The Badge Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

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The Badge Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1) Page 8

by Tyler, Paige

  “It was Tracy,” Reed said. “She said you told her you had a thing for us and that you'd love to sleep with the both of us at the same time. She said we should make the first move because you never would. She even said we should do it tonight since you'd be working the coffee shop alone.”

  Cilla was so stunned, the men could have been knocked out of the bed with a feather. Tracy had set her up with this threesome? Her friend going home early made a whole lot more sense now. Tracy had wanted to make sure Cilla would be alone when the cops showed up.

  But how had Tracy known she’d be up for a ménage? Contrary to what Tracy’d told the two cops, they’d never talked about anything like that. Cilla didn't even remember saying anything to her friend about Reed and Hayes, except to mention they were cute. Apparently, Tracy knew more about what Cilla liked than she did herself.

  Reed frowned. “I’m guessing from the look on your face that Tracy set this whole thing in motion on her own?”

  She nodded. “I guess so.”

  “Do you want us to arrest her?” Hayes asked.

  Cilla laughed. “No. I think this definitely falls into the category of a victimless crime. Besides, it's hard to be mad at her considering she was right.”

  She flopped back on the pillows between the two men. She was going to have to thank Tracy when she saw her at work that night.

  Turning onto his back, Hayes grabbed something off the bedside table. When he rolled back to face her, she saw he was holding the keys to the handcuffs. She frowned as he took them off. She’d gotten so used to wearing them she felt naked without.

  She gave him a pout. “Did you have to take them off?”

  “Yes,” he said. “You've had them on long enough.”

  She bit her lip. “Don't suppose I can keep them, can I?”

  Hayes laughed. “Sorry, sweetheart. They’re department issue.”


  Reed reached out and caught her hand. He pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist. “Don't worry, babe. We'll bring you a pair of your very own when we stop by tonight. Will that make you happy?”

  Her lips curved. “Yes. But only if we break them in right away.”

  Hayes chuckled. “See? We really did create a monster.”

  Reed’s mouth twitched. “If we bring you your very own cuffs, you'll have to earn the privilege of wearing them. Think you're up for that?”

  Cilla would rather have earned that privilege right then, but she knew they were serious about making her wait. That was part of what made it so exciting.

  She nodded. “Yes, Officers. I'm ready to do anything you two think is necessary to earn that privilege.”

  “Good.” Reed kissed her hard on the mouth, then groaned. “We better get out of here if we have any hope of getting some sleep before our shift starts.”

  He was clearly trying to maintain his cool exterior, but she didn’t miss the slight hardening of his and Hayes’s cocks as thy two men got out of bed. Knowing she could excite them at just the suggestion of her resuming the role of their submissive play toy made her feel powerful as hell.

  She followed them into the living room, then stood there comfortably naked as they pulled on their uniforms. It was fun watching them. Like a strip tease in reverse.

  Once they were dressed, they both came over and took turns kissing her. She could smell the scent of her perfume on both of them. It made for a very nice combo—soft femininity and solid masculinity.

  They looked her up and down, then reluctantly reached for their hats. Cilla hoped it was as hard for them to walk out as it was for her to let them.

  “See you tonight,” Reed said.

  Hearing that made letting them go a bit easier.

  “I’ll be waiting.” She followed them to the door, not caring that she was naked. “Don't forget those cuffs.”

  Hayes swooped in for another kiss. “We won't.”

  “Just be thinking about how you’re going to earn them,” Reed added, his mouth claiming hers once more before they left.

  Cilla closed the door and leaned her naked, still rather tender ass against it. What a night she'd just had.

  And what a night she was going to have.

  A Cop, His Wife and Her Best Friend

  Chapter One

  Capri Faraday practically bounced up and down as she waited for her suitcase to show up on the baggage carousel at the Tampa airport. She’d been waiting for this vacation for weeks and now that it was here, she didn’t want to waste a single minute. The faster she got her bag, the faster she could see her old college roomie. Alyssa Teagan was her very best friend in the world and she hadn’t seen her in forever. Email and phone calls were great, but they weren’t the same as hanging out. While she loved her life back in Seattle, she wished she and Aly lived closer. Capri couldn’t wait to catch up.

  Spotting the bright blue ribbon she’d tied on her suitcase so she could easily pick it out among the others, she grabbed it off the carousel. Pulling up the handle, she turned to wheel it toward the arrival area when she saw Aly and her handsome husband, Sam, heading in her direction. The moment Aly caught sight of her, she pointed out Capri to Sam, then ran the rest of the way to meet her.

  Tall and slender, with her ash blonde hair in a purposely messy bun and a sun-kissed glow to her skin, Aly looked as gorgeous as she always did. Capri stopped rolling her suitcase, dropped her carry-on bag and flung her arms around her friend with a squeal.

  “I’m so glad you’re finally here!” Aly pulled away to look at her. “How was your flight?”

  “Long.” Capri grinned. “But to see you, definitely worth it.”

  Aly laughed. “You remember Sam, right?”

  “Of course.”

  Shaking hands with her friend’s hunky husband seemed so formal that Capri automatically moved to hug him. Sam must have thought the same thing because his arms were already going around her. He must have come straight from work to pick her up because he was still dressed in his police uniform. Capri tried not to stare, but she couldn’t help it. Back when she’d been Aly's maid of honor at her wedding, she remembered thinking Sam Teagan was incredibly hot and that Aly was damn lucky to bag the guy. Not only was he gorgeous as sin, but he was a cop, too. Did it get any better?

  Apparently it did. He was even hotter now than he'd been then. He’d been tall and muscular when she met him, but his broad shoulders and bulging biceps looked even bigger. Of course it made sense he’d be in good shape. Cops had to stay in tip-top condition, right?

  Sam picked up her bags as if they were nothing and led the way to the car. Capri was a little bummed to see that it was an SUV and not his cop car. Too bad. She would have loved to have ridden in one.

  “I took the whole two weeks off from work, so I could hang out with you,” Aly said from the front seat as Sam steered the SUV onto the highway.

  Capri was thrilled, but felt kinda bad her friend was using up all her vacation time to be with her. What if she and Sam wanted to go off to the Bahamas or something for the weekend? “Are you sure?”

  “Of course I’m sure. I haven’t seen you in four years. Besides, this is your first time in Tampa, and there’s a ton of stuff I want to show you.” Aly flashed her a smile. “We can go shopping.”

  “You'll go looking,” Sam corrected from the driver's seat. “No overspending, Aly. We talked about that, remember?”

  “I remember.” Aly gave Capri a wink. “We'll just look.”

  Capri stifled a laugh. Aly considered shopping a sport. She couldn’t go into a store without buying something.

  Aly and Sam’s house was tucked away in a cul-de-sac in a beautiful subdivision outside of the city. While Sam took Capri’s luggage upstairs, Aly gave her a tour of the place.

  “I want you to feel at home, so if you want anything to eat or drink, or need to do laundry, go ahead.” Aly glanced over her shoulder as she led the way up to the second floor. “It's not like Sam and I are going to run around the house naked while you’re
here, so don't mind us.”

  While she was there. Did that mean they ran around the house nude when Capri wasn’t there? That was an intriguing image. She could just picture hunky Sam coming down the steps without a stitch of clothes on.

  The guest room was a few feet down the hall from the master bedroom. Capri didn’t bother to unpack, or even change clothes. The skirt and top she’d worn on the flight weren’t as rumpled as she’d feared, so after running a brush through her long, strawberry blonde hair and applying some fresh lip gloss, she hurried downstairs.

  Aly looked up from the pitcher of margaritas she was making. “That was fast.”

  Apparently, not that fast. Sam had already showered and changed and was out on the deck firing up the grill. While he was still a damn fine sight in jeans and a T-shirt, Capri was bummed he’d taken off his uniform. She cringed inwardly. Sam was her best friend’s husband. She should not be lusting after him.

  She dragged her gaze away from Sam. “Do you want help with anything?”

  Aly glanced at her as she poured the drinks. Since there were only two glasses, Capri assumed Sam was having something other than a margarita. “Don’t be silly. You’re a guest.”

  “Fifteen minutes ago you said you wanted me to feel at home,” Capri pointed out.

  “I did say that, didn’t I?” Her friend laughed. “Okay. You can make the salad, if you want. All the stuff’s in the fridge.”

  Glad to have something to distract her from Sam and his blue-jean clad ass, Capri busied herself with the lettuce and tomatoes. While she did, Aly asked about her job in Seattle.

  “You know, they have travel agents in Tampa, too,” her friend said as she led the way out on to the deck.

  Sam glanced up from the steaks he was grilling. “You still trying to get Capri to move here?”

  “She’s bound to give in at some point.” Aly grinned. “Think of it, Capri. The sun, the beach, the hot guys.”

  Capri tried not to look at Sam as she set the huge bowl of salad on the table. If all the men in Tampa looked like him, she’d start house hunting tomorrow.

  “It’s tempting,” she admitted. “Especially the part about the hot guys.”

  Aly frowned as she sipped her drink. “I thought you were seeing that new guy. What was his name, Bob?”

  Capri made a face. “Yeah. Bob and I weren’t as compatible as I thought. His idea of fun was renting a dozen video games and parking himself on the couch for the entire weekend. He couldn’t figure out why I didn’t think that was fun. We split up a while ago. So if I tackle some hunk at the beach, that’s why.”

  Her friend groaned. “I hear ya. If Sam and I don’t have sex two or three times a week, I go nuts. Luckily, Sam’s very good at keeping me satisfied.”

  Capri almost choked on her margarita. Her friend had always been one to say exactly what she was thinking, but talking about her sex life with Sam standing right there was a little too much information even for Aly.

  Sam must have been as shocked as Capri. He did a double take. “Honey, do I need to cut you off?”

  “No, you don’t need to cut me off.” Aly sat back in her chair. “Capri and I are best friends, Sam. It’s nothing that I haven’t talked to her about before. We’ve always shared everything.”

  He lifted a brow. “Is that so?”

  She grinned. “Damn right.”

  Her husband regarded her thoughtfully. “And you're not concerned you might say something that could get you into trouble later?”

  Aly’s grin broadened. “Nope.”

  “You one-hundred percent sure of that?”

  “I am.”

  Capri held her breath. Were Aly and Sam going to get in a fight over this? Over her?

  But Sam returned his wife’s smile with a slow, sexy curve of his sensuous lips. “Okay, honey. Just wanted to make sure we were clear on that.”

  Capri relaxed in her chair. She was glad Sam wasn’t angry. Aly had always been outrageous like this—it was part of what made the her friend so endearing. Now that Sam had essentially given Aly the go ahead, however, nothing about their sex life was too personal, and she immediately went into sharing mode. Hearing about Aly giving Sam a blowjob in the movie theater during the chick flick she’d talked him into seeing, and making love on a secluded part of the beach underneath the Fourth of July fireworks display made heat pool between Capri’s thighs, and she squeezed them together underneath the table.

  She and Aly talked about sex all the time over the phone, but it was a lot different talking about it openly in front of Sam. It was kinky and erotic, and Capri felt more than a little guilty when she started picturing herself doing those same things with her best friend's husband.

  “Doing it on the hood of your cruiser was the best, though,” Aly said, giving her husband a sultry smile.

  Capri blinked. She pushed away her empty plate and rested her forearms on the table. “You had sex on his police car?”

  Aly nodded. “With the lights flashing.”

  Capri stifled a moan. Talk about a fantasy.

  “In the garage in the house,” Sam clarified. “With the door closed.”

  “I wanted to turn the siren on, too, but Sam said no,” Aly pouted.

  Her husband chuckled as he tipped back his beer bottle and took a swallow.

  Aly winked at Capri. “It was still hot.”

  Capri could believe it. The image stayed with her until she went to bed. She still wasn’t sure how she carried on an intelligent conversation for the rest of the night, but neither Aly nor Sam looked at her funny, so she must have pulled it off.

  The shower she took did nothing to cool her off. Crossing the room to her suitcase, she dug in her bag for her vibrator. She almost hadn’t brought it with her; now she was glad she had. She was going to wear out that puppy.

  Capri climbed into bed and settled back on the pillows when she heard a strange noise coming from down the hall. She ignored the sound. Aly or Sam must have dropped something. But as she closed her eyes and drifted off into fantasyland, she heard it again. This time it was followed by a distinctive sound that could only be described as a muffled cry.

  Frowning, she set down her vibrator and got out of bed. Grabbing her short robe, she threw it on over her even shorter nightie, then opened the door and poked out her head. She heard Aly and Sam talking in low tones from their bedroom. It was followed by silence, then that same smacking sound she’d heard before.

  Capri hugged her robed more tightly around her and tiptoed down the hallway to her friends’ room. The door was ajar. When Aly had told her to make herself at home Capri was pretty sure that wasn’t a free pass to barge into the master bedroom. She lifted her hand to knock, only to freeze at the distinct sound of a moan.

  Aly and Sam were having sex. Capri’s face colored as she realized she’d almost interrupted them.

  She turned away to scamper back to her room, but then stopped. She glanced back, chewing on her lower lip. Picturing her friends having sex was one thing. Spying on them while they made love was another. And yet, Capri couldn’t resist taking a quick peek.

  Tiptoeing to the door again, she looked inside—and almost gasped out loud.

  Sam was sitting on their big bed with Aly draped over his knee, her fingers and toes barely touching the floor. Her ass was up in the air and completely bare, and the center of each ass cheek was glowing red. Capri watched in shock as Sam lifted a thick, wooden paddle and brought it down on her friend's derriere.

  Capri really did gasp then. Aly’s gorgeous, hunky husband—the one who’d sworn to serve and protect—was abusing her! Nobody treated her best friend that way without getting in serious trouble from her. She didn’t care if Sam was bigger and stronger than both her and Aly put together, she was going in there.

  But another moan from Aly stopped Capri in her tracks.

  “Oh God, yes,” Aly said softly. “Spank me harder.”

  Capri’s eyes went wide. Aly couldn’t enjoy getting spanked,
could she? Why would any woman want to have her ass reddened like that? And with a paddle, no less. It had to sting like hell.

  The sound of the wooden paddle echoed in the room as it connected with Aly’s bottom again. Aly let out a sigh of pleasure.

  Capri told herself she should run back to her room, but her feet wouldn't obey. She couldn’t tear her gaze away. Unable to help herself, she took a step closer.

  Sam brought the paddle down over and over so rhythmically it was almost hypnotizing. He was wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, so Capri could see the muscles of his shoulders and arms flex as he moved. His free hand was resting firmly on Aly's lower back, keeping her in place. Sort of. She was wiggling all over her husband's lap and it seemed all Sam could do to hold on to her. Capri could understand why Aly was moving around so much. Her ass was so red it looked like it was on fire.

  Capri had seen Aly naked hundreds of time—they'd been roomies in college, after all—but she'd never seen her friend in such an exposed position. From where she stood, Capri could see right between Aly's flailing legs. If the constant moans she was letting out weren’t an obvious sign of arousal, the glimmer of wetness that sparkled between her thighs sure as heck was.

  Beyond all possible reason, Aly totally loved getting her ass tanned. Clearly, Capri was uninformed when it came to the subject of sexual spankings.

  She chided herself again. She shouldn't be spying on her friends during such an intimate moment. But watching Aly get spanked was too mesmerizing. She leaned in closer, wanting to see everything and not caring if she got caught. Aly's ass was getting so red, it was unbelievable.

  Thank God Aly and Sam were facing away from her, or she wouldn't have been able to watch. Capri rubbed her thighs together to ease the sudden ache there. Good heavens, she was getting turned on. She didn't know why—it wasn't like she’d ever want to be spanked. Still, there was something impossibly arousing about the whole situation.

  “You were a very bad girl telling Capri all about our sex life,” Sam scolded, giving Aly a sharp smack with the paddle.


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