For The Love Of A Goon: A Miami Hood Love Story

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For The Love Of A Goon: A Miami Hood Love Story Page 1

by LadyJ

  For The Love of a Goon:

  A Miami Hood Love Story

  By Lady J

  © 2015

  Published by Leo Sullivan Presents

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

  Author’s Note

  This is a re-release from Author Jasmine Kidd (Lady J) previously titled “A Hustler’s Backbone”. I recently signed with a new publisher and decided to release this book again.

  Author Lady J can be reached via Facebook @Author Ladyj, Instagram @jazie-lady, and on Twitter @jazie-lady

  When the bond is so strong between two individuals it could never be broken. The power of love could make a woman do just about anything for the man she loves - J. Kidd


  “Ohhh, Moe, this party is off the chain girl.”

  “Yesss Bitch, Yes! I’m glad I didn’t stay my lonely ass at home,”

  My two ghetto ass home girls, Carmen and Roshel slapped each other five when we entered the Mansion night club. The place was jumping and it was jam packed with ballers posted from wall to wall. The rainbow strobe lights bounced off the walls of the dark room, which made me feel at ease. I was only nineteen at the time and I didn’t want anyone who knew my parents to see me. My mother and father would kill me if they knew I had snuck into a twenty-one and older night club.

  The Mansion was the place to be on a Friday night in Miami, Florida. Every bad bitch and every dope boy in town hung out there, and every now and then you can catch a few celebrities sneaking in and out of the VIP section.

  “Come on, bitches. Let’s hit the bar and grab a drink.” I grabbed each of my girls by the hand and we pried our way through the packed club and stood in line behind the countless people standing around waiting to be served.

  “Oh my!” Roshel’s hot ass tapped my shoulder to get my attention. I stopped grooving to the music and leaned in closer to her so that I could hear her more clearly. “Check out those fine ass fellas over there.” She tilted her head in the direction of three guys standing only a few feet away from us.

  “Who, them?” I pointed my finger at them.

  “Moe, stop pointing.” Carmen pushed my arm down to my side. We all giggled then proceeded to order our drinks from the bar.

  “Whatever they’re drinking is on me.” The deep voice of a man over powered my soft voice as I tried to order our drinks. I whipped my head around to find one of the guys from the group Roshel was eyeing just seconds ago. He pulled out a knot of one hundred dollar bills and Roshel eyes nearly popped out of her head and her mouth dropped so wide it almost hit the floor. Money was her biggest turn on. She was like a bloodhound; she could sniff out a nigga with fat pockets from miles away.

  I gave her a look as if to say, “close your damn mouth fool.” And she did. Clearly she had never seen that much money in person and neither had I, but I played it cool, unlike my friends. They both turned into complete groupies as soon as he handed us our drinks.

  “He is all mine.” Roshel took dibs on the guy instantly.

  “Ask him about his home boys.” Carmen said out loud as if he wasn’t standing right next to us.

  “Come on over here and I’ll introduce ya.” The guy escorted us over to his friends. He walked up to both of them, said something in their ear then turned back to face us. “Ladies, I’m Nino, this is my partner Trent.” He pointed at the fine yellow bone standing in the middle then to the thick muscular brown skin fella to the right of Trent. “And that’s my big bro right there.” The guy threw his head back as to say “What’s up” and flashed his gorgeous smile showing off his all gold fronts.

  “So, what’s his name?” I asked unable to take my eyes off of him.

  “I’m Meek.” He answered with a voice just as sexy as he was. He was 5.9” with a physique that would make you think he pumped iron twenty-four hours a day. He had long dreads that dropped down to the middle of his back and a thin mustache that faded into his goatee around his mouth.

  Hmmm, Moe and Meek sounds good together. I thought licking my lips before I extended my arm to introduce myself. “I’m Moenisha, and these are my girls, Roshel and Carmen.” He shook my hand and I almost fainted when our flesh met. I stared him down from head to toe. He was dressed to impress in a black Polo T and hat. I held onto his hand a bit longer as I looked him in his eyes. “Nice to meet you.” I finally let him go. We stood around in a circle just the six of us all night talking amongst ourselves as if we were the only people in the club. As the night grow later and the DJ spun the last record, things took a turn for the worse. “Damn, fuck nigga, EXCUSE YOU!” I huffed at a two bid hustler and his boys shoving their way through our circle.

  “No bitch, excuse you. Fuck outta here.” He threw up his hand and waved me off like I wasn’t shit.

  “Bitch ass nigga, who the fuck you think you’re talking too?” Roshel stepped up and tossed her drink in the guy’s face. Just then Nino shot Meek a look and Meek nodded his head. When the brawl broke out between the men, Carmen, Roshel and I looked at each other. I shrugged my shoulders at them then tossed my drink to the floor and jumped in swinging. My girls played follow the leader and begin to kick wildly at the guys on the floor.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here.” Meek snatched me up by my waist and we hauled ass getting out of the club. “Where are y’all going?” He asked once we started to walk a separate way.

  “Da projects.” Roshel pointed to in the directions of Fountain Heights projects where she lived with her mom and little sister; it was only a few blocks away.

  “Y’all bout to walk?” Trent asked?

  “Hell, we walked here.” Carmen chimed in with a laugh,

  “Meek, we can give them a lift right?” Nino asked his big brother.

  Meek looked at me and nodded his head. “Yeah, we can do that.”

  We walked around the parking lot looking for Meek’s car. We stopped at an old school Chevy Caprice. It was black in color with twenty-two inch chrome wheels. He opened up the door and we all begin to pile inside. Suddenly, I heard the rumbling of a truck pulling up behind us. Roshel screamed loudly as her, Trent, and Nino took off running away from us. One after the other, I listened to the loud popping noises of the bullets flying from the barrels of the guns aimed at us. I hit the floor board and dashed underneath the dashboard. Carmen laid down on the back seat and Meek slid down in the driver’s seat. The shattering glass flew through the air as they shot out every window. When it finally stopped Meek grabbed his pistol from under his seat, hopped out, and fired every round at the truck speeding away.

  “Damn it!” He yelled. “Nino, Trent, where y’all at?” He called out.

  “Carmen, you good back there?” I asked.

  “I’m good Moe.” She replied.

  I got out of the car and looked at all the damage that had been done. Damn, I thought. “Ro, you good?” I called out as I looked for my friend. I walked up on Meek, Nino, and Trent all crowded around Roshel. “Rooooo!!” I screamed flopping to the ground by her side. Her blood spilled from her back onto the pavement. “No, no, no. Please stay with me Ro. Please.” I whined as I held her hand. “Somebody call 911,” I yelled.

  “Moe, it’s burning.” Roshel said weakly.

  “Don’t talk, baby girl just keep breathing. Help is on the way.”

  That was all five years a
go and it was one night I will never forget.


  "Meek, stop playing with me!" Moenisha screamed at the top of her lungs.

  "Girl, stop all that damn hollering and get yo ass in this car." He demanded. They were standing in the middle of the parking lot of Denny's being watched by customers on the inside and outside. All eyes were on the feuding young couple.

  "Mother fucker I ain’t getting in shit!" She spat then turned her back on him. She stood there looking like a damn fool with her arms folded across her chest and her lip pocked out a mile long. Her hair was flying in the wind and her legs was freezing do to the mini skirt she was wearing.

  “Man… Get your crazy ass in the car Moe. I ain’t go tell you no more.” Meek shot her a look to let her no he wasn’t playing with her. “I’m about to pull off and leave your ass right here, now you better come on girl.” He hopped in his truck and started up the engine. “I ain’t playing Moe.” He rolled down the window and warned her one last time.

  “Fuck you and that stupid ass truck. I’ll walk.” She swung her arms at him as she stomped away. She pulled her cell phone out of her cleavage and called up one of her besties. She tried hard to ignore Meek yelling out her name as he slowly drove down the street beside her. She smacked her lips loudly and rolled her eyes. “Step the fuck off, Meek.” She threw him the middle finger and Meek hit the gas and sped away. “Hey girl, can you come get me? I’m at the corner of 45th Street.” Moe asked Carmen as soon as she heard her voice on the other end of the phone.

  “Let me guess, Meek left yo smart mouth ass again, didn’t he?” Carmen asked with a sluggish laugh.

  “And you know it!” Moe replied with a chuckle. “But you know I don’t care. Now hurry up and come pick me up. It’s dark as fuck and this wind has become so disrespectful.” Moe stopped walking and posted up on the street corner next to the stop sign.

  “Ok, ok, let me get Kira up out of the bed and we’ll be on our way.” Carmen was always playing captain save her whenever Moe and Meek was fighting. She was the first person Moe would call because she knew her best friend would always run to her rescue.

  “Where the hell is she?” Moe asked herself sanding all alone on the block in the middle of the night. She pulled her cell out of her top and checked the time. It was eleven o’clock at night and the temperature was way cooler than the warm Miami weather she was used too. She threw her arms around herself and rubbed her chilly shoulders. As the minutes ticked away she became very impatient and called Carmen’s cell again. “Man, what’s taking you so long?” She asked annoyed.

  “Bitch, I’m about to pull up. Kira’s ass was acting like she didn’t want to get out of the bed and you know how stubborn her ass can be. Here I go. You see me?” Carmen was at the four way stop sign flashing her headlights. “Bring your ass on. You know I don’t like being on this side of town so late at night.” She hissed while watching her friend strut her stuff across the street. Moe hopped in the car and they pulled off. “Trick I hope you got me some gas money for coming down here.” She rolled her neck at Moe.

  “Hush chile, you know I got you.” Moe reached back into her cleavage and pulled out a fits full of twenties. She peeled one bill off the stack and tossed it in Carmen’s lap. She then turned around and hung her body over the back seat. “Hey TeTe baby.” She softly pinched her two year-old God daughter’s cheek.

  “Leave her alone Moe. She’s going back to sleep.” Carmen popped Moe on her butt and she quickly flopped around in the front seat. She whipped up in the Krystal’s 24 drive-thru and turned the radio off.

  “Ooo.. Order me something too. Since Meek’s ugly ass didn’t let me finish my food at Denny’s; a bih hungry as fuck.” Moe scanned the menu trying to decide on the number three or the five piece hot wing combo. Carmen called out her order which consisted of two combos large sized. “I know you ain’t about to eat all of that. Trent back at home?” She snooped in her friend’s business.

  “No, His but has been M.I.A for a few weeks. When he’s done playing around with his lil hoes he’ll be back like always. The extra food is for Ro. She’s hungry and her mom’s is working that overnight shift.” Carmen placed her order then they proceeded to window number one. While waiting for their order Moe’s cell phone begun to ring repeatedly. She ignored call after call by sending the caller to voicemail. Carmen’s phone started to vibrate in her lap. She flipped it over and read the name on her caller Id. “Your man is calling.”

  “Don’t answer.” Moe said rolling her eyes and face all twisted up into a slight frown.

  “Girl you crazy.” Carmen picked up her phone and answered it. “Hello. Yeah, she right here.” She shoved the phone in Moe’s face forcing her to take it.

  “What nigga?” Moe’s voice switched to an even more hood rat tone. “No, I ain’t coming home. I’ll be at Ro’s house.” She paused and took her food and drink from Carmen’s hand. “Hello, hello! I know he didn’t just hang up on me.” She said.

  “I would’ve hung up on you too.” Carmen snatched her cell and left the drive thru. Within eight short minutes they were outside of Roshel’s mother’s home. They got out of Carmen’s small two door Honda Civic and Moe carried her God daughter to the door. Carmen rang the doorbell while trying to juggle the sacks of food and sodas in her arms. On the inside, she could here Ro making her way through the living room to the door.

  The door opened and Ro was sitting in her wheelchair smiling from ear to ear. She was excited to see her good friends. “Finally, I damn near starved waiting on your slow behind.” She held her hands out to receive her food and drink from Carmen. “Come on in.” Roshel sat her food and her lap, turned herself around in her wheelchair and wheeled back down the hallway to her room while Carmen, Moe, and the baby followed. “Hold up Moe, you already know what time it is. Lay her in moms’ bed.” Roshel instructed as Moe started to lay Kira down on her bed. She opened up the clear sack and begin to eat her food.

  “I left the door cracked in case she wakes up.” Moe said re-entering the bedroom. “Oh, so y’all didn’t hear me?” She asked her friends who didn’t respond. Carmen and Roshel were too busy stuffing their mouths. Carmen threw up her hand and nodded her head. Moe took a seat on the bed beside Carmen, opened up her bag, and dived in. They all ate quietly as the watch re-runs of Love and Hip Hop on the small 22 inch flat screen TV. After they were all done with their food Roshel pulled out a nicely rolled joint and struck it up. She took three short pulls of the joint then passed it around the room to Carmen.

  “So what, Meek leave your ass for tonight?” Roshel asked with laughter.

  “Damn, how you know?” Moe looked at Carmen, who was exhaling smoke from her nose. “Your ass can’t hold water.” She playfully pushed Carmen. “Girl you know me and my temper. This young ass waitress kept smiling all up in his face so I told his ass to check the young groupie. He said I was tripping as usual and tried to shut me up before that heffa came back but as soon as she set our plates on the table I caught her lil fast ass trying to wink her eye at him on the low. Bitch I lost it. Right there at the table. I didn’t care who was watching or who was taking video on their cell. Hell, Meek knows Moe don’t play that shit. I’ll beat any chick up over him. And he already know, I’m bumping like good gas. Ain’t nobody fucking with me.” They all fell out laughing at Moe’s statement. She reached inside of her shirt and pulled out her cell phone. “This his ass now.” Moe got up from the bed and walked out of the room. “What’s up?” She answered.

  “You. I’m outside. Let’s roll.”


  It’s moments like this I wish could last forever, Moe softly rubbed her hand across Meek’s bare chest as he slept. She loved the alone times they sheared even if they were always over to way to soon. Meek was a hustler, a dope boy, a paper chaser and his time was limited but she took what she could get. She stared at him while he rested not wanting to wake him from his sleep because once he’s up he’s out. From jump she was aware what kind of
man she was getting and although they never swopped vows she was committed to him and he knew he had himself a rider for life.

  Moe carefully got out of bed and tipped toe through their cozy two bedroom condo to the kitchen to get breakfast started. She washed her hands then peered in the fridge and grabbed a package of turkey bacon and a carton of eggs. She stood on her toes and reached high up in the kitchen cabinet and pulled down a mixing bowl. She then took a flat baking pan and a small round skillet from the dish washer. As she began to prepare a morning meal for her King she hummed the melody of a popular love song out loud as she floated around the kitchen. Moe was deeply in love with Meek and there was nothing she wouldn’t do to honor that love. He was her rib and she was his backbone. They needed each other to survive and it was evident. No matter how much they augured or how many times they’d called it quits they always seemed to find their way back to each other. Moe knew that true love never dies and that is what her and Meek sheared.

  “CALL FROM ROSHEL” Her voice activated caller ID narrated as her cell phone began to ring. Moe snatched a paper towel off of the roll and dried her hands.

  “What’s up chick?” Moe answered her phone.

  “What are you doing at this moment? Please say nothing and that you have time to do a friend a favor.” Roshel said.

  “Roshel, its 8am. What else could I be doing at this hour?” Moe poured the pancake batter from the mixing bowl into the sizzling hot skillet, tossed the bowl into the sink, and pulled a spoon from the draw. “So where are we going, how much time do I have to get ready, and what exactly am I getting myself involved in?” She asked while flipping the pancakes over and over in the pan until they were golden brown on each side.

  “I need a lift to therapy. My mom had to work over and she’s still not home yet. I would’ve asked Carmen but you know I can’t fit myself and my chair inside of her little ass car.” She finished with a giggle.


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