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One? Page 18

by Jennifer L. Cahill

  ‘Well, in that case… I presume you are talking about the title track?’ Chad winked at her. He was constantly getting the same question. Everyone wanted to know who that song was about!

  ‘Yep.’ Penelope couldn’t wait to find out.

  ‘Well, I will tell you … now that I know you are not a journalist, but you have to promise not to laugh…’ Chad looked very serious.

  ‘Of course I won’t laugh.’ Penelope put on her most angelic face. Alyx was watching this exchange, highly amused.

  ‘It is actually about my cat…’ Chad waited for her to try not to laugh, it was funny seeing her trying to hold it in.

  ‘Oh god, now of all times, don’t let me laugh… say something quick!’ Penelope struggled not to laugh. The muscles around her mouth started twitching and her lips wobbled, trying to break into a smile.

  ‘Your cat, oh, I mean… your cat died?’ Penelope managed to get the words out without exploding with laughter.

  ‘To me, yes… and you see the cat is a symbol…’ Chad began…

  ‘Erm hello, tell her who gave you the cat… it isn’t about the bloody cat at all… Penelope don’t listen to him, it’s about a girl of course… his ex, they bought a cat together, and then they broke up… she got to keep the cat… he’s still bitter about it…’ Christie butted in, he was nearly in hysterics at this stage. Christie was standing next to Alyx watching Penelope and Chad, Alyx was really impressed with how Penelope was holding her own against an international rock god, there weren’t many women who could keep it together in that situation.

  ‘Now that explains a lot, I see, well whoever it is about, it’s a really beautiful song, and by virtue of the fact that the album went platinum, I’m not the only one who thinks that…’ Penelope added.

  ‘Thank you! I’m feeling a bit better about kitty already.’ Chad pretended to sniff back some tears.

  ‘I’m glad.’ Penelope smiled at him, and gave his arm a compassionate pat.

  ‘Are you ok?’ Alyx leant into Penelope and whispered to her.

  ‘Having a great time, just talking about cats and stuff.’ Penelope whispered back to him.

  ‘So… he told you about the song?’ Alyx asked her.

  ‘You could say that.’ Penelope replied still in hushed tones so that Chad couldn’t hear them.

  ‘Never shuts up about the bloody thing, if people knew that song was about a cat, seriously, his image would be ruined… Rock & Roll my arse!’ Alyx laughed.

  ‘What was that Alyx?!’ Chad interrupted.

  ‘Chad, em, I was just saying how great it was that we get the cars, you know to go around London…’ Alyx changed the subject very quickly.

  ‘Oh yeah, well it’s not like we can get the bus… can’t even go to the bloody toilet without getting mobbed!’ Chad was so dramatic, he threw his hands up as he said this.

  ‘Indeed, well I’ll leave you to it… Penelope, I have a table for us over here.’ Alyx led Penelope over to a table by the small stage.

  ‘Ok, bye, lovely to meet you all.’ She really couldn’t believe that this was happening to her.

  ‘They are really nice aren’t they, but so dramatic! It’s hilarious, mobbed in the loo! I just like going around in the cars, and we kind of know the drivers now, so that’s quite nice.’ Alyx was laughing about the band, they were so manly, but such drama queens at the same time.

  ‘It must be, much better than getting random taxis…’ Penelope could definitely appreciate the benefits of having a driver!

  ‘Here, have a seat, look Chad has decided to take to the stage, I don’t think they were meant to be on tonight…?’ Alyx had some champagne on ice waiting for them at the table. They arrived at the table just as Chad grabbed the microphone.

  ‘Hello, well… I would like to dedicate a song to a lovely lady I met this evening… Penny, this first song is dedicated to Penny Lane there in the black and white top… and of course to my darling Kitty, who can’t be here tonight…’ Chad announced looking directly at Penelope.

  ‘I thought I went red earlier, but this is beyond red! Thank god it’s dark in here.’ For the first time in her entire life, Penelope was, momentarily, completely and utterly speechless. Chad started singing, and held her gaze until the song was finished.

  ‘Well, it seems like you made quite an impression.’ Alyx was very impressed, the band had never done that for one of his friends before.

  ‘Alyx, I actually don’t know what to say…’ Penelope couldn’t take her eyes off the stage until the song was officially over. It was only then that she managed to have a bit of a look around to see some of the very famous faces enjoying the impromptu performance alongside her. As soon as Chad had finished he hopped off the stage to make way for the band who were actually due to be playing that night…

  As soon as the music was finished, Alyx and Penelope could chat to each other, now that they could finally hear each other properly! Penelope filled Alyx in on her job, and her life and generally how she came to live in Clapham South. Alyx loved the story about how Charlie and Penelope had met Zara. Alyx filled Penelope in on his life and how he travels a lot with work. He grew up in the UK and France, his mother was French and his father was Scottish… hence the unusual name. His grandparents had a castle in Scotland, which he inherited with his sister. He didn’t mention to her whether he lived in London or not, and frankly Penelope was reluctant to ask. She was afraid that he was going to say that he lived abroad, as it would spoil the fantastic mood. Alyx filled Penelope in on his job, and all of the bands that he had met and represented. The couple chatted as if they had known each other forever for the next couple of hours… it was getting late.

  ‘That was a great gig, I much prefer small venues.’ Alyx was chatting away easily, he had a very strong quiet air of confidence about him.

  ‘Me too totally, I love that band too… it must be different for you because it’s kind of work… do you ever get sick of it?’ Penelope thought this was possible, it was an occupational hazard of working at what you loved… surely?

  ‘No way, I still love it!… Look it’s nearly midnight, we better go if I’m going to get you home before the car turns into a pumpkin.’ Alyx was so emphatic as he realised the time.

  ‘Oh, that’s ok, you don’t have to drop me home…’ Penelope was trying to be polite, she was actually dying for him to drop her home, she never wanted this night to end.

  ‘Of course, I must!, after all the champagne that we have had… I have to make sure you get home ok.’ Alyx was such a gentleman. ‘Let’s go and say goodbye to the guys, and we can head off.’ He gestured to Penelope to head over to the band’s table.

  ‘Ok, thanks Alyx.’ She turned around and grinned at him.

  ‘My pleasure.’ He place his hand gently at the small of her back. As they approached the exit, Alyx motioned for Penelope to go first. The door was opened for Penelope and as she was about to step out into the street she was greeted by a lady with a flat cap and a small but scary entourage who had just arrived at the little black door. It was one of the most famous residents in London, Penelope actually couldn’t believe her eyes. She stood there in complete shock as their eyes met. All Penelope could think to do was to stand aside to let her and her entourage in… The lady in the flat cap gave Penelope a nod as a thank you for standing aside and letting her pass by. Penelope turned to Alyx…

  ‘Oh my god, was that…?’ Alyx cut her off.

  ‘Shh… yeah it was, I’ve seen her in here a few times, I can’t believe we literally walked into her on our way out. I’ve never been that close to her before, wow…’ Alyx whispered to Penelope. It was simply not cool to be naming names in a club like that, so her cut her off before she said one of the most famous names in the world. That was one thing that made it ‘safe’ for celebs, no hysterics!…

  As soon as they were safely outside, and the little black door was closed firmly behind them, Penelope turned to Alyx.

  ‘Is it safe to talk now?’ She a

  ‘Yeah, pretty much, let’s just move away from the cameras over the door.’ Alyx motioned to Penelope.

  ‘I can’t believe that just happened, I nearly stepped on her, thank god I stopped to let her go past, I felt like such a moron standing there gaping at her!’ Penelope gushed.

  ‘I know, it definitely was a once in a lifetime situation, it was a good move to let her go past, she definitely deserves that level of respect.’ Alyx winked at Penelope as he said this. ‘Look it’s probably best if you don’t mention what happened, if word gets out at all about this club, and especially about “you know who” – I could get into serious hot water!’ Alyx pleaded with Penelope.

  ‘Yes, yes of course, I completely understand. Don’t worry I will not mention a word. I know how quickly things can spread around London. Who can forget “ketchupgate”. An email can get around the entire City in a matter of hours.’ Penelope assured him.

  ‘Ok, thanks, I’m so glad that you understand…’ Alyx breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn’t heard about “ketchupgate” but he knew she understood the sentiment. As if out of nowhere, Pierre appeared with the car.

  ‘Pierre, can you take us to Clapham, SW4. I would just like to drop this young lady home.’ Pierre opened the door for Penelope.

  ‘No problem Alyx.’ Pierre replied. There was no traffic at all at that time of night, and Pierre put his foot down. In no time at all they were heading over Chelsea Bridge, Clapham was minutes away.

  ‘Oh no, we are getting there really quickly… I don’t really want this to end, slow down Pierre! No good, there is no traffic on the roads, I’ll be home in no time!’ Penelope was still coming down from the adrenaline rush of the door encounter, she couldn’t believe she was nearly home. In no time at all they were on Abbeville Road, and reluctantly… outside number 72.

  ‘Ok, well this is where I live, thank you for a lovely night Alyx.’ Penelope didn’t know what was going to happen next, she braced herself.

  ‘My pleasure, I’ll just see you to the front door.’ Alyx hopped out and opened the door for her. Penelope headed up to her front door and turned to say goodbye to him.

  Alyx leant in and gave her a peck on the cheek, ‘… ok, I will give you a ring during the week, Good Night,’ he said.

  ‘Good Night.’ Penelope replied. She stood there unable to move, he smelled incredible. Just as he was about to get into the car he turned to her and gave her a big smile… and within seconds the car was gone.

  Penelope turned and opened the communal front door. As soon as she closed it behind her, she went no further. She stood there in the mundane dusty surroundings of the rented hallway, bills piled high, and random mail for people who no longer lived there shoved into a recycling bag, just staring into space. A dusty plastic potted sunflower plant from Ikea stared back up at her and brought her back to reality. Penelope was literally suspended in disbelief as the images of what had happened and who she had met ran through her mind like a film, and the hallway was such a stark contrast to all that had happened to her earlier that evening. Eventually she rooted around for her keys again in her handbag and opened the front door. She drifted up the stairs.

  ‘Wow, what a night… I feel like I’m floating… it’s too late to ring George now, it’ll have to wait until the morning…’ Penelope floated up the next set of stairs to her bedroom, and she sat on the end of her bed for a good half an hour trying to take it all in, before she could even attempt to take her makeup off and get ready for bed. She could still smell his cologne, it was as if he was still with her. Alyx certainly had made quite an impression on her.


  ‘George! Hi it’s me, oh my god George, he is perfect, you are not going to believe…’ Penelope prattled into her mobile as soon as it wasn’t too early to ring George.

  ‘Oh my god Pen, calm down, I can’t take in that many words at this time in the morning!’ George rubbed her eyes and sat up in bed. She slipped out of bed as Penelope spoke so as not to wake up her boyfriend who was still fast asleep beside her.

  ‘Oh, ok, sorry… well the date, the date last night, remember with Alyx?’ Penelope gushed.

  ‘Oh my god yes, do tell…’ George started to put the kettle on in the kitchen.

  ‘Well, he had a car to drive us around for the night, a chauffeur type situation…’ Penelope began detailing events…

  ‘No!’ George exclaimed, this really woke her up.

  ‘Yes! And then…’ Penelope began…

  ‘Was it a limousine?’ George interrupted.

  ‘No, but a gorgeous huge car, I was too busy looking at him to be honest…’ Penelope sounded dreamy as she said this.

  ‘Quite right, quite right… so go on… where did he take you?’ George was sorry to have asked such a silly and insignificant question, the type of car was the least important detail.

  ‘To Nobu…’ Penelope announced.

  ‘Nice!’ George approved, she smiled warmly down the phone.

  ‘Yeah, I know…and after the meal, we went to this secret club where my favourite band in the world were playing a private gig!’ Penelope gushed.

  ‘No, not…’ George knew exactly who Penelope was talking about, they went to see them live last year and Penelope was practically still talking about it.

  ‘Yep, and I got to meet Chad and Christie and the others, I asked him about the song, and you are not going to believe who it’s about!’ Penelope gushed!

  ‘Who?!’ George demanded, the mere mention of the band had George as excited as Penelope was.

  ‘A cat!’ Penelope roared laughing.

  ‘What?!’ George exclaimed, she simply couldn’t believe this.

  ‘I know! And then they dedicated the song to me, it was both embarrassing and amazing.’ Penelope blushed as she remembered being singled out.

  ‘Ok, but what about Ah-Leeks what was he like?’ George reigned the conversation in, Alyx was the important bit, not all of the stuff.

  ‘Oh, a perfect gentleman, and gorgeous, and charming and lovely,’ Penelope gushed.

  ‘Good kisser?’ George was straight to the point, as always…

  ‘Well, that’s the thing… I… well, I don’t know exactly.’ Penelope stammered, momentarily slightly deflated.

  ‘What do you mean, didn’t he kiss you when you were leaving?’ George was astounded.

  ‘Just on the cheek, but that doesn’t count for kissing really.’ Penelope considered the definition of a first kiss, did the peck count?

  ‘Indeed, hmmm, interesting. That is a lot of information for me this early in the morning, I better go and hop into the shower or I’m going to be late for work…’ Time was marching on and if they weren’t careful George would definitely be late for work, they could quite happily have talked about the first date all morning.

  ‘Ok, I better go too, got a meeting in five, speak to you later though…’ Penelope was already in work and opening her Outlook calendar.

  ‘Definitely.’ George dunked the green teabag into her cup of hot water, and put the kettle on again to make some tea for her boyfriend.

  ‘How on earth can I concentrate on work now, this is ridiculous. I’m so happy.’ Penelope beamed at her PC, she couldn’t stop thinking about him…

  Five minutes later the smile had to be temporarily removed, there was a serious meeting in progress in the boardroom at JLM.

  ‘Gentlemen, and ahem, Penelope, sorry I didn’t see you there Penelope, now this news has come as quite a shock. We have had no official statements from New York yet, we don’t even know if our guys over there know yet. Our partners are on the red-eye, and they will be coming straight to work to brief us. James has done some contingency planning, for damage limitation… but at the moment there is not an awful lot that we can do, until we hear from our guys…’ Simon sounded grave. He was not much wiser than yesterday, but he needed to get the team together, to ensure that they were all on the same page, and most importantly that they remembered that they were bound
to the bank by a confidentiality agreement, which would see them fired… and sued… if they broke it.

  ‘He could actually be talking about Armageddon and I don’t think that would even keep the smile off my face. Oh god! He just caught me smiling, I hope he doesn’t think I was smiling at him…’ Penelope was on cloud nine, and a smile broke through for a minute, she wiped it off her face quickly, this was a serious meeting, very serious indeed.

  ‘… so I propose we meet back here after lunch, and we can get the official version from our guys, ok, back to work everyone…’ the meeting was over, Penelope hadn’t heard one word that was said, she was miles away.

  ‘Hi, it’s me, sorry about that… I’ve been in a meeting for ages!’ Penelope rang George as soon as she could.

  ‘Pen, I’m on the edge of my seat here, I couldn’t wait to hear from you…’ George was so excited, she had been half asleep when she spoke to Pen earlier and couldn’t take it all in. A double shot skinny latte and a blueberry muffin had got her brain in gear, and she was now dying for more details.

  ‘George, I can’t stop smiling. He is just so… I can’t even describe it, he’s just… goooorgeous!’ Penelope trailed off as she drawled ‘Gorgeous’.

  ‘Certainly sounds like it,’ George answered her animatedly.

  ‘I’m glowing. He’s like my ideal man, but he is real. Did you ever have a picture in your mind of your ideal man and what he was like, well Alyx actually is that guy. I never thought it was actually possible.’ Penelope was delirious.

  ‘I can tell you are glowing, I’m so happy for you!’ George smiled down the phone.

  ‘I’ve got more poxy bloody meetings all day, so let’s meet up after work for a drink, for all the gory details…’ Penelope looked down at her calendar again, the Mortimer resignation was totally dominating what would have been a quietish week. As she looked down the list another Outlook invite popped up for a meeting in five minutes, so it looked like she couldn’t get out to even grab lunch.

  ‘Yeah, I’d love to … but aren’t you meeting Richard tonight?’ George reminded Penelope about Richard.


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