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This section gives essential information about works of art discussed in this book. All inventory and catalogue numbers are those used by the collections that hold the work in question.
Annunciation (early to mid-1470s)
Oil and tempera on poplar wood
Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Ginevra de’ Benci (mid-1470s to c. 1480)
Oil and tempera on poplar wood
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
St. Jerome (early 1480s)
Oil and tempera on walnut wood
Vatican Museums, Rome
The Adoration of the Magi (commissioned 1480, left unfinished c. 1482)
Oil and tempera on wood
Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Virgin of the Rocks (Paris version) (early to mid-1480s)
Oil on wood, transferred to canvas
Louvre Museum, Paris
Portrait of a Musician (mid-1480s)
Tempera and oil on wood
Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milan
Cecilia Gallerani (Lady with an Ermine) (c. 1490)
Oil on walnut
Czartoryski Collection, National Museum, Cracow
Virgin of the Rocks (London version) (probably begun 1490s–finished 1508)
Oil on wood
National Gallery, London
The Last Su
pper (c. 1495–7)
Tempera on plaster
Refectory, Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan
Mona Lisa (1503–6 and later)
Oil on poplar wood
Louvre Museum, Paris
Virgin and Child with St. Anne (begun 1500s–worked on until c. 1513)
Oil on poplar wood
Louvre Museum, Paris
St. John the Baptist (c. 1513–16)
Oil on walnut
Louvre Museum, Paris
Landscape (5 August 1473)
Pen and ink
Cabinet of Prints and Drawings, Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Inventory number 436 E
Old Warrior (early 1470s)
Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London
Inventory number 1895-9-15-474
A Child Playing with Cat (late 1470s–c. 1480)
Pen and ink
Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London
Inventory number 1857-1-10-1, recto and verso
Baroncelli Hanged (December 1479)
Pen and ink
Musée Bonnat, Bayonne
Inventory number 659
Designs for a “tank” and scythed chariot (1480s)
Pen and ink
Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London
Designs for artillery weapons (recto); a tower exploding and a hill town being blown up (verso) (early to mid-1480s)
Pen and dark brown ink over leadpoint (recto); pen and ink on blue paper (verso)
Royal Library, Windsor Castle
RL 12652
Study for the Sforza Monument (late 1480s)
Metalpoint on blue paper
Royal Library, Windsor Castle
RL 12357 recto
Study for the Sforza Monument (late 1480s)
Metalpoint on blue paper
Royal Library, Windsor Castle
RL 12358 recto
The Vitruvian Man (c. 1490)
Pen and ink over metalpoint
Accademia Gallery, Venice
Inventory 228
The Lost Battles Page 36