Whispers of Death

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Whispers of Death Page 3

by Alicia Rivoli

  “Olive said you were walking to the bedroom. She didn’t say you were already in bed and had a nightmare.”

  “He was here, in the house. I wasn’t asleep.”

  “You saw Death in the house?” He stared at me. “Amelia, did you call the doctor today?”

  “Mark, I am not going crazy. When I turned to leave the kitchen, he blocked my way. I blacked out when he grabbed my arm.”

  Mark’s face was full of concern and something else, something that I had never seen before. Fear.

  “Amelia, I really think you need to see a doctor. This is getting really serious. It’s starting to affect your health. First you start throwing up, then a bad headache, and now blacking out. What if you had been driving? What if you were home alone?”

  My mind was spinning out of control. “Mark if I tell this to a doctor he will think I’m crazy. They will put me on some medication that will make me, well, not me. I can’t tell anyone. Look at how you are reacting!”

  I seemed to have hit a nerve. Mark flinched at my remark at his behavior.

  “I’m sorry, Amelia, but this is getting serious. Something needs to be done. I am going to call the doctor and get you in to see him this afternoon.”

  “Mark, please don’t call him. I’m telling you the truth.”

  He didn’t listen. Mark got up from the bed and left the room, his cell phone in his hand. I punched the bed and threw one of the pillows at the door. I tried to sit up and go after him, but the room refused to not spin. I buried my face in the bed. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.

  “I’m sorry.”

  I refused to look at him. I felt betrayed. Something I hadn’t felt from him in a long time.

  “Lia, please look at me,” he pleaded, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “Amelia, I’m sorry. This is not just a nightmare anymore. You are having hallucinations.”

  “I’m not hallucinating! Death is here Mark, and he’s after me.”

  “There is no one after you Amelia! It’s all in your head!” he yelled. His body shifted and he sighed.

  I turned my face from the bed. He held his face in his hands. I could tell he was struggling with this.

  “Mark, I don’t want to fight with you. I just need you to believe me,” I said, running my hand down his back.

  Mark reached out and took my hand. “Amelia, this is not easy for me to believe. You’re telling me that you see a man dressed in black that calls himself Death, and he’s after you. How am I supposed to go along with this?”

  “I know it sounds crazy. I know that it’s not an easy thing to believe, trust me. But it really is happening. I don’t know why, and I can’t explain why he would come for me, but he is.”


  I inhaled deeply. “What?”

  “I believe you. I don’t know why, but if you say that Death is after you, then we will find a way to change his mind.”

  I smiled. “Thank you,” I said quietly.

  He rubbed the back of my hand with his fingers. “Just promise me you will tell me if he tries to come for me.” He smiled.

  I chuckled. “Yeah, I’ll get right on that.” I teased.

  Mark cuddled up next to me, running his fingers through my hair; he kissed me softly on the forehead.

  “Did you call the doctor?” I asked, looking into his eyes.

  “No. I couldn’t get myself to dial the number. You were right; the doctor would have thought you were crazy.”

  I rested my head on his chest and sighed. “I am one lucky girl.”

  He pulled me into him. I never felt more comfortable than in my husband’s arms, and right now, he was just what I needed.


  The room was dark when I opened my eyes again. My head no longer hurt, and my body felt rested for the first time all day. I stretched and groaned. Mark had left the room sometime while I was sleeping and had tucked me in quite well. I was comfortable and warm and knew that I had been asleep for a while. The clock on the side table read eight-seventeen, which meant I had been sleeping for nearly four hours. I pushed the covers off. I still didn’t want to go anywhere just yet.


  I looked toward the door. Mark was standing just inside watching me. I smiled at him.

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  “Much,” I answered. “Why did you let me sleep so long? I’ll never be able to sleep tonight.”

  “You needed the sleep. You haven’t slept that soundly in weeks.”

  He walked the short distance to the bed and sat down next me to me. I shifted my weight and laid my head in his lap.

  “Sorry about earlier,” I whispered.

  “What for?”

  “For getting mad at you for wanting to call the doctor. Maybe you are right. If I had been alone, what would have happened?”

  “Seeing a doctor could help, but you were right as well, it could also not be good if they think you are crazy.”

  “I think I should see a doctor, just to make sure I’m not really sick. We won’t tell him about the nightmares or hallucinations. We will just explain my lack of sleep, the illness that comes in the middle of the night, and the headaches. We’ll even tell him I blacked out and hit my head. Maybe I have something wrong in my brain.”

  “Well, I’ve always known that.” He smiled.

  “Ha ha, you are such a comedian,” I said, punching him softly on the leg.

  He brushed through my ratty hair with his fingers. “We’ll do whatever you feel is right. You are the only one that knows what you are going through. I will support whatever decision you make.”

  “I’ll call the doctor on Monday; maybe he’ll have an appointment that day. I’ll just make sure that we get to the school to see Hunter’s teacher first thing that morning.”

  “Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten the teacher’s kid owes me five bucks!” Mark teased again.

  “It’s not funny. That kid is a bully, and something needs to happen about it. If they won’t do anything, I’ll take it to the school board. You don’t mess with my babies.”

  “I know I wouldn’t. I’ve see the look you get when Abby or Hunter fight each other. I don’t want to think about what will happen when someone else’s kid is causing the trouble.”

  I sat up quickly, a big smile on my face. “Now why are you in such a funny mood?” I teased.

  “I’m just glad you got some sleep. I do have to say, I was trying to sleep next to you, and when you are in a deep sleep, you hurt people. I’m pretty sure I’m going to have some nasty bruises on my legs from where you kicked me today. I had to go out on the couch before people thought you were abusing me.”

  I smiled even wider. Mark was almost too perfect. He always knew just what to do to make light of a difficult situation. I leaned in and kissed him softly on the cheek.

  “I love you Mark Sable,” I whispered.

  He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me onto his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder and gave an audible sigh. He gently rubbed my back. Kissing my ears and neck, he sent shivers down my spine.

  “I love you more,” he whispered back.

  I pulled back and stared into his deep brown eyes. The concern that had been there lately was well hidden by his devoted love for me. He rubbed my cheek with the back of his hand and gently brushed his lips on mine. My heart began to race. I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving into the desire to have him. His kiss became more urgent, more passionate. He moved his hand under my chin, moving my face to where he wanted it. I turned into him, my body instantly relaxing and enjoying his touch on my skin. Tonight, it was just us.


  Morning came quickly. Mark was sleeping soundly next to me, his breathing slow and rhythmic. I watched him for a minute before slipping out of the sheets and getting dressed. I quickly put together a simple breakfast of toast and eggs, a couple of cups of orange juice, and sliced banana with strawberries. I walked quietly back to our
room and laid the tray of food on the bedside table before jumping onto the bed. To my delight Mark nearly jumped out of bed. I laughed as he threw his pillow at my face.

  “You think you are so funny, don’t you?” he joked.

  “No. I know that I am.” I smiled back.

  He grabbed another pillow and struck me with it. I laughed and retaliated with my own pillow. I screamed as he chased me around the house. He caught up quickly however and tackled me to couch. I squirmed and kicked but couldn’t get free. He laughed as he realized he had me trapped.

  “Don’t you do it!” I shouted, smiling.

  Mark laughed as his fingers found my side and the tickle torture began. I screamed and laughed, trying desperately to free my hands so I could push him off. He laughed even harder before kissing me and releasing his grip.

  “That was so not nice.” I laughed. “You know I can’t stand being tickled.”

  “Oh, but it’s so fun.” He teased.

  “Well now our eggs and toast are cold. Way to go.”

  He smiled. “But it was so worth it.”

  I stuck my tongue out and pushed him off. I quickly put my hair back in its rightful place and walked back to the bedroom and plopped down on the bed. I reached for a piece of toast and nibbled on the corner. We ate in silence, enjoying each other’s company. It had been a long time since we had been able to just be Mark and Lia. I really needed to thank Olive. This was just what we both needed.

  I showered quickly after breakfast and decided I had better get some of the housework done before the kids came home. I picked up toys and swept the floors while Mark worked on his computer. When the phone rang I raced to answer it.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Is this Mrs. Sable?” the caller asked.

  “Yes it is.”

  “Mrs. Sable this is Mindy’s father, James. I wanted to call and thank you for the doll you got Mindy.”

  “Oh, it was nothing. Abby was so excited to be able to give it to her.”

  “I don’t know if you know this or not, but Mindy’s mother died a few months ago from breast cancer. She has been taking it very hard. Moving to a new place didn’t really help much either. Having a friend like Abby is sure to help my daughter be more at ease.”

  “I’m so sorry about your wife. Is there anything that our family can do for you?” I asked.

  James hesitated. “No, I’m fine. But thank you again.”

  I could sense the change in his tone as he answered. “Well, if you think of anything don’t hesitate to call. Mindy is always welcome to come over anytime. Abby would love to have a playmate,” I said, trying to sound as welcoming as I could.

  Again he hesitated. “Thanks again. I didn’t mean to interrupt your Saturday. Have a great weekend.”

  Before I could respond the line went dead.

  That was weird, I thought to myself.

  “Who was that?” Mark asked, making me jump.

  “Don’t sneak up on me!” I laughed, holding my chest.

  “Sorry.” He smiled.

  “That was Mindy’s father, James. He called to thank me for giving his daughter the doll.”

  “That was nice.”

  “Yes it was, but there was something else. I think he wanted to ask me something else, but he hesitated.”

  “What do you think he wanted?”

  “I don’t know. I asked if we could do anything for him, and he hesitated before thanking me again and hanging up.”

  “I wouldn’t put to much thought into it. He just lost his wife. Maybe he’s not used to being the one to call and ask for help. If he needs something, I’m sure he’ll call you back.”

  I couldn’t get the conversation out of my mind the rest of the morning. Something about his tone of voice had seemed off, but I couldn’t figure out why it bothered me so much. After I had done a couple of loads of laundry, I heard a little squeal behind me as Abby ran down the hall.

  “Hi Mommy!” she said as she jumped into my arms.

  “Well hello there little sweet. Did you have a good time with your aunt?”

  “Uh-huh. Uncle Peter and Aunt Livie took us to Chuck e Cheese. I got lots of tokens and ate two slices of pizza. Hunter won a bazillion tickets and let me have them all. Look I got a new princess crown!” she said excitedly.

  I laughed. “Well that was very nice of your brother. Did you tell him and your aunt and uncle thank you?” I asked.

  “Oh no I forgot.” She squirmed.

  She ran down the hall. “THANK YOU AUNT LIVIE AND UNCLE PETER AND HUNTER FOR MY NEW TOY!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.

  I laughed as I followed her.

  “Hi mom,” Hunter said, giving me a hug when I got to the kitchen.

  I kissed his forehead. “I missed you both. Did you have fun?”

  “Yeah, it was great. I beat Uncle Peter in a game of chess.”

  “You did?”

  “He cheated.” Peter teased.

  “I did not! You are just a bad chess player.”

  “We’ll see about that. I want a rematch,” Peter said, rubbing Hunter’s head.

  “Feeling better?” he asked me.

  I nodded. “Thank you so much for taking the kids for the night. It was just what I needed.”

  He kissed me on the forehead. “I’m glad.”

  Olive and Mark walked in a few minutes later. Olive eyed me with concern.

  “I’m feeling much better now,” I told her.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “Yes. I just needed some rest.” I hugged her. “Thank you for taking Hunter and Abby.”

  “Anytime. The little pipsqueaks have kind of grown on me.” She winked.

  “Hey!” Abby said, “I’m not a pipsqueak! I am a princess.” She spun for everyone to see her new clothes.

  Abby had raced to her room and changed into her favorite pink princess dress and placed happily on top of her head was her new princess crown.

  “You look ravishing your highness,” Mark said, swooping her into his arms and twirling her around the kitchen.

  “What does ravishing mean daddy?” she asked when he stopped.

  “It means you look beautiful.”

  “Of course I do, I am a princess,” she said seriously.

  “Why yes you are. You are my little princess aren’t you?” I said.

  Abby’s smile stretched across her face, and she skipped off to her room. I looked at Hunter. He was trying to hide his own smile from the satisfaction that he was getting from helping his little sister get her princess crown. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a big hug. He quickly pulled away, smiled at me, and walked to his room.

  “You have raised yourselves a great boy,” Peter said. “He is such a great big brother.”

  “He takes after his father,” I said, smiling.

  Mark winked at me. “Peter do you want to go play some golf next weekend?” he asked.

  Peter instantly grinned. “Looking to get beat again huh?” He teased.

  “Hey now, the last time wasn’t my fault. You cheated.” Mark joked back.

  “Whatever! It’s not my fault you can’t hit a drive.” He laughed.

  “Now boys, let’s be nice,” Olive said sarcastically.

  Laughing, I opened the paper to search for any coupons. The headline on the front page caught my attention. My mind raced across the words, reading them over and over. “Mark, look at this,” I said, holding out the paper and pointing to the article.


  Mark looked at me. “What about it?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. Something about this article bothers me,” I said.

  “Lia, you have always had a soft heart. When people are hurt, you never seem to handle it well,” Olive said. “Maybe you are just bothered that they are in pain.”

  I sat down at the table and read the headline again. Olive could be right. I never did handle people’s pain very well. I pu
shed the paper away, but the words kept racing through my mind. Mark put a glass of water on the table in front of me and eyed me suspiciously.

  “You okay?” he asked. “Your face is starting to look a little pale.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I lied. “Liv, do you guys want to do something with us today?” I said, quickly changing the subject and flashing the best smile I could. It seemed to work; Mark walked away and started pestering Peter again about going golfing.

  “What do you have in mind?” she asked.

  “Maybe we can get a sitter for the kids and go on a double date tonight. I would love to go see a movie and go to dinner with you guys.”

  “Sure. That sounds like fun. Is that okay Peter?”

  “What?” he asked, completely unaware of our conversation.

  “Lia and Mark want to know if we want to double with them tonight and go to a movie and dinner. Is that okay?”

  “Of course, but I’m not going to any chick flick. If we’re going to a movie it’d better be a good one,” Peter answered.

  “Now what is wrong with a good ole’ fashioned chick flick?” Olive laughed. “They are good.”

  “No, they are all the same. Guy likes girl, girl likes guy, there’s a problem, they get together in the end,” Mark said.

  “Not true!” Olive retorted. “They aren’t all like that.”

  I laughed. “Well actually Livie I have to agree with my husband on this one. They pretty much are all like that. If not, no one would want to see them. No one wants to see the bad guy win.”

  Olive threw a napkin in my direction. “You aren’t supposed to side with the men!”

  “Did you seriously just throw a napkin at me?” I giggled.

  That was all it took; Olive and I erupted into solid fits of laughter. The kind only sisters would understand.


  Our evening out was just what the doctor had ordered. It was filled with laughter, good food, and a nice action-packed chick flick. Of course I got Mark to agree that we needed to see a romantic comedy, if only so Olive and I would stop pestering them. I loved hanging out with my sister and her husband and found myself borrowing her feelings of utter joy so I could hide my own true feelings. The article in the newspaper still picked at my brain, wanting me to help those poor people in any way I could. How could doctors not be able to relieve their patients’ pain?


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