Cruel Temptation: An Age Gap Romance (Cruel Beauty Trilogy Book 1)

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Cruel Temptation: An Age Gap Romance (Cruel Beauty Trilogy Book 1) Page 29

by C Standing

  “His name is Rick.”

  At the mention of his name, the world stops turning around me.

  Joey steps up to the display case, browsing through the pastries and sweet goods like she didn’t just drop that bomb on me. I yank on her arm, pulling her back. “What the hell did you just say?”

  She shrugs and goes back to the damn treats. “His dad’s name is Rick.”

  “Rick? As in my Rick? The guy I told you I met in New York?”

  “I guess so.” She winks, before placing her order. “What do you want, Rive?”

  I drum my nails along the counter in agitation. “I would very much like to strangle you right now.”

  “She’ll take a peppermint hot chocolate with whipped cream.”

  Paying for our drinks, we move out of the line to wait for them.

  “Please tell me you’re kidding, Joey.”

  “No, I’m not kidding, Rive. Mali told me you’ve been depressed for weeks. The only time I see you smile is when you get a message from him—and don’t act like you don’t because I know you do.”

  Jesus Christ.

  Am I the only sane one left on the planet?

  “Joey, texting someone and seeing them in person is a completely different kettle of fish!”

  “Look, I don’t care if you get mad at me, but you need to talk to Rick. You’re both miserable, and you need to snap the hell out of it.”

  I open my mouth to say something but stop. “He’s miserable?”

  “Hopeless.” She rolls her eyes dramatically. “Just talk to the guy, Rive. What harm could it do?”

  My nostrils flare as I huff out a breath. Goddamn meddling kids. “I need to keep you away from Mali.”

  “Mali has your best interests at heart, so leave her be.”


  “When are they flying in?”

  A glint of excitement sparkles in her eyes. “Boxing Day night. They’ll be staying at a hotel, and we’ll meet them for dinner at a restaurant.”

  If I’m going to do this, it’s going to be on my turf. “No, we’re not.”

  Her face falls. “But you just sai—”

  “Oh, we’re still meeting them,” I cut her off. “But we won’t be going to a restaurant. He can come to me.”

  The second we get home, I shoot off a text to Rick.

  Apparently, I have a date with my sister’s boyfriend’s dad.

  His reply is instant.

  Lucky fucker.

  A giggle flies free.

  Did you know about this?

  I watch, my heart in my mouth, as the little text bubble appears.

  Yes, and I’m not fucking sorry.

  I want to see you, baby. It’s been long enough.

  Strangely, the idea that he knew makes my heart race in my chest.

  Are you going to wear a suit?

  He knows how much it drives me crazy when he wears a suit.

  I’ll wear a fucking clown suit if it makes you happy.

  God, this man.

  I love him so goddamn much.

  Wear a suit.

  I gnaw on my lip as I await his response, butterflies the size of bats in my stomach.

  Hang tight, because I’m coming for you, baby.

  And I can’t freaking wait.

  I’m nervous.

  Why am I nervous?

  I feel like a giddy teenager about to go on her first date.

  I must’ve have wiped my palms more times than I can count.

  It’s not I haven’t had dinner with the guy before.

  Hell, we’ve shared various bodily fluids, so a little dinner should be nothing.

  But this isn’t a little dinner.

  It’s the first time I’ll be seeing him since New York. I’m meeting his son—my litter sister’s boyfriend—for God’s sake.

  So, no. This isn’t just the run of the mill dinner.

  It’s a dinner that’s going to decide the rest of our lives.

  “Would you stop fidgeting.” Joey slaps my hand as I go to fix my hair for the twentieth time in ten minutes. “You look beautiful.”

  Wanting to look conservative for my meet with Christian but with a touch of sexy for his father, I’m wearing an off-the-shoulder, black ruffled maxi dress with a subtle thigh split and floral detail.

  I’d gone without heels or jewelry, because this was my home and I can do whatever the hell I want. Plus, I wanted to feel comfortable and let the dress speak for itself. My hair was down and curled in soft waves. I’d applied the tiniest bit of makeup to cover the dark marks under my eyes and give my skin a bit of a lift.

  “I can’t help it,” I mutter, projecting my attention onto the table settings. “I’m nervous.”

  Coming up beside me, she takes my hands. “River, you have nothing to be nervous about. The guy is crazy about you.”

  I soften slightly, my body feeling less tense at her words. “I’m crazy about him, too,” I admit, with a coy smile. “That’s why I’m so nervous. I know what the guys like. He can be very intense.”

  Her eyes light up as a proud smile adorns her lips. “I like seeing you like this.”

  My brows pinch. “Nervous?”


  This time, it’s me who smiles. “It’s nice to feel happy again.”

  Cupping my cheeks, she looks into my eyes. “I’m glad you finally found the person who can give you that happiness. It’s been a long time coming.” She pulls me in for a hug. “They would be so proud of you.”

  My throat tightens and tears sting the backs of my eyes. I don’t need her to clarify who they are, because I already know.

  “I love you, Joey,” I whisper into her neck, feeling choked up with emotion. “Even if you are a huge pain in my ass.”

  Pulling back, she gives a watery chuckle. “I love you, too, big sis.”

  Blinking back my tears, I grab a tissue and carefully dab at my eyes.

  Just then, the doorbell rings, and my entire body locks up tight.

  He’s here.

  Oh God.

  Heart pounding wildly in my chest, our panicked eyes connect from across the room.

  “Just stay calm, okay?” Joey encourages as she moves toward the door. “Remember he loves you and he’s here for you.”

  Easier said than done.

  Restless and unsure of what to do, I stand behind the table, waiting to hear the voice that’s filled my dreams every night since we parted.

  “Hey,” she says shyly, a touch of familiarity to her tone. She must be talking to Christian.

  “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thank you,” she replies meekly, and I know by the sound of her voice that she’s blushing.

  “Josephine.” My eyes close as that warm, raspy baritone washes over me. There it is. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “You, too, sir.”

  “Please, call me Rick.”

  God, the anticipation is killing me.

  Hurry up, already.

  “Why don’t you come inside.”

  “Thank you,” comes from Rick again. “Something smells delicious.”

  I hear the door close and some light shuffling.

  “My sister is an amazing cook,” Joey says, inflating my ego.

  “Speaking of your sister, where is she—” Rick emerges into my small dining area, our eyes meeting for the first time in weeks. “Fuck,” he growls, taking me in.

  He wore a suit.

  God, the guy looks heart-stopping, dressed in a charcoal suit, with the top two buttons of his shirt undone. His hair is a little longer, curling at his neck, and the stubble I love to run my fingers through is shorter and neatly groomed. His silver highlights more pronounced, making him look even sexier.

  Joey giggles beside him, and Christian groans mortified. “Christ, Dad. Reign it in.”

  “Three weeks, son,” he rasps, his eyes never leaving mine. “Three fucking weeks I’ve been without her. You’re lucky that’s all I said.”

; Out the corner of my eye, I see Christian roll his eyes, and I can’t help but smile.

  Stepping forward, Christian hands me a beautiful bunch of flowers. “Sorry about him.” He winces, apologizing. “These are for you. It’s great to finally meet you.”

  I wave him off. “Don’t worry about your father, I’m used to him.” I chuckle, taking the bouquet, flicking my gaze back to Rick’s. “It’s lovely to meet you, too. These are gorgeous, thank you.”

  He dips his head as if to say you’re welcome, and goes back to Joey's side.

  “So!” She claps her hands. “Can I get anyone a drink?”

  A drink? God, I may need a defibrillator after all of this.

  “I’ll just go and put these in the water,” I tell them, needing to get some air and escape his intense gaze.

  “I’ll help you.”

  Just as I round the corner to the kitchen, I hear Christian's low voice say, “I bet you will—Ow, what was that for?”

  “Watch your mouth,” Rick warns, his voice stern.

  I’m in the kitchen, trying to calm my thundering heart, when I feel his eyes on me from behind.

  “Three weeks, and you still take my breath away,” he rasps in that deep voice that drives me insane. “God, you’re fucking beautiful.”

  I bite my lip as I run the scissors up the wrapping and snip the stems on the roses. “You make it sound like it was eternity.”

  “It felt like it,” he grumbles.

  Setting the scissors down, I turn to face him. “You hurt me, Rick. What else was I meant to do?”

  He’s leaning a forearm against the doorframe, hands in his pockets. “I’ve always considered myself a patient man, but being kept away from the woman I love has been pure fucking hell.”

  “It hasn’t been easy for me either.”

  Pushing off the frame, he walks toward me, pure intention in his eyes. “I can’t be away from you anymore, baby. Don’t ask that of me.”

  I swallow hard as he closes the distance between us. “I’m not asking you to do anything.”

  Rick’s long fingers brush through my hair, and my eyes close, basking in the feel of him. “Fuck, I’ve missed this so much.” He brings his forehead to mine. “I promised myself I’d go slow with you tonight but I fucking can’t. It’s impossible.”

  “Rick,” I whimper, my heart finally whole.

  His nose nuzzles mine. “Tell me I can kiss you.”

  I open my mouth to speak when Christian and Joey walk into the kitchen.

  “I see you two have already made up,” he notes, smirking.

  Rick gives me a slow and sexy grin, his fingers cupping my cheeks. “I had no intention of leaving here without her being mine again.”

  Heat floods my cheeks as I bury my head in his chest.

  Jesus, the love I feel for this man.

  “So, as you two are in the process of patching things up, Chris and I figured we’d give you a bit of space.”

  I feel the heat radiate from his body, and my mind whirls with all the possibilities.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, still dizzy from Rick’s touch.

  “We are going to watch a movie and maybe grab some dinner,” Christian answers. “Let you two talk.”

  Pressing a kiss to my temple, Rick brushes his lips across my ear. “I have no intention of talking.”

  My body shudders.

  “What time will you be back?” I ask.

  They both shrug.

  “Not too late. Before midnight,” Joey replies.

  “Okay.” His fingers snake around my waist. “Just be safe, okay?”

  “Take care of her,” Rick tells his son.

  A few minutes later, they finally leave.

  “Alone at last,” Rick husks, crowding me against the counter, his erection making itself known.

  Smiling, I wrap my arms around his shoulders. “Whatever will we do.”

  His hands skim over the curves of my body. “I can think of a few things.”

  My nipples tighten and my core pulses with need. After having him every day for a week—multiple times—to going without him for almost a month, having him here is pure heaven.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to talk?” I brush my lips over his.

  Rick kisses the corners of my mouth. “Do you love me?”

  I answer without hesitation, “Unconditionally.”

  His lips move to my neck. “Am I forgiven?”

  Lost in the sensation of his mouth, I close my eyes, arching my neck and biting my lip as he teases my skin.

  God, he feels so amazing.

  Impatiently, Rick’s hand lowers to my ass. “Answer me, baby,” he demands, gripping me firmly.


  He pulls back, tilting my chin up, and gazes into my eyes. “Do you trust me?”

  After I left New York, I didn’t think I’d ever trust him again. But time, even as short as it was, can be a great healer. Yes, he hurt me, but I know now that he’d never lie to me again. I needed him to see that he couldn’t keep things from me, especially something as life-changing as a hidden marriage, and expect me to be okay with it. I had to make a stand.

  But during our time apart, I realized I would rather work through our differences together than being separated from each other.

  He’s the love of my life, no-one will ever love me or make me feel the way he does.

  I trail my fingers through his bristles. “I trust you with my life.”

  Like an unhinged animal, Rick’s eyes turn feral as he lifts me into his arms. “Then that’s all I need. I’m done talking.”

  A surge of excitement zaps through my veins as his mouth latches onto my neck, tongue lapping at the weak spot behind my ear.

  My eyes flutter close, unable to resist falling under his spell as his thumb caresses the side of my breast. “Rick,” I moan. “I need you.”

  “Fuck,” he growls, carrying me up the stairs two at a time. “Which room?”

  “Last one on the left,” I rush out as he turns a corner.

  We crash into a darkened room, grappling at each other’s clothes in a rush of frantic, passionate kisses, and wild, roaming hands.

  “Fucking beautiful,” he rasps, sliding a hand between my legs and feeling my wetness. “Already so wet for Daddy.”

  I wrap my hand around his erect cock, stroking him several times. “I’m always dripping for you, Daddy.”

  Quicker than I can blink, he’s on me again, grabbing my thighs and tossing me onto the bed. “Goddamn,” he groans as he settles between my thighs, his cock nestled against my pussy. “I want this to be memorable. You deserve flowers, candles, and roses; you deserve perfection.” His mouth continues its blissful assault on my neck. “I will give you perfection, baby. That I swear on my goddamned life. But right now, I need to do this my way.”

  My chest heaves as his mouth lowers to my cleavage. “Don’t ever keep me away from my woman again.” Rick cups my breasts, pushing them together and buries his face between them. “I won’t survive it.”

  Holy Mother of God.

  “Rick—” I gasp when he finds my nipple.

  “I’ve missed these sexy fucking tits,” he growls, licking from one breast to another. “Mm, you love it when I suck these, don’t you, beautiful?”

  My brain scrambles, and I can’t think of anything except his mouth and the delightful things it’s doing.

  As he moves onto the other one, my thighs clamp around his waist, desperate to feel a connection as he teases my nipple with frenzied licks. “Rick... pl-please.”

  Rick’s arousal twitches between us as he rolls my sensitive bud between his fingers. “Rub your cunt for me, baby. I want you nice and ready when I take that pretty pussy.” He maps hot and hungry kisses along my throat. “Make it good and wet for me.”

  Sliding my hand between us, I find my needy clit, rubbing in feverish circles. “Daddy, please.”

  “Beg for it, baby.” Rick bites my nipple. “Beg for Daddy’s coc

  “Daddy,” I murmur, writhing against him. “Fuck me, please.”

  Groaning, Rick claims my mouth in a kiss that puts every other kiss we’ve shared to shame. Feverish tongues, ragged breaths, demanding hands, and dirty promises.

  It’s all-consuming.

  A light gust of wind to a hurricane.

  A snowflake to a blizzard.

  “You’re so fucking hot.”

  My fingernails claw down his back. “Rick, please.”

  “Fuck yes,” he hisses, baring his teeth. “Mark me, baby.” Spreading my legs wide, he moves down the bed. “I need to taste this beautiful pussy.”

  His hands ghost over the delicate skin between my legs as he leaves ardent kisses in his wake. Reaching up, he palms my tits. The wild and crazed look in his eyes as he teases me has my sex clenching with need.

  I’m so ready for whatever he has to give.

  “Rick,” I moan, my body practically writhing with need.

  “Easy, baby.” He hooks my leg over his shoulder and parts my slick folds with his finger and thumb. “I’ve got you.”

  Sliding my fingers through his hair, I tug gently. “Please—” My plea fades into thin air as his warm mouth draws me in.

  “You're perfection,” Rick husks, smoothing his hands along the curve of my body. Cupping my breasts, he pinches each nipple with the same force he uses to bite my clit. “I want to feel this tight pussy coming all over my cock,” he says through a muffled growl. “Multiple fucking times. All goddamn night.”

  My body jerks violently with every lethal lick of his tongue. “Yes…” I breathe.

  “Don’t stop. Please, oh God, don’t stop.”

  “Not a chance,” Rick growls, his face glistening with my arousal.

  Not able to contain my cries, I moan loudly as he laps at me. “Oh God,” I whimper, dropping my head back and lifting my pelvis to meet his eager mouth.

  Running his fingers through my wetness, he circles my entrance. “We could be in the middle of a fucking apocalypse and I’d still eat every inch of this beautiful cunt.”


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