Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy))

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Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy)) Page 4

by Michelle Wright

  “It’s nothing, I’m Harry by the way and nice to meet you kids.”

  “Nice to meet you too, I’m Adam and this is Summer.”

  Harry was likable and they were both grateful to him that he showed up when he did, generously giving them food, coming out of nowhere in their desperate moments. He put it down to do-gooders who occasionally befriended young down and outs- not always for a sinister reason.

  “Now what?” Adam whispered to Summer.

  “We get rid of him, simple as.”

  If he thought he was hard-hearted she won hands down. He was surprised at her flippant reaction, one moment friendly and charming, the next indifferent and ready to discard a kind stranger who’d stopped in his busy life to give them food. People like that didn’t come along every day and he smarted at the disrespect she had blatantly shown.

  “I’m not dumping the guy.” He replied firmly taking a stand.

  “So what do you plan to do take him with us? You know what Adam, go top yourself I’m not interested in dying anymore!”

  Harry was taken back by Summer’s comment.

  “What’s this nonsense,” He said. “You kids shouldn’t be talking about dying.”

  Adam was angry that he’d given her another chance after the bulimic incident and she was rude beyond belief. He was still trying to work out what the attraction was apart from sex and even though his instincts told him to be rid of her he knew that if she walked away he’d be wishing her back-like crazy.

  “Excuse her Harry she’s nothing but an outright bitch!” Adam retorted.

  “Yeh and you are the biggest asshole I’ve ever come across…ever.”

  As the argument continued Harry disappeared only to return minutes later with a surprise,

  “I have dessert and soft drinks!”

  This had an immediate effect as the tirade of words stopped while they eagerly grabbed the goodies.

  “Thanks Harry you’re a star!” Summer said.

  Adam happily accepted Harry’s generosity but he thought Summer was totally shallow and two faced. A short distance away a woman was watching their every move.

  “What do you want?” Adam asked her thinking it was yet another weirdo.

  “You kids need to move on from here, this isn’t a good place.” She replied softly.

  “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  “I’m only trying to help that’s all.”

  “We don’t need your help…take a hike lady!” Summer replied in an angry tone.

  Harry stepped in taking the adult role. “Its okay lady I’ve got it covered.”

  They both laughed at the sight of the woman who’d dared to intrude on their domain. She looked like something out of the sixties in a long flowing hippie skirt and a multi-coloured blouse with beads and bangles. Her long red hair was unkempt and in urgent need of re-colouring and she smiled constantly. Unconcerned with their mockery all she could do was softly shake her head, give up and walk away.

  “Thank God she’s gone,” Adam said. “I’m done with people telling me what to do and where to go. From now on I’m master of my own destiny!”

  “You aint getting one if you kill yourself.” Summer replied sarcastically.

  She liked to have the last word, always. It was the only way she could have any control in her life. Adam doesn’t get the deeper issues and takes it as a personal attack believing that she was pulling him down just like Roy. Angry, he threw his drink can onto the ground splattering soda all over her feet and the bottom of her jeans.

  “Adam are you fucking psycho what’s with you!” She yelled.

  “Stop with the big mouth I’ve had enough.”

  “Kids kids…calm down now be nice to each other.” Harry remarked trying to calm them both down while not understanding why they sparked each other so quickly.

  The stony silence gave him a sign to make his offer, one that he was sure they couldn’t refuse. “I’ve a place for you to stay unless you want to stay here forever.”

  “You’re right, let’s go to your place.” Adam agreed grateful that he’d landed a bed for the night.

  Following Harry was a better idea than going it alone, and with a reluctant Summer in tow they made their way. But he found it strange that he’d given up on the suicide idea so easily. One moment he was planning a double suicide, next he was being enticed away from the idea with a lousy sandwich. It was becoming all too weird. As he walked he saw he was surrounded by people looking forlorn and depressed as if they’d have given up on life and all that was left was an empty shell. No-one smiled

  “Where are we going Harry?” He asked, slightly concerned about their final destination.

  “To my neck of the woods it’s a nice part of the city, you’ll like kids, I’m sure.”

  “Is that far cause my feet are killing me.” Summer remarked.

  It was no surprise that her feet were hurting, wearing thin flat sandals that had seen better days gave no protection from the hard sidewalk underneath, they had been on their feet for hours and neither of them had so much as a jacket, change of clothes or even a toothbrush. For Adam other things plagued his conscious, I could call home collect say sorry and ask the bastard to come and get me or I could forget they ever existed and find my way here instead or...I could do what I set out to do and put myself out of this misery right now.

  Eventually they reached what Harry had described as his neck of the woods.

  “It’s a ghetto.” Summer whispers to Adam.

  “I hear you and yeh so what, is that a problem?”

  “No, no problem.” She replied meekly.

  This part of the city was even less welcoming than the former. People seemed even more agitated and the deafening sound of police sirens once more reminded Adam exactly where he was.

  Taking them down some steps to a basement apartment of a large brownstone that had seen better days Harry banged hard on the door a few times before it opened.

  “Yeh?” Someone asked.

  “Open…its Harry and friends.”

  The door opened fully to a bearded man who appeared not to take kindly to strangers; eyeing Adam and Summer suspiciously he reluctantly let them in.

  They were ushered into a large room with a double bed, a table and what looked like a small kitchen area by the wall. The floor was littered with papers, empty beer cans and discarded clothes- dirty small windows gave little or no light. But it was the smell of stale food and cigarettes immediately hitting Adam’s nostrils that made him uncomfortable.

  Summer was observing her surroundings and for once was quiet.

  “Meet my new friends, guys, this is Doe.” Harry said.

  “Hey.” Doe replied without looking at them.

  “Not much of a greeting.” Adam said quietly to Summer.

  The name Doe was a source of amusement, he was reminded of a movie although the title eluded him, doe ray me…doe…thinking that it must be a nick name or short for something- it was a weird name for an even weirder guy.

  What am I doing here? Why am I letting myself be led by this joker Harry to a loser like Doe and why is Summer still hanging around, what does she really want?

  Adam’s mind was unable to analyse the harsh world he had found himself in. Just the year before someone he knew dropped out of school left home and found a great place to stay, never looking back. He couldn’t figure out why he’d landed in such a dark place with what he saw as low level types, the kind of people he would never mix with. To Adam they were life’s rejects, impoverished from birth latching on and dragging him from one bad situation to another. Harry and Doe were talking to each other in hushed tones while Adam and Summer sat obediently on the couch. Harry had a request,

  “Guys, Doe has a favour to ask, if you deliver something for him, just a few blocks away then you can stay here for a while and he’ll take care of you.”

  “Deliver what exactly?” Adam enquired.

  “A package, nothing for you to worry about, if you do it you ca
n stay. If you don’t you leave…it’s up to you.”

  It’s was an ultimatum. Take the package which was probably something illegal or leave and return to the streets.

  “We’ll do it.” Summer said speaking for both of them.

  Deflated and annoyed, Adam was used to having control, now it was in the hands of Summer who agreed without consulting him. His ego was dented mainly because he couldn’t stand being undermined by a girl that did a lot of drugs and stuck her fingers down her throat to throw up, and was expert at making sarcastic comments at every turn.

  Reluctantly Adam took the small package that was placed in a plastic bag and armed only with a piece of paper giving directions they both wonder what they’d got themselves into.

  Doe expected them to return after delivery,

  “If I find out that you didn’t deliver then I’ll come after you, you won’t get far.”

  “We need a place to stay, shower, change of clothes and food so you can count on us.” Adam replied.

  They left hoping to find the address soon enough and return to the reward they were so desperate for, but after three blocks they found themselves hopelessly lost,

  “Ask someone.” Summer said.

  Adam scoured faces, all of them unfriendly- hoping to find the right person,

  “Excuse me…”

  “Hello, can you tell…”

  “Hi we’re looking for this…”

  No-one stopped or even looked at them.

  “People are seriously paranoid here!” Adam remarked.

  Ignoring the brush offs they kept going and after a major detour found themselves at the right address, a small fitness gym. Summer was relieved,

  “We have to ask for Lyle.” She said, confident that they’d come out of it okay.

  “Yeh yeh I know.”

  “Just saying don’t get shitty.”

  Adam was in no mood for another confrontation as they walked into the main reception trying to stay cool and collected.

  “Can I help you?” The long finger nailed girl at reception asked.

  “We’re looking for Lyle.” Adam replied.

  “Just a moment wait here.”

  She disappeared down a corridor while they sat on comfortable chairs, happy to have stopped walking round in circles.

  A man appeared, super fit in his thirties looking like he wasn’t short of a buck or two,

  “I’m Lyle, you must be friends of Doe, this way.” He said directing them to an office door. Once inside with the door firmly closed he took the package and examined it closely. Unwrapping the various coverings he then took a small knife poking gently through the thin film he had a taste.


  Cocaine…we’ve just walked through the streets with a ton of cocaine, now I’m really pissed!”

  “Here, a little something for you guys.” Lyle said throwing them a rolled note.

  “Thanks man appreciated.” Adam replied his anger diminished.

  All the problems of the world disappeared as a wave of well-being came over them all. The white powder taking them to Nirvana,

  “What are you doing why haven’t you come to me?”


  Adam swore he could hear his father’s voice, or maybe it was the coke playing tricks. He didn’t hear any more and convinced himself that he was past caring about family.

  Back out on the streets trying to remember their way back to Doe’s they said nothing to each other. Each was in their own self-induced drug fuelled world, neither caring about anything- just the high.

  “Shit…we’re lost.” Adam said.

  “We’ll find it keep going.”

  “I can’t.”

  He was done in. The endless walking, cocaine, lack of food and little sleep was taking its toll. He was used to three meals a day and when he couldn’t use the family car then his mother would dutifully drop him off wherever he wanted to go. Walking was something he did between the front door and his bedroom.

  Stopping by a shop front he couldn’t go on any longer and slumped to the ground.

  “Get up you can’t stay here!” Summer pleaded.

  He didn’t hear her as everything became small and sounds became distant, people passing by were vague shadows and Summer who stood nervously over him- was fading in and out.

  “You…you’re disappearing.” He stumbled out his words.

  “No I’m not you’re just too high, come on let’s get out of here.”

  With all her limited strength she pulled him up and with an arm around his waist aided him to gingerly take one step at a time.

  They found another shop front, thankfully closed and the small entrance was an ideal place to stop and rest for a while. It was a welcome retreat from the rain that had just started falling heavily.

  Summer could see that he was in a bad way and was unable to go on.

  “We’ll stay here for a while you’ll be okay.” She said gently.

  Adam slumped to the ground unaware of his surroundings leaving Summer in charge of their welfare. She knew it was a real bad neighbourhood and falling asleep was not an option, even though they had nothing. Muggers wouldn’t know that and could try to challenge them. She sat herself upright against the door facing the street and pulled Adam’s sleeping frame onto her lap. Throughout the night she stroked his hair and quietly sang a song she used to like long ago, when she had a home and family.

  I’m not religious but if there’s a God please get us out of this mess! She prayed.

  In the early morning they were awakened by the figure of the shop owner with keys in his hand ordering them to leave. They scrambling up quickly and saying nothing scuttled off.

  “I must have fallen asleep,” Summer said, “I told myself not to.”

  “It’s not your fault, I feel okay now.”

  “Do you think we should try to find Doe’s or move on to somewhere else?”

  “Why are you asking me I don’t know anymore?”

  Aimlessly walking unfamiliar streets they watched as the early morning shop-keepers began to open their shutters and ply their wares. Loud music blared from the occasional car driving past and the smell of fresh bread coming from just opened bakeries was making them hungry.

  “Do you still want to die?” Summer asked

  “What’s the point in carrying on? I’ve nothing to live for, life sucks, it always did.”

  “I don’t know. I wanna change my life make it better, but I don’t know how to go about it.”

  “Good luck with that, I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for.” He replied not caring what she wanted.

  “I thought I was the sarcastic one.” She snapped back.

  Adam was never one for snide sarcastic comments. He preferred to be blunt and to the point; not caring if his remarks hurt anyone and unconcerned with their reactions either.

  Summer wanted to know more in spite of their differences and the endless digs at each other she couldn’t help but like him,

  “What happened to your dad?” She asked.

  “He died on 9/11.”

  “What’s 9/11?”

  “Are you seriously telling me you don’t know?” He replied wondering what cloud she’d been living on.

  “It was a terrorist attack, a big one in New York.”

  “Guess I was too young to know and too young to remember. Did he die there?”

  “He wasn’t there. He just happened to pick that day to die someplace else.”

  “Oh, that’s shit,

  “I can’t forget it…my life was never the same and when my mom married that waster Roy it all went to hell.”

  Adam was sure there would be no reconciliation, no happy reunion with worried parents standing at the door arms open to welcome back the prodigal son. He was sure that Roy was deliriously happy now he’d gone finally so he could have Judy all to himself. There was still a part of him that missed his mom and wished it could all be okay. But the last few days had shown him the reality,
that he had to leave and there was no turning back. His pride was stronger than his family ties and every time he thought of Roy he wanted to kill him.

  Re-occurring thoughts of suicide still hung in his consciousness as each moment stranded in a threatening no-hope environment created more and more feelings of despair.

  “Where to now?” He asked.

  “I don’t know you decide.”

  They discussed going back to Rone. Summer was sure she knew the way but Adam was reluctant to go there claiming that Nick was a crazy psycho and he would rather keep his distance. The debate didn’t last very long when he quickly put his foot down- the answer was no.

  “I’ll get us some breakfast.” He said with confidence.

  The sight of a large bakery packed full of early morning people drew them straight to it. It had a typical Italian atmosphere from the people working there to the customers and loud comments coupled with orders barked in Italian could be heard way out in the street. Adam and Summer peered through the window like two puppy dogs begging for a treat and saw that the counters weren’t glassed over. They were easy to reach which meant that if they got in amongst the throng they could take what they wanted without being seen. The chaos inside was the perfect smokescreen.

  “Stay here.” Adam said.

  Trying to behave as a customer he slipped quietly in amongst the throng. Some customers were edgy, time constraints meant they needed their coffee and donut in a hurry or risked being late for work, Others were sleepy and didn’t care if they had to wait another ten minutes to be served. The delicious smell of fresh baked bread enticed Adam to complete his mission and get whatever he could.

  Slowly he pushed through until he reached the counter surveying the goodies on offer with relish.

  With luck the staff happened to be at the far end out of sight so trying to act normally as if he wasn’t aware he had to wait for someone to come he hoped that if he was caught helping himself it would be viewed as a mistake. Picking up three large donuts he was amazed that no-one reacted. They were all way too focused on getting someone’s attention to notice. He then proceeded to remove himself at a steady pace and calmly walked back outside in triumph.


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