Claimed in Shadows

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Claimed in Shadows Page 10

by Lara Adrian

  “Never?” He grunted, a smile bowing his full lips. “In that case, I guess I’d better make this memorable.”

  “It already is.”

  On a dark purr, he claimed her mouth in another searing kiss. He kept touching her, kept kissing her and stroking her as he slowly removed her clothing, unveiling her body to him from the waist up.

  His fevered gaze rooted on the tiny scarlet birthmark that rode her belly, just above her navel. Kaya moaned as his tongue traced the teardrop-and-crescent-moon symbol that had declared her a Breedmate from the moment of her birth. That mark had earned her only scorn and abuse from the people who called themselves her family. Now, Aric lavished it with worshipful kisses, his eyes crackling with care and respect and unfathomable desire.

  “You’ll be my first too,” he said, his voice rough like gravel. “I’ve never touched a woman with the Breedmate mark before.”

  “Why not?” She was almost afraid to ask, dreading that she’d misread him somehow. If he uttered a cold word now, it would crush her.

  “Because, beautiful Kaya . . . I’ve never met someone I wanted as much as you.”

  On a dark purr, he eased her down onto her back on the blanket. His mouth tasted every inch of her exposed skin, his roving tongue and teeth making her arch and shiver with arousal. Slowly, he made his way down to the buttoned waistband of her jeans. His hands moved swiftly, deftly, removing the rest of her clothing and shoes in moments.

  Then his kiss continued, starting at her ankle this time and making a maddeningly unrushed trek up the length of her bare calf and knee, to the tender flesh of her inner thigh. When his mouth found her naked sex, she arched into him, her hands fisted in the blanket. Aric’s kiss here was as reverent as the one he lavished on her Breedmate mark.

  “Fuck, Kaya . . . you taste so sweet.”

  She sucked in a shaky breath, tipping her head back as the spiral of pleasure coiled tighter in her core. He parted her legs wide, his golden head moving shamelessly between them. She clamped down on her bottom lip when his tongue circled the tight bundle of nerves between her slick folds. He suckled her clit ruthlessly, his mouth and fingers stroking her into a frenzy.

  She couldn’t hold back her release even if her life depended on it. Pleasure crashed over her, wave after glorious, unstoppable wave. She cried out, surrendering the raw, broken sound to the woods and sky around her.

  Aric was watching her when she dragged her heavy eyelids open, her breath and body heaving. His fangs flashed in the moonlight, razor-sharp points filling his mouth. The burning coals of his gaze stayed locked on her as he stripped off his clothes, then settled himself on his bent knees in the open V of her legs.

  His glyphs were alive and seething with rich colors now, but she only needed to glance farther down to see the even more impressive evidence of his arousal. His cock jutted thick and proud between his muscled thighs.

  She reached for him, filling her hands with the length and girth of him. He closed his eyes as she stroked him, his face going taut and intense with what seemed to be barely leashed control. Finally, he let out a rough snarl and rose over her.

  Kaya moaned as he settled into the wetness of her cleft then pushed inside on a slow, unending thrust. She gasped as he filled her, stretching her nearly to the point of pain. His hips bucked and rocked against her, the steady tempo he started with soon gaining in power.

  “Christ, you feel incredible,” he uttered in that deep gravel growl that made her melt. “I don’t want to stop moving inside you. Fuck, Kaya. I can’t stop.”

  “So, don’t.” She smiled up at him, craving everything he gave her. “Don’t stop, Aric.”

  He roared his approval, a wordless, animal sound. All she could do was hold on as he crashed against her, his big body dominating her, stirring something dark and fevered to life within her too.

  As pleasurable as he felt inside her, it was Aric’s wildness that sped her orgasm this time. He held her like he couldn’t get close enough, kissing her as if he wanted to drown in her. Driving so deep she could no longer tell where his body ended and hers began. When he came, it was on a long, guttural shout, his eyes blazing, locked in an unbreakable hold with hers.

  Kaya felt boneless, adrift in a sea of intense sensation and unexpected, confusing emotions. She looped her arms around his neck, as stunned and unprepared as he seemed to be for the power of what they had just shared.

  He stared at her as his body slowed above her. There was tenderness in his fiery gaze . . . and torment. A low curse escaped him, muttered quietly under his breath as he reached up to sweep some of her dark hair from her face.

  When he started to withdraw, Kaya held on tighter.

  She gave a small shake of her head. “Don’t. Not yet. I’m not ready to end this dance and say goodnight.”

  His mouth quirked. “You mean, good-bye?”

  She couldn’t pretend to see the humor in that now. Even though she knew her own survival depended on keeping her distance from this male and the tumult of feelings he was awakening in her. She didn’t know what ached more, the need she felt for Aric or the futility of that desire.

  He bent his head down and nipped her lower lip. “Tell me, lovely Kaya. Has anyone ever made you come while you watched the sun rise?”

  She shook her head, incapable of words.

  His playful grin broke her heart. “Good. That means we’ve got another first to share before real life calls us home.”

  He rolled over onto his back, bringing her atop him. Their legs entangled, bodies still intimately joined, he drew her head down to his and claimed her mouth in a possessive kiss as he thrust his hips and began all over again.


  There were few things Nikolai relished more in life than the sight of his Breedmate nestled peacefully in the safe haven of their bed. For a warrior who’d known little else but combat and bloodshed for most of his long life, it stunned him how helpless--how infinitely humbled--he felt each time he looked at his beautiful Renata and realized that she was his.

  That she lay in their bed heavy with his child--their son, who would be arriving anytime now--only made Niko’s love for Renata deepen all the more.

  And his desire.

  Slowly, so as not to disturb the ebony-haired siren as she slept, he lifted the coverlet and slipped back into bed with the same stealth he’d used to leave it a short while ago. It didn’t surprise him that Renata stirred now despite his care. Their blood bond connected them on a level that went beyond basic senses. She would feel the depth of his arousal for her thrumming in his veins even before she felt the physical evidence of it tucked against the rounded curve of her naked backside.

  Her soft little moan made his cock twitch with unabashed interest.

  “Your feet are cold,” she murmured, sleep roughening her already sultry voice.

  Niko dropped a kiss on her bare shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. “Nothing else on me is cold, I promise.”

  He pulled her closer, until they were spooned together with no space between them. Renata laughed quietly as she settled against his hard body. “Is that a Magnum in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

  His answering chuckle sounded as hungry as he felt. “Baby, I’m always happy to see you.”

  He moved against her, unable to resist the heat of her soft curves. He would never tire of holding her, whether they were simply lying under the covers in each other’s arms or enjoying more vigorous activity. Both of which he intended to indulge in this morning.

  He had never known what true contentment felt like until fate blessed him with Renata.

  “Where’ve you been?” she asked, sighing as she nestled into his embrace. “I woke up a few minutes ago and you weren’t here.”

  “I heard a noise downstairs. Someone was just coming in after spending the night outside. A couple of someones, that is.” He grunted, still bemused by what he saw. “Evidently, Aric and Kaya decided to catch the sunrise together.”
  “What?” Renata shifted in his arms, turning to face him. Disbelief shone in her jade green eyes. “Are you saying you think they had sex last night?”

  “Judging from the way they were looking at each other as they came inside, hell, they might be going at it again somewhere right now.”

  It was a joke, but Renata didn’t laugh. “Niko, they only just met.”

  “Since when has that ever made any difference?” He grinned. “It didn’t make much of a difference to us.”

  “I don’t know if I like this.” Renata frowned, concern bracketing her mouth. “She only acts like she’s tough, Niko. Inside, Kaya’s still that scared kid we found camped out on our hill a few years ago.”

  He couldn’t argue that, nor would he try. Renata knew a thing or two about acting tough to cover deep wounds. As formidable and strong as his amazing Breedmate was, even when Nikolai first laid eyes on her, she’d been scared too. She’d been scarred in ways that staggered him even now.

  “What if Aric breaks her heart, Niko?”

  “What if she breaks his?” He shook his head, reaching out to sweep aside a tendril of dark hair that fell over her pinched brow. “Just about the most dangerous thing a man can do is let a beautiful, broken female into his heart. And into his bed. He’s a goner before he realizes it.”

  Some of the worry in her eyes faded as he cupped her face in his palm and kissed her. When she finally surrendered all of her troubled thoughts on a slow sigh, Niko gathered her close and deepened the gentle meeting of their lips into a kiss that made them both moan with need.

  With their legs tangled and Renata’s body pressed against the front of his, Nikolai couldn’t think of any better way to greet the day. His son, however, seemed to disagree. A hard kick rippled beneath the stretched skin of Renata’s rounded belly.

  “Oh!” Her eyes flew wide and she drew back with a laugh. “Did you feel that?”

  He nodded, unsure if he felt more wonder or annoyance at the baby’s interruption. “Our boy is going to have to work on his timing.”

  “First, he has to get here.” Renata’s smile was filled with love as she placed her hand tenderly atop the swollen rise and made idle circles with her fingers. “I can’t wait to hold him in my arms, Niko.”

  “Maybe there’s something we can do about that.” He smirked, letting his hand trail off her hip and into the heated juncture of her thighs. Her gaze was skeptical, but she didn’t deny him when he stroked her sex. God help him, she was already hot and wet, silky against his fingertips. “They say making love during late term can bring on labor.”

  “Is that right?” She laughed softly, her voice breathy as he found her clit and toyed with the hard bud. “Since when do you know so much about pregnancy?”

  “I know I love the way it looks on you. And I love making it happen.”

  He kissed her again, devouring the low moan that escaped her when his finger slid between her folds and into the entrance of her body. Despite the depth of his hunger--or his teasing about hastening her labor--Nikolai rolled her onto her back with tender, reverent hands.

  On his knees between her spread legs, he gazed down at her, entranced. Worshipful. Renata had always been gorgeous, but right now his mate was a goddess. He had never loved her more.

  “How did a son of a bitch like me ever get so lucky?” he murmured, bending to kiss her belly. “I love you, Renata. Christ, I love you both so damned much.”

  “We know. And we both love you too.” Her mouth curved beneath shining eyes that danced with devotion. “Now, let’s talk some more about this interesting theory of yours.”

  “Talk about it?” He smirked, both his fangs and his arousal throbbing with enthusiasm. “Maybe we should test it instead.”

  Her sultry smile was all the permission he needed. She reached for his erection and her touch nearly undid him on the spot.

  It might have, if not for the abrupt buzzing of his comm unit lying on the nightstand next to the bed. The incoming call showed on the display was restricted, but there were few people who knew how to reach him this way. Given the early morning hour, it couldn’t be good news.

  Niko bit off a curse. “Evidently, our son’s not the only one with lousy timing.” He grabbed the device and put it to his ear. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”

  One of his contacts in the local JUSTIS office, a fellow Breed, was on the other end of the line. “There’s been an attack down here in Pointe-Claire today. We’ve got a report of multiple fatalities.”

  “Shit.” Niko’s veins went tight. The affluent neighborhood of the city was home to a large population of Breed civilians who not only lived in the area, but fed there as well. The last thing the Order needed to hear about was more bloodshed between mankind and their blood-drinking neighbors. “Tell me what happened.”

  “We don’t know much yet. A groundskeeper called in the report less than a minute ago. Says when he showed up for work this morning, he found the residence broken into via the front door. As soon as he entered and realized something was wrong inside, the witness contacted JUSTIS. We’re dispatching a crime unit now to process the scene at the Darkhaven, estimated arrival about fifteen minutes. Given the nature of the attack on a civilian residence, I thought the Order might want to go in first and--”

  “Wait a second. Hold up. The attack was on a Darkhaven?” Nikolai gripped his comm unit in an iron grasp. “Are you saying the fatalities are Breed?”

  “That’s right. At least, that’s our understanding from what little we know right now.”

  “Holy shit.” Niko felt Renata’s hand come down gently on his shoulder. He glanced at her, knowing his expression must be stark if her anxious gaze was anything to go by. “All right. Thanks for the call, man. I’ll have one of my teams on site in less than ten.”


  The quiet residential street was studded with fine homes and gated driveways, most of the addresses housing Breed families who had settled in the Pointe-Claire neighborhood not long after First Dawn twenty years ago. With the wide expanse of the Saint Lawrence River rolling picturesquely behind the large Darkhaven residences and the tree-lined ribbon of pavement meandering in front of them, it was easy to understand the appeal.

  Unfortunately for one of these Breed families, today this peaceful suburban ideal had proven to be only an illusion.

  “The address we’re looking for should be about a thousand yards up on the right,” Mira said from the passenger seat beside Aric. “Park here on the side street. We’ll hoof it the rest of the way, so the crime unit reporting in from JUSTIS doesn’t spot our vehicle and get their panties in a wad.”

  He nodded to the Order team captain and pulled off the main street to where she indicated. In the rearview mirror, Kaya’s grim gaze met his from the backseat of the SUV.

  “Do we know anything about the Breed family who was attacked?”

  Mira pivoted around to answer. “The Order ran an ID, but there’s not much to tell. Jonathon and Elena Champlain, mated for nine years. He’s an accountant with a Breed-owned firm downtown. She’s a teacher--or, rather, she was. According to her work records, she’s been on leave for the past four months since the birth of their second child. Their other son is seven.”

  “Two young children at home,” Kaya murmured, her voice heavy. “Is there a chance we’ll find either of them alive?”

  Mira shook her head. “I don’t think so. From what Niko was told, it doesn’t sound like there were any survivors.”

  No one spoke as Aric parked the vehicle. The three of them climbed out in silence, all garbed in black patrol fatigues and armed for combat. It was the second time Aric had been tapped for special duty because of his ability to daywalk. The second time he’d been partnered with Kaya in as many days, even though it seemed as if they’d known each other forever as they fell in with Mira at the lead and headed for the red-brick Tudor residence and whatever carnage awaited inside.

  Her dread was palpable. Aric jogged
alongside her, barely resisting the urge to reach out for her hand in reassurance. To think, just hours ago they’d been making love under the rising sun while elsewhere in the city a family was being slain in their home. Now, instead of holding Kaya in his arms back at the command center, they were dressed for war and speculating on probable body counts of murdered innocents they were already too late to save.

  Such was the life of a warrior.

  Aric had the stomach to deal with everything his role with the Order demanded, but damned if wanted to see Kaya subjected to the same ugliness. After the childhood she’d described to him, all he wanted was to protect her. To make sure she never suffered a moment’s pain or sorrow ever again.

  Not that he stood any hope of doing that from D.C.

  And not that Kaya wanted any such thing.

  Gone was the apprehension that filled her face back in the vehicle. Now, she wore a look of steely purpose as they approached the Darkhaven. Mira motioned them to follow her around to the rear of the large house, sending Kaya into place as a corner sentry while Aric was directed toward a shuttered sliding glass door on the back of the residence.

  He nodded without her telling him what she wanted him to do. The locks and steel-reinforced UV blinds took less than a second or two for him to disable. Once he had the obstacles out of the way, he gestured that he would go inside first, check things out.

  The stench of spilled blood hit his nose the instant he crept over the threshold and into a warmly appointed living room. Peering toward the front of the house, he noted a large male body that lay unmoving in the foyer. Human, if he had to guess by the sharp copper bite of the dying hemoglobin that tainted the air. But there was another blood scent in abundance here too. Something sweeter than human red cells.

  Fuck. Not a good sign.

  Nor was the fact that the Darkhaven stood as still and quiet as a tomb.

  Aric motioned an all-clear to Mira and Kaya. They entered behind him, slipping into the house in silence.


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