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Thora Page 5

by Cameron North

  Glauce raced out to the courtyard.

  "Thora, here!" Cesare indicated the washtub full of water.

  Thora coughed several times but hurried over to Cesare. Together, they hefted the basin from its stand and carried it to the uncontrollable fire. With synchronized strength, they poured the water over the fireplace.

  Blinking against the irritating smoke, Cesare expected the fire to be extinguished, but instead, it stretched out to the walls and the ceiling with eagerness. Like Thora, he dropped the washtub and tumbled back from the sharp heat that cut his exposed skin. He hit the stone floor, head first. His blurry vision darkened despite the fire's brightness.

  "Cesare?" Thora was forced to dance between the flames that had washed over the floor from the water. She touched his face and damp shoulders, but he was unconscious. "Dritt," she cursed in her native tongue.

  Only Cesare's soft moan gave Thora the strength to act fast. It would take too long to get to the entrance that went into the house. Instead, she got to her feet with Cesare in her arms. She carried him through the back door and was overwhelmed by the fresh air. After setting him down, she reentered the kitchen in hopes to stop the fire.

  The blaze had become a mindless creature that quickly spread down the adjacent wall, which held countless wooden shelves for all the cookware. Similarly, the ceiling was consumed by hot red tendrils, and the wood beams glowed brighter than ever. But it was the dense smoke that filled Thora's lungs.

  Every one of Thora's thoughts slowed as her mind clouded and sweat coated her skin. She wanted to save the kitchen for Halcyon, but it was hopeless. As she turned to leave, an overhead cracking sound made her peer up. Her yell broke free when the falling timber blocked the back door to the outside, forcing Thora into the center of the kitchen and closer to the raging source. She was coughing and teary-eyed from the smoke, so she lowered herself to the floor for fresh air. The courtyard entrance was only steps away, but now it felt like a walk through Hel.

  Urging her weakened body, Thora crawled across the damp floor but slumped when her deprived lungs tightened and made her light-headed. Her slow thoughts turned into weak prayers to her gods. Then, distantly, she heard her gods call her name, again and again.


  Halcyon rushed through the courtyard entrance, and the smoke attacked her. "Thora!" Her heart pounded more each time Thora did not respond to her. She was forced to hunch down. The only help was the smoke escaping into the courtyard or through the single window.

  As if traversing Hades itself, Halcyon feverishly sought out her slave. Under the fire's light, she made out the golden hair in all the smoke.

  "Thora?" Halcyon coughed and shook her head as she reached Thora's side. She prayed that her slave was more than a dead body. She inhaled deeply, slipped her arms under Thora, and stood up with her. She thanked the gods for her training and strength as a hoplite.

  A deafening snap overhead made Halcyon's heart skip a beat. She heard the central timber coming down on them. She gave a battle cry and raced forward, toward the exit to the courtyard. The burning timber nearly swiped her back, but she made it through the doorway and collapsed in the courtyard.

  Thora gave a low moan when her body collided with the floor. She rolled out of Halcyon's strong arms.

  While coughing hard, Halcyon waited for her watery vision to return to normal. Behind her, the smoke billowed out of the kitchen. She reached for Thora and continued moving her. Halcyon needed to clear the villa, so she staggered to her feet. After a deep breath, she hooked her arms under Thora's own. Thora was limp in Halcyon's arms. She was tall but mostly lean, which made it easier for Halcyon to drag her away from the kitchen.

  Yarikh was beyond the gate at the front of the house. He rushed to Halcyon, who settled Thora on the stone street. "Are you... is Thora?"

  Halcyon swallowed and worriedly said, "She is breathing." She was relieved by the arrival of many neighbors. They formed a bucket brigade that stretched from the well in the courtyard to the kitchen's door. Halcyon was grateful for her neighbors' dedication to snuff out the fire.

  Shortly, a healer, Giles, arrived and checked each person. Halcyon had him start with Thora, who remained unconscious. He only noted a minor burn on her right arm that would heal in time. Next, Giles took care of Cesare and decided he had worse burns on his left arm, ankles, and face. He also noted a knot at the back of Cesare's head that was an indication he fell at some point. Last, Giles looked over Glauce's minor burns, concluding the slaves would need a generous amount of salve for the next few days.

  Giles finally approached the owner of the house.

  "I am fine," Halcyon said.

  Giles frowned and tried again.

  "I am fine." Halcyon's tone held no room for argument and she turned to Yarikh. "Do you need the healer?"

  Yarikh shook his head.

  After a sigh, Giles gave his report to Halcyon, even warning her that Cesare and Thora may be unconscious for days. He also promised Halcyon he would bring the salve soon. Halcyon insisted that the healer return tomorrow for further checks, which he agreed with her.

  Halcyon grasped the healer's shoulder. "Thank you for your service."

  "Of course, Halcyon." Giles took his leave.

  Halcyon approached Yarikh, who was knelt beside the unconscious slaves. "See to them."

  "I will." Yarikh received an appreciative pat on his shoulder, then he watched Halcyon hurry off. His eyes lifted to the house's roof, and he noticed the smoke at the right rear from the kitchen. Moments ago, there had been flames. He was amazed how the fire was already being contained by the brigade.

  "You are a very fortunate slave," Yarikh said and brushed her hair away.

  Halcyon returned after speaking with the leader of the brigade. They waited for clearance to return home. So far, it appeared that only the kitchen was lost. She considered what had happened in the kitchen, thinking was strange for Thora to be sloppy.

  After a sigh, Halcyon turned back to the open gate and listened to the distant yells from the brigade. She studied Glauce, who was the only slave conscious after the fire. Glauce was nervous, and Halcyon suspected the reason. She would find out more once Cesare and Thora were well again.

  Chapter Five

  A very low moan escaped from Thora's dry lips. She coughed and tried opening her aching eyes. Her body hurt although her surroundings were comfortable. The air was fresh from the open window, but the smell of medicine wafted under her nose.


  The familiar voice pushed Thora to blink a few times. She smiled at Yarikh and his concerned face. "Ek feigr?"

  Yarikh translated one word, which was "death." He chuckled and shook his head. "Nei."

  Thora was clearly relieved to be alive and listened to Yarikh's steps fade away. After a moment, she realized the room was not her and Glauce's usual one, and it was normally reserved for a guest. The bed was incredibly comfortable compared to her normal sleeping roll on the floor. She attempted moving but was too sore. From the open window, Thora could see it was late afternoon, but she was unsure about the day.

  Shortly, Halcyon appeared in the bedroom and took the wooden chair by the bed. Thora attempted sitting upright until a firm hand made her lie down again.

  "Nei." Halcyon crossed her legs. "How do you feel?"

  Thora considered the Greek words she could use to reply. "Tired... hurt."

  "I know." Halcyon hoped it would improve soon.

  "How long?" Thora asked. Her rough accent cut into each word.

  "Nearly two days." Halcyon saw the displeasure in Thora's eyes, but movement at the door caught her eye. She allowed Glauce to serve bread, wine, and cheese to Thora.


  Halcyon nodded. "Cesare is okay."

  Glauce stood at the foot of the bed. She kept her head down and waited until Thora was finished eating or Halcyon gave her instructions. Halcyon noticed that Glauce avoided eye contact with Thora. She ignored it and removed the skyphos
from the tray.

  "Glauce?" Thora asked.

  Glauce flinched.

  Halcyon sensed that Thora was disturbed by Glauce's refusal to acknowledge her. Halcyon curtly said, "Leave us."

  Glauce turned on her sandals and departed the room. Thora stared blankly in Glauce's direction. She shook her head and lifted her distraught features to Halcyon. "Why?" She pointed at the door as if it was Glauce.

  Halcyon exhaled and replied, "Glauce is upset."

  "Up... set?" Thora asked and shook her head.

  Halcyon tried another approach. "She is not happy."

  "Why?" Thora was confused. "Everybody okay." She ran her fingers through her golden hair.

  Halcyon made no comment, held out a bowl of cheese, and said, "Eat."

  Thora sat up and accepted the bowl, but she was deep in thought while she ate. It appeared that Halcyon's home and slave had been spared from the fire.

  Halcyon had pieced together what most likely happened the other evening. However, she had yet to find out the facts and waited for Cesare and Thora.

  After the fire, Giles periodically visited and checked on the injured slaves. Thora had awoken briefly but had fallen back to sleep until now. Cesare gained consciousness shortly after Thora had awoken the first time. Giles instructed that Cesare stay bedridden until his memory returned completely. He was less concerned about Thora, who was recovering much faster. Giles continuously applied a salve to the slaves' burns.

  At night, Halcyon slipped into the room and discovered a sense of peace from Thora's deep, constant breaths. Halcyon had spent many hours with Thora and tried sorting out her thoughts about the fire. Tonight would probably be the same.

  * * *

  By the next day, Thora was out of bed and moving through the villa. Her chores had been greatly reduced and given to Glauce. Several times she attempted to help, until caught by Halcyon.

  Thora spent her time visiting Cesare, who was still healing. They hardly spoke, but she was glad to see his beautiful brown eyes, his smile, and his salt and pepper hair. Since the fire, he had slipped into her heart. She missed her family deeply, but Cesare was becoming a father figure to her.

  On the third day after Thora woke up, Yarikh resumed their lessons. Soon, Thora was back to cooking evening meals for Halcyon, at least as best as possible. A temporary kitchen had been set up in the supply room. Then one afternoon, Halcyon ordered Thora, Cesare, and Yarikh into the andron. Halcyon sat at the head kline, legs crossed, and her features stern. She had the slaves stand while Yarikh sat on the left kline.

  "Cesare, you were in the kitchen with Glauce?"

  Cesare nodded. "Not at first, ěra. I was finishing up at the stable. As I neared the back door to the kitchen, I saw smoke coming from the window and rushed in. Glauce and Thora were fighting the fire."

  Thora listened even though she only caught fragments.

  "I told Glauce to find you," Cesare said.

  Halcyon pictured the story Cesare painted for her.

  "Then Thora and I tried to throw the water from the washtub onto the fire. It seemed to make it worse, because the fire exploded. I fell, hit my head, and went unconscious."

  Halcyon nodded, then her eyes flickered over to Thora. "What can you tell me, Thora?"

  Breaking from the memories, Thora mentally composed her thoughts into Greek words. "I finish lesson with Yarikh. I went help Glauce with cooking." Thora drifted back to the dangerous night. "Glauce not know I there and scared her. She dropped a oinochoe into the fire."

  Halcyon realized that the oinochoe had contained the fat that fed the fire. She gave a soft nod for Thora to continue her account.

  "Glauce burning. I jump her to ground." Thora paused and sighed at her choppy Greek, thankful that Halcyon was patient. "Cesare come... help with water." She glanced at him. "I got out Cesare and went back kitchen." She frowned at her memories and how eerie it had been to lose her thoughts, her strength, and finally her consciousness. "I not breathe. I try stop fire, but I had nothing." Her distraught expression lowered from meeting Halcyon's gaze. "I crawl like child over floor." She combed her fingers through her hair. "No hope." She shook her head. "I... fell asleep."

  "You fell unconscious," Yarikh said.

  "Unconscious," Thora repeated, the word now locked in her vocabulary. Her curious features rested on Halcyon. "Why do I live?"

  Halcyon lowered her hands to her lap. "I carried you out."

  Thora shook her head because she misunderstood a few of the words.

  Cesare saw Thora's confusion but pointed at their owner and then stepped closer to Thora, pretending to pick her up. "Carry you."

  Thora gratefully looked at Halcyon and sincerely said, "Thank you."

  Halcyon dipped her head in acknowledgement.

  Thora asked, "I work now?"

  Halcyon weighed the request, now that the two slaves were well again. She placed her hands behind her back, on the kline. "You may start tomorrow."

  Thora was relieved. She was enjoying her lessons with Yarikh but was also ready to continue her duties. "The kitchen?"

  Halcyon arched an eyebrow at how talkative Thora had become now that Yarikh was teaching her Greek. She was pleased and realized it would change their dynamics. "It will be rebuilt."

  Thora glanced at her teacher. "Rebuilt?"

  "Another kitchen," Yarikh replied.

  Thora nodded.

  Halcyon then excused the three and thought about the kitchen fire. It appeared it was solely Glauce's actions that destroyed the kitchen, risking the other two slaves. Halcyon's anger from that night resurfaced and boiled under her skin.

  * * *

  The next morning, Thora started her normal routine, including grinding the grain for the evening. She asked Cesare whether Glauce had left to go to the agora to purchase the grain, vegetables, and meats. He replied that Glauce was still drawing water from the well in the courtyard.

  Shortly, Glauce emerged in the temporary kitchen in the supply room. She gathered the empty satchel for the trip to the agora.

  "Glauce," Cesare said.

  Glauce paused and looked at Cesare.

  "Ĕra wishes to see you before you go."

  Visibly pale, Glauce returned the satchel and silently left.

  Thora was confused until Cesare explained that Halcyon required Glauce in the andron. Thora's stomach suddenly pitched with worry and drove her out of the supply room. Cesare's yell went ignored until he snared her wrist. She turned thunderous blue eyes on him.

  Cesare sighed at Thora's rebellious nature. He worried more for Thora than Halcyon, but he could do nothing to halt Thora, letting her arm slide free.

  Thora walked around the courtyard's pool and approached the andron's sealed doors. Rarely were they ever closed, but she peered through the thin crack.

  Glauce nervously stood in the center of the andron. To her left, Halcyon glared darkly at her. She circled Glauce as if she were prey.

  "It is because of your foolishness that I have lost my kitchen." She paused, but the venom seeped in her voice. "I must rebuild the kitchen." She stood behind the shaking slave. "You endangered two of my slaves." She continued pacing around Glauce until she was in front of her again. "And I nearly died trying to save Thora."

  Glauce closed her eyes, and tears trickled down her cheeks.

  "Do not cry, slave," Halcyon said fiercely. "You make a mistake in life, and you must pay a price for it." She walked behind Glauce, then suddenly struck her in the back of the head.

  Glauce shrieked as she fell to her knees in a ball. Halcyon's eyes darkened at the pathetic display. She was prepared to punish Glauce further.

  "No!" Thora burst into the andron and stood protectively between the scared slave and her furious owner. "Do not punish Glauce." She defiantly towered over her owner. "It is my punishment." There was a brief silence other than Glauce's whimpers.

  Halcyon's jaw was clenched and knuckles white. She sneered at Thora's disobedience and raised her fist, yet pa
used in midair. Thora held her position and silently dared Halcyon.

  "I fail. Glauce does not cook. I do. I late, so she tried to help." She pointed at the frail girl behind her. "You cannot punish her for it."

  Halcyon was breathing heavier each moment, Thora's speech giving her pause.

  "Hit me," Thora said, demandingly, and braced herself.

  Halcyon's fury was sliced in half by the surprising command. Every single punishment she gave to Thora did nothing to kill the thunderous nature. Halcyon learnt that certain individuals could never be truly enslaved. If she hit Thora now, it would be purely in anger and not punishment. Gradually, her fist lowered, and her rage washed away.

  "Leave, Thora." Halcyon hid the tremble in her hands and was spent by the argument. "Take Glauce with you." After a moment of stillness, she snapped, "Now!"

  Thora broke from her bewilderment, turned, and hooked the girl's arms. In soft murmurs, she coaxed Glauce to her feet and hurried them from the andron.

  Halcyon heard the door seal shut. For a long moment, she stood motionless and lost by what happened between her and Thora. She prided herself on control, both over herself and her slaves. But it had slipped through her hands today. Halcyon feared it was Thora who held the control this time.

  Enraged again, she yelled and snatched the nearest kline by its back. With a need to fight against her fears, she threw the kline across the room. It smashed into another kline, which hit the wall and cracked two of its legs. Silence cut through the andron until Halcyon's sandals slapped against the floor.

  Cesare stiffened when Halcyon stormed into the courtyard. He had witnessed bits and pieces of what happened between Halcyon and Thora, but this was the first time he had seen Halcyon lose her self-control.

  "Clean the andron by the time I return!" Halcyon vanished out of the gate and went to the stable.

  The three remaining horses whinnied when Halcyon stomped into the stable. She went directly to her favored horse, who never went to the games in Olympia. Shoving open the stall door, she felt a brief sense of peace. From childhood, she had loved riding and was gifted a horse by her father. As an adult, Halcyon sent her horses to the games in Olympia and made a small fortune. Today, Halcyon owned a dozen beautiful horses that each had their own special personality.


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