What Remains: Untainted

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What Remains: Untainted Page 11

by Kris Norris

  The idea made her feel sexy and strong, and she set up a steady rhythm, taking Darcy deep then easing him out, teasing him with flicks of her tongue. His hand tightened in her hair, and she pulled free, dipping lower to mouth his sac.

  “Fuck. Yes. Damn, too good.”

  His voice sounded lower than usual, with a rough edge to it that told her he was close. She attended to his other side then returned to his cock, sucking it firmly inside her mouth as she moved faster along his length. Darcy’s thighs tensed, the bands of muscles in his abdomen clenching as he started moving with her, short hard strokes that mimicked his need. She stretched her jaw wider, allowing him to set the pace, waiting for the one moment when he surrendered to her, trusting her enough to leave himself vulnerable.

  His hips jerked, and he seemed to be fighting to finish. She removed her hand from his thigh, slipping one finger inside her mouth when his cock pulled free, wetting the length of it before tracing a line down his groin and behind his sac, probing the first inch of his ass. His breathing hitched, and she had a feeling he’d never had a lover touch him like that. But before he could protest, she slipped the first knuckle inside him, moving it slowly forward until she could wiggle her finger, rubbing the tip across his prostrate.

  “Shit! Abby!”

  Darcy lost control, thrusting into her mouth in a frenzied rush, all semblance of control gone. She held steady, angling his cock down her throat as her finger drove him higher, putting just enough pressure on his gland to send him over the edge. He came hard, his body stiff as he shouted her name again, the sound trailing into a growl. She kept moving, drawing out his release, draining every drop of fluid from him until he bent over her, resting his head on her back as he panted out his breath.

  She gave him time to gather his strength, slowly popping his weakening erection free when he straightened, planting a kiss on the side of his hip. He moaned when her finger slipped free of his ass, his arms tugging her into his chest. His heart thrashed against her cheek, and she closed her eyes, savoring how his mere presence made her feel safe.

  “Jesus, I’ve never…” He mumbled something as if still coming to terms with the fact she’d stuck her finger in his ass then sighed, shaking his head. “You’re wicked.”

  She eased back, grinning smugly at him. “And you loved every second of it. I’m guessing that was a first for you?”

  “Having a woman finger-fuck my ass? Yeah, darling. That was a first. I’m not sure what you did, but damn…just damn.”

  “Your secret’s safe with me.”

  “Right. Safe until you need something that’s against the rules.”

  She laughed. “Do you honestly think I’m capable of blackmail?”

  “Darling, I have no doubt that you’ve already got the three of us completely figured out and know exactly what to use against us to get your way. It’s the curse of being a woman.”

  “Then I suppose you’ll have to take solace in the fact you aren’t alone in the whole, ugly mess.”

  He leaned forward, pressing his chest against hers. “If what the four of us have is an ugly mess then I never want it to get pretty.” He caressed his thumb down her cheek. “I love you, Abby. We all do.”

  Her throat clogged as she tried to swallow past the lump of emotion stuck in it. Darcy smiled at the tears that slipped free of her eyes, bending down to cease her lips in a blazing kiss. Then he pushed her back, dropping his hands to her hips.

  “I believe I was the one who was supposed to make you come.”

  She shrugged, feigning indifference, hoping she didn’t climax on the spot from the aftershocks of sucking him off.

  He tsked her. “You might want to catch your breath now, because by the time I’m done, you’ll be gasping for air.”

  Abby opened her mouth to tease him, but all that came out was a hiss as he ripped her panties off, tossing them over his shoulder as if he didn’t care if they ever found them again. He gave her a hardened stare, silently telling her to watch him, then lowered his head, licking a heated path through her slit. Her head tilted back against the window, and her thighs opened wider, exposing her completely to his gaze. He hummed his approval, shuffling her ass across the counter until he could place one foot on each of his shoulders. When he seemed happy with her placement, he used his thumbs to ease her soaked folds apart, smiling at what he saw.

  “It’s really quite amazing we’ve managed to get anything done with you around. You’re too much of a temptation for your own good. Now breathe like I told you to because I have no intentions of allowing you to move for some time.”

  His tongue rasped over her clit, sending sparks of colored light dancing across her vision. She watched him work her cleft, licking and sucking as if he had all the time in the world. Fire built inside her core, swirling outward in an ever-increasing circle until her entire body felt singed. Darcy took the tensing of her muscles as a sign to ease up, teasing her with gentle flicks of his tongue and fleeting passes of his finger at the edge of her sex. She tried to sit up, grab his head and hold him against her clit, but couldn’t get enough leverage with her feet splayed wide on his shoulders. She cursed under her breath, hating that her body responded so desperately to being controlled by any of the men. She’d never taken herself to be the submissive type, but something about having the men dominate her turned her body into a puddle of lust.

  Darcy chuckled against her folds, sending tremors through her sex. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  She managed to raise her head enough to meet his gaze. “Ashamed of what?”

  “Being controlled. Dominated. We think it’s fucking hot.”

  “How do you—”

  “Please. As soon as any of us restrain you in any way, your pussy damn near drips juice down your thighs. You like having us play the role of the big bad soldier. And we fucking love playing that role.”

  She wanted to deny it, to assert her independence, but his words only made her pussy cream more.

  His gaze dropped to her sex, and he groaned. “See. I’m right.”

  She sighed in defeat, pressing her head into the window again as he lapped at the new wave of moisture, thrusting two fingers inside her this time.

  Her back arched upward, her body threatening to unravel with every stroke. He eased off again, apparently wanting to drag her release out when another set of hands palmed her stomach, sliding up beneath her shirt to cup her breasts. Abby opened her eyes, instantly pinned by Barrett’s deep blue ones. The man’s mouth pulled tight as his gaze drifted to her groin. He moaned, his tongue darting out to swipe a path across his lips as if seeking a taste of her juice.

  He snorted, rolling her nipples between his fingers, adding just a hint of pain. “I knew I’d find you guys like this. I bet Colby ten bucks Darcy had you pinned beneath his tongue. Guess I win.”

  Abby screamed when he tweaked her again, harder than before. “We can all win if Darcy will just let me come.”

  Barrett sighed. “I’d love to help you out, but I’m too busy enjoying the view. Do you have any idea how bloody hot you look with Darcy’s tongue sliding between your folds, your body strung so tight your thighs are starting to shake?”

  “God, Barrett, please.”

  His eyes narrowed before he half climbed onto the counter, hovering his mouth an inch from hers. “Have I told you that I love it when you beg?” He brushed his lips over hers. “Fine. Darcy, let our girl come.”

  Darcy continued his torment for three more strokes before sucking her clit into his mouth as his fingers thrust hard and deep inside her.

  She climaxed, convulsing against Darcy’s mouth as Barrett dropped his hands to her waist, allowing her to arch around them. He held her steady, bridging most of her weight as her fingers clenched into fists at her side. She opened her mouth to scream, but only a hushed grunt passed her lips as she collapsed onto the smooth surface, streaks of black still shooting across her vision.

  She didn’t know how much time passed bef
ore she finally peeled her eyelids apart, smiling at the men standing beside the counter. Darcy’s chin glistened with her release, and he waited until he knew she was watching before raising his fingers to his mouth and licking them clean.

  The sight made her groan and Barrett reached for her, pulling her off the counter and against his chest. Darcy moved in behind her, sandwiching her between the two men, her body encased in hard muscle. She sighed and let her head fall against Darcy’s shoulder, knowing he’d hold her up if she needed him to. He nuzzled her neck, making her shiver when footsteps sounded by the hallway. She looked over, drawn to the set of brown eyes watching her. Colby had his shoulder propped against the doorframe, one hand tucked into his pocket. She smiled, curling her finger at him, silently asking him to join them. A tentative smile touched one side of his mouth, and he took a step forward only to fall face-first onto the floor.

  Chapter Nine


  Her voice broke the sensuous atmosphere, and both men turned, cursing as Colby writhed beside one of the mattresses, sweat trickling down his face. She pushed at Barrett’s chest, but the man was already backing up. He beat her to Colby’s side by two steps, his hands going to the man’s shoulders. Darcy shouted her name, tossing her pants at her as he grabbed a water bottle they’d left on the counter. He knelt down beside her, his mouth pulled tight, his jaw clenched.

  Abby palmed Colby’s chest, nearly yanking her hands back from the heat blistering off his skin. Though she could tell he’d just had a cool shower, remnants of water still clinging to his flesh, it’d done nothing to temper the fever racking his body.

  “Darcy, get that box of supplies in the next room. Barrett, I need a cloth for the water.”

  The men moved without talking, their hushed footsteps the only noise other than Colby’s low moans. She checked his pulse, shaking her head at the accelerated beat throbbing beneath her fingertips. Barrett appeared beside her, handing her one of his shirts.

  She grabbed the bottle and soaked the fabric, dabbing one edge along his forehead. “Colby? Can you hear me?”

  His eyelids fluttered then opened, blinking several times as if trying to bring her into focus. She held his gaze, giving him a reassuring smile when he gave her a slight nod. Darcy ran back into the room, dropping the box at her side as he went to his knees again, fear creased along his brow. She grabbed her stethoscope, placing it on his chest as she listened to his heart.

  Darcy shifted beside her, his breathing nearly as frantic as Colby’s. “What the hell is wrong with him?”

  She glanced at the man, removing the earpieces as she wrapped them around her neck. “I don’t know yet.”

  “Can you help him?”

  She huffed, trying to keep her own fears in check. “I’ll do everything I can, but I’m not a doctor. Not really. Give me broken bones or open lacerations, and I’m good. Deciphering illness isn’t my expertise yet, unless it’s something native to the animal population. I can tell you it’s not rabies, or feline distemper or any other disease I’m intimately familiar with.”

  Darcy looked away before nodding. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful.”

  “Apology accepted.” She pushed on a few areas of Colby’s body, assessing his responsiveness. “Colby. You need to tell me what’s wrong. Where’s the pain? Does it hurt to breathe?”

  He shouted out a string of words she didn’t understand, his gaze wild when it met her. She leaned closer, hoping to catch the gist of what he was saying when he reached for her, his fingers clenching around her arms with crushing intensity.

  Darcy grabbed at one of Colby’s hands while Barrett seized the other, both fighting to loosen his grip. She finally pulled free, knowing she’d have bruises but too damn scared to care.

  Colby thrashed against the other men’s hold, twisting in an attempt to break free. “They’re here! Damn it, don’t you guys see it?” He levered up only to collapse down again. “We’re outnumbered. They’ve got RPG’s and fifty cals. We need to move!”

  Abby furrowed her brow. “What the hell is he talking about?”

  Barrett grunted as Colby thrashed again. “It sounds like a scene from the end of our last tour in Afghanistan. Just before we returned to this hell hole.”

  “Was he sick when he got back from there?”

  Barrett frowned, shrugging as he looked at Darcy. She turned to face the man, hoping he had something useful for her.

  “I think he might have had some kind of fever or flu a few weeks after we returned, but Barrett and I were running local supply trips. We didn’t see Colby for maybe a week. By then, he seemed fine.”

  “Did he tell you what it was?”

  Darcy shook his head. “Sorry, Abby. It was complete chaos when we stumbled upon the compound. There were so many wounded, and they hadn’t even secured the perimeter. We only saw each other in passing until it was safe enough to let our guard down for more than a second. Colby never talked about it, and honestly, we didn’t ask. There were just too much else to worry about than something he’d recovered from.”

  “It’s okay. This isn’t your fault.” She sorted through the supplies Darcy had brought her, taking some standard readings as a way of getting her thoughts straight. “Damn. His temperature’s a hundred and four, and his blood pressure is low.”

  Barrett swore just loud enough to draw her attention. He stared at her, the fear clearly written across his face. “I know none of us wants to consider this, but…” His throat bobbed as he swallowed noisily. “Is there any chance he’s been, you know…infected?”

  Cold sluiced through her veins, making the room dim slightly. “No. No way. This isn’t that infection. It’s something else.”

  Barrett’s expression softened. “He’s got a fever. That’s usually the fist symptom of—”

  “He’s not infected!” Her voice rang through the room, the anger in it impossible to miss. But after all she’d lost to the damn infection, she wasn’t about to lose Colby too. She bowed her head, forcing herself to take a calming breath. Barrett didn’t deserve to take the brunt of her anger, not when he was just as invested as her in the outcome. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.”

  “It’s all right, love. We’re all a bit tense.”

  She snorted. “Tense. Right.”

  She ran a hand through her hair, watching as Colby’s movements eased, his limbs finally going limp at his side.

  She motioned for the men to move him onto one of the mattresses before facing Darcy again. “So he got sick shortly after returning from your tour. Were you guys taking any kind of medications while you were there?”

  “The usual. But we ran a bit low at the end. When this virus or whatever the hell it is erupted worldwide, it was all we could do to get our asses back here in one piece. We weren’t really that concerned with taking meds when there were zombies trying to eat us.”

  “So you stopped.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” He huffed, slamming his fist against the floor. “How, exactly, is this helping? Shouldn’t you be taking blood samples and running tests?”

  “I don’t have that kind of equipment here. I have to treat based on what I think is wrong with him. And right now, his background is the only starting place I have.”

  Darcy grunted, ensuring Colby was still out before rolling to his feet and pacing the room. “Isn’t it more likely it’s something he caught here? Food poisoning or something?”

  “Food poisoning would have presented with vomiting and gastrointestinal issues. Besides, we’ve all eaten the same stuff. If he was sick with salmonella, botulism or something equally as serious, we’d all have it.” She turned to Barrett. “And to answer your question, I know he’s not infected because he’s not showing any of the other signs. There’s no visible contact site, and if he’d somehow ingested it, the skin around his lips and face would already be gray with a fever this high.”

  Barrett nodded, staring at Colby as if checking her assessment. She sighed, giving B
arrett’s hand a squeeze as she looked down at Colby. At least he seemed to be resting for the moment. She reached into her bag, gathering a syringe and some medication. She needed to treat the fever, even if she didn’t know what was causing it.

  Darcy moved in beside her, nudging her with his knee. “What are you giving him?”

  “Something to get this fever under control. If we don’t lower it, he could start seizing. And I don’t have the proper medication to deal with that.”

  Darcy didn’t speak, just resumed his pacing. She gave Colby the shot, praying the damn stuff did its job. But without treating the underlying condition, it was a Band-Aid at best. Barrett handed her the wet cloth again. She thanked him, dabbing Colby’s face and neck, cursing herself for not cornering him sooner. She’d suspected this morning that something was off. But instead of dealing with his illness, she’d spread her thighs and screamed out her release.

  Guilt washed over her, and she bit back the sob tight in her chest. Breaking down wasn’t going to help her or Colby. She drew a steadying breath, jumping when a hand cupped her shoulder. She spun her head, catching Darcy’s gaze.

  “It’s not your fault he’s sick. I heard you ask him if something was wrong. He should have confided in you. In all of us.”

  “I should have pressed him for more information. I knew more was going on when I caught him snooping through my medical…”

  When she didn’t continue, Darcy squeezed her shoulder. “Your medical what?”

  She bolted up. “Watch him. If he has another spell, shout. I’ll be right back.”

  She ran to the other room, digging through the medications, looking for the bottles he’d tossed back in when she’d interrupted him. She finally found them lying off to the side. She picked them up, reading the names when she realized they had one thing in common. “Fuck!”


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