Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy))

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Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy)) Page 13

by Michelle Wright

  “Please Dave don’t…I…I don’t want to, don’t make me!” She begged and cried.

  It was a futile attempt to appeal to his better nature, her slim build was no match and her sobs had no effect as he roughly unzipped her sleeping bag.

  “Please Adam help me!” She screamed.

  “He’s otherwise engaged.” Caesar replied putting tape over Adam’s mouth to stop him from responding.

  If being dead meant having to suffer such cruelty and not going into the light then they were in hell. As Dave raped Summer in full view of Adam he was totally convinced he’d committed a terrible sin and was to be tortured for all eternity. The tears ran down his cheeks but he was tied up and unable to wipe them away or put his hands over his ears to drown out the screams. It seemed to go on forever and when Dave was finally done he told Caesar to help himself.

  Summer was lying face down on her sleeping bag, naked and shaking like a leaf. She didn’t resist when Caesar entered her allowing him to do whatever he wanted and when he ordered her to tell him she was enjoying it -she complied making him crazy with desire.

  If I was alive right now and had a gun I’d shoot the bastards, I warned her they were up to no good but she wouldn’t listen. Now look at the shit we’re in!

  Summer began to co-operate desperately wanting it to stop. It worked, no longer able to control himself it was over far quicker than if she’d just laid there. He got up, pleased with himself and going to Adam he roughly untied him with a sickly grin on his face.

  “Bitch take a rest, later on we re-ignite!” Dave said.

  “How about blowing the two of us at once, ever done that little girl?” Caesar asked

  “Adam sometimes I’m partial to a piece of ass if you know what I mean.” Dave said.

  The fact it was going to happen all over again and the threat of being raped himself ignited his anger and spurred him to think of ways to escape their prison even though it looked impossible.

  “Get over there with the whore.” Dave ordered as he roughly pushed him over to her.

  Without hesitating he gently helped her to put her clothes on. She was limp, like a rag doll, her eyes distant her voice still.

  “I’ll get us out of here I promise.” He whispered in her ear.

  He rocked her softly in his arms as she clung to him like a frightened child. Her short life had been filled with abuse and death had brought her no reprieve Adam knew that no matter what he had to get them out of there. He was certain that Dave meant what he said- Summer would be raped repeatedly and he was not immune either. He couldn’t stay still and do nothing.

  Content with their easy conquest the two of them sat themselves down at the table and cracked open a bottle of whisky. Dave drew lines of coke as they laughed and joked without a care in the world. “You guys wanna a line?” He asked them

  “Not right now maybe later.” Adam replied trying not to arouse suspicion, wanting them to believe that everything was okay.

  “I’ve save you some.” He replied.

  Summer remained in his arms and had stopped shaking but she was deathly quiet. He was worried that she’d gone into some kind of emotional shut down.

  “Don’t worry baby, I’m working on getting us out of here.” He told her quietly.

  He watched as they proceeded to get drunk and stoned and the longer it went on the more argumentative they became. Each accusing the other of deeds from long ago when they were alive- still a raging issue in death. As their voices rose Adam and Summer held on tighter to each other, fearful of it breaking out into a fist fight in a room so small that it was likely they’d been caught in the cross fire. Adam looked to their back packs stacked by the wall. He prayed that either they got into a fight or passed out, either way could mean a chance of escape and a run for it into the forest with or without their stuff.

  It seemed to go on and on and neither was concerned for their captives any more as it began to escalate.

  “I’ll see you outside, right now motherfucker!” Dave yelled.

  “You’re gonna take me, yeh…okay let’s do it man!” Caesar replied.

  To Adam’s surprise, they left the cabin to go outside and settle their differences leaving the door wide open.

  “Summer get up, now’s our chance!” Adam said firmly, but she didn’t move.

  “Get up, we’re leaving now, right now…”

  Deciding to take the situation in his own hands he pulled her up to her feet and grabbed the back packs putting her arm over his shoulder and holding her by the waist he dragged her to the door. Outside the sun was shining, it was warm and Adam was pleased to see a lot of trees that could give them protection. Dave and Caesar were challenging each other to a fight, so fixed on each other they failed to see what was going on around them. Still dragging her lifeless weight he pulled her behind the cabin and headed for the trees. It was tough, two back packs as well was hard work but he was determined to get as far away as possible in the shortest possible time. He was afraid of the consequences when they eventually discovered they had escaped and then all hell would break loose. Panic came in waves when he thought they might get on their bikes and start searching. But, the further they went the more confident he became as the forest deepened. This was a good sign as it would be near impossible to get a bike through where they were. He hoped and prayed they were too stoned and drunk to realise they’d gone until they were far away.

  Finding a spot that looked like a good place to hide he decided to stop and rest, exhausted he dropped Summer to the ground- she curled up into a foetal position.

  “I think we’re okay now…take a look we’re deep in the forest, maybe we’ll even find goblins and fairies and I think we’re gonna find a really nice spot to camp.” He said trying to bring her out of her closed up shell.

  There were no sounds and no sign or anyone or anything. The sun was filtering through the tall trees and the air was fresh, it was a welcome change from the grim of the city and Adam was slowly beginning to enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

  “Wow it’s awesome, real nice. I think we’ll stay a while, so what do you think?” He asked.

  She didn’t respond. Adam lay down beside her and held her tight hoping that she’d come around when she was ready. It wasn’t as if they had anywhere important to be and time didn’t matter anymore. It seemed like hours later that she stirred. Adam had drifted off to sleep on the rough ground but felt her moving.

  “Hey babe, we’re okay now…look we’re in the forest.”

  “The where?”

  “The forest, I got us out of there and we’re too far gone for them to find us, you’re safe now.”

  “Really are you sure?”

  “Absolutely, but we need to keep moving just in case.”

  She was still quieter than normal but she did get up and put on her back pack. Adam didn’t like the change. He preferred her sassy know- it- all chatter even if it did annoy him most of the time.

  “We’ll head north, looks as if the forest deepens in that direction and we’ll find somewhere to camp, just as you wanted.” He said.

  “Adam…what happened back there?” She replied stopping in her tracks.

  “Those two mother fuckers raped you, don’t you remember?”

  “I remember something but it didn’t feel like sex it was something else, I guess now we’re dead sex doesn’t happen. I knew it was wrong and I wanted it to stop but its hazy now.”

  It was a relief for Adam to think that she hadn’t suffered as much as he though she’d had.

  “Let’s put it behind us and move on, maybe we can try to find the light.”

  “The light won’t be in the forest will it?”

  “I don’t know but we’ve gotta keep looking.”

  The deeper into the forest they went the more secure they felt. Dave and Caesar became little more than a bad experience to put behind them as they headed north in the hope of reaching a good camping spot. Summer desired food but she knew there wasn’t going
to be much chance of finding anything to eat in the middle of nowhere.

  “Where are we gonna go after we’re done here?” She asked.

  “I don’t know, your guess is as good as mine.”

  “Why don’t we see the light Adam, what’s stopping us?”

  “If I knew the answer I’d tell you.”

  Their sense of security was suddenly cut short when in the distance they heard a voice loud and clear.

  “I’m gonna kill those fucking kids when I get hold of them!”

  It was clearly Dave’s voice ringing out in the forest. Looking at each other with fear in their eyes they began to run as fast as they could in the opposite direction.

  “Shit..shit…run Summer!” Adam called out.

  He’s an overweight drunken slob, we’re younger and stronger, there’s no way he’ll catch up with us, no fucking way!”

  Like hunted animals they fled for their existence, running as fast as they could through bramble and obstacles. A broken tree trunk hidden by brush caught Adam by surprise as he tumbled head over heels. Summer helped him up only to have a branch catch her in the eye moments later.

  “If this is what it’s like to be dead and hunted like a wild animal I hate it!” She yelled.

  “Keep going.” He replied breathless and exasperated.

  They couldn’t hear Dave’s voice anymore and wondered if they’d managed to loose him. It was a shock to think he was looking for them and even scarier to think what he’d do if he found them.

  “I’m not gonna let that frigging psycho find us, I promise you that!”

  “I’m so afraid Adam, what if he does?”

  “Trust me he won’t and the sooner we find the light the better.”

  But there was no light to be seen and neither of them could understand why when they both accepted that they were dead that it didn’t automatically appear? Accepting that their afterlife consisted of being hunted down forever by a maniac was unthinkable, there had to be a way to the light surely it couldn’t be that difficult to find?

  Chapter 11

  The deeper the forest became the harder it was to negotiate. “I really need to stop Adam, I can’t go on any longer.” Summer remarked.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea, he could be anywhere right now.”

  “Please just for a while, I need to stop.”

  He could see she was wiped out by her dropping shoulders from the heavy back pack and her tired face. “Just a little while longer then we’ll stop.” He replied try to reassure her.

  Without complaining she carried on. Her survivor spirit had been knocked back by Dave and Caesar causing her to lose the will to make decisions or think clearly. Grateful that Adam had taken over and was guiding them to safety- she still didn’t like the feeling of being helpless. For too long she had taken care of herself and developed a hard shell and a thick skin believing that no-one could break her down no matter what they did. Feeling as if she’d gone back to being a small helpless child she cried softly to herself while Adam led the way, unaware of her deep sorrow.

  They came across a clearing that was wide enough for them to see the thick of the forest in the distance but Adam didn’t like the fact they were so exposed.

  “We have to go around it, it’s too open.” He said.

  “Then can we stop?” She asked quietly.

  “Is everything okay? You’re real quiet it’s not like you.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Taking a detour Adam was sure they were still headed north and remembering that Summer was desperate to stop he found a secluded spot that he considered safe enough.

  “We’ll camp here for the night, it’ll be dark in a couple of hours and I don’t want us to get lost.”

  Summer was so relieved to be in what appeared to be a safe place after so much walking that she flung her arms around Adam and held on tight.

  “Hey what’s this, are you okay?” He asked.

  “No I’m not, I don’t get what’s happened to me I feel like a flake.”

  “It’s because of what happened back there in the cabin, you’re gonna be okay give it time and no matter what they won’t find us. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “I never had you down as a warrior Adam you were kind of weak before this so I guess I was wrong. You’ve really stepped up this time, thank you.”

  “I guess that’s down to you babe. I’ve changed since I met you, before I was someone I didn’t like at all, now I’m kind of getting a good feeling about me. I’m not so arrogant or selfish anymore.”

  No more words were needed as they stayed together hugging and kissing. Nothing mattered at that moment except how they felt. Alive or dead was of no consequence as long as they were together. Adam felt as if he’d grown up overnight and become a man,

  A sense of pride swept over him that he’d gone out of his way to help someone disregarding his own safety. Never before had he reached out to someone on such a deep level.

  “Do you believe in soul mates?” He asked.

  “I don’t know maybe.”

  “I do now and I think that’s what we are…you…me…soul mates.”

  It was the first smile he’d seen in a long time and her eyes didn’t seem so sad anymore.

  “I love you Adam.” She said stroking his cheek lightly.

  “I love you too Summer Haze.”

  They set up camp under the stars confident they were far enough away from Dave and the cabin. They hoped he’d had given up the laborious task of searching an entire forest and gone back to drinking and coke sniffing.

  “I think if we get to the heart of the forest we’ll find the light.” She said.

  “Why do you think it’s there?”

  “I don’t know why, just as I know I don’t want food anymore. Now I’m sure I’m dead it doesn’t seem so important. But I don’t get it, the dead thing, it’s confusing.”

  “Me too, everything seems the same but it’s not is it? Some things are different but what happened in the cabin…how could that happen if we’re dead?”

  “I don’t know but if I was still alive I’d be a total mess after something like that, it doesn’t feel so bad now, like it was a bad dream or something.”

  He was pleased to hear that she’d managed to get past what he saw as a horrific rape, maybe she was right, if he was to look at what happened as a bad dream he wouldn’t feel so angry.

  For the first time since they were together they made love, even though it felt different and for both of them the first time they were experiencing real intimacy, it was far above any sexual act- it was an unexplainable merging of souls.

  “If this is a pretty cool dead dream then I’m happy!” Summer remarked.

  The next morning they woke with optimism and after making love again they set off hoping to reach their destination fairly quickly. Because they took off from the cabin in the opposite direction they had to come around on themselves taking the long way so as not to find they were back where they started.

  The longer they walked the more they lost they became. The forest was extremely dense and in some areas impassable. Trying to find easier routes to walk was taking them further and further away from their destination and with each step, frustration set in as they realised they were trapped. Adam never liked camping when he was a boy. Roy was an avid camper and insisted on a once a year camping trip without fail. If he dared to object he was told to ‘man up’ and do as he was told. He hated the mosquitoes and the strange noises at night and was utterly miserable when it rained. Julie supported Roy’s decision that Adam should be grateful that he went out of his way to bring him to such lovely spots to camp out under the stars. Ignoring the fact that he drank even more when they were away, his alcohol breath got Adam more riled up with each new trip and the older he got the less forgiving he became. He never shared their joy for camping and cringed when Roy barked out orders like a sergeant major controlling the troops. Now he was forced to camp and unlike in the past when camping spo
ts were never too far away from the car or civilisation, he was caught deep in the middle of nowhere. It was like being in a maze and unable to get out, the added threat of being found by Dave always in the back of their thoughts.

  “Where are we?” Summer asked.

  “I don’t know we don’t seem to be getting anywhere, it’s like we’re going further away.”

  “Its best we stop right here for a while, so we can think of something.”

  Summer wanted more than anything to be out of the mess. She kept dreaming up ways to attract the light. Maybe calling out for her mom even though she couldn’t stand her in life for what she did, she still loved her, and wanted her to be there to help. She even tried to think of Adam’s father and hoped he’d come to their rescue, or an angel or a kindly angel who wanted to take pity on them, anyone.

  “Maybe we should start thinking about the light, you know, talk to it or something?”

  “What are we supposed to say, hi there light let me in please?”

  “No, I mean something more serious like call for people we know, your dad my mom.”

  It sounded so far-fetched, that calling out names of dead family members would bring them reprieve. Adam was afraid of what was beyond the light and doubted if it even existed.

  “Maybe it’s because we’re afraid that’s why we’re stuck here.” He said.

  “I’m not afraid now and I didn’t think you were? What’s to be afraid of, it can’t get any worse.”

  “We still don’t know how we died, maybe we need to remember that as well?”

  “Adam you’re making it sound like we have to pass some kind of dumb test and who said there was a light anyway, maybe this is it right here, the afterlife- for you and me.”

  He wasn’t buying her analysis one little bit. Being stuck alone in a forest with the chance of two psycho’s showing up was far from his idea of heaven, and surely it didn’t consist of just two?

  “I think we need to keep moving and finding our way.” He said cautiously.


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