Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance

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Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance Page 32

by Aria Ford

  “I don’t know what you want me to say. You have been a rock. It has never been easy and there have been some rocky situations that have gone unmentioned. I love having you around and I do feel that there is something here we can build on together. Tomorrow, you have the right to tell me no when I’m down on my knee, but I hope that you don’t feel the need to rip my heart out.” I had no qualms about what I was going to say tomorrow during his attempt at a romantic gesture.

  We had found strength and courage through the words in the Bible. When we took those walks, we sat and regaled each other with one passage after another. It gave us the extra something that we were looking for deep down inside. We couldn’t find it on our own, but together with the Lord guiding our hand, we could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was a dark passage and one that we had to find a way to get past.

  “Stephanie was my heart. I’m not going to lie and tell you that she didn’t turn me upside down. She was the one that held true and did not give up, even when I was trying to push her away. She denied me that basic right and I was glad for it. You are similar in the way that you both have strong minds.” To be compared to the love of his life in that way was a compliment.

  “This past week has shown me that I’ve been living for something that has been gone for a long time. Your letters over these several months have opened me up to the possibility of finding another to spend my life with.” It was all nice and all, but it didn’t really tell me that our future would be linked to one another.

  “I would never take away what you had with Stephanie. I know that what we have is something different, but just as strong. You may not believe this, but the time that I spent with you have afforded me the opportunity to get to know you on a different level. I’ve seen how you can bend and not be, so rigid. Before I came along, you were living in the shadow of a ghost. I don’t mean to be blunt, but sometimes you need to throw a light on those things that are lurking in the darkness.” In the last few days, I had planned and schemed with the best of them. Tomorrow, after church, I had arranged for their mother to be busy with church business.

  All I had to do was reach out to father Joseph. He listened to my concerns and even though he didn’t agree with my methods, he could not deny that I was good for Grady.

  “I always thought that my family was my business. I even left Stephanie out of it, hoping that we could walk away clean and not look back. She was always stressing that I should be more open to change. I was a hard man to live with. She was the only one that could see past what I projected to others. When my father died, Daniel had to take over the family business. I was left to think about my future. My mother thought that I would take the reins with Daniel, but I surprised her by going my own way.”

  His heart was broken, but I had come along and found a way to put the pieces back together again.

  “I’m not sure that I have anything that is good enough for church services Sunday. I don’t know what the dress code is. Maybe you can help me to figure that out.”

  He had no idea that I was duplicitous. I felt bad that I was keeping my plan from him. It would only work, if both brothers didn’t have a clue what was coming. I knew that I would not have much time, before their mother would come home and release them. It was my fervent hope that they would use that time to let past grievances go.

  “I have a few things that might fit you. I was reluctant to let anybody near them. I’ve come to a decision that clothes are just clothes. It doesn’t have to mean anything more than that. Don’t worry, I’m not trying to make you in her image. That is the furthest thing from my mind. You are your own person and you have your own thoughts and feelings. I wouldn’t do anything to try to change you.” He had taken off his jacket and had draped it over me to keep me warm. I could see that he was shivering, but being a gallant gentleman had made him reach out to aid me in my moment of discomfort.

  “It’s nice of you to offer, but are you sure that we really want to start a relationship like that? I’m perfectly willing to wear whatever you think is appropriate. I’ve always been a big believer that a new relationship needs to make their own memories. We should go shopping. I’m not talking about those high end places, but something more my style.”

  He nodded his head. He went into the house and gathered up all those clothes that Stephanie had left in her demise. We road back into town and he gave them to the church, as a donation to those that were in need. While he was talking to one of the volunteers, I cornered Father Joseph.

  “I hope that everything is going according to plan. I’m sure that if there was any deviation that you would have reached out and told me by now.” The cross around his neck made him the perfect confidant. He was the only person that would consider anything that I said a form of a confessional.

  “I don’t feel right about playing games. You’re new to this community, but you do seem to be fitting in nicely. I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. If you think that this is the only way that Daniel and Grady can be cordial with each other, then I’m not going to stand in your way. You are right and Marianne does hold both of them in the palm of her hand. I’ve seen a real change in Grady and I believe that comes from your influence. Whatever you are doing, please, by the grace of God, keep it up.” He mumbled something Latin underneath his breath. He brought his cross up to my forehead. It was comforting and made me well aware that I was doing something that would be considered off-putting to most.

  “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m looking forward to hearing your sermon. I do hope that you found something appropriate for the occasion. Maybe something with a brother theme would go a long way to paving the way for what I have in mind next.”

  I found Grady. We walked through the town, not caring what people were saying or even if they were pointing in our direction. We were lost in each other’s eyes. He cornered me in a darkened alcove in between buildings.

  He placed his hand along my hair, pushing the errant strands away from my face, before leaning and showing me that our time together was giving him thoughts for the future. The kiss was reminiscent of how I felt about him. It was deep and profound. I could not let go without somebody forcing the issue. We separated with the both of us showing the glazed expression of love on our faces. I smiled, touched his cheek with my fingertips and felt like things were going to work out in my favor. I’d already called for Rajesh. Unfortunately, my mother and father were not going to allow him to leave. He would be heartbroken, but I was going to come for him eventually.

  Chapter five

  Church services were something to behold. Father Joseph was a man of his word. He talked about family bond and even mentioned in passing the feeling of solidarity between brothers. I noticed that Marianne was shaking her head. Daniel and Grady shared a momentary glance of recognition.

  Father Joseph really did have people on the edge of their seats. His over exaggeration of each word was punctuated with a loud slap of his hand to the podium in front of him. It made most people jump practically out of their seats. He knew how to grab them and hold them for the duration of those 2 hours.

  Tomorrow was Valentine’s Day and I was planning on going one step further with the engagement.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to formally request this woman’s hand in marriage.” I was pulled from my thoughts as Grady got down on one knee with a ring in hand. There was a hush amongst the crowd as they waited for my answer.

  “Yes, I will marry you tomorrow on Valentine’s Day.”

  His eyes lit up and I think that my surprise was well received. His mother did not feel the same way. She was about to say something, but Grady turned and gave her an expression that made her sit back down. Those who knew Grady congratulated us, but others were more critical about how fast this was happening.

  Father Joseph came over and attracted the attention of Marianne. They went back into his office to go over some details concerning a pot luck dinner in the honor of Father Joseph prede
cessor coming here next Sunday. Hopefully, she could be distracted long enough for me to finish what I started.

  We got back to the family stead. I went to the barn and screamed my fool head off to get their attention. They came running and once they were inside, I locked the door behind them. Of course, they screamed and yelled and put up a fuss, but eventually things settled down. I heard nothing, but silence, made more eerie by the heavy breathing behind the door. They soon resigned themselves to the fact that they would have to talk to each other. It wasn’t ideal, but it was a necessary action to make them talk.

  I listened to their conversation and I could feel that they were coming to terms with what had happened to Stephanie. “I don’t know that I will ever forgive myself for what I did. I don’t know if I will ever forgive you.”

  “Forgive me…forgive me for what? I live with the guilt and I know that you do too. You were only trying to put one over on me. I thought that you were better than that, but you showed that you could be petty.”

  “I heard you talking about Stephanie and I wanted to make sure that she was the right girl for you. I may have gone a little bit too far to prove to myself that she was not going to leave you in the dust.” This continued for some time and then I heard them laughing. I opened the door and they walked out with their arms around each other.

  It took almost two hours, but my last resort had turned out to be the best option on the table. They had broken past the wall that they had put up to protect them from each other. They allowed each other to see the true person.

  “I’m not going to say that I’m going to get over this in one night, Daniel. What I will say is that I respect the fact that you wanted to do right by me. I thought on some small level that you felt that I didn’t deserve that kind of happiness. You need to know that you don’t have to go to those lengths with Delia. She has been my light in a world that was full of darkness. Standing by me with Bible in hand, she has giving me a new perspective.”

  Romance and sudden displays of affection were part of the adventure that I had found myself on. Soft kisses and hurt feelings were turned into something special that nobody could rend asunder.

  The only person that wasn’t happy by them coming together was their mother. She told all of us that if I went through with this, she wasn’t going to be there to see Grady get married.

  “That is entirely your decision, mother. I will miss you at the ceremony, but don’t think that you not being there is going to stop it. Despite your misgivings, I’m going to marry for the sake of love with Daniel as my best man. This is not for convenience and it’s not because I’m trying to fix something. I want this and if you really want me to be happy, then you will give me your blessing.” We were waiting to hear what she was going to say, when she slammed her hands down on the table and walked away.

  “We are gathered here today on Valentine’s Day to join this man and this woman in Holy matrimony. The bride and groom wish to say something to each other before I announce that they are husband and wife.”

  There weren’t that many that had decided to attend. Only close friends of Grady. There was no way that I could ferry my whole family here in time. They were just going to have to learn the news secondhand, after the fact.

  Grady took my hand and said, “I never thought that this day would come. I thought that I was too damaged, but this woman saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself. We have the same faith and even though mine was shaken, she was able to help me find my way. I love her with all of my heart and I will do nothing to hurt her in any way. I hope you know how much you mean to me, Delia. You’ve taken a humble man and turned him into something I don’t recognize. I’m only glad that God felt it in his wisdom to bring you into my life. With this ring, I the wed.”

  Looking into his eyes, I needed to say something. This was not rehearsed and was something that had come from my heart.

  “This may not be right for most people, but for us we have found a better life. Together, we will forge a new path that is destined to surpass life and death. I will always be there for you and I know that you feel the same way about me. This is the beginning and our story has yet to begin. You’ll always have my heart and my undying love and I hope that is enough. It’s all that I have and all that I am.” I put the ring on his finger and then, the good father made the announcement that we were husband and wife.

  I spied his mother standing far enough away not to be noticed. I whispered into Grady’s ear and then he went over and they had a very touching moment that ended with her coming over to reluctantly give us her blessing. It was decided that we would live under the same roof all together as a somewhat happy family. I informed Grady that Rajesh would be joining us in the next few years. He was most anxious to meet him.

  “Having this wedding on Valentines Day was a stroke of genius. It was everything that I wanted and more, Delia.” He kissed me again and I didn’t think that we were ever going to stop. The bedroom called our name and I knew that the climactic moment would be something we would never forget. Sex is nothing without love, but to combine the two was linking not only our hearts, but our souls into one.

  The End

  Mail Order Bride Book 3

  Chapter One: Secrets

  Justine leaned low into the neck of her horse as he galloped effortlessly across the dusty ground. She touched her heels quickly to his sides and the gelding swerved hard to the left. Her body moved with him, as though horse and rider were one.

  The pounding of dozens of hooves echoed behind her. Justine glanced over her shoulder and spotted the sheriff and his posse hot on her heels. She whipped out her pistol and took a shot back at him. One man fell from his saddle, his horse swerving from the pack.

  The crack of gunfire erupted behind her and she leaned down into her horse's neck until her face was nearly buried in the gelding's black mane.

  There was a crack close behind her and Justine swayed in the saddle, riding with one foot in the stirrup, one hand gripping the saddle horn as her free foot wobbled in the air. Whoops resounded in her ears as the posse drew closer. She gave the reins a firm yank and the bay gelding neatly swung to the right, propelling Justine back into the saddle and cutting off the sheriff. His horse threw her head, stumbling for a stride. It was all Justine needed to pull ahead of the posse.

  Two more men drew closer, pistols drawn. Justine whirled around and shot at one of them, causing him to cry out and drop his gun. The other rider deftly swung beside her on the left and reached for her arm. His gloved hand closed over her wrist. Justine leaned back in the saddle and her gelding slowed from a full out gallop to a lope. Her attacker wasn't prepared for the sudden stop and his grip loosened as he went flying past her.

  Justine touched her heels to the horse's sides, pushing him into a gallop again. But although her slowdown had shaken off her attacker, it had allowed the sheriff and the rest of his posse to catch up. They quickly surrounded her, leaving her no option for escape. All guns were trained on her as the gelding slid to a stop beneath her. Justine leaned forward in the saddle as her bay gelding lifted himself into a rear, pawing the air.

  When her horse landed on all four hooves, Justine dropped her pistol and held her hands in the air in surrender. The sheriff rode forward and clamped a pair of handcuffs to her wrists. All around them, the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. The sheriff and his posse moved their horses so that she was in the middle of the pack as they rode out of the arena.

  When they had ridden out of the ring, Justine tugged down the bandana that was over her mouth and nose. John, one of the younger members of the posse, swung his hat down on his knee and said in almost childlike wonder, "You almost had me going that you were gonna fall, Justin!"

  Justine smiled and laughed softly. "I'm glad I am so convincing."

  John nodded enthusiastically. "You sure are."

  "Alright, enough chattering. We've still got a show to put on!" Hank Thompson, the sheriff said, bringing John back to the presen

  Justine nodded and swung off her horse. She patted his flank and led him to the watering trough for a quick drink. She loosed his cinch as he drank thirstily.

  "That's enough, boy." She pulled the bay gelding away and led him back to the makeshift corrals. There she dropped his reins, ground tying him and unsaddled him. After rubbing a curry comb quickly over his sweaty flanks, Justine ducked under the corral fence. She held a lead rope in her hands and swiftly caught a young chestnut mare with long, flashy white stockings. The mare pranced at the end of the rope as Justine led her out of the corral. The other horses lifted their heads to watch, but were too preoccupied with their hay to bother trying to escape.

  She tacked the mare quickly and led her out towards the arena, joining three other riders. She swung a leg over the mare and sat deep in the saddle, gathering the reins, keeping the antsy mare under control.

  When Justine heard the announcer's voice booming, she and the other three riders touched their heels to their horses' sides and took off into the arena. Moments later, several calves were released and the cow ponies got to work. The mare crouched low and cut off one of the bawling calves. It turned on its heels and dashed away, straight into the rope of another cowboy. The crowd cheered as the four riders made short work of roping the calves.

  Justine waved to the crowd as she rode a lap around the arena, showing off the mare's high stepping gait. The young mare gave a little buck as they started to exit. The spectators nearest her started clapping and cheering, thinking it was part of the act. Justine sat deep in the saddle and clamped her legs tightly around the mare's sides, forcing her to stop bucking. She pranced out of the arena, as though she hadn't acted up at all.


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