Carole Mortimer - A No Risk Affair

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Carole Mortimer - A No Risk Affair Page 13

by Carole Mortimer

  'Yes,' she confirmed quietly. 'Now would you come downstairs before the twins come in here and find you.'

  'I forgot,' he grimaced, following her to the door, catching sight of his own reflection in the mirror as he passed her dressing-table. 'God, what a mess I am,' he muttered as they went down the stairs.

  Robyn couldn't altogether agree with him, found his sleep-mussed appearance highly disturbing, his hair lightly tousled, his eyes warm, lacking the angry coldness she had seen all too often lately, exuding a male attraction that he was completely unaware of.

  'Look at it this way,' she teased as she prepared the coffee, relieved at having got down to the kitchen without being detected by Kim and Andy, 'at least you haven't got to go home in an evening dress!'

  He grimaced as he sprawled on a kitchen stool. 'I didn't mean to fall asleep in your bedroom.'

  'It seems you can talk yourself to sleep as well as everyone else!'

  'I've never talked a woman to sleep before, especially when we've been in bed,' he added wickedly.


  'It certainly is,' he grinned as she blushed, 'A waste too. You seem in a better mood this morning?' he looked at her questioningly.

  She avoided his gaze. 'As you said, things often seem better in the light of day.'

  'They do?' he sipped his coffee with obvious relish.

  'Yes,' she insisted firmly.

  'How much better?'

  She shrugged. 'I'm going to telephone Brad today, see if we can't sort things out;'

  'Do you think that's a good idea,' Sin frowned. 'Surely if he had wanted to discuss his plans with you he would have done so by now?'

  'What other choice do I have?' she snapped irritably, not exactly welcoming the idea of calling Brad, without Sin putting the dampener on it. 'I can't let things just linger on, not when Kim and Andy are being affected.'

  'I'm not sure confronting him with it is the

  right thing to do——- '

  'Did I ask for your opinion?' she flared. 'I'm

  grateful for the way you helped out last night,

  but——- '

  'Are you?' he put down his empty cup. 'I

  doubt it,' he rasped. 'But I have a responsibility to Kim and Andy. They're expecting me to perform some sort of miracle and make their world right again.'

  'They're old enough to know that life doesn't work out that way——-'

  'At least give me a chance,' he ground out.

  'To do what?'

  I'm going up to London today, I could make discreet enquiries about Brad and his girlfriend.'

  'What would be the point of that?' she frowned.

  'At least then you would know what you're dealing with, and without antagonising Brad,' he explained impatiently. 'Why risk making an issue out of something the twins may just have misunderstood?'

  His reasoning sounded logical, and yet she was loath to be beholden to this man for anything else.

  'I'm going to London, anyway,' he encouraged, at her hesitation, guessing the reason for it. 'Waiting one day isn't going to make much difference to your own plans.'

  'No,' she acknowledged softly. 'All right, Sin,' she nodded decisively. 'But you will be discreet?'

  'Aren't I sitting in your kitchen right now as if I've just arrived?' he taunted. 'That was the idea behind rushing me down here, wasn't it?'

  'Yes,' she blushed. 'I nearly died when I woke up and found you asleep in my room.'

  'It was certainly a novel way of spending the night together!'

  The sarcastic rejoiner she had been going to make was halted by the boisterous arrival of Kim and Andy, both children excited by the fact that Sin had come over to have breakfast with them!

  It was a very long day for Robyn as she waited to hear from Sin, although at least she didn't have to put up with Caroline's bitchiness, the other woman having decided to stay on in London for another day. If it weren't for her worry over Brad possibly remarrying it would have been a quietly pleasant day for her.

  The telephone was ringing as she let herself into the cottage, and she picked up the receiver, reciting her number breathlessly, having been aware of its ringing all the time she was trying to unlock the door.

  'Robyn?' barked a disgruntled voice.

  'Brad!' she realised uncertainly, surprised to hear from him when yesterday he had given the impression he wouldn't be contacting them for some weeks.

  'What the hell do you mean by letting me hear of your engagement from a third person?' he exploded. 'And that third person in particular!'

  'W… what?' she breathed dazedly, this the last thing she had expected to hear.

  'I have just been talking to your fiance, and believe me I am not amused,' Brad ground out.

  She could tell that, and neither was she! What was he talking about? 'What fiance?' she asked in a bewildered voice.

  'Sin Thornton,' he bit out grimly. 'He's just told me the two of you are getting married!'


  'Married?' she repeated dumbfoundedly. 'Did you say married?

  'Don't try and bluff your way out of this, Robyn,' he told her coldly. 'I heard it from the man himself.'

  She was well aware of that, knew that he couldn't have heard it anywhere else and have actually believed it. She just wouldn't imagine what had prompted Sin to make such a claim. And rather than trying to 'bluff her way out of this' situation, she was going to have difficulty keeping up with the pretence, having no idea why Sin had told Brad. 'Er—What exactly did he tell you?' she delayed.

  'He wouldn't have told me anything at all if I hadn't happened to run into him just as I was leaving a restaurant,' Brad said aggressively. 'Just when was I going to hear of this marriage from you—when it was already a fact?'

  She couldn't help wondering how deliberate that 'running into' Sin had been! But she also didn't like Brad's attitude when he talked of her remarrying. 'Don't worry, Brad, I would have sent you an invitation!'

  'From what Thornton said I doubt I'll be in the country!' he rasped.

  'And what did Sin say?' her voice was still sharp with sarcasm.

  'Just that you're getting married, and soon. But I don't need to tell you that,' he dismissed angrily. 'You're well aware of your own plans.'

  She only wished she were! This surely couldn't be Sin's idea of discretion!

  'Don't you think you're being a little hasty marrying a man you've only known for a week?' he scorned.

  'It's ten days, actually,' she derided tautly, getting angrier and angrier' at his assumption that he had the right to censure her actions.

  'Don't be so damned petty, Robyn,' he bit out angrily. 'You hardly know the man.’

  'Better than you think,' she drawled.

  'Going to bed with a man isn't knowing him!'

  She was glad he couldn't see the livid colour in her cheeks. 'I know that,' she snapped. 'I wasn't talking about sex, Brad. Sin is a kind, protective, very gentle man.'

  'He's also a ruthless reporter,' Brad reminded tauntingly. 'That is what you once called me, isn't it?'

  He knew it was, damn him. 'Sin is no longer in that profession,' she bit out.

  'Once a reporter always a reporter,' once again he gave her back one of her own quotations.

  'Not Sin,' she staunchly defended.

  There was silence for several minutes. 'So you really are going to marry him,' Brad said slowly.

  'I—Probably,' she evaded.


  'I—er—We haven't set an exact date yet.'

  'Thornton sounded as if he were impatient for the day,' Brad derided mockingly.

  'Shouldn't he be?' she returned defensively. 'You once were,' she reminded hardly.

  'So I was,' he derided, his anger seeming to have faded to sarcasm now.

  'Which reminds me,' she said slowly, finding the perfect opening to introduce the subject of his own possible marriage. 'Kim and Andy mentioned meeting a friend of yours called Tina this weekend,' her voice was deliberately casu

  'Yes?' Brad was now as defensive as she had been minutes earlier.

  'They just mentioned meeting her,' she dismissed lightly.

  -_ 'Is there anything wrong in my introducing them to one of my friends?'

  'Nothing at all. I just wondered if—er—if she's a good friend?'

  'About as good as Thornton is to you,' he answered resentfully.

  'Does that mean you're also thinking of getting married?' She held her breath as she waited for his answer.

  'I may be,' he hedged. 'It depends.' Robyn tensed. 'On what?' 'On a number of things,' he returned agitatedly. 'Such as?' she persisted, despite knowing she was antagonising him. She needed to know, and he was her only source. Only he could tell her what his future plans were, although he seemed reluctant to do so, making her all the more wary. 'Such as things that don't concern you,' he told her concisely. 'When and if they do I'll let you know.'

  She bit back her angry retort with effort, knowing it would do no good to make him so angry he put the telephone down on her; she would learn nothing that way.

  'And in the meantime I'm not sure I approve of your marrying Thornton——-'

  'I wasn't aware that I had asked for your approval——-'

  "You'll need it if he's going to be a father to my children!' Brad bit out angrily.

  Robyn bristled resentfully. 'Nowhere in our divorce settlement does it say you have to approve of any subsequent marriage I may make,' she told him tautly.

  'All right, let me put it this way,' he said with ill-concealed impatience. 'Don't you think you're being a little impetuous by marrying a man you've only known a week—ten days?' he amended dryly.

  'When you fall in love you don't estimate how long it took, you just know it happened.'

  'And you're in love?' Brad scorned.

  She moistened dry lips, the most predominant feeling she had towards Sin at the moment pure anger. None of this conversation need be taking place if he hadn't told Brad that ridiculous lie, at least, Brad wouldn't have been so resentful when she questioned him about Tina.

  'I doubt if you know what love is.' Brad didn't even wait for her answer.

  'Why you——-'

  'You didn't last time,' he pointed out with satisfaction.

  'I soon learnt what love wasn't? she returned heatedly, just about at the end of her patience with him.

  'Me,' he acknowledged abruptly. 'But you mink Sin Thornton is "it"?'


  'And nothing I can say will make you change your mind about marrying him?'

  'Not a thing!'

  Brad sighed. 'I suppose you're old enough to make your own mistakes.'

  'More than old enough I would have said!' If he were actually here she knew she would have had trouble restraining herself from hitting him. 'Mm,' he still sounded as if he doubted it. We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?'

  Robyn hated his patronising tone, knew it was unwarranted, that he had been the one to end their marriage, even if she had known it was all over between them. But for the moment she had no comeback, her anger fading to be replaced by a stark realisation, a realisation that terrified the life out of her.

  'I have to go now, Brad,' she told him stiltedly. 'Kim and Andy will be home for their tea soon.' 'All right,' he grudgingly agreed. 'But I would appreciate it if any further information about your marriage came directly from you.'

  She consented woodenly, ringing off to stare dazedly into space, too shocked to move. She loved Sinclair Thornton! She had realised it even as she hotly defended her feelings for him to Brad, had suddenly known it was the truth; she really did love Sin, whether she had known him a week, ten days, or tenyearsl She had tried to excuse the weekend she had spent with him as nothing more than a physical attraction after so many years of denial, but she had known other men during those years, men who wouldn't have been averse to making love to her with no strings attached, and she hadn't been interested in them. She should have realised her feelings towards Sin were different.

  But how did he feel about her? He had told Brad they were getting married, but she felt sure drat could only have been in retaliation to something Brad had said to him, that he didn't really mean it but had been antagonised into saying it. No doubt he would extricate himself from the situation as soon as he possibly could without making things too awkward. If only she knew what had prompted him to say it in the first place! Brad must have been particularly insulting.

  It was a certainty Sin would never marry her. He was fond of the twins, physically attracted to her, but marriage…! He had managed to stay a bachelor for the last thirty-seven years, she doubted he would seriously consider changing that for a divorcee with two children.

  Why was she even imagining it could come true, she was as unmarriageable as Caroline had once said she was when it came to a man like Sin!

  She sighed as she stood up, going in to the kitchen to get Kim and Andy's tea, feeling a slight resentment towards them for the first time since they had been born. If she hadn't had them——-

  If she didn't have them she wouldn't have any life at all, they were her life! What she was suffering from was the age-old problem of a mother's love divided between her children and the man she-loved. It was something she had never had to face before, and she daren't face it now, not when there was no real choice. She loved Kim and Andy more than her own life, and now she knew she loved Sin in the same way.

  The children seemed to sense nothing different about her when they came bounding in for their tea, and why should they, she wasn't different; she had been in love with Sin for the last week, she just hadn't recognised it as love until now.

  Kim and Andy were back to normal as they tucked into their tea, having childish confidence in Sin to make their world right again. And maybe they were right to do so; she had given Brad the perfect opportunity to tell her if he was going to marry Tina, and he hadn't taken it.

  She was as tense as a coiled spring when she at last heard the Porsche turn into the neighbouring driveway. The twins were already in bed, both fast asleep after their restless sleep the night before, their trust secure in Sin's hands as far as they were concerned.

  Robyn smoothed her hands over the cool brown sundress she wore, its thin shoulder-straps leaving a vast amount of her throat and arms bare, fitting over her breasts, a wide belt at her narrow waist. Her make-up was light and attractive, her hair secured loosely on top of her head in a tumble of curls, nothing at all like the secure bun she wore to go to work. Her appearance in the mirror showed a coolly serene young woman, but that appearance was deceptive; she was a bundle of nerves, suddenly shy at the thought of seeing Sin again.

  He was bending down getting some things out of the back of his car when she reached his side, throwing his jacket over his arm as he straightened to look at her, lines of tiredness about his eyes.

  'I have dinner ready,' she told him softly, concerned at how weary he looked.

  He frowned. 'You couldn't have known when I would get back.'

  'It's only a casserole,' she shrugged.

  'I see,' he murmured, a little guarded with her, as if he weren't quite sure of her mood. 'Can I wash and change first? London leaves me feeling hot and sticky lately.'

  'Take your time, the casserole won't spoil,' she nodded.

  'I'll be over later, then.'

  Robyn felt as if she had been dismissed. Oh, she knew she had been a little presumptuous in cooking dinner for him, but just because she had discovered, she was in love with him didn't mean she should act" any differently than she would have done if she hadn't realised her feelings for him. And in the circumstances, his making enquiries in London about Brad, it would have been only natural for her to prepare him dinner; goodness, she had been doing it all week, why stop now!

  She had been fidgeting nervously in the kitchen for almost half an hour when he knocked on the door, tidying things that didn't need to be tithed, arranging and rearranging the flowers she had picked to go on the centre of
the table.

  Sin had changed into a very pale blue shirt and fitted denims, his hair still damp from the shower he had taken. He looked much less tired than he had a few minutes ago, although there was still a weary look to his eyes as she served the meal and sat opposite him.

  'How are Kim and Andy today?' he asked after several minutes of silently eating.

  Her mouth quirked without humour. 'Confident you can slay all their dragons.'

  'But you don't think I can?' his eyes were narrowed.

  She looked at him in challenge. 'I think,' she said slowly, 'that it depends how you go about it.'

  Sin was suddenly still. 'You've heard from Brad, haven't you?' he realised flatly.

  'Yes.' Her voice was .deliberately even, giving away none of her emotions.

  'What did he tell you?'

  'Nothing at all about taking the twins from me.'

  Sin sighed. 'Robyn——-'

  'What did you say to Aim?' she asked softly.

  'He's already told you,' Sin breathed deeply. 'Hasn't he?'


  'And now you want to know what I thought I was doing saying something like that,' he grimaced.

  'If you wouldn't mind,' she nodded calmly.

  'I made the enquiries I said I would. And I did make them discreetly,' he stated firmly at her sceptical look. 'It was what I found out that made me search out Brad and act indiscreetly.'

  She frowned at this. 'What did you find out?'

  'Tina is really Christina Fowler, her father owns the newspaper Brad works for.'

  It was worse than anything she had imagined. If Tina's father owned a newspaper then it was obvious they were a rich family, and if she were she would have the means at her disposal to enter into a lengthy battle for the children.

  'It's strongly rumoured that the two of them will be getting married soon,' Sin added at her prolonged silence.

  She swallowed hard, pushing her plate away with the food almost untouched. 'When?'

  He shrugged. 'Just soon, there hasn't been a date decided on yet. But I thought I would get in about the two of us before that happened.'

  She looked at him with dull eyes. 'That we're getting married?'


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