Wait Until Dawn

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Wait Until Dawn Page 12

by Bailey Bradford

  “Rich? Rich, can you open your eyes for me? Please? Gods, please open your eyes. I need to know you’re going to be okay.”

  That was Chris, Rich knew it, and the panic in Chris’ voice brought the memories of what had occurred to the forefront of Rich’s mind. He’d died, for all intents and purposes, and McAlister had been there, inside him, his soul tangled with Rich’s.

  But no longer. “Chris?” Rich struggled to open his eyes. How was it possible that his eyelids weighed so much? Was he going to have to use his hands to pry them open?

  “Just relax and it’ll happen,” Chris urged. “You’re too close to panicking and tensing up all over. You’ve got tension lines right here.” He touched the outer edges of Rich’s eyes.

  “Wrinkles,” Rich huffed. “You mean I’ve got wrinkles.” He got his eyes open enough to wish he’d kept them closed. “The light.”

  “I’ll turn it off.”

  As soon as the overhead light was off, some of the pain receded from Rich’s head. His temples still throbbed. “Everything hurts. Did…did I get—?” He couldn’t bring himself to ask if he’d been injured again.

  But Chris must have known what he was going to ask, because he answered immediately. “No. No, not like before. The battle with McAlister was rough, though. Your body, I’ve never seen anyone’s body bend the way yours did.” He gently placed his hands on Rich’s chest. “I’m so glad you survived. I want to spend years with you, a lifetime. Want to see your hair turn gray and wrinkles form—”

  “You’ve already seen that,” Rich interrupted, sluggishly raising one arm and nearly slapping himself when he tried to touch the spot where Chris had claimed he had ‘tension lines’.

  “Those were from you hurting,” Chris said. “They’ll go away.”

  “Were? Will go away? Are they still there or not?” Rich asked.

  Chris moved his hands up and began to massage Rich’s temples. “Relax, and try to let go of the pain.”

  “I don’t want it,” Rich protested. “I’m not clinging to it.”

  “No, I know you aren’t, but just let it go,” Christ repeated.

  Rich sighed and tried to imagine the pain leaving his body in a stream of red and black. It helped some, at least in regards to the pain in his temples. His entire body still ached, however.

  “Try to sleep if you can,” Chris said minutes later. “Let yourself heal, spiritually and physically. Your aura, while pure, is bruised with exhaustion.”

  “I thought you wanted me to wake up,” Rich replied, his voice slurred. His tongue felt thick and sleep was tugging at his consciousness, trying to claim it.

  “I wanted to make sure you could wake up. Now I want you to rest.” Chris kissed him, a chaste brush of lips. “Sleep. I’ll be here.”

  Chris had never felt such fear in his life, and now he was drained from it. He eased down onto the bed beside Rich. He’d watched over Rich for hours, but now he needed to sleep for a little while himself. The only way that would happen was if he lay down with Rich.

  It didn’t take long for Chris to match his breathing to Rich’s. Another minute later, and Chris let sleep carry him away.

  His dreams were a mix of nightmares and nonsense. He heard McAlister, whether his own interpretation of what the man would have sounded like, or a shared memory from Rich, he didn’t know. Chris wouldn’t dismiss the latter option. He knew there was more to the world and the soul than anyone living would ever understand.

  So whether it was real or not, seeing Rich suffer, feeling his pain, was every level of hell that might exist.

  Chris woke up with cheeks wet from tears. A warm, gentle breeze rushed over him. Chris would have thanked whatever spirit had given him that reassuring touch had he been quick enough to do so. The touch was there and gone in the blink of an eye.

  He’d have put money on it being Conner, as swift as it’d been. Then again, what did he know about Conner, really?

  Rich moaned and his eyes moved quickly behind his lids. Through the blind-filtered morning light sneaking in the room, Chris could see his lover’s features. Rich’s skin was too pale, and dark circles made him look almost like someone had blackened his eyes, but there was a peacefulness about Rich as he slept. And as he awakened, eyes opening on a gentles sweep of lashes.

  “Chris,” Rich rasped, reaching for him.

  Chris smiled at Rich. “Hey. Feel any better?”

  “Still sore, but my head doesn’t seem to want to blow up anymore,” Rich said.

  “That’s a plus.” Chris sat up. “I need a drink. Water, preferably. I’ll get you some juice and will be right back.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” Rich groaned as he rolled onto his back. “Shit. Maybe you can get me an ice pack. For my whole body.”

  “How about we aim for a shower instead?” Chris asked.

  “That’d be amazing.” Rich got himself into a sitting position by the time Chris had reached the doorway.

  Chris made sure he wasn’t going to fall over, watching Rich for a moment or two. When Rich cocked an eyebrow at him, Chris shrugged and went to fetch their drinks.

  When he returned and gave Rich his drink, Rich murmured his thanks.

  Rich drank the juice down in a few gulps. He wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand and leaned to set the glass on the nightstand.

  “Feel any better now?” Chris asked. Rich’s aura wasn’t quite as bruised in appearance.

  “Like I’m not going to pass back out, yeah.” Rich winced when he moved to get up. “My bladder isn’t happy with me.”

  “Let me help you.” Chris slid an arm around Rich’s waist. “Okay, here we go.”

  “I’m not broken,” Rich groused. “Just feel like I am.”

  “Yeah, I know. You’re going to be fine, Rich.” Chris helped him into the bathroom then left him once Rich had assured him he wasn’t going to fall over.

  Chris heard the toilet flush followed by water being run in the sink. When Rich came out of the bathroom, he still had dark circles under his eyes, but he seemed to be in a better mood, smiling sweetly at Chris.

  “Thanks. You know, I…” Rich huffed as he shuffled over to the bed, Chris right there to help him. Rich sat and continued. “I have some messages for a few people. When I was, um, when I was on the spiritual plane, you know. I talked with some of the spirits.” His cheeks pinked as if he were embarrassed.

  Chris thought it was awesome. “Really? What did they say? Who was it?”

  Rich eased onto his back on the bed. “Well, there was Mrs. Hawkins, wearing her scanty lingerie—”

  “You had a spirit come onto you?” And why did that piss Chris off?

  Rich laughed, more like a snort actually. “Not even. Mrs. Hawkins is Carlin’s aunt. She’s proud of Carlin and Matt. I could feel her love for them. Then there was, hmmm, Mrs. Matthers. She wants me to deliver a couple of messages.”

  “When you feel up to it, but if you need to rest—” Chris began, but Rich waved a hand at him.

  “I’m good for whenever. I mean, as soon as Zeke Matthers and his husband Brendon feel like coming over. I don’t think they’re legally wed, but Mrs. Matthers says they are to her, so, you know. Matt and Carlin, Laine and Sev.” Rich groaned. “Aw, gods. And you. Conner, that perv, really likes your piercings, especially that one.”

  Chris couldn’t help it, he cackled like a hyena, he laughed so hard. It’d figure they’d have a Peeping Tom in the spirit world, though honestly, who knew how many were around at any given time. “Well, Conner can admire all he wants, but you’re the only one who gets to play with any of my piercings, and especially the one in my dick.”

  “Pretty sure Conner won’t be doing anything too inappropriate now,” Rich said. “You know, a shower would be great. Or a bath. I’d like to get cleaned up and give out the messages I’m supposed to pass along. I think they’ll help the people who hear them.”

  “I’ll run you some water, then once you’re in the tub, I’ll call the people I h
ave numbers for, and ask them for the ones I don’t have.” Chris trotted into the bathroom and got the bathwater started. He checked the temperature once the water had time to warm up. Once he was satisfied, he poured some shampoo into the tub on a whim. Since he didn’t see any bubbles right away, he poured in more shampoo directly under the running tap. The scent of coconut filled the bathroom as bubbles began to appear.

  It was a makeshift bubble bath, but Chris thought Rich would enjoy it.

  “All ready for you,” he said as he walked over to the bed. “May I?” He put on his best manners and held out his arm to Rich.

  Rich’s amused expression was a sight to see. “Yeah, you may.”

  When they reached the bathroom, Rich’s mouth dropped open.

  Chris frowned. “Are you anti-bubble?”

  Rich closed his mouth and shook his head. “How can anyone be anti-bubble? That’s like…like hating cake or pie or donuts or steak or—”

  “So bubbles are good then,” Chris cut in with. “Awesome, because I think I overdid it with the shampoo.”

  Bubbles were beginning to spill over the side of the tub.

  “Not at all,” Rich declared. “Let me get in.”

  He sounded so enthusiastic, it warmed Chris through and through.

  “This is perfect,” Rich said once he was lying back, his head and neck propped on a rolled-up towel. “Thank you. I can’t remember the last time I had a bubble bath. Must have been a kid.”

  Chris bent and kissed Rich’s forehead. “I’ll go make those calls.”

  * * * *

  Rich still ached all over. He was tired, too, but he felt better than he had in months now that McAlister was gone from him.

  He sat on the couch and waited for their guests to join them. Once everyone was seated, Rich experienced a moment of awkwardness. How did he tell everyone that he’d conversed with spirits while he was dead—again?

  Sev saved him the trouble. “So, you have messages from the great beyond?”

  The way he stressed the last two words made Rich think Sev was messing with him.

  But when he cut a glance Sev’s way, Sev shrugged. “Well, I don’t know what else to call it.”

  Rich decided to stop being such a sensitive twit. “I’m not sure how great it is, or how far beyond, but yeah. I do.” He looked at Carlin and Matt. “Carlin, your aunt is still running around in her lingerie, and she’s happy as can be. She’s proud of you and Matt, and loves you both, very much.”

  “You saw her?” Carlin whispered, eyes huge as he paled.

  “I did. She’s doing great, really.” Rich almost suggested that Carlin be happy for her, but that seemed too weird of a thing for him to say.

  “Thank you,” Matt said, putting an arm around Carlin.

  “So we all have messages?”

  That question came from Zeke Matthers, who Rich didn’t know, nor did he know Matthers’ husband, Brendon, though they’d introduced themselves when they had arrived. “Yes, and I won’t keep you waiting. Mrs. Matthers said she loves you both, and she considers you to be husbands, because if the world were a better place, that’s what you would be to each other.”

  Zeke ducked his head and shielded his eyes with a hand to his brow. He tugged Brendon to his side and both men snuggled closer to each other.

  “That’s not all she had to say,” Rich continued after Zeke seemed to pull himself together. Rich gestured at Laine. “She said you and Zeke need to stop blaming yourselves for what Eva did. Eva made her choices, those are exactly Mrs. Matthers words.” He had no clue who Eva was, but apparently, the message meant a great deal to Laine and Zeke both.

  Laine seemed to relax in a way he hadn’t before, as if a burden were eased from his shoulders, and Zeke once again leaned on his husband.

  “I’ll sure try, Mrs. Matthers,” Laine vowed. “Thank you.”

  “Also,” Rich added, “I don’t know if you’re aware, but Conner likes to watch you two. You know.”

  Sev narrowed his eyes. “We do know, actually. It’s like some threesome with a voyeur.”

  “Guy’s gotta get his kicks where he can,” Laine muttered. “I guess.”

  Laine’s cowboy hat went flying across the room and down the hall.

  Laine leaped up from the chair. “Damn it, Conner, don’t you dump my hat in the toilet!” He strode purposefully in the direction his hat had been taken.

  Sev sighed and got up. “Well, we do appreciate you passing along the messages, and everyone is very, very glad you came back.”

  “Especially me,” Chris said, framing Rich’s face in his hands.

  “I didn’t want to leave you,” Rich said, just for him.

  “You love me.” Chris stared into his eyes.

  “I do,” Rich admitted.

  “I love you, too.” Chris gave him the sweetest kiss, and Rich knew he was exactly where he was supposed to be—with his love, and their friends, living and appreciating each minute they had.


  Chris sucked one of Rich’s nipples until it was a stiff ruby peak. Rich whimpered when he scraped his teeth over the bud while his fingers plucked the other.

  “Chris, come on, please fuck me! It’s mean to torment me like this after making me wait for days!”

  Chris grinned around the tit between his lips, giving it a good tug before letting it go. His amusement faded when he thought of how close he’d come to losing this man. “You were dead, dead, for several minutes! Don’t tell me it doesn’t take several days to recover from that!”

  Rich nodded. “Yeah, I felt like shit until today. Now I feel like a horny guy whose fixing to become a horny bitchy guy if you don’t get that dick in me soon! Preferably before your mother gets here, but hey, if she shows up during and hears all the noise, I don’t care at this point.”

  As close as Chris was to his mom, that was a line he didn’t care to cross. “Hand me the lube.”

  Rich’s victorious whoop warmed Chris all the way to his toes. He caught the bottle Rich tossed to him and quickly opened it, pouring it over Rich’s balls, then lifting them to pour more down Rich’s crease. Rich had assured him the scar running from right beside his anus to the divot of his butt cheek wasn’t going to be a problem, and Chris could see the scar didn’t reach the tight hole, but still. He wasn’t a small man anywhere, and he didn’t want to hurt Rich, who hadn’t been fucked since before he’d got that scar, so how could either of them know if it’d be a problem? Definitely going in slow and easy.

  Something smacked him in the chest then plopped onto Rich’s thick nest of curls.

  “Pushy much?” Chris teased as he picked up the condom package, already conveniently torn open.

  “I prefer eager, which should flatter you and inflame your ego and all that shit.” Rich nudged his ass against Chris’ fingers. “You haven’t seen pushy yet, but it’s coming if you don’t hurry up!”

  Chris pulled the condom from the package and tossed the wrapper on the floor. He sheathed his dick carefully, ensuring the reservoir was roomy enough for the piercing. He hadn’t had a condom break on him yet, but there was always a chance. Another reason to be extra cautious, although he knew they were both clean. Swapping body fluids wasn’t something to be done lightly, and definitely not without a long-term commitment. Chris coated his shaft liberally, wanting to be ready as soon as Rich was stretched.

  Moving up on the bed, Chris sealed his mouth to Rich’s, pushing his tongue into his lover’s mouth as he pushed his finger into his hole. Rich moaned as his ass clenched Chris’ finger. Damn, if it’s that tight a fit for my finger… He was going to go mad before he had Rich ready to fuck.

  Chris licked and nibbled at Rich’s lips as he slowly finger-fucked him. Rich’s hissed demands for more were ignored, his ass was still too tight, but Chris did decide to help him relax. He laved a trail down Rich’s sternum, then proceeded to suck and bite his way to the leaking cock he ached to taste again.

  “Yes, suck it,” Rich ordered,
his hands already pressing against the back of Chris’ head. Yeah, he liked his bossy bottom, bossy top, didn’t matter, he just plain and simply liked Rich, a lot. Chris swirled his tongue around the crown, rolling the ball of his piercing under the rim, teasing at the sensitive underside. Rich bucked beneath him when Chris pressed the ball into his slit, and Chris began to insert a second finger into his lover.

  Rich spread his legs wider, offering himself to Chris. He moved carefully into the space, not wanting to dislodge his fingers or the fat cock in his mouth. Rich undulated, the move sucking Chris’ digits deep into his lover’s ass. He tapped Rich’s gland and received a cry of pleasure and a hard thrust that sent Rich’s cockhead into his throat. Chris hummed around the veined length, pressing his tongue flat, getting a good rub of metal against dick. He swallowed, wishing he could see Rich’s expression when he made such arousing noises.

  Chris raised his head, keeping the suction tight as he worked the glans. Rich grunted and shoved his head back down. That was such a turn on, Chris could hardly stand it. He began sucking and finger-fucking Rich, no more teasing, although he kept his digits to small movements, no twisting, no hard shoves. Rich’s cock, however, could take it all. Chris enveloped the entire length in his mouth, swallowing rapidly, knowing the quick squeeze-release would push Rich close to climax. Rich’s guttural shout proved him right, as did the tangy jet of cum that hit the back of Chris’ throat. Chris pulled back enough to grip the base of Rich’s cock while he slipped a third finger in Rich’s hole, then Chris let Rich fuck his mouth, pumping into him in short, hard jerks.

  A few strokes over Rich’s gland had his dick firming up again quickly. Chris placed a kiss on Rich’s crown then rolled Rich onto his side. “Oh yeah, love this,” Rich murmured, his speech slurred in the way it was after an orgasm wrecked him.

  “Me too,” Chris admitted as he gently lifted Rich’s top leg, hooking the back of Rich’s knee with his elbow. Chris straddled Rich’s other leg and slid his fingers along Rich’s crease. When he reached the stretched opening, Chris spread Rich’s cheeks, inspecting the scar there. Before Rich could chastise him—or bitch, which tickled Chris every time—Chris lined up his dick and slowly began entering Rich’s ass.


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