Take These Broken Wings_A novel of the Paramortals

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Take These Broken Wings_A novel of the Paramortals Page 20

by Livia Quinn

  Jack reached out with one claw and plucked Elvis off the stairs. The sixteen-foot ceilings and wide entry hall gave him plenty of room to maneuver. Elvis dangled in the air kicking and trying to get away from the fierce face of the dragon. "Tempe, help."

  "Sure, I'll get right on that. Eat him, Jack."

  As I bent to help Dylan up, Elvis screamed, "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just needed the money…"

  Jack roared in his face turning the man dangling from his claw into a shivering wad of chrome and rhinestones. "Hubba bubba…hunka burning…I'm a-al-all sh-shoo-k-kkup."

  I pointed my finger between his eyes. "You have some explaining to do." I looked around me as Dylan walked up to Elvis and glared at him. "Are you okay?" I asked. Dylan nodded. Except for the door Dylan trashed and the burn holes in the front wall, my house was crystal clean, beyond sanitized, it's aura enhanced as if there were a force of light repelling all darkness.

  “I know how he afforded his new place." Dylan looked down at Elvis. "Tell her, you maggot."

  I had a bad feeling. What did Elvis have that was worth anything except—that wish! The one I'd traded to get the new amphora. How could he have taken advantage of River's situation after what he'd gained through the years from the Paramortal community? But I was partially to blame for taking the easy way out and putting the djinn in my family in a terrible position.

  Anger boiled in my blood, shaking the old house and rocking Dylan against the wall. Someone in my periphery reached out to put a hand on my arm, which was no longer an arm… Jack. Some part of me realized he'd taken his human form again. Dylan's voice said, "Don't let her hurt him. We need to know what happened to that wish."

  "Tempe," Jack's soothing voice… "Sweetheart, back 'er down now. He's not going anywhere."

  I closed my eyes and concentrated on calming the storm. When I opened them again, Dylan had Elvis' arms behind him, and Timmie, dressed in a snazzy black butler uniform and top hat, was handing Jack his shirt and hat. He actually looked the part of a valet.

  I strode toward Elvis, nodding at Dylan to let him go. Elvis cowered against the wall. "D-don't be cruel…"

  "Shut-up. If you sing one more note before you tell me what I want to know, I'll send you on to Graceland, you get my drift?" Eyes wide, his head bobbed up and down. "I tried to warn you." I frowned. "I changed the words…" That he had, but it hadn't been enough. He still brought the Shameful Hour to my house and assisted them with their plan.

  "What did you do with River's wish? Did you sell it to the Hour?" I asked. Zeus' blazing fire! But wait, if he'd traded the wish to them, there would no longer be a claim on it. They were gone. I crossed my fingers but my relief was short lived.

  His head moved slowly side to side. With a low rumble I growled, "Then who has it?"


  My control faltered. "Ow!" He slapped a hand to one arm. "Stop." Another stray arc crawled along his skin toward his face. He stared at it, frozen in place. "Ah…agh.."

  I hissed with the last of my restraint, "Tell me, now."

  Words poured out in breathy spurts, "The money was… in my account when… I made the oath transferring it… t-to their representative. I didn't… know him. He was… d-disguised."

  I bounced my head against the wall three times, felt a hand on my shoulder. "Tempe," Jack's voice was full of compassion. Elvis had bartered my brother's freedom to someone he knew he couldn't trust and it was my fault.

  "Oligeard Pandaruz Coots," Dylan proclaimed, "misusing the identity of a beloved star simply because you hated your true name is a crime in itself, but these acts, turning on the Paramortal community who've supported your business for a century all because of greed, will not go unpunished. You've imperiled the balance of good and evil."

  He looked at Jack. "He's in my jurisdiction, now. I'll handle it." I felt Jack stiffen momentarily but he didn't interfere. "He doesn't have to fear me, though I'd love a piece of him. I'll just make sure he's in a secure place until Dutch comes for him."

  Coots' face blanched and his head whipped to both sides, fear making his eyes enormous. He tried to speak but his Adams' apple bobbed up and down like a broken spring.

  Dylan led him away and I turned to Jack, "What were you doing out there?"

  Jack grinned. "Casting a spell." He let that sink in but when I just stood there with my mouth open, he took advantage of my silence. The next thing I knew he’d swooped me into his arms and kissed me, and my own arms wrapped around his neck, my fingers tangling in his silky hair.

  "Hmm…" my mind went blank as his tongue pressed against my lips and I opened for him. For a minute we went at it as if our lives depended on it. But I pulled away; it felt wrong all of a sudden. "No, Jack…" I pushed against his hard chest. He released me, a frown on his handsome face and I hardened myself against the feelings being next to him aroused.

  Dropping my hands to my side, I backed away, though it made my heart ache. "I—can't just go back to how we were, Jack." His expression went from joy to worry. I steeled myself to say what I must. "I trusted you and… you left without a backward glance. I know what happened wasn't your fault and I’ve tried to be patient, but I'm done giving the men in my life a free pass to step on my heart."

  His brows dipped and he reached out, "Sweetheart…"

  I shook my head. "I mean it, I can't keep doing this. I've waited a long time to be happy, put everyone else's needs before my own, but no more. My happiness will not be placed on hold, not for you or anyone else."

  I sighed, assured I was doing the right thing and gambled, "As they say on the bayou, 'It's time for you to fish or cut bait'."

  Chapter 39

  "Are you sure you didn't inhale some of that gray smoke?"


  Jack sighed and took my hand, not letting me tug it free. "You're right, Tempe. Will you allow me beg for forgiveness? I could get on my knees."

  "You could," I agreed and he frowned. I softened then, damn it, because he'd sounded serious. "I'll think about it. Go on."

  He said, "I have a lot to tell you. Why don't you make us some coffee while I board up this door and cover all the holes?" He nodded toward the mess. "Sorry about the wall."

  I shrugged, "It gives me a good excuse to get rid of that Para-moon purple."

  He chuckled and asked, "Where are your tools?"

  Over coffee Jack told me about lunch with his parents. Settling down on a stool next to me, he said, "Everyone's been asking, 'How did this happen’, including me. How could a mere human sheriff suddenly just turn into an earthbound silver dragon?"

  He laughed. "That's the first time I said that and it didn't seem strange. I'm a dragon."

  I grinned and leaned forward eagerly. "So tell me what you found out."

  "My mother 'invited' me to the house Monday and after eating a giant feast they'd left for me, they surprised me with their supernatural selves. I got the dragon gene from Dad. My mother—"

  I waited, eyes wide, "Yes?"

  He shrugged, "I have no idea. She looks kinda like she's made of flame-shaped mirrors."

  "You didn't ask her?" I couldn't believe he had the answers right in front of him.

  "I was in shock, Tempe. I could barely handle what I saw. And now, they're not answering my phone calls."

  "Dutch and Phoebe aren't either though Montana saw them earlier in the week and Papa said they were spending time together getting reacquainted after so long apart."

  "I think I know why we haven't heard from them," Jack said. "Mom explained the reason for all that traveling they did. They're members—maybe even leaders—of a special Paramortal Global Disaster team that responds to remote events where humans can't go, at least in the early stages."

  "The volcanic eruption in Chile!" My hand went to my lips. "That might have provided a way for my parents to be useful while appearing to be absent from our lives."

  "Makes sense," Jack said. He took my hands in his, drawing little circles on the backs of them
with his thumbs. He seemed to be gathering his courage for some big admission. Or another bomb. I'm always looking for the other shoe to drop. Heartache has always followed right on the heels of good news in my life.

  "You have good reasons for feeling the way you do, sweetheart. I could kick my ass for hurting you. It's just that commitment has always meant something different to me; it didn't include a relationship because of Georgeanne. I'm new at this. I got married and left for the service right out of high school, then Jordie came along followed by years of dealing with Georgeanne, the investigations into her activities and trying to keep Jordie safe. You probably wonder why I stayed with her so long." His narrowed gaze connected with mine and I shivered. "When I commit to someone or something I take it seriously, but it’s easy to get a case of tunnel vision."

  He was wrong. I understood the fix he'd been in with Jordie while he was out of the country, the precarious balance it took to thwart Georgeanne’s manipulations while gaining custody of his daughter. And once the truth had been exposed about her, it all made sense.

  And I’d always known what drove this man, a higher code of loyalty, justice, service. It made him the man I loved.

  "I'm very sorry for letting you down, for acting like a spoiled toddler and leaving you holding the bag. You wouldn't have allowed my situation to get this far if I hadn't shut you out." He stroked my hair back with his long fingers then settled them on my shoulders. There was a sense of peace in him, and hope.

  "Sweetheart, would you, can you please give me another chance to prove I can be everything you need…a better friend…"

  Wait. A friend?

  His lips curved in a smile when he saw my expression. It made his green eyes sparkle, and my heart do flips. I'd fallen in love with that cocky expression even when it was covered in shaving cream. "Baby, I don't wanna be just friends."

  He got up from the stool and walked toward me, one step forward for each one I took in the opposite direction until my knees hit the arm of the couch. His lips curved up and the laugh lines deepened around those gorgeous eyes as he pushed me backwards onto the long sofa and followed me down, kissing me until I no longer felt like arguing. "You crazy woman. I want more than your friendship. Maybe I'm not the best bet but…"

  He took my hand and placed it next to his badge. "Your love has been right here with me these last months, even when I didn’t know it, like a life raft keeping me from drowning. Your faith and constancy gave me time to adjust and even then, you knew when to push me. I might have drowned if you hadn't shown up on that levee looking for me."

  He kissed me tenderly and cupped my face between his palms. "You held onto the hero in me even when I was acting like a selfish fool. From the very beginning, you've seen the real me, not the prig, the man, the father or a crippled dragon, but my potential, my soul."

  "Zeus, you're giving me an awful lot of credit."

  He shook his head, "No, it's true. Can you forgive me, sweetheart?" I almost said for what? But that would have been dishonest. "For ignoring you, hurting you, acting like an insufferable bastard and for being such a whiner!" He swiped a hand through his hair and pushed away from the couch. He was on a roll now, pacing. "I acted like I'm the only person who ever went through an unexpected change and I let fear take over. Not very heroic…"

  "Maybe I'd better jump in here. You're digging yourself a pretty big hole." I laughed, "But you did kinda nail it."

  His mouth turned down and he shook his head, "It’s just… I'm so used to planning things out, my career, our move to Destiny, how our life was going to go. Everything was in a nice neat package.”

  "And then—"

  He laughed softly, eyes crinkling as he gazed as me. "Then a sexy mail lady stepped onto my porch and zapped me. Things haven't been the same since."

  My smile faded. "Was it all my fault what happened to you?"

  He frowned, "Where did that come from? You, Tempe Pomeroy, are the best thing that ever happened to me, and to Jordie. I have to include her 'cause we're a package deal."

  He picked me up and twirled me round and round. With his carefree laugh, he sounded like a new man, staring into my eyes with such tenderness my heart stammered. As his lips met mine my last thought was that I didn't want him to stop kissing me, or touching me like I was essential to him.

  Chapter 40

  “Honey, I think I smell ozone.”


  Tempe's passionate response was more than I deserved. Her reaction and Jordie's convinced me I was still the man I’d always been—that I could still dream, and like a brick to the head, I realized I'd stopped dreaming when we started running, but not running away. All this time, with everything that had transpired, we’d been coming home.

  Desire spun through me like a wildfire, her hot willing body pressed hard against mine, but I pulled back. I needed to know, so I went first. "I love you, sweetheart."

  Her soft gaze went a little watery, but she didn't say anything. She closed her eyes, and I nearly panicked. When they opened they were so filled with love, I couldn't possibly have misread them. She'd never been good at hiding her emotions. I smiled at her as she said, "I thought I'd never hear you say that again, Jack." Her voice caught in her throat. "I love you more than I ever thought was possible. We can handle whatever comes next together."

  Together. I liked the sound of that. I was overcome with gratitude for my feisty redhead. I kissed her and held on until we were both out of breath. "Honey, I think I smell ozone. Between your fireworks and my unpredictable shifts, it might be better if we took this outside."


  The full moon was high creating sparkling pathways on the water as he walked outside to the backyard amid the sounds of rain frogs and crickets. On a soft moonlit clearing he stretched out on the grass beside me and clasped my hand with his. He must have felt my doubt for he tilted my chin up and kissed me gently, "What is it?"

  "Are you… sure?"

  He lay there for a moment staring into the starry sky. When his eyes opened they were soft iridescent silver, happy and like the sky itself, serene.

  "I'm a changed man, Tempe. My destiny’s always been here, always with you." He swept a hand down his long length, "Always…this, whatever it may become. I lost the wind under my sails, but because of you I've found my compass again."

  My heart flipped over even though I pressed him, "But you can't fly…" I couldn't make this easy. He needed to be sure. I needed to be sure.

  "Smarter people than me have said, 'If it's meant to be, it'll happen' and if not, it won't change the fact that I'm right where I want to be—home." His words were sure. "I don't regret a minute of my life because it led me to Destiny and you."

  His sexy smile said unless I had more reservations, he was ready to put action to his words. He flipped and eased over me onto his elbows. "Nights like this were made for flying," he said as he planted urgent kisses along my neck.

  I wished with every bit of magical power I had in me we'd be able to experience the special rush of flying again through the night sky, shooting straight up toward the stars. The last time had been after the Para-moon the night Jack had changed. What if the wonderful magic was gone? Well, if so, and our connection was still just as powerful, maybe we'd find a new way to express the exuberance that poured out during our lovemaking.

  "You know, that bionic light thing seriously rocks." He frowned, "I’m sounding…"

  "Romantic? Happy?" I laughed. “He was practically gushing. "Are you sure you didn't inhale some of that gray smoke?"

  He didn't take the bait. "You make me want to fly, Tempest, even if the only way that can happen is through our lovemaking." We undressed each other slowly and I lay back, watching the play of muscle and strength, his aura mesmerized like shimmering powdered diamonds.

  He smiled, "I love watching you go crazy. Your eyes do that weird meteor shower thing when you're feeling frisky." He put his hand over my breast and bent his head to nuzzle my cheek, "Say something."

  I raised my hands to his shoulders and whispered, "Love me."

  I do. Let's fly. I’d heard his thoughts, then he covered me and I was spiraling under his spell.

  His fingers plucked at my nipple, eyes snapping to vertical slits when I responded with a moan. Then he used his lips and tongue to savor all my happy places from my neck to my toes until I reached for him… and found him primed.

  Gently, he parted my legs, slid in with one smooth thrust as we became one. Color and light danced behind my eyes as he finally seated himself deep. Then we were moving together, faster and faster and I filled to bursting with love and an effervescence that vibrated just under my skin. I flew past the moon and beyond; past moonbeams, the Milky Way and a silvery trail through a billion stars.

  This time there’d been heat, a lot of it. I felt like I was on fire. He cried out and I felt him, pulsing, pulsing and then everything exploded into a cataclysm of color. As I drifted back toward the waters of the Forge I smiled, "That was the best flight ever."

  Fire was everywhere, not just a figment or metaphor. There was a clap of thunder and the air shimmered with the sparks that cascaded down followed by a soft steady, soothing shower. I chuckled. "I guess the rain was to keep from burning up my lawn," I said and scooted back to snuggle against him, but he didn't answer.

  I turned on my side. He wasn't there. I frowned and sat up, searching. Our cries had temporarily quieted the night creatures but they were starting up again. "Jack?" I searched the ground where he'd been and seeing a pile of something like dirt, I scooped it up in my hand. It was warm.

  Ashes. I panicked. "Jack!"

  Chapter 41

  What did she mean—I didn't look like a dragon?


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