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SavageLust Page 3

by Gabriella Bradley

  “No, I don’t want her to have the satisfaction of thinking that we’re showing an interest in her. Let’s see what kind of dirt the PI can dig up.”

  “Are we going to have our usual Christmas Eve bash this year?”

  “I suppose. Like the woman said, Father would want us to continue life as usual and not sit here and mope. Christmas won’t be the same without him, but we’ll have to get used to that.” Chad stood. “I’ve got some work to do in the study and you two need to go round up the horses. There’s a storm coming in this evening.”

  “I should warn Topaz,” Johnny said and headed for the stairs, but Chad stopped him.

  “No. Leave her be.”


  “No buts. Plenty of storms where she came from. I’m sure she’s used to them. Go about your chores now.”

  Johnny threw a woeful glance up the stairs but turned around and headed for the door, followed by Sam. Soon as the door closed behind them, Johnny turned to Sam. “Sam, don’t you think Chad’s going overboard? We’re all upset over Father’s will, but I’ve been thinking about it. Can Topaz help it? It’s not really her fault, it was Father’s doing.”

  “Chad thinks she influenced him in some way. We don’t really know her, little brother.”

  “And we won’t get to know her if he keeps treating her this way. Life will be miserable as long as she’s around and Chad acts the way he does.”

  “We’ll just take it one day at a time. We’d better hurry. Look at those clouds rolling in.”

  * * * *

  Topaz wasn’t tired, not really. You could have cut the tension with a knife in the dining room and she just wanted to get away from it. Wandering around the room, she looked at the pictures on the wall. They were mainly of the three boys, as babies, as toddlers and it warmed her to see their happy smiles and cute faces. Even then, they were beautiful babies, gorgeous little boys. There were a few family pictures and she wiped away a tear as she gazed at John with his wife and sons. She’d have given anything to grow up with a normal family, to have brothers and sisters, a father and a mother. But it was just always her and her mother and twice a year she enjoyed the company of a stand-in father. As a child, she looked so forward to the times when John came to visit. When news came of his death, it had been a blow. She’d cried as much as she would have for a real father.

  Resolutely, she wiped her eyes and opened the French doors. Stepping out on the balcony, she saw the storm clouds rolling in. The tall tree just near the end of the balcony creaked and groaned as the wind assaulted it. One of the branches hung over the balcony railing. The wind howled around the house. She loved storms, always had, even as a child. When her friends would hide under their beds, she’d stand outside to watch the storm come in, to let the rain pelt against her face. She heard horses whinnying in the distance, men shouting and had the urge to go outside. Should I? Why the hell not?

  She decided to leave the house via the kitchen, presuming the stables were out back. Daddy John had made her take riding lessons and she loved horses. Will they allow me to ride?

  “I wouldn’t go out there if I were you, Mizz,” Corky told her. “There’s a storm coming in.”

  “I know. That’s just why I want to go outside. I love storms. And please call me Topaz?”

  “You be careful now, Mizz Topaz. Master Chad won’t like it and—”

  “Master Chad isn’t my boss.” Topaz scooted out the back door but not before she saw Corky shake her head and roll her eyes.

  The wind was fierce and she had to fight against it. In the distance, she saw the stables and men running to get the horses inside. Some of the horses were spooked already. When a loud thunderbolt sounded, some of the horses reared several times. She watched in awe as the men calmed them and led them into the stables. Deep down, she hoped to see the Douglas brothers, but she had no idea where they were. The men handling the horses were all ranch hands. Rain came pelting down just as two men closed the stable doors. She watched them run for shelter. Dare I go to the stables? Oh, I’d love to be with the horses.

  Dashing from the shelter of the big tree she’d been hiding behind, she glanced around to make sure no one was around and ran to the stable doors. The wind was so strong she had to fight to close the doors behind her. Soaked to the skin, she leaned against the doors for a moment to catch her breath. The stables were lit by a soft light, the horses restless. Wiping her wet hair away from her face, she approached the nearest stall. It held a beautiful brown mare. Reaching up, she stroked her on the nose, talking softly to her until the mare calmed somewhat. She did the same with each horse until she came to a large black stallion. “Aren’t you just the handsomest thing I’ve ever seen,” she said softly. “What’s your name, huh? Why are you so scared? It’s only thunder and rain. It won’t hurt you.”

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  Topaz jumped back, startling the horse. “I thought I was alone in here.”

  “That’s my horse.”

  “He’s beautiful. What’s his name?”

  “Lucifer,” Chad told her almost reluctantly.

  She stepped forward and continued to stroke the horse’s nose soothingly. “Your father taught me about horses.”

  “Did he now?”

  “Yes. He insisted I learn to ride and sent me to riding school.”

  “I guess the old man was preparing you already. How old were you then?”

  “About twelve.”

  “Did he buy you a horse?”

  “No. We lived in a small house with a tiny yard. No room for horses.”

  “Do you have sisters? Brothers?”

  “I was an only child. My mother died more than a year ago. I never knew my father.”

  “I’m sorry. I know what it’s like to lose your mother.”

  Topaz was shocked how his voice softened, at how much kinder he sounded now. “It was hard, but she was in a lot of pain at the end. She’s in a better place now, but I still miss her like hell. Just like I’ll miss your father.”

  “Are you sure you’re not his daughter?”

  “I’m sure. My mother wouldn’t lie to me and she swore, no matter how much I would have loved him to be my real father, that John wasn’t. She refused to tell me who my father was, even on her deathbed. She must have had a good reason.” She saw a different side to Chad now, a much softer, kinder side. His eyes had gone from jet black to a melting dark brown, deep pools of chocolate she could sink into so easily. Her heart pounded against her ribs as he stepped closer. Their hands touched as he, too, stroked the horse and talked to Lucifer softly. Between the two of them, Lucifer calmed down and stood quietly, enjoying the double attention.

  “I’m surprised he let you touch him. He doesn’t take kindly to strangers.”

  “He feels the love within me. Horses are very sensitive.”

  Chad stopped stroking the horse and turned to her. He reached out and cupped her chin in his large, calloused hand. “Topaz, how did you manage to sway my father into leaving you his estate?”

  Her heart flip-flopped, her stomach had a million butterflies fluttering down and down to her throbbing clit. His touch on her face was scorching. But his words stunned her. “I didn’t. I mean, I…I didn’t even know your father owned a ranch or that he was rich. He never talked about his life here.” It all came out in a small, trembling voice. And not because she was afraid of him. Not the least. It was because he turned her into a blubbering heap of jelly, set her blood afire.

  “Are you telling me the truth?”

  “I don’t lie. I didn’t even know he had another family, that he had sons.” When he withdrew his hand, she felt almost sorry. But not for long, because in an instant, he pulled her into his arms and his lips crashed down on hers. Forcing her mouth open, his tongue entered briefly, the kiss hard, hot, scorching. He held her with one arm. With his other hand, he tore at her blouse, the buttons popping, then delved to find a breast. He squeezed it briefly. And before she had time
to think, he let go of her, strode out of the stables and left her standing there.

  Her crotch ached with longing, her breast still felt his touch. Never in her life had any man turned her on like this. And if he’d continued, she’d been in danger of losing her most prized possession. Her virginity. She’d always sworn she’d remain a virgin till her wedding night. No man she’d ever dated had been allowed to go beyond kissing and fondling. And none of them lasted, because she’d had no interest in them beyond a date or two. Not one of them had awoken feelings within her, the love she craved, that special someone. And now there were three men who awoke feelings within her, who touched her in ways she’d not thought possible. And one of them had just kissed her and touched her soul. Was it his anger that had fueled his lust to kiss me like that? Or was he really attracted to me?

  Confused, she tied the ends of her wet blouse to cover her breasts since the buttons had popped off. She could still feel the touch of his hand on her breast and her nipples puckered at the thought. He was gone. She was alone now with no one but the horses.

  The storm raged. Lightning briefly bathed the stables in bright light spooking some of the horses. It was followed by loud thunder.

  There was a stack of hay bales in the corner. She crawled onto it, relaxed back against one of the bales and undid the zipper of her jeans. They were too tight, so she kicked off her shoes, peeled the damp jeans off and let them drop to the ground below. She needed release and needed it now. Undoing the knot of her blouse, she took it off, too, and lay naked on the hay. It felt good, it felt exotic, exhilarating, heightening her libido even more. Massaging her breasts and nipples with one hand, the other stole down to her cleft. She stroked the soft folds, spreading the moisture that seeped from her pussy, then entered a finger and placed her thumb on her clit teasing it into erection. It was so easy to pretend this was Chad making love to her, so easy to come to orgasm. But it wasn’t just Chad’s face that floated behind her closed eyelids, it alternated with Johnny’s and Sam’s faces. She finally climaxed but still felt no complete satisfaction. Her hand was wet from the creamy liquid that seeped from her pussy. She wiped it on the hay and just lay back dreaming about that fiery, savage kiss she’d just experienced, aching for more of the same. Thunder struck again deadening the sound of the creaking stable door.

  “So that’s how you managed to wind Father around your little finger. You took over where your mother left off. I knew you were a slut. Well, maybe I should treat you like one.”

  “Oh my God! I thought you were gone!”

  Without a word, he strode up to her and roughly gathered her into his arms. “Is this what you want?” he muttered against her lips while his hands kneaded her breasts, tweaking her nipples so hard it hurt. He roughly spread her legs wide and stood back while he undid his shirt and undid his belt and zipper.

  She was frozen in time. All she could do for the moment was stare at what sprung free from its confinement. He was huge. Thick and long. Oh, how she wanted him to take her right then and there. But not like this. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. His cock headed for her wide-open cleft, for her waiting pussy. It pulsed, she throbbed with longing, with need, want, but she couldn’t allow it.

  He leaned forward and took a nipple between his teeth while his hand spread her pussy lips and he shoved a finger deep inside and withdrew it just as fast.

  Just as she was about to draw up her legs and plant her knees firmly against his chest to shove him off her, he suddenly stepped back, his cock throbbing gently against his abdomen and stood there for a moment staring down at her.

  A flash of lightning briefly lit up his face, showed her his black eyes now filled with desire and passion. It’s what she wanted, what she ached for, but now those eyes slowly turned black and forbidden again as he yanked his jeans up, buckled his belt and put his shirt back on.

  “Get dressed. You’re lucky it was me who caught you like this. If it had been one of the stable hands—”

  And he was right. She’d taken a big chance lying there naked. Anyone could have come in to check on the horses. But why did he stop? Sure, she would have stopped him herself, but he was the one who pulled away from her.

  He turned his back to her. “Get dressed and get out of here and don’t ever let me catch you displaying yourself like that again!”

  Topaz jumped off the hay bales and put her still-wet clothes back on as fast as she could fighting with their dampness, tying the blouse neatly between her breasts. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking, I—”

  He turned to face her. “Go. There is such a thing as the privacy of your room. Remember you don’t live alone on this ranch. And the sooner you leave here, the better for all of us.”

  He was mad at her, madder than hell, she could tell by his eyes, the grim expression on his face, his angry voice. She still had no clue why he’d stopped, even though she would have fought him off, pushed him away. But would I have been successful? He was a big, strong man. Though she didn’t want her first time to be like this, deep down she knew she really hadn’t wanted it to stop. She loved the feel of his hands on her, his finger deep inside her, his scent, his male scent, that cock she had been able to see for such a brief moment and ached to touch, to hold, to caress with her hand, her mouth, her tongue.


  No word of apology from him for the ugly things he’d said. And she knew he’d never apologize even knowing he’d been wrong. She ran out of the stables into the soothing rain, her heart pounding so hard it resonated in her ears.

  Her first day at the ranch and she’d not only met the three most gorgeous men walking this earth but had already allowed one to kiss her, to touch her body. In such a very short time, these men accomplished what no other man ever had. They had awoken her soul, they touched her in a way she’d never imagined but always hoped for. What confused her the most was that all three awoke these feelings within her. Is there such a thing as love at first sight? Or is this just pure, unadulterated lust?

  The rain pelted against her face, soaked her, cooled her. She didn’t really feel like going back to her room, but she didn’t know where to go. The surroundings were still too unfamiliar. Tomorrow she’d go riding, explore.

  Chapter Three

  “My God, that woman has me tied up in knots. I was about to take a virgin. If I hadn’t fingered her first, I wouldn’t have known and it would have been too late,” Chad muttered as he picked up his wallet he’d dropped earlier and had caused him to go back to the stables. “What the hell was she thinking?” His cock still throbbed from the passion she aroused within him.

  He needed release and he needed it fast. There was only one way. He undid his belt, undid his fly and released his cock. Encasing it in his hand, he pulled the skin back and forth. It didn’t take long before a long stream of semen spurted to the ground. His breathing calmed, his libido stilled for the moment. Never in his life had he been so horny for a woman. Sure, he’d had his share of them, but this one had awoken a raging passion he didn’t even know he possessed, a savage lust.

  The storm was waning, the thunder now sounding far away. Still stroking Lucifer’s nose, his thoughts were still on the beautiful young stranger, the sight of her naked body engraved in his mind. She had barely arrived, been there less than a day and he was like a dog in heat. He shouldn’t let Topaz get to him this way, couldn’t allow it. It could spoil all his plans of contesting the will. Making a mental note to call Terry in the morning to see if he had started proceedings, he left the stables to return to the house.

  * * * *

  Topaz awoke to a bright, sunny morning. She stretched, for the moment not realizing where she was and was shocked at how long she’d slept. She sat up and looked around the room. “Oh yeah. I’m at the Douglas Ranch,” she muttered. “Duh.”

  She’d had a restless night, her dreams turbulent. Three men had haunted her dreams, three gorgeous hunks. After jumping out of bed, she ran to the French doors and opened them. The air s
melled fresh, all pollen and dust washed away by the rain.

  Stepping onto the balcony, she gazed out over the vast ranch. There were some broken branches on the lawns, leaves were scattered, but apart from that, it was a beautiful sight. The sound of hooves sounded below her. Leaning over the railing, she saw Johnny riding a white horse.

  “Morning, Johnny,” she called out.

  Johnny looked up at her and only when she saw the expression on his face did she realize she wore nothing but her g-string panties and a smallish t-shirt. Feeling the blood rush to her face, she grinned and quickly escaped back into the bedroom.

  For the second time she’d exposed herself to one of the Douglas men. She was just lucky it wasn’t Chad, not after the experience of the night before. Then she’d really have been mortified. After putting on some sweats, she went back out on the balcony. Johnny was still there. He seemed to be waiting for someone.

  “Johnny, is it okay for me to go riding?” she called out to him.

  He looked up at her again, his gaze hot and filled with desire, longing. “I’ll have one of the hands saddle Daisy for you, Topaz. Maybe someone should go with you. I wouldn’t want you to get lost.”

  “I’ll be fine. The weather is beautiful and I’m sure the horse can find its way back. I’d rather be alone.”

  “Watch out for rattlesnakes and we have seen some coyotes of late, and some rustling. I’d feel a lot more comfortable if one of the hands goes with you.”

  “Fine. If you insist.”

  “I’ll ask Hank. He’s one of our old timers. He’s been on the ranch as long as I can remember. I’ll get him to meet you at the stables.”

  Just then, Chad rode up on his black stallion. He looked up at her with an undecipherable expression. “Let’s go, John,” he said and tapped Johnny’s horse on the flank. They rode off and Topaz hurried inside to shower, eager to explore the ranch and later the sprawling mansion.


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