Just Sex

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by Heidi Lynn Anderson

  Just Sex

  Heidi Lynn Anderson

  When J.J. stumbles upon his conservative client in the throes of a self-induced climax, his desire to have Kat’s curvy body beneath his reaches the breaking point. At that moment, J.J. knows she needs someone to tend to more than just her yard. Now to convince Kat that he’s the right man for the job.

  Judging by her pristine yard, Kat already knows J.J. is good with his hands—and she’s more than willing to put those hands to better use. The man fulfills her every lusty dream, and Kat never thought a sex-filled fling would change her life for the good. Too bad it can’t last…

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing


  Just Sex

  ISBN 9781419938092


  Just Sex Copyright © 2012 Heidi Lynn Anderson

  Edited by Briana St. James

  Photography and cover design by Syneca

  Models: Shannon and Alex

  Electronic book publication May 2012

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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  Just Sex

  Heidi Lynn Anderson


  To the man I love. Thank you for always believing in me and never doubting my abilities. You are my true hero.


  Special thanks to Mary Ricksen, Lyn Armstrong, Sandi Horowitz, Florida Romance Writers and my editor, Briana St. James. Thanks for everything.

  Chapter One

  “Oh God, yes! J.J. Yes!” Kat Henderson woke in the midst of a screaming orgasm. She pushed up on her elbows and willed her body to stop trembling. “This has got to stop,” she said to herself in disgust.

  Every night for the last six months, Kat had dreamed of her much too young and much too sexy landscaper, J.J. Adams. She tugged six hundred-thread count sheets off her damp body as rapture still pulsed through every nerve ending. She took a steadying breath and forced her over-active hormones back to a manageable level.

  Kat glanced at her alarm clock. “Crap! I’m late. “She sat up, tugged her nightgown’s collar from its stranglehold around her neck and stood. In the distance, a lawnmower sputtered to life. Kat staggered over to the open window, barely stepping over a discarded fuzzy slipper. She grabbed the windowsill, sighed and gawked at the star of her erotic dreams.

  If J.J. ever found out how she lusted after him, he would probably dump her as a client and run screaming. Kat watched J.J. drive the professional stand-behind lawnmower. Her spacious yard had never looked better from this viewpoint.

  The smell of cut grass flowed through the air and stimulated her already raw senses. Kat would have loved nothing more than to run her tongue all over his god-like body. She glanced down at her plus-sized figure, all her dreams about how his skin would taste evaporating. Kat snorted in disgust. He most likely preferred young girls with tiny waists and no stretch marks, not thirty-five-year-old widows who would have to squeeze into a size-sixteen pair of jeans.

  Kat focused her attention back outside and let her gaze roam over J.J. Sweat soaked his tight white T-shirt and glistened on his rock-hard biceps. The Florida sun highlighted every sexy nuance on his well-muscled frame. Kat’s stomach knotted and desire filled her core. The noisy machine hiccupped off and he wiped his forehead.

  She licked her lips and stared at J.J.’s chest rippling under his soaked shirt. He glanced up and a way too seductive smile crossed his handsome features. Kat stumbled back from the window, tripped over a slipper and fell flat on her ass to the floor.

  “Shit!” Not only did he catch her drooling over him, but now Kat’s ass hurt like hell.

  The bedroom door swung open. “Mom! Are you ready? We’re going to be late for the first day of school.” Kat’s eleven-year-old son, Sam, peered down at her. “Why are you on the floor?”

  Embarrassment washed over her. Can this day get any worse? “I, umm, lost my earring,” she lied. Kat cleared her throat, resisted the urge to rub her throbbing butt and did her best to pull herself together. “Sammy, I’ll be ready in less than fifteen minutes. Go get yourself a bowl of cereal.”

  He spun on his heel and stomped down the hallway. “Hurry up! I don’t want to be late for the first day of middle school,” he whined.

  Kat stood and ran her hand over her bottom. She thought about Sam’s first day of kindergarten. “Where did the time go? It feels like just yesterday I was wiping spit-up off my shoulder.” She took one last look out the window. The man of her naughty nights was nowhere in sight.

  She walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. A misty haze enveloped the room. Kat stripped off her sticky bedclothes and stepped into the wet heat. Water pummeled her stiff body. I don’t know how much more of this delectable torture I can take.

  Kat’s hands shook and she fumbled with the cap to the body wash. She pushed out a breath and covered the loofah with the silky soap. An energizing scent of citrus filled the space. She ran the scratchy sponge over her body and imagined how J.J.’s hands would feel skimming over her ample curves. “God, stop it. You are much too old and too fat for anyone.” She squeezed her eyes shut to stop her tears, rinsed in a rush and turned off the shower.

  She grabbed a plush towel off the rack, rushed to the closet, flipped on the light and gazed over the sea of black clothes. Her hands landed on her old standby, black yoga pants. She shimmied into them and peered at herself in the full-length mirror. “I need to go on a major diet.” Kat pulled on a V-neck black Liz Claiborne T-shirt and turned to dab at the fine lines under her eyes with tinted cream. “This is as good as it gets.”

  Kat glanced at the clock and groaned. She had only ten minutes to get Sam to school. She raced out of her bedroom and took the stairs at a full run. “Sammy, let’s go!”

  Sam stood at the door, waiting. “Mom.”

  His exasperated tone had Kat smiling. “Just thank the powers that be that you’re having a good day today.”

  “If you didn’t oversleep—”

  Kat cut him off with a look. “Let’s go.”

  They blew out of the house in a whirlwind. She stumbled over a flat of pink and white impatiens and hit a solid wall of muscle. All the air left Kat’s body. Her brain fuzzed as moist male heat pressed against her breasts. Her traitorous nipples peaked into lust-filled buds. She tried to push back. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” J.J.’s arms
wrapped around her waist and set Kat’s insides on fire.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  She wanted to wrap her legs around his hips and suck in his male scent all day. Kat willed her hormones to behave and dislodged herself from his strong embrace. “Yes. I’m fine.”

  Sam opened the back door to Kat’s silver Lexus CT200 H. “Mom!”

  Kat sent Sam her most apologetic smile and said to J.J., “We’re running late for the first day of school.” She ran her hand through her still damp golden curls and took in the array of colorful flowers. “I hope I didn’t damage the flowers, they’re beautiful.”

  His sensual lips quirked and a dimple flashed. “I’m sure they’re fine. I’m having one of my guys come to plant them later.”

  Disappointment hit her at the thought that J.J. wouldn’t be there when she got back. She inspected the twenty flats. “Well, I best get going.” She turned and forced her legs not to shake when she stepped toward her SUV.

  “Mrs. Henderson.”

  She winced at the formality and spun. Well, that just knocked me down a few pegs. “Please, call me Kat,” she said.

  “Sorry. “ J.J. shifted from foot to foot. “You look nice today.”

  She felt her face flush. “Thank you. It’s not every day a handsome young guy tells me that.”

  Something Kat couldn’t discern filtered into J.J.’s eyes. Probably pity, she thought.

  “Mom,” an annoyed Sam called from the open passenger’s side door.

  “Well, I must get going.” She opened the driver’s side door. “I need to get him to school while he still likes it.”

  He smiled and showed off his dimples again. The urge to nip at him had her taking a step back. “I, um.” She waved numbly at the SUV.

  “See you later, Mrs. Hend…” J.J. cleared his throat. “Kat.”

  She all but fell into the driver’s side seat and hoped she didn’t look like a complete fool. Kat turned the car on and put the SUV in reverse. The sooner she stopped humiliating herself, the better.

  J.J. watched the richest and most-talked-about woman in town drive off. “What the fuck just happened?” The need in his gut burned, he had wanted Kat in his arms ever since the first day he met her.

  His feet felt frozen in place and his rock-hard dick throbbed. Lust pulsed throughout his body. “You had to fuck it up by calling her Mrs. Henderson. You don’t call someone who makes your dick want to explode Mrs. anything.” He glanced at Kat’s front door and remembered the first day he saw her, over a year ago.

  The then married Mrs. Henderson reminded him of one of those women in his grandfather’s old pinup-girl magazines. J.J remembered how he thought it was so wrong on many levels that the beautiful woman who stood framed in the doorway was married to the town dickhead.

  He thought back to that day and smiled. With just a handshake, Kat turned him on more than any other woman in his life. Confusion about why she stayed married to such an asshole muddled his brain even more when Kat took him on a tour of the nicely maintained yard.

  Kat knew every plant and flower. He learned that she took care of the yard herself and needed someone to take over the design and upkeep because she had too much work to do. When he asked what she did, Kat sent him the most beautiful smile.

  From what he understood, she worked from home managing her family’s business and investments. He learned later from the town’s grapevine that Kat had a degree from some fancy school in Connecticut.

  J.J. didn’t understand how someone so smart and kind would stay married to a man like Gary Henderson. All he could figure was love was indeed blind.

  Knowing that didn’t help the raging hard-on he had every time he saw her. Kat’s soft lush curves and drop-dead gorgeous face made for many sleepless nights. It shamed J.J. to admit it, even to himself, that on more than one occasion he fantasized about Kat’s body and face while screwing his fuck friend Sally.

  J.J. shook his head. Odds are Kat has classy sex with men who wear business suits. She doesn’t get down and dirty with the help. He fumbled for the cell phone on his belt and dialed Sally. “Stay in your own league,” he told himself and stomped back to his truck.

  On the ride back to his place, he struggled to think of Sally’s big, round tits, small waist, hot, round ass and tight, wet pussy. He loved that Sally had no boundaries when it came to sex. It didn’t hurt that she could suck a golf ball through a drinking straw.

  J.J. forced his head to clear. How could he think he had a snowball’s chance in hell with a woman like Kat? She would need romance. The only romance he had experience with was taking whatever girl he was sleeping with out after they had sex, so she wouldn’t stay in his bed too long and become too needy. Until now, that philosophy hadn’t seemed so fucked up. Maybe it was time for a change. He compelled his thoughts back to Sally, but Kat’s soft curves crowded his mind again.

  He shook his head. “Stop it! Kat lost her husband six months ago, you asshole, and she’s still grieving. What would a woman like Kat want with her lawn guy anyway?” J.J. pulled into his apartment complex, parked his truck next to Sally’s yellow VW bug and forced a grin at the pretty girl sitting in her car, drumming her hot-pink acrylic nails on the steering wheel.

  Sally grinned up at him and climbed out of her car. “Hi, sexy. If I had a key, I would already be in your apartment, naked.” She leaned into her car and grabbed her purse.

  “The only woman who has a key is my mother.” He gave Sally’s ass a swat. “Your ass looks great in those shorts.”

  “Hey! What was that for?” Her hard nipples poked through her tight black tank top.

  Blood raced to J.J.’s cock as he wondered what Kat’s nipples would look like. “You know you like it.” He tugged Sally to him and tried to redirect his thoughts back to Sally. He dragged her to his apartment with every intention to burn Kat out of his mind once and for all.

  Chapter Two

  J.J. arrived at Kat’s large home just as the garage door closed behind her SUV. His gaze roamed over the lush grounds. He couldn’t hold his smile at bay. Pride filled him. The guys who came after he left last week did a good job. J.J. knew he was lucky. The men he hired worked hard and took pride in their jobs. He got out of his truck, retrieved his tools and made his way up the walk.

  If he had a house, this was what he would like the landscaping to look like.

  Pink and white impatiens swayed in the breeze in their mulched beds and an array of small decorative shrubs framed the space like an expensive picture frame. They accented the house’s Victorian style to a tee.

  If the south Florida heat and humidity didn’t soak his skin, J.J. would have thought he was standing in front of a house in New England. He tried not to remember what happened last week after he left this place.

  J.J. knew he fucked it up with Sally big time. He still couldn’t believe he called Kat’s name when he came in Sally’s mouth. Disgust ran through his veins like acid, his mother had taught him to respect women, not degrade them.

  He set down his tools next to the house and went to work. J.J. had tried to reach Sally all week to apologize, but she wasn’t answering his calls, texts or emails. He even went to her house and job with no success.

  After a half hour of weeding, J.J. was almost ready to start mowing. Maybe Kat would watch him from her bedroom window. He yanked an impatien instead of a weed. “Fuck.” J.J. pulled himself back to the task at hand. Sweat rolled down his face and dripped onto the moist ground. He glanced up at Kat’s bedroom window and wiped at the sweat dripping in his eyes.

  A woman’s soft cries floated through the air. His heart stuttered and an odd mix of lust and fear filled him. J.J. tossed his tools to the ground and raced to the sounds. The whimpers became louder and he saw an open window on the side of the house. “Shit.” Doesn’t Kat know how unsafe leaving a ground floor window open is, especially for someone as wealthy and well known as she?

  J.J. tried not to trample the new flowers in his panicked race
to the window. Someone could break in. His thoughts were stopped short as shock ricocheted through his body right to his cock. “Fuck!” A herd of buffalo sat on his chest.

  Kat floated in a cloud-like bed, the light-pink hue from the walls washing over her naked body, accenting every sweat-slicked, sexy curve. J.J.’s mouth watered. Her pink-tipped tits begged for his attention and her pussy glistened with her cream. The need to know how she tasted overwhelmed him and Kat’s raw moans of pleasure set his nerve endings on fire.

  He took in her wide-splayed legs as she pressed the pink rabbit vibrator against her swollen flesh. The rabbit’s ears teased her clit with its vibrating motion. He could almost smell Kat’s excitement, feel her sweetness run over his lips, taste her on his tongue.

  J.J. imagined his hard cock gyrating, pulsating and rotating inside her like the pink phallus she pushed in and out of her cunt. J.J. took an awestruck breath. Kat’s lack of reserve mesmerized him. He pushed a trembling hand through his short hair.

  He could all but feel her body give way under him, her pussy clenching around his cock and her fingernails raking down his back. His hands pressed against the exterior of Kat’s house and watched as violent rapture arched her body off the bed. He almost lost it when she shrieked in ecstasy.

  The sight of the prestigious Kat Henderson all disheveled and wild eyed had J.J.’s chest heaving with desire. The scent of fresh turned earth stimulated his senses. The ache in his groin burned. He had never seen anything so hot in his life.

  Every muscle in his body wanted to crawl through the window, cradle Kat against him and murmur sexy suggestions in her ears. The first pulse of cum washed hot in J.J.’s pants and surprised him. He stifled a guttural moan. “Shit.” J.J. rushed back to his truck to clean up.


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