Baby Cage

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Baby Cage Page 5

by Devon Shire

  Kayla cut away my panties. Then she sliced a long slit up my blouse. She pulled away the pieces of clothing one at a time, stripping me of my last defenses. “What are you going to do?” I asked when my bra came off, leaving me naked. I imagined the heap of my clothes at Kayla’s feet.

  “We told you. We’re going to get you dressed up.”

  “Please, just let me go.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  My eyes had watered at some point, yet something in Seth’s voice helped me stay calm. I didn’t start to cry in spite of the instinct to. He petted me again. In one way, his willingness to stroke me aggravated me. He wasn’t supposed to treat me this way, and yet his touch felt good and some part of me definitely welcomed it.

  “Yes,” I said with a little squeak.

  Kayla circled around and kneeled in front of me as well. My eyes tightened again. I wanted to hate her, but then she asked, “How about we play a game? Games are good for little girls because they help you feel like you’re in control.”

  “What do I get if I win?”

  “How about we let you off the table?” she asked. Kayla clapped her hands together with way too much energy. “Would you like that? Would that make you feel better, sweetie?”

  “What’s the game?”

  “It’s a question game. You like those, don’t you?”

  “Yes. But you’ll let me up?”

  “Absolutely!” she spoke like a kindergarten teacher. For his part, Seth nodded. I wanted to believe them. They must have seen how I couldn’t be much use if they had to actually restrain me. Then again, I didn’t think about how the collar had a lock. I didn’t think about how they planned this.

  “Okay,” I said and nodded. My chin pressed down against the changing table’s mat.

  “We’re going to make these pretty easy. But you’re a smart girl, so you’ll do just fine. Won’t you?”

  Seth waited for me to respond, so I reluctantly agreed, “Yes.”

  “What kind of room is this?”

  “It was a bedroom.”

  “Was?” he asked.

  “You’ve obviously changed it.”

  Kayla smiled, “Good girl!” She even patted me on the head like my answer was some sort of real achievement. It reminded me of high school and one of my teachers, Mrs. Brundrick. She always talked to her students like they were little kids. Mrs. Brundrick had started out as a preschool teacher. They hit the same key.

  “What did we change it into?”

  “A nursery.”

  “Good girl!” Kayla said again and hopped up and down a little with mock excitement. She was patronizing me. I knew it, but I couldn’t do anything about it. Instead, I concentrated on the game. I expected the questions to get more difficult, like they wanted to lull me into a false sense of security.

  “Who sleeps in a nursery?”

  “A baby would,” I told her.

  The next question came from Seth, “And what piece of furniture are you on right now?”

  “It’s a table,” I said, refusing to add anymore. My stomach started to sink as my nerves went on edge. I didn’t like where this was headed.

  Patient and speaking clearly, he asked, “What kind of table is it?”

  I glowered back at him for a moment. I didn’t want to say it, but if I didn’t, then they could say I lost the game. I had to keep playing if I wanted any chance of being released. “It looks like a changing table.”

  “Okay. Just two more questions then,” said Kayla. She flashed two fingers like I needed help with the concept. She was my teacher, but I really wanted to smack her right then. Reminding myself that I had to focus on them and convincing them to let me go, I tried to suppress my frustration. I couldn’t let my emotions get the best of me.

  “Fine. What are they?” I tried to hide the apprehension crawling through my skin. They had me strapped down. I couldn’t remember ever feeling this powerless. Seth and Kayla could do whatever they wanted with me. The thought made my stomach drop.

  “What is a changing table for?” she sounded like a kindergarten teacher again. She sounded like the teacher quizzing her students.

  “It’s for babies. It’s for changing their diapers.” My responses were neat and precise. I wanted them to be efficient. I didn’t want to say any more than absolutely necessary.

  “So you’re on a changing table, and changing tables are for babies. So huh,” with another over exaggerated gesture, Kayla put her finger against her mouth like this required real consideration. “Wouldn’t that mean you’re a baby?”

  “No!” I shook my head, “No! I played your game and answered your questions. You have to let me up.”

  Seth chuckled for a moment. “Yes, we will let you up. But we aren’t done getting you ready, silly.”

  “What are you going to do?” My voice quivered. The weight of the collar pulled on me. I somehow felt even weaker, and again I wondered what those small needles had done to me. “Please, just tell me.”

  Seth smiled down at me. “Well, because you asked so nicely, I’ll show you.” Then he held something in front of me. I didn’t see him get it. I don’t know where it came from, but my eyes locked onto it, and my brain blanked out. There was just no way, I kept thinking to myself. They couldn’t! They wouldn’t!

  He held up a diaper. He wanted me to see it. But he didn’t just raise it up. He unfolded it and maneuvered it from side to side so I witnessed every detail. The white caught my eye. Then I made out the little cartoon ducks. I saw the ruffles to hold back any possible leaks. And the scent. I caught the clean scent. It made me shiver because they were going to make me wear it.

  I had to stop them.

  Kayla nodded, swinging her chin up and down the way she would have for a child. “That’s right. This is your diaper! We’re going to put it on you and get you dressed and then you’ll be a happy little baby girl and we can play some games and teach you some lessons!”

  “No!” I nearly shouted the word.

  “Don’t get fussy or we’ll make you suck on a pacifier.”

  In spite of myself, Kayla’s threat burned through the shock at seeing the diaper. No, I couldn’t let them muzzle me. I closed my mouth for a moment, took a breath, and tried to ignore the pounding of my heart. They had me naked. That was humiliating, sure, but a diaper? I wasn’t a little girl! I wasn’t a baby! They couldn’t make me wear one.

  “Please. Let me do something else, anything else! Please, I can file papers or help you grade!” I must have sounded so weak and utterly pathetic. For their parts, Seth and Kayla seemed to enjoy my little show, especially as I struggled.

  I kept pulling at the straps which held me down. I pulled and yanked and fought as hard as I could, but they didn’t move. My arms and legs remained trapped.

  Seth started to pet me again, “Calm down, baby girl. I know you’re scared, but once you’re back in diapers, you’ll feel so much better.” He was teasing me, mocking and patronizing me. Knowing this didn’t help.

  “Please,” I whimpered again, my eyes wide and desperately pleading. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Lift your bottom,” Kayla said to me.

  For an instant, hope flared through me since I didn’t have to do anything they said. They already restrained me to get us this far. If I simply refused to cooperate, then they couldn’t do anything else.

  “No,” I said through gritted teeth. With my jaw locked tight, I figured I would be more intimidating. If anything, I probably seemed even more like a naughty toddler throwing a tantrum.

  “Really?” asked Seth as though this made no sense. His reaction should have made me even more nervous. Instead, I felt myself start to get a bit cocky. They couldn’t make me do it. I just had to be completely defiant. Sure, they could mess with my grades. They were still my teachers after all, but I could threaten to tell the administration what they had done to me. A hundred wicked thoughts played through my head.

  But then Kayla drew me back to reality, �
�If you don’t lift your bottom right now, we’re going to take some baby pictures right here and right now.” Before I could even process and understand what she meant, Kayla pulled out her phone and snapped a picture. The flash went off and I blinked, dazed as the afterimage glowed against my retina. My eyelids fluttered and she continued, “I’d hate for your classmates to see you like this. I’m sure they’d be interested in your extracurricular activities.”

  “What? No! Please!” At once, I knew that if this picture got online, there would be no stopping it. Once that realization kicked in, I relaxed a bit, “I’ll behave.”

  “You promise?” asked Seth.

  I glared at him, wishing I could burn him away with the heat from my stare. But then I nodded, “Yes. I promise.” Getting those words out took more effort than I first anticipated.

  “Now lift your bottom,” he told me again. This time, I did it. I hated myself for it. I hated how one cell phone could coerce me into this kind of abject humiliation.

  “This is going to feel good on your little girl parts,” Kayla said to me as she unfolded the diaper. She made sure to do it within my line of sight. I understood this, and yet I could not look away. My eyes remained fixed on this white symbol and I remembered one of Professor Rowland’s lectures. He talked about how clothes mattered. We wore our identities, only now I’d be forced into a diaper. The humiliation sizzled through my skin, pumped faster on the beat of my heart.

  My lips parted as I scrambled to think of some way to make this stop. My efforts halted when Kayla lowered the diaper and I had to keep my bottom up, a few inches off the top of the changing table.

  “Such a good girl!” Seth said, mocking me again. He enjoyed my degradation, the knowledge that I couldn’t stop this from happening.

  For her part, Kayla focused on getting me in the diaper. She slipped the back portion under me and gave my thigh another little slap and told me to lower my butt. I did so reluctantly, loathing myself for allowing this to happen. I tried to figure out my mistake, but nothing came to mind.

  Kayla folded the diaper’s front side up and against my pelvis. She removed the tape from their folds and pulled the right side of the diaper into place. Pressing down, she secured the tape. I tried to wiggle free, if only to buy myself another two or three seconds out of a diaper, but it didn’t make any difference. A second later, Kayla grabbed the left side, pulled it up and pressed the tape down again. The diaper circled my waist and ran between my legs.

  “How does that feel?” she asked, sliding her palm from my front down between my legs. The diaper crinkled and crunched and each sound made me want to flinch. The cool cotton rubbed against my vaginal lips, against my pelvis, and nothing I did could block out those sensations. I had to face them and experience. Worse, when I opened my eyes again, I found Kayla’s gloating smirk.

  I licked my lips and tried to marshal myself once more. I couldn’t freak out. I couldn’t let them see how flustered the diaper made me feel. Fighting to keep the pitch of my voice calm and level, I said, “Okay. So you have me diapered again. I couldn’t stop you. Doesn’t that prove your collar works?”

  “It’s a bit more complicated than that,” Kayla said as she started to remove the manacles from my wrists and ankles.

  Rather than leap up the moment my hands were freed, I sat up slowly and examined them. It took more effort than I expected, but I assumed my lethargy came from the energy I burned trying to get out of my restraints in the first place. I didn’t pull my legs together; doing so would have crinkled the diaper, and I didn’t need any more remainders.

  “Are you a hungry girl?” asked Kayla.

  “What do you mean?” The thought of food did make my stomach growl.

  “Okay honey, let’s get some food in you,” she told me and reached out for my hand. I still only had on the diaper. I glanced around, expecting more clothes, but neither of them paid any attention to my quizzical gaze.

  When I didn’t move fast enough, Kayla took my hand and pulled me off the changing table. My bare feet hit the thick carpet, only my muscles couldn’t handle my weight and I tumbled down onto my hands and knees.

  “What’s going on?” I demanded, looking up. I tried to push myself up, harder this time. It took an extraordinary amount of effort, as though I were lifting hundreds of pounds rather than my lithe frame.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie, it’s just a side effect from the collar.”

  I doubted it was so much a side effect as its intended purpose. Within another three or four seconds, I managed to force myself back onto my feet. There was no choice now. I had to crinkle my diaper as I brought my legs together. The thick material between my legs left me flustered, but with Seth and Kayla right there, I had no choice but to endure this indignity.

  Kayla pulled me out of the room and back down the hall for something to eat. I imagined them cutting up little hot dogs for me. Also, I doubted I would be allowed a fork or knife. As I waddled after my professor turned babysitter, I tried to brace myself for whatever else they had planned. When we passed the front door, I glanced at it longingly, wishing I could just step outside.

  We passed the kitchen which confused me. Kayla instead took me over to the living room where she had me sit down. “Be a good girl and wait right here,” she said, leaning forward and reverting back to her preschool teacher’s voice.

  Kayla left me there. I froze, wondering if I shouldn’t try to make a break for it. Once or twice, I tensed my muscles and started to lift myself from the couch cushions. But then I felt and heard the sound of my diaper and I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t simply rush outside dressed like this. I would look too absurd, too bizarre.

  Trapped by indecision and hesitation, I waited even as I listened. Kayla was humming gently, the sounds wafting back into the living room. I heard the microwave come on as it heated something. Again, my stomach tightened with hunger.

  As I waited, I peeked down at my crotch. Part of me still couldn’t believe it. How did this happen? How did they do this to me? I longed to reach down and tear away the tape. The diaper was snug and warm, but I wanted it off. Every movement proved to be another reminder of what happened.

  Finally, Kayla returned and I peeked up. My eyes widened. “You’re kidding. C’mon, please, the diaper has to be enough.”

  “It’s not,” she assured me with a condescending grin. She wiggled the baby bottle. The diaper seemed bad, but getting fed with a bottle? No, I couldn’t do it. I refused. As Kayla approached, holding it out for me to see, I started to scoot back. Before long, I backed myself into the corner of the couch.

  With nowhere to go and too weak to run, I bolted my mouth shut. But Kayla had a strategy to use against me. Why change it when it worked so well the first time? Holding the bottle with one hand, she pulled out her phone again and clicked another picture.

  “Oh! This one is really cute! You’re all pouty,” she said and turned the phone around for me to see. With my arms locked across my chest and my hair pulled back into a ponytail, I really did look like a baby. The diaper was clear. Anyone who saw this would think I wanted to dress this way.

  “Please, don’t make…” I whined, knowing that I had already lost.

  Kayla must have realized it as well. She sat down and patted her lap. It took me a moment to realize what she wanted. Even then, I refused for several more seconds. “It would be a shame if your other teachers saw how you have to wear diapers.”

  “I don’t.”

  My professor just smirked back at me. I noticed a mean girl viciousness in her expression. Sadistically, she loved my humiliation. She loved seeing me brought low like this because I had no choice. Again, I crawled across the lap. I was going to sit on her lap, but Kayla clicked her tongue, shook her head, and helped me lay down across her thighs.

  With my back pressed against her legs, I stared up at her and felt my legs swing uselessly against the air. “Open up for your ba ba,” she told me, lowering the bottle of milk. I wanted food. I wanted t
o eat like a grownup, only Kayla must have guessed my thoughts, “This is what babies drink. And who’s a baby girl?”

  “I’m an adult!”

  “No,” she said with an exaggerated shake of her head, “You’re cute and you’re in diapers. Who’s cute? Who wears diapers? That’s right!” Kayla didn’t wait for me to respond, “Babies are cute and wear diapers, just like you. So you must be a baby girl! And so pretty!” She pinched my cheek again. I wanted to smack her hand away, but when I tried, I could barely lift my arm. Clearly, the collar robbed me of most of my strength.

  I didn’t fight her this time when she pressed the bottle’s nipple against my lips. I took the nipple and started to suck. A fresh wave of shame descended on me as I suckled the bottle. Warm milk dripped into my mouth as I pulled in more and more. It filled my stomach and my hunger started to fade.

  Kayla started to hum, and the sense of humiliation began to fade. Although I tried to cling to my sense of outraged degradation, I couldn’t do it. Her tones relaxed me, and it had been years since I had warm milk. The gentle liquid teased my tongue and I slipped into an easy rhythm: suck, suck, suck, swallow. Again and again, I worked for my milk.

  Halfway through, I tried to spit out the nipple. I gave a little shake of my head which prompted Kayla to peek down at me again. She grinned, and it seemed her face occupied the whole of my vision. There was Kayla and nothing else even as she held the bottle upright for me to drink. In turn, she gave her own little shake and tapped my nose.

  “Drink your entire bottle and maybe I’ll have a little treat for you.”

  I didn’t know what she meant and with the nipple still between my lips, I had no way of asking. But I had my answer. I had to drink all of my milk, and she wasn’t about to remove the bottle, so I had no choice. I continued to drink and found myself relaxing even faster this time. My muscles settled down. My thoughts started to drift. They didn’t go to anything specific or concrete though.

  Instead, I simply closed my eyes and wandered through a sense of comfortable haze. Kayla continued to coo her little songs. They should have irritated or annoyed me, but they were so sweet. I found myself singing along inside my head, but not with any skill, really. I just followed the sounds as I drank and drifted. I didn’t have any concerns or fears or worries or ambitions. My life had simplified into suck, suck, suck, swallow, taste and sound. That was my whole world.


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