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The Cowboy Comes Home Page 10

by Roni Adams

  He froze. Reality broke in just in time. They couldn't do this. Not now—he wasn't using anything.

  He pulled out and leaned away.

  Beth grabbed for him and frowned. “What's wrong?"

  He reached between them again and stroked her moist folds. “It's okay. I just don't have any protection with me so we can't do that."

  Beth pulled his hand from her and grasped his hips. “I'm on the pill."

  He gaped down. “You are?"

  She nodded. “Yes, so don't stop."

  That opened up a thousand questions and probably not one he wanted the answer for. Her soft thighs parted and she tugged him back. Unable to deny her, he closed his eyes and slid back inside. Beth lifted her hips and wiggled beneath him. Her legs wrapped around his waist, drawing him in even deeper.

  She leaned up and kissed him, her mouth urgent and hot as she bucked beneath him. Her wild movements and the urgent thrusting of her hips left him in no doubt that she wanted fast and hard tonight, not slow and tender. He pumped into her with everything he had, doing the best he could to brace his weight off her, but he pressed her back into the cot with every stroke.

  Her head thrashed wildly on the tiny pillow and she screamed his name, her body quivering in climax beneath him. Ty let himself go and colors exploded behind his eyes. His own release was overwhelming and he shuddered, groaning her name on a long moan.

  Her inner muscles pulsated around him, milking him and making his body twitch with after shocks. He kissed her lips, as her hands dug into his back and held him tighter.

  Beth's legs dropped like rubber from Ty's waist. His lips caressed her neck, his breath hot on her skin. His heart beat so fast against her own, she was afraid they'd both have a heart attack.

  Holy crap, that was something. She smiled at how insanely hot for each other they'd been.

  Tyler's mouth made a slow trek back to her breast and she stretched under him. He latched onto her nipple and she arched her back, loving the feel of his weight on her, his mouth sucking her breast while he was still inside her. Although he wasn't rock hard anymore, he was hard enough that she could feel him. He worked at her breast and her insides began to once again curl up. After the explosive climax she'd just had, she was shocked to discover she wanted another one, already. Tyler must have read her mind for his hand slid downward and, even as he shifted to lie at her side, his fingers played with her, stroking and teasing until she cried out again, the waves of pleasure carrying her away.

  She caressed his powerful back and reveled in the warm afterglow. Tyler kissed her lips in a touch so soft and tender she almost cried. Beth kissed him back, holding his head with her hands. His longer hair was different, but not in a bad way, as her fingers sifted through its length.

  Beth kept her eyes closed. There was a time when she never thought she'd feel like this again. Was it wrong? Was she wrong to have made love with Tyler after everything that had happened? She pushed the thought away. She and Tyler had always been good together. Their bodies knew one another way too well, knew exactly what felt good and where it felt good.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “I hope I didn't hurt you."

  She shook her head. “Remember the—"

  "Fire ants.” He grinned.

  She laughed. “That was bad."

  "Yeah, for me.” He winced.

  She pressed a kiss to his chest, unable to stop from lathing his brown nipple with her tongue. Her hand slid lower across the rock hard abs of his stomach. “I made it up to you later."

  "Hmm, made it all worth it."

  Tyler shifted their positions, pulling her on top of him. Beth straddled his thighs and sat up. Her insides turned to mush when he stared at her breasts. His lips lifted in a half smile as he touched her nipple and watched her reaction.

  "I lost a lot of weight. They got smaller,” she whispered. She'd lost her appetite, and then her strength and her willingness to take care of herself. His leaving caused her illness, but she couldn't keep blaming Tyler for her weakness.

  "They look perfect to me; they feel perfect.” Effortlessly, he dragged her body upward until her nipple was against his lips. “Taste perfect, too."

  His large hand covered her bare backside and squeezed the cheeks. Beth was trapped, but she had no desire to move. Tyler had always been an expert at making her body come alive, and it was more than obvious he'd forgotten nothing. Though she knew this was wrong, knew she should stop, she didn't want to. Pleasure washed everything else away and she didn't have any willpower to fight against the tide of passion that he wrapped around her.

  When he'd feasted enough, he settled her back upright and Beth lifted her hips to settle over his erection.

  "Hmm, Beth,” he muttered as she eased herself down and then back up again.

  His large hands spanned her waist, his fingers almost touching each other. “You're beautiful,” he whispered hoarsely, staring into her eyes.

  As the tension mounted, Beth increased her pace. Tyler's hands gripped her hips and he bucked fiercely under her. His rough movements immediately sent her skyrocketing through the heavens and, before she could catch her breath, his hoarse cries echoed her own as he came inside her. She squeezed down, wanting to draw out his pleasure as much as she could.

  * * * *

  When Beth woke up, the blanket was tucked around her ... and Tyler was gone.

  She waited for the waves of regret to hit her, but they never came. Instead, she stretched out, wincing at how cramped and uncomfortable the narrow bed was now that she wasn't distracted. Taking the blanket with her, she sat up and found her panties neatly laid on the edge of the cot along with her sweatshirt and jeans. She quickly dressed and glanced at her phone to check the time. Shortly after five. They'd been there all night. Muscles protested as she stood up. Raking her fingers through her hair, she stumbled out into the barn, eager to see how the foal was doing.

  Beth's heart paused at the sight of Tyler leaning over the stall. It skipped back into overdrive when he turned to look at her. What would his reaction to last night be now? Would he understand that last night she'd been weak and needy, or would he think it meant all was forgiven? Did she even know which one it was?

  "Hey,” she said, looking inside the paddock instead of at him.

  "The foal is fine. MoonDance isn't going to have any problems with the two of them."

  Beth frowned up at the cool tone in his voice. What was wrong? When he turned to walk away, she snapped, “What's your problem?"

  He turned back. “I don't have a problem. You called me, and I helped you out.” He jerked his head to the stall. “All's well that ends well."

  "That's it?"

  He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, why? Was there something else you needed? I thought I took pretty good care of everything last night."

  His look was pointed, his meaning very clear. What an ass. Regret washed over her. I'm an idiot. She spun around and faced the foal. “Nope, you did more than enough."

  Beth didn't look at him; she couldn't. Last night, now wrong; she felt cheap and easy, needy and weak. He left her without a word for over two years, and he hadn't even been home two weeks before she'd slept with him again. What was wrong with her? Tears stung her eyes and she brushed impatiently at them as she listened to him walk away.

  * * * *

  Tyler stood in the shower, trying not to think about the hurt on her face. Right or wrong, the fact that she was on the pill meant she was sleeping with Cole or someone else.

  That particular implication hadn't sunk in last night, but first light made it shine front and center and it was tearing him up inside. Beth had always been a passionate woman; he should know, he'd encouraged it! She'd been true to him while she was away at college; he had no doubts there. But he'd left. He had no right to think she wouldn't have had a physical relationship with someone else. She had every right to sleep with whoever she wanted to. And he hated that thought with a burning anger.

  The c
ool water sprayed his face, clearing his head. He'd behaved badly this morning, taking that anger out on her.

  Cole was right. He was like a kid with a toy, setting her aside but not wanting anyone to touch her. How much more of an ass could he be?

  He wrenched the water off. Now he had even more to make up to her. Why the hell did he keep digging his own grave deeper?

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  Chapter Six

  Beth plopped the cookie dough in the center of the floured board and picked up the rolling pin. Baking cookies was one of the holiday traditions she usually loved. It was one of her few memories of both her and Tyler's mother. The two women, along with Flo, would bake up a storm this time of year and set up little stools for the girls to stand on to help.

  "I can't believe there's only two more days until Christmas Eve.” Susan brushed the hair out of her eyes with her forearm.

  "It comes faster every year,” Sara agreed, stretching her back and shoving the filled cookie tray towards Flo.

  The housekeeper opened the oven and smiled at the lightly browned Christmas cookies. “Ahh, perfect."

  "As are all you ladies,” Cord said smoothly, stepping into the kitchen with his brothers close behind him.

  An electric sense zipped up her spine and Beth jerked her head up, her gaze colliding with Tyler's. She jerked it away and quickly went back to flattening the dough.

  "Where are you guys off to?” Sara asked.

  Buck moved to her side and pressed a kiss to his wife's cheek. “Out to shop. Christmas is only two days away, you know,” he added with a teasing grin to Susan.

  "Yeah, no point in rushing.” Susan rolled her eyes and passed another filled cookie sheet to Flo.

  Beth kept rolling as Cord plucked the ever present grocery list off the refrigerator. “Need anything other than this, Flo?"

  The housekeeper took it from him with floury fingers and held it out. “I don't have my glasses on, but I think everything's on there. Don't forget that orange marmalade. My sister's ham is never right because she doesn't use marmalade, and I'm taking some with me to her place this year."

  Cord grinned. “You do make the best ham."

  Flo nodded. “I do, and my sister needs to figure that out. Is the old man going with you?"

  "Sam? Yep, he's out getting his mad money as he calls it."

  Flo leaned close. “Don't be letting him buy me anything foolish. You know I'm a simple woman. I don't need no baubles and geegaws. A new apron or pin to wear to church would be just fine."

  "Yes, Flo. No geegaws, I'll make sure,” Cord assured her. “You ladies have a great day, and we'll see you for cocktails before dinner."

  Beth glanced over to see Buck kiss Sara as if he was going to be gone a month instead of an afternoon. Her heart squeezed at the look of adoration her older sister tossed her husband's way.

  A sudden movement in front of her drew her attention just in time to catch Teddy swiping a wad of cookie dough out of her bowl. “Hey,” she complained.

  "I need to do some quality control. I couldn't let you girls roll out inferior dough, could I? He winked and shoved the sugary mixture into his mouth. “I'm only thinking of your reputation."

  "That's the first woman he's ever said that to,” Susan muttered.

  Beth couldn't help it; she laughed. Teddy glared at her and didn't say anything in response. Tyler paused but then walked past. Unconsciously, she held her breath until he left.

  "What's wrong?” Sara pinned her with a glance as the door closed behind the men.

  Beth couldn't stop the burning heat that flooded her face. “Nothing,” she murmured.

  "Something happened."

  Of course, her sister wouldn't let it drop. “I don't want to talk about it.” She handed Flo the filled tray and moved her now empty bowl to the sink to fill with hot soapy water. A hand came to rest on her back.

  "Don't worry, baby girl, it'll all work out. Have faith.” Flo's voice usually managed to comfort her, but somehow today, it only made her feel worse. If the older women knew what she'd been up to in the barn the night before, she wouldn't be too proud.

  "Are you washing the chrome off that bowl?” Susan reached past and turned off the water.

  "It had frosting dried on,” Beth insisted.

  "Yeah, must be last year's since we haven't done any frosting yet."

  "I meant dough, not frosting.” Beth grabbed the dishtowel and dried her hands. “What's next?” she said a little too loudly in effort to change the subject.

  "We have to get the fruitcakes out of the basement, and then we'll get these frosted and packaged.” The old wooden table was a mass of pans and flour and cookies in various stages. At the far end sat box after box of cookies waiting to be frosted and then delivered.

  Beth frowned and glanced at the clock. “I can't believe it's two o'clock already."

  Sara awkwardly pushed out her chair. “I know, my back is killing me."

  Beth smiled at the her older sister. “Next year, this will be even harder with that baby outside your belly instead of in."

  Sara smoothed her hand on her stomach. “I can't even imagine, but I'll be glad when this part is behind me."

  The sudden memory of Cole's mare and the losses made Beth's stomach heave. She stared in terror at her sister's belly. Oh God, please. She never gave too much thought to the dangers of birth since it was such a natural occurrence, but the incident was so fresh in her mind that she blanched.

  "I'm going to bow out of frosting detail if you guys don't mind,” Sara was saying. “I'm going to head home and lie down before dinner."

  "Don't go all the way back home. Lie down here, and then you don't have to come back up for dinner,” Susan suggested.

  "Nah, I want to take a shower and change before then.” She turned to Beth. “I need to hit the bathroom first, but then would you run me home? Buck took the truck to town."

  She nodded as Sara left the room and then turned to Flo. “Is she okay? I've never seen Sara have to rest before."

  "She's having a baby,” Flo stated matter-of-factly.

  "She's not due until mid February. Maybe we should call Buck or the doctor."

  The housekeeper chuckled. “Your sister is as healthy and hardy as anyone I've ever met. There's a lot of aches and pains in the last three months. That's all it is. When she's in labor, don't you worry, I'll be the first one on the horn getting the doc out here."

  Beth wasn't convinced. “Maybe she should be checked out to be certain. There's no point taking chances—"

  Flo's hands settled on her shoulders. “I know last night was rough, but nothing is going to happen to your sister and that baby. Do you understand? I helped your mama and Buck's mama through eight pregnancies, even delivered two of them myself. Do you think I'd let anything happen to my first grandbaby?"

  Beth nodded. “And Sara's not delivering here though, right? She's still planning to be at the hospital way before time?” Knowing Sara, she wouldn't put it past her sister to try to have a home birth and think she could get up and go riding two hours later. She knew it was driving her sister crazy not to be on horseback right now.

  Flo grinned. “Yep, Buck won't stand for her taking any chances; don't worry about that."

  Sara came back and Beth grabbed her keys off the hook on the wall and waved to the others. “I'll be right back."

  "You better be.” Susan waved a frosting knife in her direction. “We're not decorating all these alone."

  Beth rolled her eyes and pushed open the back door. “Yes, ma'am."

  She waited for Sara to make her way down the back porch stairs and then led the way to her truck. She could feel Sara's eyes on her as she drove and turned to glance over. “What?"

  "If he's done something, or said something, I'll set him straight, I'll—"

  Beth reached across the seat and clasped her sister's hand. “Tyler didn't do anything; well not intentionally, anyway.” She focused on the road once more. “He helped
me out at Cole's place last night."

  "I'd heard that. I was actually surprised you called him, and not Buck or Cord."

  Beth paid close attention to the ruts in the road, not wanting to jar the truck any more than she had to. “Tyler knows animals, especially horses. I was desperately hoping he'd have some magic up his sleeve."

  "You called him because you still trust him. You called him because, no matter what he did to you, you trust him with your patients."

  Beth nodded. “Yeah, you're right. Ty should have been the one going to vet school, not me."

  "That's asinine and you know it.” Sara slapped her arm. “You're a good vet. You had a bad situation on your hands last night, but it was only one birth out of how many others that have been successful? You've been around birth and death your entire life. You know better than to blame yourself for something out your hands."

  Beth fought the tears as the vision of the stillborn foal flashed in her mind again. “This was the first time it was all on me though. Doc wasn't there to shoulder the responsibility. Grant wasn't there. I was the one who was responsible for that birth."

  Her sister's hand squeezed her arm this time. “I know it feels that way, and I know you're hurting, but what would Sam tell you?"

  Beth twisted her fingers around the steering wheel. “I know, and I've been trying to think that way, but it's hard."

  Sara's house came into view and Beth pulled through the small gate leading to the long driveway. Buck and Sara's house was a miniature version of the main house; a house built to house a growing family.

  As Beth parked the truck, Sara stopped her from getting out. “Did anything happen afterward? With you and Ty, I mean?"

  Beth ducked her head and kept her focus straight ahead out the windshield to where horses frolicked in the corralled yard. She loved the way they'd built the house with an enormous glass window overlooking the front pastures. Sara wasn't the flower garden type, but they'd hired landscapers to give the property the appearance of a long established yard and home. Wild flowers grew haphazardly, and paddle cactus were everywhere. It was truly a home that looked inviting when you pulled up to it.


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