The Familiar

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The Familiar Page 23

by Tatiana G. Roces

  Seated around the table are Maya, Alicia, Brad, and Jared. Jared looks distraught, his hands in front of him clenched so tight that his knuckles are white. There are three other people I do not recognize. At the head, an older man with long silver hair pulled tightly at the nape of his neck. His cheekbones jut out of his skull unnaturally, framing his piercingly green eyes, and his wrinkled skin has an olive hue, giving him a distinguished, almost aristocratic, look. Next to him is a middle-aged woman wearing a striking silvery white dress. Her dark strawberry blonde hair is braided down the side of her head, caressing a silver necklace with a large purple gem hanging from her neck. I look at the ring on my finger, and back at her necklace, noticing the resemblance.

  I stare at her face, studying her features, and wonder if we are somehow related. She looks straight at me with her sparkling blue eyes and I panic, thinking she’s seen me. But she turns, and I exhale quietly, relieved. Across from her sits another man, with dark shiny skin, contrasting his thick, white hair, and shiny gold eyeglasses. He’s wearing a snazzy cream-colored suit with a heavily embroidered collar.

  After the refreshments are served, the kitchen server exits, leaving the dour faced attendees alone. The man at the head of the table speaks first.

  “I’ve reviewed the brief, and I have to admit that I’m extremely distressed by what’s happened here,” he says, looking at Maya.

  She looks straight into the man’s eyes, almost as if defying him. “Chairman Roqué, I can assure you that all precautions were taken, and everything was done by the book. The portals had been tested, and all security measures were put into place just days before the students arrived at the camp.”

  The chairman considers her response and turns to the woman sitting next to him. “Sybil, has there been anything, anything at all, out of the ordinary at the Academy?”

  Sybil adjusts her long braid before replying, “No, everything has been running smoothly on our end.”

  The man in the cream-colored suit clears his throat. “I would like to bring up the possibility that this may have something to do with the disappearance of Ivana?”

  Jared squirms in his seat. “Agent Jackson, I know that as head of Federation security, it’s your job to be suspicious, but Ivana did pass all security clearances. These checks were done by your very own people…”

  Agent Jackson glares at Jared. “I understand your desire to defend your colleague’s reputation. But we cannot rule out the possibility that she may have had some role in orchestrating this boy’s disappearance. It’s obvious that our security has somehow been compromised, and I cannot guarantee that my department has not been infiltrated.”

  The mood in the room is tense. Maya leans in, placing her hands on the table in front of her. “For the safety of our students, I do not think we should continue with the program until this has all been resolved.”

  The chairman nods in agreement. “You’re absolutely right, Maya. However, I do have a suggestion on how we can proceed, without losing all the hard work that everyone has put into both programs.” He takes a sip of water before continuing. “I know there has been no precedence for this, but I think we should go ahead of schedule, and have the Choosing Ceremony tomorrow. Afterwards, the students can continue training at Federation Headquarters where they’ll be safer.”

  Maya glares at the Chairman, stunned by his suggestion. “Our students are not ready for this! How can we expect them to make such a life altering choice at this stage of their training? I don’t think it would be fair to ask them to leave their lives behind so abruptly. Most of them haven’t even finished high school yet!” Sybil looks at Maya tight-lipped, but nods in agreement.

  The chairman remains calm despite the tension in the room. “I understand everyone’s apprehension. But given the circumstances, we do not have much of a choice. I am sure the parents and guardians will agree that the safety of their children is paramount. We will have to set-up a special training program at headquarters, and this will include all the requirements needed to graduate from high school.”

  My heart is racing a mile a minute and I feel like shouting out at this man. Does he really think we’ll go along with this insane plan? I only signed up for a few weeks then I was supposed to go back home to Safe Harbor, and finish high school just like everyone else. I think about Andy and Mom and start to panic. I feel a pain in my heart and in my stomach. What will I tell them? Will I even be allowed to see them before going? I feel like throwing up, but stay in my corner, too shocked to move.

  The chairman stands and speaks with an air of decisiveness, “Maya, Sybil, please make the announcement in the morning. We will proceed with the Choosing Ceremony tomorrow evening. Agent Jackson, please ensure that there will be a safe way to transport everyone to Federation Headquarters. I am hoping for everyone’s full cooperation in this matter.” He pauses then walks out of the room.

  As soon as he’s gone, Maya addresses the teachers, her tone concerned but authoritative. “Jared, Brad, Alicia, please make the preparations for the Choosing Ceremony tomorrow. I will make the announcement after breakfast.”

  Sybil nods politely at everyone in the room. “Agent Jackson, will you accompany me back to my office? We can discuss security details for tomorrow.” She leaves with him, her long shimmering dress trailing behind her.

  Once Maya is alone with Jared, Brad and Alicia, the polite skepticism flies out the door.

  “Maya, are we seriously going to do this?” asks Alicia with a pained look.

  Maya breathes deeply, the creases on her forehead deepening with every breath. “I’m sorry, but we have no choice. The chairman has made his decision, and we must abide by it.”

  Brad leans back, stretching his muscles. “I just don’t understand the rush… These kids have all the time in the world. Why not concentrate on finding Samir first?”

  “I don’t like this at all. And to be honest, I think they’re keeping us in the dark…” says Jared, fidgeting with his hair nervously.

  Maya gets up off her chair, looking defeated. “Let’s just hope for the best…” She looks dazed as she walks out of the room.


  After I slink back to my room, I just lay on my bed wide-awake. No matter what I do, tossing, turning, laying on my side, on my stomach, or with a pillow on my face, sleep just doesn’t come. The thoughts in my head are doing a marathon, and even though I’m totally exhausted, all I can do is stare at the ceiling and count the hours till morning comes.

  Finally, dawn arrives, and sometime after sunrise, I give up and get out of bed to take a shower. In the bathroom I strip down, and stare at my face in the mirror. The shadows under my eyes, my sallow skin, and dull black hair, make me look like a cadaver under the bright bathroom lighting. I step into the shower and stand under the hot water for too long, forcing myself to turn off the faucet and face the day.

  Louise is just waking when I come out with my bathrobe wrapped around me and a towel turban on my head. I gaze at my friend, envious that she can awaken without the weight of the world on her shoulders. Louise yawns, looking well rested despite the events of the day before. “You’re up early,” she remarks before yawning a second time.

  “I didn’t sleep very well,” I say, rubbing the puffy dark shadows under my eyes with my index fingers.

  Louise makes a face as she heads into the bathroom. “Just dab some concealer and nobody will even notice,” she says, closing the door behind her. The thought of putting make-up on at a time like this seems completely inappropriate. It might hide the dark circles, but it will do nothing to help bring Samir back. I sigh, and dress in my favorite jeans and t-shirt, taking some comfort in feeling the worn out cotton against my skin.

  I hear a light knock on the door, and Sabrina enters. “Morning, Hazel. Just wanted to let you know that Maya will be making an announcement after breakfast.”

  I feign surprise. “Really? Do you know what it’s about?”

  Sabrina shakes her head, and I can tell that
she really doesn’t know anything. “I’m just as clueless as you are.”

  She turns to leave, but pauses at the door. “Oh, I almost forgot. I ran into Doc Alice, and she said that Akiko’s scheduled to wake-up sometime after lunch… It’s probably okay for you to drop by and visit her this afternoon. I’m sure it’ll be good for her morale to be around friends right now.”

  “Thanks for the update,” I say, grateful for a little bit of good news. By the time Sabrina leaves, Louise is finally out of the shower.

  “Wait up! Don’t go to breakfast without me, I’ll only be a minute,” she says while drying her long, unruly hair. She picks out a periwinkle blue summer dress from the closet. After brushing her still damp hair and slipping on some sandals, we’re off.

  When we enter the dining hall, I catch a glimpse of Jared from across the room. I feel ashamed that I spied on him and the others last night, but at least I was able to get to the bottom of things. My stomach grumbles, but I’m not really in the mood to stuff my face, so, I grab a bowl of cereal, some Greek yogurt, and a banana, before meeting Louise back at our table. While we pick at our food, we glance over at the empty spaces next to us, feeling the void left by our friends.

  “Sabrina came in while you were in the shower. She says we can visit Akiko later this afternoon,” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

  Louise sighs. “I’m glad they’re going to wake her up, but I have a feeling she’s not really going to be fine until they find Samir. If that had happened to one of my brothers, I don’t even know how I would have handled it… ”

  “Well, I suspect we might have other things to talk about later today,” I mumble under my breath. A puzzled expression sweeps across her face, but just as soon as it appears, it disappears with shrug of her shoulders.

  After barely finishing our breakfast, we follow the horde to the auditorium, where Maya will be making her big announcement. We find some seats close to the front, and anxiously await her appearance. After a few moments, Maya strides onto the stage with Jared, Alicia, and Brad in tow. She smiles forcibly, and I can tell that she’s trying hard to mask her real emotions. The instructors take seats behind her, looking similarly displeased. Jared doesn’t even bother making an effort, sulking in the shadows like he doesn’t even want to be there. Maya takes a long sip of water and clears her throat. “Last night, we met with Chairman Roqué and Federation Security. They informed us that they are doing everything they can to find Samir. There is still no clear motive for his disappearance, so our number one concern at this moment is everyone’s safety. We cannot risk endangering any of your lives, and because of that, we are cancelling the rest of the program here at camp.” A loud murmur echoes throughout the auditorium as the students react. Louise stares at me, shocked. Maya holds her hands up, trying to quiet the room down.

  “Please let me continue. I know you’re all upset, but all is not lost. Rest assured, your efforts won’t go wasted… It has been decided that the Choosing Ceremony will be held tonight… ”

  The room erupts in chatter, some seem happy about the announcement, while others are visibly upset or just stunned. Louise grabs my arm excitedly. “Oh my god, Hazel! Can you believe it?” I try to act surprised, and all I can come up with is a semi-enthusiastic, “Wow.” A warning bell sounds off across the room, forcing everyone into silence.

  “I understand that you’re all shocked by this turn of events, but we truly believe that this will be the best way to proceed. We will be selecting groups of twenty based on current rankings. Those ranking higher will have a chance to be selected first. The Choosing Ceremony will end tonight, and tomorrow you will be transported to Federation Headquarters to continue with training,” she explains, her voice wavering towards the end. I shift my eyes behind Maya, hoping for a glimpse of Jared. He squirms in his chair, and the light falls on him long enough for me to see that he’s even angrier, his arms crossed and his jaw clenched.

  “Later today, you will receive further instruction from your counselors. We wish you all the best of luck, and we hope that tonight, you will find your true destiny,” says Maya, breathing deeply as she ends her speech. She walks off the stage and leaves the auditorium with Jared whispering in her ear.

  When they’re gone, the room is totally chaotic, as students scatter in different directions, talking all at once. Louise yanks my hand, pulling me towards the exit. Once we’re outside, I take a calming breath as the tension slowly leaves my body. Louise bounces excitedly, like a cute, curly haired jack in the box. “Hazel! This is the best news!” I stare at her, wondering if she even heard the same speech I did. “Don’t you see, Hazel? This has always been my dream… Since I was a little girl, all I wanted was to be part of the Federation, work side by side with the Agents of Light. And now, it’s happening! Tomorrow, we’ll be standing in Federation Headquarters!” she squeals.

  Suddenly, I understand. Louise’s entire life has led up to this moment, while I on the other hand, was thrown into it just a few weeks ago. This is her dream come true, but for me it’s my worse nightmare come to life. I reach out and give her a hug. “I’m happy for you, Louise.”

  She hugs me back then pulls away, looking at the tear in my eye. “Don’t worry, Hazel. Everything will work out fine. You’ll see…” We stroll back to the dorm in silence. Louise daydreaming about her future, while I think about everything I’m leaving behind. When we get there, Louise lingers in the lounge with some of the others students, and I excuse myself and go back to my room. I feel relieved when I’m finally alone. I kick off my shoes, and sit on my bed, grabbing the laptop off the nightstand. I open my email, and send Mom a message:

  Hi Mom,

  I know that you’ve been briefed about what’s going on here. Truth is, I’m feeling really nervous about this whole thing. I know you think I’m strong, and that I can handle all of it, but part of me just wants to run away and hide. I love you, and hope that I can see you soon.


  I press send, and wait a moment. Just when I’m about to shutdown, I see that she’s already replied:

  Dearest Hazel,

  I understand why you’re feeling this way, and I blame myself. I should have prepared you for this kind of life, instead of taking the easy way out. Just know that you are not alone. I will be at Federation Headquarters when you get there. As much as it pains me to leave Safe Harbor, I know I have to be there for you. I cannot be selfish any longer. I will help find your friend. I owe it to you, and I owe it to the Federation. I’m counting the hours till I see you tomorrow! I love you always.


  As I lay down, the exhaustion finally creeps up on me. It’s not long before my mind and body completely shut down.


  I feel a tug at my arm, and for a moment, I’m not sure if I’m imagining it. Then I hear Louise’s bossy voice, “Wake-up!” My eyes flutter open, and the first thing I see as my vision focuses, is the clock on my bedside table.

  I blink, and jolt in panic at the bright red numbers warning me that the Choosing Ceremony will begin in only one hour. “Why didn’t you wake me up sooner?”

  Louise shrugs innocently. “Sorry, I only just got in. I was hanging out at the lounge downstairs.”

  I spring out of bed, feeling disoriented. “We still have to go visit Akiko.”

  “Don’t worry. We have time. Sabrina says all we have to do is show-up wearing our uniforms. She said to be there a bit before six,” says Louise calmly.

  “Okay. Give me five minutes,” I say, running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I snatch a uniform from the closet, and sprint to the bathroom to brush my teeth and freshen up. I stare at my face, relieved that the sleep has miraculously made me look alive again. The dark circles are barely perceptible, and my cheeks are even a tad rosy. I dab some lip balm, before brushing the tangles out of my hair. Though I’m tempted to pull my hair up into a ponytail, I decide to leave it down, something I usually reserve for special occasions.

  Back i
n the bedroom, Louise is already in her uniform, standing with her shoulders pulled back, and her chin held high. She has dolled herself up, making sure her lips are perfectly glossy, and her golden curls are tamed from their normally unruly state. We rush out the door, jogging to the infirmary in the hopes of seeing Akiko before the ceremony. When we arrive, the place is quiet, almost like a room in an abandoned building. I peek down the dark hallway, and a sliver of light slices through the shadows. One of the doors is slightly ajar, allowing the fluorescent beam to escape. I push the door open, and poke my head in; Akiko reclines on a mound of pillows, conscious, but with a sickly pallor. Doc Alice leans over with stethoscope in hand and a frown on her otherwise flawless complexion. I’m first to step in, knocking the door politely before entering.

  “Hazel! Back here again?” asks Doc Alice jokingly.

  I grin slightly. “No! Hopefully not for a long time.”

  Louise spies over my shoulder at Akiko. “How’s the patient?”

  Akiko struggles to sit-up, but she can only manage to pull her head up higher on the pillows. “I’m feeling a bit better,” she replies in a hoarse whisper.

  Doc Alice checks her heartbeat, and notes something down on her clipboard. “Sometimes it takes a full day to regain your strength after an induced slumber, but she should be feeling better in a few hours.”

  “Thanks for taking good care of her Doc,” I say appreciatively.

  “You ladies take a few minutes to catch up… I’ll be back later to check on the patient. Good luck tonight,” she says with a nod before leaving the room. As soon as she’s gone, I sit on the bed, and Louise makes herself comfortable on the armchair.

  “So, has anyone filled you in yet?” says Louise to Akiko, trying to keep the mood light.


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