master. Let me come,” she whined and begged,
almost out of her mind with need. Her pussy was wet and slick, her breasts were heavy and sensitive, and her clit was swollen and throbbing. She needed to come and wanted to come around his cock. Wanted to feel him come inside her as she spasmed around him.

  “Come, Maggie. Come hard for me.” The command was enough to send her over the edge. The orgasm exploded inside her body, clenching every muscle. She cried out his name as she came hard, milking his cock. She barely was back inside her own head when he surged up inside her body, tensing as he came. He barked out her name and pulled her down tight to his body. His cock pulsed inside her for a moment before he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down onto his chest. He pressed his lips to her forehead. “I love you, little human.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. He loved her! Tears sprang to her eyes as joy surged through her heart. “I love you, too, Master.”

  “I love the sound of that on your lips. Maggie, we are heading to my home planet, and I plan on taking you officially as my mate. Do you think you can be happy with me?” Maggie glimpsed vulnerability in his face as he waited for her reply. She loved him more for his doubt. If anyone could understand the idea of rejection, it was her. She reached out and stroked his cheek, running her fingers over his lips.

  “Raharan, as long as I’m with you, I am happy. You are my mate as much as I am yours. I love you.” She grinned at the look of relief that flowed across his face. She bent down and kissed him with all the passion and love she could muster. She stroked his tongue with hers, sucking it into her mouth. She kissed the corners of his mouth and his nose before leaning back slightly. “Wherever you go, please take me with you. I can’t go through losing you again.”


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