Paradox: The Last Day - Seymour's Story

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Paradox: The Last Day - Seymour's Story Page 35

by Rachel Charman

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Sam.”

  Hearing his voice, Adrian quickly turns, though Seymour takes his rifle, and forcefully strikes him in the head with the butt, knocking him out instantly. As Adrian drops to the ground, Seymour kneels down to his level with a satisfied smile, surveying Adrian curiously. Shouldering his rifle, Seymour picks up his unconscious brother’s body in his arms, slings him over his shoulder, and menacingly approaches Sam, who points her pistol at him with shaking hands.

  “D-don’t think I won’t do it, Seymour!”

  “… Go ahead. Do it. I fucking dare you to pull the trigger, if you can.”

  Sam continues to point the pistol straight at Seymour, though she can barely aim straight, let alone pull the trigger. With a deep, resolute sigh, she hands Seymour the gun, and raises her hands in surrender.

  “… I give up. You win, Seymour..”

  Having been defeated, she begins to cry anew; silent tears slide down her mud-stained face. Seymour puts a hand on her shoulder, and stares seriously into her bright green eyes, swimming with tears.

  “… I hate you, Seymour.. Now I get why they say.. to never meet your heroes…”

  “… It’s your fault for making me your hero, Sam.”

  “But why couldn’t you just leave me out of this?! Why couldn’t you just leave me alone?!”

  “… Because you know.. I can’t trust you.”

  Sam turns away from Seymour, crying quietly, and he readjusts his grip on Adrian’s body, puts a hand on Sam’s shoulder, and gently steers her towards the courtyard exit, while the decaying people at his feet watch with anger burning in their eyes, though they do nothing to stop them. Upon departing from the horrid courtyard, and out into the throng of chaotic soldiers, Seymour simply walks on through the procession of troops unmasked, keeping a tight grip on Sam’s shoulder, and not a one tries to stop him. Instead, they back away from him in fear and apprehension; however, the bare-headed Sergeant breaks away from the crowd, and boldly approaches him.

  “… S-Seymour Moreau.. Commander, sir.. W-what are your orders?”

  Seymour stares at his troops, knowing that they understand their place, and looks back into the Sergeant’s eyes with all seriousness.

  “Do not follow us.”

  The Sergeant stares at Seymour in confusion for a moment, while the soldiers around him do the same, but after a few seconds of silence, as though daring someone to laugh, the Sergeant salutes Seymour, as do the other troops, and all back out of his way. Seymour nods, helps Sam into the passenger seat of his APC, and loads Adrian into the back. Climbing back into the driver’s seat, Seymour takes a pair of handcuffs, and gently closes one of the cuffs around Sam’s wrist, and the other, to the door’s handle. She closes her eyes despondently, and Seymour nods to his troops through the windshield, starts the engine, and takes off through the ruined streets, back towards the main square of Liberty District.

  End of Part 5

  …To be Continued…

  Do you think… I enjoy this?

  You think I wear each one of these scars as a badge of honor?

  Do you really think I wanted to be kidnapped from my home and forced to fight in war I knew nothing about?!

  Do you honestly believe I chose… to be tortured and starved?!

  Beaten and shot?!

  Poisoned and stabbed?!

  © 2010 – 2013, Rachel L.S. Charman (ZeCrow Studios)

  Table of Contents

  Back to Business

  Santuc TerraDome: DIV. 7 Correctional Facility (Liberty) ~

  Santuc TerraDome: DIV. 8 Medical Department (Liberty) ~

  Santuc TerraDome: Liberty District

  Santuc TerraDome: DIV. 4 Asylum for the Criminally Insane (Mesa)

  Santuc TerraDome: Mesa District

  Santuc TerraDome: Liberty District

  Following the Trail

  Santuc TerraDome: Municipal Police Station (Serengeti)

  Santuc TerraDome: Mesa District

  Santuc TerraDome: Data’s Safehouse

  Santuc TerraDome: Mesa District

  Santuc TerraDome: DIV. 1 R& D Facility (Trajit)


  Old Dystas: Oskan District

  Santuc TerraDome: eXo PRIME Military Headquarters (Liberty)

  Santuc TerraDome: Liberty District

  Santuc TerraDome: eXo PRIME Military Headquarters (Liberty)

  Sable Sunrise


  The Clock Tower

  Santuc TerraDome: eXo PRIME Military Headquarters (Liberty) ~

  Facing the Past

  Santuc TerraDome: Bercedam District

  The Atlantic Union Bridge

  The Realm of Free States (Former U.S.A): Near Santuc

  Santuc TerraDome: Dystas Transit Tunnel

  Santuc TerraDome: Trajit District

  Tonight the World Dies

  Santuc TerraDome: Liberty District

  Santuc TerraDome: Mesa District

  Beneath Santuc: Raven’s Nest

  Santuc TerraDome: Liberty District

  Beneath Santuc: Raven’s Nest

  Santuc TerraDome: DIV. 6 SIN Institution (Shelbeck)

  Other books




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