Hell in the Homeland

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Hell in the Homeland Page 1

by A J Newman

  Hell in the Home Land

  Post- Apocalyptic America

  Book II

  The Adventures of John Harris

  A. J. Newman

  This book is dedicated to my beautiful wife of over thirty years, fellow Preppers and anyone who understands that Big Government is bad government.

  Thanks to Wes Newman for being a great sounding board for many of the ideas in this novel.

  Thanks to Carole Lewis for proofreading and editing.

  Copyright © 2014 Anthony J Newman. All rights reserved.

  ISBN 978-0-9912334-1-0

  This book is a work of fiction. All events, names characters and places are the product of the author’s imagination or are used as a fictitious event. That means that I thought up this whole book from my imagination and nothing in it is true.

  Books by A. J. Newman

  “The Adventures of John Harris” a post-apocalyptic America series:


  Hell in the Homeland

  Tyranny in the Homeland

  Revenge in the Homeland

  “Grumpy Sam and Sammy” - A murder mystery series:

  Where the Girls are Buried.

  Who killed the Girls?

  These books are available at Amazon:



  America is currently in a losing war with drug gangs, and illegal immigrants inside our country and Islamic Terrorists across the world. They probably have numerous sleeper cells already established in the states. Two nuclear EMP blasts would send us back to post-apocalyptic dark ages. We are also in decline thanks to the poor stewardship of our elected officials for the past 25 years. This story just takes what our enemies and our Government are currently doing to destroy the USA and expands on these misdeeds.

  “Hell in the Homeland,” is a novel that tells how John Harris leads a group of survivors through the chaos of a country that has been attacked with nuclear bombs and EMP blasts. A coalition of rogue US Government thugs, Radical Islamic terrorists and a Drug Cartel has attacked the major nations of the world. There is very little food and water and many people have starved or been forced into relocation camps. The grid is down; people are dying due to lack of medicine and criminals are looting and ravaging the cities. John and his followers fight back to survive and protect their loved ones.

  I hope you have as much fun reading them as I did writing them.

  Chapter 1

  John’s Home

  Nashville, TN ISA

  Dec 16, 2048

  The sun was coming up and a rooster was crowing in the distance. Josh rubbed his eyes and tried to open them. His head was throbbing, his mouth was as dry as a cotton field and he was hungry. He also had to piss like a racehorse. He jumped out of bed, got tangled in the sheet and fell flat on his face. He lifted his head and looked into the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

  Jenn said, “Good morning, Mister Graceful, did you have a good night?”

  Josh looked at her, stammered and asked, “Did we?”

  She kicked him in the side and said, “I should kick your ass, but you’re probably still drunk, thanks to Dad.”

  He looked at her and took the vision in. She was wearing a pair of short cutoffs and a halter-top showing her midsection. She had a skull and bones tattoo on her right shoulder and several scars. She was gorgeous and sexy in a rugged sort of way. When she turned to leave, he saw another tattoo peeking below her shorts on the inside of her left leg. It looked like the feet of a cartoon character. The feet were orange and there were a couple of yellow feathers lying by the feet. He wanted to see the whole bird.

  He ran to the bathroom and took a cold shower, but could not take his mind off this beautiful lady warrior. He really wanted to get to know her better, but knew that his job was to get the story, not chase women. He found his clothes and got dressed.

  Jenn and John were at the breakfast table and an older version of Jenn was in the kitchen cooking. Josh noticed that there were eight plates on the table, but didn’t see anyone else.

  Jenn saw Josh and said, “Mom, this is Josh; Josh, Mom. Josh is a reporter for CNG, the Conservative News Group.”

  Beth replied, “So, you are one of the good guys. Can you actually report the news without changing the facts to suit your boss’ political needs?”

  Josh said, “Ma'am, I will always tell the truth about a story and make sure the facts speak for themselves. I am also honored to meet you and your family. I know that you have been maligned by the press and I assure you that only the truth will be reported.”

  Beth asked, “Josh, do you go to church?”

  Josh replied, “Yes Ma’am. My family is Baptist and we attend the Cedar Crest Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio. We are not that religious, but we believe in God, hard work and hate abortions. My mom and sister stay in trouble with the local and state authorities picketing abortion clinics. Mom is a high school teacher and Dad is the sales manager for a used car lot. They both would be a great fit for the ISA, but won’t leave home. Our family settled in the OH-KY area over 250 years ago. Does your family go to church?”

  John replied, “Every Sunday since I married Beth. We are also Baptists and Beth is the spiritual leader who keeps our family active in the church. Beth, Lindsey and Kristie are Sunday school teachers and Randy is a deacon."

  “Good morning Mom and Dad,” said a beautiful young black lady as she strolled into the room.

  John looked up and yelled, “Lindsey, get your ass back upstairs and put some clothes on young lady."

  She walked up to John, sat down in his lap and replied, “Now daddy, I am wearing more than I wear to the beach.”

  She had on a white halter-top and tiny white shorts that barely covered a rather voluptuous body.

  John gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, “We have company,” and pointed at Josh.

  She jumped up out of his lap and ran up the stairs just as the front door opened and a bunch of kids came into the house yelling and running all around. John got up and met them as they entered the kitchen. They swarmed him. Their parents Randy and his wife shook Josh’s hand and sat down at the breakfast table.

  John rolled on the floor with the kids for about thirty minutes while everyone ate and then yelled, “Church in one hour, everybody get dressed. You, too, Josh!”

  Josh said, “I think there is another story that has been overlooked because of all of the warfare and serious events."

  Jenn said, “What story?”

  Josh replied, “An epic love story.” He smiled and walked away.

  John walked up behind Jenn and said, “Are you getting sweet on that boy? I like him, but I can’t trust him yet.”

  “Dad, yes, I like him and would like to get to know him better. You know being your daughter makes it hard to meet a guy who’s not afraid of my father. Josh has great respect for you, but is not afraid of you.”

  “He’d better learn to be afraid of me.”


  Chapter 2

  The Confederates

  15 Miles Northeast of the Bunker

  May 28, 2020

  It was midnight and there were four old trucks in the ragtag convoy bouncing at every rut and bump in the dirt road. The convoy was made up of an old Chevy farm truck and three pre-60’s pickups. The lead pickup was flying a Confederate battle flag. George Washington was driving the lead pickup with his wife, Shirley, and his dog in the cab. George was worried about his family’s safety since TSHTF. Several Skinhead groups had begun killing blacks on sight, taking all they owned, raping the women and killing all when they were done. George thought the rebel flag might keep those assholes from chasing them if they were spotted. They mainly traveled
at night to avoid being sighted by these racist thugs. George knew that there were many decent people out there, but you can’t tell what a man was thinking until it’s too late, so he would continue to travel at night until law and order was established.

  George and Shirley were singing tunes from the ‘70s to pass the time and to keep George awake. George had a deep baritone voice that was always off key, but at least Shirley was a good singer. They truly enjoyed each other’s company so the time passed quickly each night. Shirley did not like to drive at night and was able to talk George into doing all of the driving. He was okay with this since he felt better about his ability to get them out of trouble if something bad happened on the road.

  George was 53, six foot three inches tall and built like a boxer. He had kept the Marine look; short cropped hair with a moustache. He served for six years in the Marines in the infantry, then came home and helped his dad on the family farm. He was a registered democrat that found his party had left him when they got more and more liberal. He was a Conservative that thought Republicans needed a little heart, but were on target about foreign politics, taxes and big government.

  Their sons, Marvin, Sammy and Sonny were following with their families spread out in the pickups and farm truck. His two daughters, Ginny and Mary, were riding in the back of the farm truck with Ginny’s two kids and Marvin and Sammy’s four children. Ginny’s husband did not come home from work the day of the attack. They searched for him to no avail.

  George’s five kids ranged from Marvin at 26 to Mary at 18. They were all good people who were raised in a Christian home and pretty well stayed out of trouble. The farm had plenty of work to be done and all had to work in George’s family. When staying at home they went by God and George's rules.

  Marvin is married to Tonya, his childhood sweetheart. They have a boy and a girl, five and four. Sammy is married to Karen and they have twin three-year-old boys and an eight-year-old boy from her previous marriage.

  Karen is white and was Sammy’s best friend’s wife. He was killed in Iraq and Sammy did promise to take good care of her. George’s family accepted her and her son, all except for George’s mom who did not approve. She thought they were both going to hell.

  Sonny was still in the Marines and had never married. He was home on leave when the lights went out. With no way to get back to the east coast, he decided to stay home and help his family.

  George and all of his boys served in the Marines. George’s father and Grandfather had served in the Army.

  They had been driving for several hours after midnight when George spotted what he thought were headlights over the hill in front of them. He waved everyone off the road behind cover.

  He gathered the boys and said, “Marvin, stay with the family while Sammy, Sonny and I go over the hill and see what those lights are about. Be ready to haul ass.”

  Marvin replied, “Take the deer rifle and leave me the shotgun.”

  George thought that was a good idea and led his sons to just below the crest of the hill. They had gone into the woods on the west side of the road and made as little noise as possible while moving towards the light.

  Sonny said, “I hear music!”

  George and Sammy agreed. They started to get a whiff of smoke from a campfire and began to hear voices. They crawled to the top of the hill and saw a black Humvee and several people jumping around a large bonfire.

  “Dad they aren’t jumping, they are dancing."

  There were four men and two naked women dancing around the fire. The men were obviously drunk. The three of them crawled to within ten yards of the dancers and now realized that the men were DHS agents from the markings on the Humvee and one guy still had his uniform on. They also saw that the girls were very young, maybe fourteen or fifteen. There was a tall blonde and a short brunette. Then suddenly one of the guys took the rest of his clothes off and started rubbing his body on the blonde girl. She resisted and he punched her in the face and forced her to the ground. He was quickly on top of her, but she was a fighter and kicked him in the balls. He started punching her.

  A shot rang out and Sonny was charging the group. Sonny was a blur charging towards the enemy and George tried to get up to join in the attack. Sonny shot all four men before George and Sammy could get a shot off. The men didn’t have a chance to resist. Sonny had shot three in the gut and one in the shoulder.

  The brunette rushed to the aid of the girl lying by the fire while George and the boys secured the DHS guys' weapons. The girls then noticed the three black guys standing around them with guns and started screaming. George grabbed two shirts from the DHS crew and gave them to the girls.

  George told them, “We will not hurt you. Where are you from? Can we help you get back home?”

  One of the DHS yelled, “Those girls are ours and you are going to die you black ass son of a bitch.”

  George looked the man in the eye, took his .44 Bulldog and shot the man right between his eyes.

  He then walked up to the next one and said, “Y’all are supposed to be helping these people not raping them you bastard.”

  George kept the gun on the guy’s nose and asked him several questions. The guy had pissed his pants and was shaking uncontrollably after answering all of George’s questions. He asked the other one the same questions and got similar answers.

  “May God help your souls,” George said. He then put them out of their misery with shots to the head. George then told Sonny to get the rest of the group to join them.

  In about ten minutes, the convoy drove over the hill and the women were shocked to see the carnage. Shirley walked up to George and told him to give them a Christian burial even if they were bad men. The ladies took charge of the two captives while the men turned the headlights off on the Humvee.

  The blonde was in shock and the brunette started telling Shirley their story. The blonde's name was Linda and the brunette was Sandra. They were neighbors just barely getting enough water and food to keep their families alive after the power died. The DHS guys arrived that morning and promptly shot Linda’s dad when he couldn’t give the agents any alcohol. Sandra’s dad ran out of his house to see what the shooting was all about and they shot him as well. They then rounded up all the rest of their families and tied them up. They took turns raping the girl’s moms and then killed everyone, but the two girls.

  Shirley wondered, “How could they shoot little children?”

  They salvaged everything useable and hid the Humvee deep into the woods. George thought a Humvee would draw too much attention by the government and other trash would try to take it from them. They found four bulletproof vests, six M4s, four Beretta 9mm, a bunch of ammo and several boxes of MREs. They also found several walkie-talkies and a large box with jewelry, gold and real silver coins.

  They dragged the four DHS men into the woods and buried them. Shirley opened the bible and said a couple of verses and the Lord’s Prayer over the graves. George had everyone grab some brush, get rid of all of the tracks and had the kids pick up the brass. They then drove about ten miles and pulled off into a clearing in the woods at daybreak.

  George gathered everyone in a circle and said the Lord’s Prayer and then thanked God that no one had been killed rescuing the girls. He then told them what he had learned from the DHS men.

  The men had been recruited by the local DHS headquarters in Mobile to confiscate any guns and encourage everyone to go to Mobile to stay at the relocation camp. They were to sell the people on free meals and security from gangbangers and motorcycle gangs that were looting the countryside. If the people did not agree to go, they were to scare them into going by raiding their houses in the middle of the night. The government wanted everyone to move to these relocation camps for their own safety. They were also told to use any fear tactics that would get the people to the camps. Rape, murder and molesting children were common practice according to these scumbags. The government did not approve of this, but did not stop this deviant behavior.

George and Shirley got off to the side and wondered how this could happen so fast after the power went out. George theorized that the government had planned and executed the entire disaster to get tighter control of the US citizens.

  Shirley said, “George, we have a black president who loves his people, he couldn’t do this, could he?”


  The president had called his advisors to a meeting at his retreat in upstate New York. He was trying to understand why the civilian death rate was so much higher than he had planned, because there wouldn’t be anyone to do the work if they continued dying at this rate. Whole cities were devastated by the rioting and gang violence. He knew that there would be approximately eighty million casualties from the nuclear bombs, but those mainly killed the welfare bums and other people who did not contribute to society and were a drain on its resources.

  Only the president and his two closest friends knew the whole plan, which was to reshape the USA into a much stronger country based on sharing the wealth and everyone contributing equally. Of course, he would be the benevolent leader of this new country and would give it the firm hand and advice needed to reshape society and the business world into his vision. Everyone should want this new way of life since all would benefit and there would be no freeloaders. The lower class Democrat’s votes were no longer needed since he was leader for life and their drain on the economy was solved with a few nukes to strategic cities.


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