Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance

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Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance Page 41

by Aria Ford

  “Ma’am, I know what you are trying to do and I respect you too much to do it. I am going to leave now and check on my steed. Thanks once again for the bed and hot plate of food. I will be back soon.” He paid for the meal, tipped his hat and headed outside. He began to walk and whistled a tune as he made his way to his horse. He then made his way to the post. He stood in his tracks. He knew he was at the right post. This was just the wrong situation.

  He began to pace around trying to figure out the mystery. He then ran up and pulled at the rope and screamed….his horse was missing.

  Chapter 3

  “Where is he?!” He was livid. The horse was his transport and his best friend. Now he was gone.

  Well now he’s going to be mad that I never gave him that apple I promised him

  He tried to think about the possible suspects. Who would want to steal his horse?

  Suddenly, he heard laughter.

  “Looking for your trusty steed?” The brute appeared out of nowhere. He looked proud of himself.

  He was enraged, “What did you do with my horse?” He ran up to him. The brute stopped him.

  “No…why should I tell you anything?”

  He clenched his fists and furrowed his brows, “If you don’t want a repeat of what happened the other day, you should tell me!”

  A couple of guys ran out. They were armed with sticks and prepared to do harm. The cowboy didn’t care. He had been through worst. He tried to swing a punch at the first guy. He countered with a punch of his own and he staggered to the ground. Another guy kicked him adding pain and agony to his physical appearance. He was on the ground trying to fend for himself but could do no such thing. He lay on the ground in the foetal position. When they were over, he stayed on the ground. They finally walked away.

  He eventually got up. The brute still looked at him.

  “Hmm…you survived that beating? I’m impressed. I’d almost offer you a hand…almost. Your horse will be returned to you before sundown.” He then walked off.

  He staggered towards the nearest building. He then saw her from a distance. She immediately ran over to him.

  “Wow and now she has to see me like this,”

  She was frantic. She began to ask a lot of questions.

  “Are you ok? What happened?” she asked.

  He really didn’t like that she was seeing him like this.

  “Just got into a bit of a fight,”

  She gasped, “Well you seem to be in bad shape. I’m not sure who you angered but they were clearly upset.”

  He tried to stand properly but couldn’t. She helped him up.

  “Where are you staying?”

  He said The Tavern and he helped him there. They entered the establishment and the owner was concerned.

  “What happened?” She asked them.

  “Just a little accident,” he lied. She glared at him.

  Well at least she’s looking at me

  The owner looked like she wanted to know more about the incident but Jeanie could see he was badly bruises and bleeding.

  “Uh, can you tell me which room is his?” Jeanie asked the owner.

  “Room 112. It is the third door on the right.”


  They immediately ran into the room. Jeanie looked at the stranger. He was losing consciousness. She immediately sat him on the bed and began looking for medical supplies. She knew she needed hot water, a basin and some wash cloths.

  “Stay right here, I’m going to get some things.”

  “I don’t think I’m physically able to do anything of the sort,”

  She smiled weakly at him and headed outside.

  Jeanie spoke to the owner and asked her for the necessary supplies. The owner found some supplies in a cupboard and handed them to her. She thanked her and ran back into the room.

  She saw him groaning in pain. She immediately set up a makeshift medical kit and began tending to his wounds. He groaned at the pain but soon realized that it had subsided. She was very good at taking care of him. She put alcohol in the cuts and put frozen meat from the ice box on his bruises.

  “There, that should help.” She then smiled at him.

  He smiled back at her. “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome.”

  “Why did you stop and take care of me? You could have left me. You could have asked someone to help and left me. I want to know why you stopped and decided to help.”

  “I want to know how you ended up in a fight.”


  He decided to tell her the truth. She didn’t seem like the type of woman who should be lied to.

  “It was about my horse. Had ‘im for a long time. Some thugs stole him from me. I was questioning the men responsible for my horse…and they beat me fine and proper…”

  Jeanie looked at him. He wasn’t lying about the beating. He was hurt pretty badly.

  “All this for a horse?” She was confused. She didn’t understand it.

  “It’s because I defended a woman who didn’t want to sleep with one of the guys,”

  She was taken aback, “I’m…I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s fine. You didn’t know.”

  “I’ve never met a man like you before,”

  “What? A man who can take a beating?”

  “No,” she said, “A man who fights for a woman’s honour.”

  He was doubtful about the honour of the woman he had saved. She was a prostitute after all. But he couldn’t get over the way she was currently looking at him. It made him feel like a knight in shining armour and not an outlaw or common criminal. He felt like he mattered to someone.

  She sat by the bedside and looked at her patient.

  He smiled, “Well, lady I’ve answered your questions. So, what about mine?”

  “It’s what I was told to do. I am supposed to tend to the sick, help the poor…”

  “Yes, take care of strangers and what not. Missus, are you tryna’ tell me that you are a good Christian woman?”

  She smiled softly, “Yes. Yes I am.”

  Hmm…So I was right.

  “It’s one of the reasons I have been put on this earth. I was meant to help people. So here I am.”

  He smiled, “I’ve never met a woman like you?”

  She smirked, “A Christian woman?”

  He nodded, “A woman with honour.”

  Chapter 4

  The gentleman was slowly recovering. He was happy to see that his horse had been returned. The horse angrily neighed at him and stopped its’ hooves.

  “Look, I am sorry for what happened to you.” The horse continued to misbehave.

  “Alright! Ok! Ok! I brought you an apple!” he pulled out an apple from his pocket. The horse began to feast on the snack. He seemed quite pleased.

  “And I am sorry that they got you. Those bastards will pay. Promise you.”

  The horse seemed content with his apple. He was still healing but will find a way to make the perpetrators pay. He walked around the town once more and thought about Jeanie. That was a perfect name for her. Perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect face….everything about her was just perfect.

  He was slowly falling for her. He would meet up with her after Sunday school and choir practice and just spend time with her. She was interesting and had views on so many topics. There was never a dull moment with her. He rode into her farm and they had a picnic out on the fields. He loved how they both enjoyed nature. They sat there in the fields enjoying the sun on their skin. The winds blew rustling the leaves of the trees and keeping the pair cool and calm.

  “So tell me your dreams,” he asked her.

  “Well, one day, I wanna own my own business and keep running the farm. Maybe one day, I’ll get married, have some kids and we will all live here.”

  “So I never asked but, how did you manage to get this farm? And how do you manage to run it all by your lonesome?”

  “Well, the farm has been in my family for decades. I just managed to get it be
cause my parents died a few years ago. They wanted me to get married to a nice man; someone to help me run it but I couldn’t find anyone worthy enough. So I just run it…alone. I’m used to it though. I have guidance and if I ever need to talk to someone, I just head into town.”

  “I mean, it must still be lonely. I kinda know what’s like to be lonely. Been like that my entire life. It doesn’t get any better, just easier.”

  She reached out and squeezed his hand, “I know what you mean.”

  He reached over and put his arm around her. “It’s nice to know that someone else does.”

  She smiled at looked at him. He smiled at her. He wanted to kiss her. He was attracted to her but didn’t want to rush her. He brushed some hair off of her face.

  “Look, I’m not a bragging type of man but I have been with one other woman. It’s not something I am proud of. I’ve made mistakes and maybe I am not the right man for you. I am only saying this because I really care about you. I really like you.”

  She remained silent. Then she responded, “Look, we are all sinners. All you have to do is repent. Ask for forgiveness. He’s merciful, you know.”

  “It’s not that. I just don’t think someone could think I am just important. I just…I don’t know if I could do that. I don’t think He’d forgive someone like me. I’m a mess.”

  She held his hand tightly, “Don’t worry about that. He can and He will. Just think about it ok?”

  He nodded, “Ok.”

  “Good. Now, I could use some help around. A re you going to help me or not?”

  He smiled and got up and helped her up. They began milking the cows, collecting eggs from the chickens, cleaning up the barn and the house. A few hours later, they laughed at each other.

  “Such a big house for a little lady,” he joked.

  “Hey! This little lady can kick your butt into tomarrah!”

  “I’d love to see you try,” he began to run off.

  “Then come back here!” They began running around the farm. They were wild and free like little children. Eventually, he caught up to her and embraced her. He was so close to kissing her but pulled away.

  “I think I better head back into town. I have some…thing to do.” He muttered as he walked to his horse.

  “Yeah, that’s ok. See you soon.” He then mounted his horse and headed back into the town.

  It had been weeks and he still hadn’t figured out who stole his horse. He was sure that the Brute was responsible but no one wanted to confess. He did some digging and realized he was the man that most persons feared. He took bribes, hustled people for money, threatened their lives and slept around. He was married but even his wife and kids feared him. He was a man full of greed, lust and comprised of bad intentions. The stranger had messed with the wrong man and clearly, he paid for it. He wanted to challenge him to a duel; some stand-off. Even though, he was a stranger in the town and he was trying to lay low, he hated being disrespected like that. It bothered him. Janie had been trying to calm him down. She thinks that he should just forgive him. She thinks that he should just be glad he got away from this situation with his life. But she didn’t understand that he lived by a code and he refused to break it for him. Jeanie had asked him to go to church with him; to seek God. He instead avoided the topic and switched to something else. Jeanie knew what he was doing but didn’t force the matter on him. She was simple sigh and say, “Ok. Well as long as you are alive, He will be there for you waiting on you to change your mind.” He didn’t think he ever would.

  He rode back into town and headed back into The Tavern. There he saw The Brute having a good time. He was in a drunken stupor and was harassing women and causing trouble. He clenched his fists but sat by the bar and ordered a drink.

  No, not now. This wasn’t the right time.

  He continued to watch him partake in debauchery. It sickened him. As a cowboy, he had seen many things, but he was the most disgusting sight he had ever laid eyes on. He kept ordering more food and prostitutes. He just kept feeding and feeding his vices. The stranger decided it was time for bed. He had seen enough. Just as he was about to head down the hallway, the Brute called out to him. He had to control his anger if he was going to have the upper hand.

  “Hey! You come over here!” The stranger turned around and faced him.

  “Why don’t you come over here and share in the festivities, huh?”

  The man kept his composure. “No, I think I should have an early night,”

  The Brute laughed, “Well, MORE FOR ME!!” He continued laughing and eating.

  The man headed to his room calmly. He then put a pillow over his face and let out a loud scream. His blood boiled. He was furious. He began punching his pillow. He wanted to hurt him. He was slinging his power-hungry, sex-crazed behaviour in front of him and the stranger couldn’t do anything to him. He was the only person who actually stood up to him. No one else in the town was willing to risk their lives to wrong a man who held such power. He lay in his bed trying to figure out the best course of action. Maybe a showdown would be best. He could kill him or…he could be killed.

  Maybe, he should listen to Jeanie. Maybe he should just forgive him. Maybe he should just get out of town. He should just ride out forget this place. He should just forget Jeanie and leave. But, he knew he couldn’t. He had never met someone like her and to lose her would mean losing a part of himself. He also knew that she deserved to live in a town of peace and goodness. Not a town where such a corrupt individual ran everything.

  He sighed. He didn’t want to get himself involved in this. He came here to get away from that life. He just wanted a fresh start and now he didn’t even know if he would ever get it. The thoughts continued to race in his head. He didn’t even know when he fell asleep.

  He woke up the next morning startled. He could hear the owner of The Tavern screaming and running around. He immediately woke up and ran down the hallway. The owner kept screaming. He turned around and realized that the bar had been robbed. Tables and chairs were all turned over. Money was missing from the register. Bottles were missing from the bar. He began to help her clean up the place. He could tell that she was still shaken up by the events.

  “Eileen, Eileen, calm down ok? Everything is going to be ok. “Eileen could not stop worrying.

  “This is my bar, you know? Normally they don’t let gals run these types of commercial entities. It’s only because my daddy passed that I inherited the place. The men let me keep it because they respected me and my daddy. But that crooked Brute has been meaning for me to give up the place. He wanted to take it by sheer force. He threatened me a few times but never made good on that promise and for that I’m thankful…But now this, this was going too far.”

  He clenched his fists,” Look I know this don’t sound like much but he’s gonna get what’s coming to him. I promise you that…”

  His speech was interrupted by a high-pitched scream. They both walked down the hallway and headed to the source of the disturbance. They noticed a woman standing outside of the door of one of the rooms. They looked inside and saw what all the fuss was about. Eileen stood frozen and the woman began to scream again. The cowboy could not believe his eyes. A woman had been gruesomely murdered. Her eyes were still open and blood was everywhere. The man could not believe it. Someone had left this lifeless crime right in his own bed.

  Chapter 5

  “How, how did he find time to do this?” He said aloud. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He just got out of bed. How was he able to move the body so quickly? He was confused, enraged and began to pace up and down the hallway. Eileen was still in shock. He began pacing faster. He knew that he did this. Eileen also knew he was innocent. She knew he went to that room by himself. He wasn’t one for bringing in female company to her establishment which was something she had respected.

  “I’m going to have to report this. This is bad for business.” Eileen said. The stranger groaned. He could go to jail for a murder he didn’t even commit.
He shouted. Eileen looked at him. She knew he was upset. She tried to calm him down but he was livid.

  “No. The man’s a scoundrel. No good, worthy, lowlife bastard who would use murder and lies to get what he wanted. Someone has to end this.”

  He then walked out of the hallway and out of The Tavern. Eileen tried to call him back but he refused to listen to her requests. He got onto his horse and began riding off. He decided to head for Jeanie’s farm. He needed to see her. He approached the farm and saw her hanging her clothes on the line. She looked across and saw him. There was blood on his face and shirt. She immediately ran over.

  “What happened to you?” She could tell that he was upset. They want inside. She began cleaning him up.

  “No, it’s ok. I can do it. You don’t have to.”

  “Talk to me, what’s going on.” He sighed and told her everything. He recalled the following night. The Brute’s bad behaviour, the dead body and the rage he felt.

  “Wow. I am so sorry.” She didn’t know what else to say. She looked at him. He had calmed down but could still see the anger in his eyes.

  “You should come to church with me. Something good can come out of this. We just have to…”

  “No. I just…I just can’t.”

  She looked at him. “I KNOW THAT LOOK! Don’t tell me that you are going to do what I think you are going to do.”

  He remained quiet.

  “You CANNOT do this. You know I can’t let you.” He was still quiet.

  She laughed. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I am a Christian. I cannot agree to you murdering someone. It’s wrong. It’s morally wrong. God did not want us to murder our brothers and sisters. We must save them. We must help them.”

  He scoffed, “Even someone like that? God doesn’t care about…”

  She slammed on the table, “God cares about all of his creations. All of them! How dare YOU talk to me like that?! How dare you talk about HIM like that?!”

  “Look, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

  “Get off my farm! Go!”

  “Wait, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to…I’m really sorry…I”


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