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Deception Page 5

by Shameek Speight

  Patrick raised his gun and closed his left eye while looking through the scope. He adjusted his aim to the back of her head. “I loved you so much,” he mumbled as he fought back his tears and tried to find the strength to kill the second person in this world he loved more than himself. What he saw next broke his concentration. As Samantha stomped on the back of Douglas’s head, his forehead touched the pressure plate making it snap close chopping half of his face off. His body bucked and flapped around wildly then stopped as blood poured out of what used to be his face. “Nooo! You bitch!” Samantha turned around and could see Patrick as he screamed. She pulled a spear out of Douglas’s body and tossed it. Patrick couldn’t make out what the object was until it was too late. The falling snow made it hard for him to see. “Uggghhhh!” the spear pierced his thigh and jammed into it as he groaned in pain. Samantha rolled onto the floor in one swift move and picked up Douglas's rifle while on one knee and she aimed at. Patrick looked up and quickly pulled the spear out of his thigh and took off running, zigzagging through trees.

  “Oh you won't get away that easy. I guess the Marines trained me better than you, huh? You motherfucker!” she shouted with a wicked smile on her face. She took off running after him.

  Chapter 10

  “God maybe I deserve to die. I killed my own son, even if he wasn't biologically mine. He still was my son and I raised him. I taught him how to walk and throw a football. Did I really let this pain, this grief, blind my own judgement to the point I killed my best friend and the people I love? Maybe I should die. No not yet, she has to pay. She was the one wrong, not me,” Patrick said to himself while crying. “Uggghhhh!” he screamed as a bullet ripped the side of his face.

  “Damn, just an inch closer and I would have hit him in the temple, soft weak ass bastard,” Samantha said through clenched teeth.

  Patrick rubbed at the new flesh bleeding scar on his face. “I got to get the hell out of here. She will kill me before I even get a chance to get off a shot,” Patrick said and ran knowing his life depended on it. He cut through some trees and knew he wouldn't get a far lead ahead of her. He was in his mid 40’s and in great shape, but Samantha was in her mid 30’s and ran five miles every morning just for fun. “Okay, I can't out run her. Think! Think! Patrick fucking think!”

  He spotted two logs and flashbacked to when him and Joshua were riding logs or anything they got their hands on down the hills of snow. He quickly pushed the thought out of his mind, then ran towards the log and hopped on it. He could hear Samantha’s footsteps gaining on his position. He turned the log straight and used his legs to get a push start. The slight of snow along with his body weight caused him to slide down the long mountain picking up speed rapidly. He leaned left to avoid a tree then leaned right to dodge the next one.

  “Oh you won't get away that fast. You started this shit motherfucker and I'm going to finish it,” Samantha said as she watched Patrick sliding down the hill on the log. She got down on one leg and raised the rifle, aimed, and squeezed the trigger. The rifle roared as a bullet came speeding out of the muzzle. The bullet slammed into Patrick’s back blowing a huge hole in it. “Ahhhhhh! Dear God! Uggghhhh!” Patrick screamed in pain as the impact of the bullet knocked him forward on the log. He leaned right to change direction just as he was going to crash into a thick pine tree. “I just got to make it down the hill into town. From there, I don't care what happens to me. I just can't let that evil bitch have the satisfaction of killing me,” Patrick thought to himself as he did a pull up to be able to sit up on the log right. “Uggghhhh!” he groaned in pain as blood leaked out of his back.

  Samantha continued to aim using the scope on the rifle, but couldn't get a clear shot. “Fuck the bastard is moving too fast! I refuse to let him get away for killing my son,” Samantha said out loud to herself, and then saw something that made her smile. She ran through the thick snow and stopped in front of the thick log and turned it straight. She strapped the hunting rifle to her back. Then she sat on the log using her body weight and feet she moved the log slowly looking like a baby in her new walker. She took big steps pushing the log until it began to slide down the snow with ease. “Oh shit! What the fuck?” Samantha screamed as she began to pick up speed, “Holy shit!” she screamed as she lost control and crashed into a tree. “Ugh ouch!” she groaned in pain while rubbing her head and shoulder. “Damn if Patrick can do it, then so can I,” she said. She straightened out the log once more. “Grrrr!” the sound of growling caught her attention. She scanned the area looking left and right for any signs of movement. She heard a loud roar that caused her heart to beat fast. Samantha raised the rifle and shook the snow from her hair. “What the hell is that?” she said out loud and squinted her eyes trying her best to see through the falling snow. She could see something, but couldn't make out what it was. “What the hell is that? I just can see it’s big,” she said out loud to herself. Then her eyes opened wide in fear as the moving object became quite clear, as it had gotten closer and closer. At first, she swore she was seeing things and wouldn’t believe it, but she was seeing it for her own eyes. A large all white Mountain Lion that looked to weigh 280 pounds was walking toward her cautiously and staring at her as if she was his next meal. The falling snow made him almost invisible, but if it wasn't for his green cat eyes that looked like a beautiful painting that mesmerized you and for the fact he had thick red blood on his fur around his mouth area.

  “You gotta be fucking kidding right now!” she said in despair as the Mountain Lion charged towards her. Samantha’s hand trembled and her stomach bubbled as she nervously squeezed the trigger. The bullet flew out of the gun with rapid speed. “Grrrrrrrr!” the Mountain Lion roared in pain and rage as the bullet ripped through it’s left front arm. This only slowed him down for a second, and then he continued to charge towards her. Samantha saw the deranged look on the Mountain Lions face and quickly imagined what he would do to her if he got his claws into her. “Oh hell no! I don’t have time to concentrate and make another shot while that thing is coming at full speed. And I’ll be damned if I'm on this bitch’s menu,” she said out loud. She quickly hopped back on the log. She turned around to see the Mountain Lion in the air. “Ahhhhhhh! Fuck me!” she hollered knowing the Mountain Lion was about to leap on her back and tear her apart. To her surprise the log picked up speed fast. “Oweeh wooh,” she said while keeping her balance and holding on for dear life.

  The Mountain Lion missed her and landed on the ground. His body rolled, but pounced back up just like a cat chasing a mouse and took off running after her. “God of God,” Samantha said while looking behind her at the large Mountain Lion chasing her. Then she remembered how she just crashed not too long ago. She turned her head to pay attention ahead of her leaning to the left and right. “Lord, I don't need to crash right now. God, please don’t let me crash. Don't let me crash. Please don't let me crash,” she mumbled over and over while leaning all her body weight to the left dodging a huge tree. She looked behind her to see the Mountain Lion running at full speed. Its paws looked as if they were barely touching the ground. “Think fast…think fast! You’ll never be able to move down this mountain fast enough. He will catch up to my ass. There must be a way to outsmart him,” Samantha thought to herself, then grinned as her mind formed a plan. She leaned forward making the log slide down even faster. She looked behind herself and made sure the Mountain Lion’s eyes were only locked on her. “Good follow me bitch,” she said out loud as she headed straight for a tree. At the last minute, she leaned right just missing the tree by inches. The Mountain Lion stumbled over his own feet trying to avoid the tree, but couldn't and slide right into the tree head first. “Hahahaha!” Samantha giggled while continuing to slide down the mountain feeling relief the Mountain Lion could no way catch up to her now. “Stupid overgrown cat!” she shouted. The thought of her husband, “It’s not over yet you weak motherfucker. I’m coming for you!”

  Chapter 11

  A glimmer of hope sparkled in Pa
trick’s eyes as he could see his town Fort Collins. He could make out the shopping centers and hear the buses roar. Even with it snowing so badly, people were still out running errands and enjoying their day. The log slid to the bottom of the mountain and tossed him off it. He rolled three times into the street. A blue dodge Ram pick up truck stopped short just as the front tire was about to roll over Patrick’s head and pop it like two fingers squeezing a grape. “Oh my God, Patrick!” the driver of the truck shouted as he got out. Fort Collins was home to only thirteen hundred people making it a very small town where everybody knew each other and their business. The only time a new face would pop up in the town was hunting season to hunt mountain lions, bears, and deer.

  Patrick lied there out of breath. His chest moved up and down as he tried to inhale to get oxygen into his lungs. “Frank, help me,” he groaned while looking up at the man in front of him.

  Frank Mosley was 40 years old with a white beard that made him look like Santa Claus. He owned the only gas station in town and had known Patrick most of his life. “What happened Patrick? Are you okay? “Was it a hunting accident?” Frank asked with a concerned look on his face.

  “No, I did this to myself. I allowed my emotions get the best of me and hurt the people I love,” Patrick replied.

  “You’re delusional. I'm going to take you to the hospital now my old friend,” Frank replied while helping him up.

  Patrick groaned in pain with every move he made his body felt sore. BOOM! A shot rang Frank stopped what he was doing and looked down at his chest to see a huge hole in it. Patrick fell back to the ground. “Ahhhhhhhh!” People that were shopping on the street began to panic, screaming, and running in opposite directions that the gunfire was coming from.

  Patrick laid on his back looking up at Frank who was looking down at him and the blood at the same time. Another loud shot rang out and Frank’s face split open in half. He stood there twitching before falling sideways. His body made a loud thumping sound as he hit the ground and what was left of his face cracked to pieces even more like a dry eggshell being stomped on. His brain slid out of his head along with pieces of his skull. He twitched a few more times before he stopped moving altogether. “Oh shit! Holy shit!” Patrick shouted lifting his head up and could see Samantha using the log she rode down the mountain to rest to get a better aim of her target. What sent a frightening chill through Patrick’s body was the fact he could see the evil smile on her face.

  Samantha looked up from the scope and waved, “Don’t worry you’re next,” Samantha said, and then quickly looked back into the rifle scope.

  “Shit! Shit! Crazy woman, lord why?” Patrick said while easing himself up of the ground and did his best to run, but his body was weak. “Damn it wasn’t suppose to turn out like this,” he mumbled as a shot rang out and a huge hole opened up his stomach. His intestines flew to the ground and covered the snow with blood. He dropped to his knees then fell on his face losing consciousness. “Get up! Get up! Get the fuck up,” he said to himself repeatedly. He slowly opened his eyes and grunted in pain. “I must keep going. I can't die like a dog,” he said and began to crawl. The smile on Samantha’s face disappeared when she saw Patrick crawling. “What the fuck do I got to do to kill his ass? Why the hell won't you just die?” she screamed. Frustrated she aimed at his head then squeezed the trigger and heard a clicking sound. She squeezed the trigger once more and heard the same noise. “What the fuck,” she said and cocked back the bolt of the gun to see it was emptied. “Really! Really!” she tossed the gun and looked around. She saw a lump covered in the snow and made her way over to it using her hands she removed the snow from the lump in the ground to reveal a rock. She scooped up the baseball-sized rock using both her hands and wobbled her way over to Patrick and hopped onto his back sitting on it. “Why don’t you die already,” she screamed at the top of her lungs while raising the rock high and coming down with full force onto the back of his head. “Ahhhhhhhhh!” Patrick screamed in agonizing pain as she raised the rock and hit once more. The blow was so hard that while Patrick was screaming with his mouth open it slammed his teeth into the pavement breaking all his front teeth. “Ahhhhhhhh!” he groaned as blood poured out of his mouth and he spit broken pieces of teeth out of his mouth.

  “Die fucker die! This is for killing our son,” Samantha shouted as she continued to beat the back of his head with the rock. “This is for being so soft and weak when all I needed was a real man. And you took that from me. Ahhhhhhh!” Samantha shouted as the back of Patrick’s head cracked open and blood gushed and sprayed up into her mouth. “Ahhhhhhhh!” she hollered like an insane woman continuing to beat in the back of Patrick’s head until it smashed in as if someone was stepping on a small mouse and its brains oozed out. “Stay dead mothefucker!” Samantha shouted knowing full well he was dead by now, but she felt as if she was in a trance and continued to pound away at what was left of the back of his head. A wicked smile spread across her face while blood was splashing everywhere on her and everywhere around.

  “Freeze! Put your hands up!” the sound of a female’s voice said breaking Samantha out of her trance she was in. She dropped the rock one last time on top of Patrick’s body. She turned around to see Sheriff Elena pointing a gun at her. “Put your hands behind your head and don't move, Samantha,” Sheriff Elena shouted and cautiously walked over to her and handcuffed her, then lead her over to the back of the police car.

  “Hahahaha! It’s finally over and that bastard got what he deserved. Little dick, soft love making punk,” she said out loud to herself as the police car pulled off.

  Chapter 12

  Sheriff Elena was Latina with brown skinned complexion and in her mid 30’s. She lived in Fort Collins all of her life. She continued to glance in the rear view mirror at Samantha. “Why do you have a smile on your face, Samantha? This is a serious matter. You just killed your husband and Frank,” she said.

  “Huh, I killed more than my husband. I also killed all his damn friends and no judge will convict me. Patrick duct taped me and took me to the top of the mountain with intentions on killing me. So, it was self-defense. I will get away with killing all their asses. They underestimated me and fucked with the wrong one.”

  Sheriff Elena’s face tightened up, “That doesn’t sound like nothing Patrick would do. He was the most kindest and loved guy in town,” Elena stated.

  “No, he was the softest and weakest motherfucker in town. Always trying to help someone, but not taking care of home,” Samantha replied with venom in her voice.

  Elena slammed on the brakes hard causing Samantha to bump her head. Elena got out of the car and pulled Samantha out of the police car by her arm. “What the hell are you doing, Samantha?” Elena said while standing face to face. “I’m not going to keep driving and listening to this trash come out of your mouth about Patrick.”

  “Me killing him was self-defense. There’s too much evidence. He killed my son and tried to hunt me down, but instead the roles reversed,” Samantha said with a wicked grin on her face.

  “Oh, so that’s what you think? Because all the phone calls to the station said he was running away, then you shot him. You bashed in his skull as he crawled away.”

  “So what! I’ll still get away with it and walk out of this God forsaken town he forced me to live in for thirteen long, damn painful years. I’ve despised every last one of you. Now take me to jail so I can call me a damn lawyer,” Samantha said with clenched teeth.

  “Everyone in town knew the only way that kindhearted man could ever snap was if he found out what everyone couldn't tell him, his best friend was having an affair with his wife. That’s the only way I can only imagine Patrick losing hope finding out he lost his family. So, is that what happened bitch?” Elena replied while staring into her eyes.

  “So, what if he did? He should have opened his eyes years ago and seen what was going on. Like I said, fuck you and fuck this town. Take me to jail so I can call my lawyer,” Samantha couldn’t finish h
er sentence.

  Elena pulled out her gun and hit her in the head twice. “Uggghhh!” Samantha groaned as she lost consciousness and slid down the side of the car. Elena looked both ways making sure no one was around. The falling snow caused everyone to retire to their homes and no one was driving on the road. She used all her strength to drag Samantha’s body to the back of the car. She opened the trunk and stuffed her in it, then closed it and hopped back into the car and drove off.

  “Uggghhhh! What the fuck? Can I get a damn break today,” Samantha said as her head throbbed. She opened her eyes and couldn’t make out anything, but darkness feeling herself bounce up and down. “Fuck, I'm in another trunk for the day. Did that bitch really knock me out and stuff me in the trunk? I can’t believe this shit,” she said out loud to herself, and then felt the car come to a complete stop. She heard the car door open and Samantha began to scream like a crazy woman, “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”

  “What the fuck you screaming for? I haven't even done anything to you, yet. Besides where we are no one would hear you,” Sheriff Elena said.

  “Fuck you! Help! Help! Ahhhhhhhhhh!” Samantha replied and continued to scream.

  “Okay, have it your way bitch,” Sheriff Elena said while pulling out her 9mm from her holster and squeezed the trigger twice as a bullet slammed into Samantha’s stomach and the other into the right side of her chest going through her lung. Samantha stopped screaming as she gasped for air. “I told you to stop all that damn screaming,” Sheriff Elena said and grabbed Samantha’s feet and pulled her out of the trunk. She flipped her on to her stomach and removed the handcuffs off of her hands.


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