‘Indeed, indeed, where are you now?’ George could hear background noises.
‘I’m in Patisserie Valerie at Sloane Square. I nearly started bawling in the middle of the Duke of York Square, so I had to run in here to stop the tears. I’ve got coffee and chocolate mousse now, I’m hoping that will help!’ Penelope sounded miserable.
‘Ah, good plan, listen, why don’t we do something later. Let me know when you get back to Clapham and I’ll head over and we can have a good chat. We can eat out or in, I don’t mind,’ George suggested.
‘Ok, that sounds great. Thanks George, I’ll text you when I’m on the 137.’ Penelope hung up and stared into space. ‘Judging by his reaction, all I can think is… Thank god I didn’t marry him!’ Penelope finished off her coffee and a little bit of her chocolate mousse and headed home. Even the delights of the window displays in her favourite Zara couldn’t tempt her into the store, as she passed by on her way to the bus stop.
Later that evening, Alyx Stuart-Bruges sat at the bar in St Martin’s Lane hotel, feeling very sorry for himself indeed. He played with his tumbler of whisky, swirling it around in the glass, deep in thought. He wore his uniform of faded jeans, and distressed vintage t-shirt, his navy pin-stripe suit jacket was slung over the back of his bar stool. Alyx was still shell-shocked after the wedding incident. He had been so sure, so confident, he finally knew what he wanted. Alyx was not used to dealing with rejection in any form, and this was his first major taste of it.
‘I can’t believe that I missed the boat on this one. Bloody typical, the one I actually want is now bloody married, and I don’t even know who she married… I checked the newspapers for announcements, but couldn’t find anything. I couldn’t face her now anyway.’ Alyx’s train of thought was disrupted by the waft of Coco Chanel emanating from his right hand side. A willowy stunner had perched herself next to him at the bar half a drink ago, and she was playing with her Blackberry. She caught his eye just at the right moment.
‘Hi, I’m Alyx,… look, I’m just getting another drink, would you like one?’ He offered as he sucked the dregs of his whisky.
‘Well, that’s very kind of you, I’ll have a Bellini.’ The woman beamed at Alyx as she stared into her empty cocktail glass. She spoke in a slight South African accent and she was clearly a model, or someone who had missed her calling if she was not.
Alyx motioned to the inconspicuous barman. ‘JD and Coke, and a Bellini for the lady.’ Alyx flashed her a winning smile as he said this.
‘On your tab, sir?’ The barman enquired.
‘Yes, of course… thanks.’ Alyx turned to introduce himself properly to the beauty at his side. ‘I’m Alyx Stuart-Bruges, what are you doing in London?’ He held out his hand.
‘I’m Alexa. I’m just here for a few weeks, on a modelling contract. The others are all arriving on Monday, but I thought I would get in a few days shopping before work.’ She smiled at him. Alexa was stunning! She had dark hair cut into a fashionable pob, a perfectly symmetrical face, and huge almond eyes. Her beautiful, naturally tanned skin was flawless.
‘Very wise indeed.’ Alyx winked at her.
‘Yaw, but it’s a little boring on my own in the evenings.’ Alexa sighed.
‘Hmm, I know what you mean. I’m in hotels a lot myself. I live between here and Paris actually. I’m thinking of buying a place here.’ Alyx sympathised with her, he was glad that they had something in common.
‘Paris, wow, that’s amazing, it’s on my list of places to visit.’ Alexa looked impressed.
‘It’s a really beautiful city. I’m half-French you see, my sister still lives there. I’ve just become an uncle.’ Alyx waited for her reaction.
The conversation went on late into the night, at the end of which they swapped a little more than just phone numbers…
Thank you to all of my friends and colleagues who have encouraged me to write over the years, there are simply too many to mention. A special thanks to Rishi Dastidar, a great friend and fellow writer, for leading by example by getting published before me!
Huge gratitude to Gareth, Hayley and Kate for working with me to get my first book published. I was delighted to be working with such an innovative team.
And finally, a special thank you to my family, and in particular my mum Helly, for her unwavering encouragement and belief in me from day one.
About the Author
Jennifer Cahill moved to London in 2001 shortly after graduating from business school. She has a lifelong passion for writing and communications. When she is not writing, she works with individuals and blue-chip clients to help them navigate and master transformation and change. Jennifer currently lives in London and is working on her second book.
@JLCAuthor #one?
Published by Clink Street Publishing 2018
Copyright © Jennifer L Cahill 2018
First edition.
Jennifer L Cahill asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that with which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
978–1–912562–15–2 – paperback
978–1–912562–16–9 – ebook
One? Page 34