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Thora Page 12

by Cameron North

  Gorgo was happy to spend time with Halcyon. She was trying to remain busy before she surely received her husband's body upon his shield. She ignored what was in her future, and Halcyon was an excellent distraction.

  "Perhaps tomorrow evening you can join me again."

  Gorgo's eyes brightened at the prospect. "At the same time?"

  "If you wish." Halcyon bowed her head in respect.

  Gorgo raised her hand and gently brushed her fingertips over Halcyon's jaw line. "I will see you then."

  "Goodnight, my queen." Halcyon straightened up and stole a last glance at the beautiful queen. She quietly left with Cesare on her heels.

  Once back at home, Halcyon found that the kitchen was clean and also dim. She went upstairs and noted that both female slaves were in their shared room. Halcyon moved away from the slaves' room and silently went to the thalamus. She had plans to see Euclid the next day before he left for war. However, early in the morning, she would corner Thora and find out what was wrong. As she prepared for bed, Halcyon replayed her evening with Gorgo and looked forward to her company tomorrow.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After a entering the bathing room, Glauce bowed to her owner, then carried clean clothes and checked that a dry linen was ready too.

  "Glauce?" Halcyon was comfortable in the bathing pool. "Where is Thora?"

  "She is with Yarikh this morning," Glauce replied. She caught Halcyon's unreadable emotion and shifted on her feet. "Is there anything else you need, ěra?"

  Halcyon waved off Glauce, who silently took her exit from the room. She pushed aside her concerns and decided that she was too sensitive to Thora. Today would be spent with Euclid before he left for war, then Gorgo would visit for an evening meal together.

  The morning had begun similarly to others, and Halcyon hated the morning sickness. However, Thora had not come to her aid, and she waited alone as the sickness calmed down. This morning's bath had helped soothe away the aches of early pregnancy, but it was only temporary.

  After preparing for her day, Halcyon went to the kitchen in hopes to inform Thora about tonight's guest. She frowned at Glauce by the oven. Glauce detected the annoyance and nervously moved about the kitchen.

  "Where is Thora?" Halcyon asked for the second time today.

  "At the agora, ěra."

  Halcyon softly sighed and gave a faint nod. "Inform her that Queen Gorgo will be here this evening." She would speak to Thora later.

  "Yes, of course." Glauce was beside the large metal pot that hung over an open fire. She stirred the contents in it. Her stomach remained knotted from the tension. She and Halcyon had yet to fully reconcile from the fight about the kitchen fire.

  Halcyon slipped out of the room and sought out Cesare. Once she located him, she left her villa with Cesare in tow. Together, they went to Euclid's assigned barracks. Halcyon visited with him for some time, and they discussed many things about their war with King Xerxes. By midday, Halcyon took her leave and wished Euclid safety in battle. She hoped to see him again, but they kissed for perhaps the last time.

  Halcyon never revealed her pregnancy to Euclid.

  * * *

  In the afternoon, Halcyon spent time at the bouleuterion and listened to the latest politics, secretly hoping to see Gorgo, who was absent. Eventually, Halcyon left the building and met Cesare outside on the street. Their walk home was long, due to the marching hoplites leaving the city. Halcyon recognized several faces under the helmets, and she wished her brothers well. She would pray to Ares and Athena for them.

  At home, the kitchen was busy with Thora and Glauce's preparations for an evening meal. Gorgo arrived an hour after Halcyon returned home. It was early, and the two freewomen decided to sit in the courtyard while the sunlight still allowed it. They talked happily, drank wine, and shared olives. Only once had Thora appeared to refill their wine but only because Glauce was too busy preparing the meal. Before the meal was ready, Halcyon directed Gorgo into the andron where they would be more comfortable.

  Cesare finished lighting the candles in the andron. He gazed over at Glauce and Thora when they came through the open doors. He noted their full hands, so he hastily helped them distribute the dishes. Glauce gave Cesare an appreciative smile. She and Thora quietly left together.

  Cesare took a step back, toward the door. "Anything else, ĕra?"

  Halcyon put a handful of grapes into her palm. "No, but thank you, Cesare."

  Gorgo was enjoying the fish on her plate. "You treat your slaves well."

  Tilting her head, Halcyon waited to see if Gorgo would say anything else.

  Since last night, Gorgo had taken stock of the well-dressed and groomed slaves in Halcyon's house. The slaves also looked exceptionally healthy. Today she had even given it thought about the one barbarian slave's skill with their native Greek tongue.

  "How did your slave..." Gorgo mentally searched for the slave's name.

  Instantly, Halcyon knew which slave sparked the Gorgo's interest. "Thora," she supplied.

  Gorgo nodded and lowered the plate to the small table between them. "How did Thora learn Greek?"

  Halcyon had finished her grapes and took the second plate of herbed fish. "Perhaps from her previous owner."

  Gorgo considered it then said, "She is bright for a barbar."

  Halcyon bit the inside of her mouth to contain her harsh retort. She had automatically taken offense to her favorite slave, Thora, being called a barbarian. In that instant, Halcyon realized how greatly her emotions toward Thora had changed over the months. She shifted uncomfortably on the kline, then peered down at the partially eaten fish.

  "I wish I had such intelligent slaves." Gorgo popped a torn piece of bread into her mouth. "Perhaps I will have you select my next one."

  Halcyon peered up, green eyes bright. "Perhaps."

  Gorgo grinned and ate the last morsel of bread. "I have enjoyed these last two evenings with you, Halcyon."

  After a swallow, Halcyon flashed a slight smile. "I, too." She crossed her legs. "I have hoped to distract you from thoughts of your husband."

  Gorgo grew solemn at the mention of Leonidas. "I..." She cleared her throat, but her voice was weak. "I expect his shield any day."

  Halcyon thought of Euclid, who was possibly marching to his own death. "I am sorry, my queen."

  Gorgo had picked up her wine, but she stretched out her other hand and rested it on Halcyon's covered knee. "We both understand what our husbands must do, just as we must do for Sparta." She pulled her hand away. "You understand better than any."

  Halcyon still felt the warmth against her skin from Gorgo's tender touch. She wanted to push the sensation away but was drawn deeper into it when she met Gorgo's honey-brown gaze. She parted her lips, but her words failed her.

  Thora and Glauce quietly entered the room and refilled the wine. They collected two empty plates that had the fish.

  Halcyon had a chance to compose herself, but her attention remained on Gorgo, who gave her a smile. Halcyon was warmed by the affection and nearly lost her thoughts again.

  "Thank you." Gorgo smiled at Glauce, who took her plate.

  Halcyon blinked out of her daydream. She glanced over at the two slaves, who slipped out of the andron. For a moment, a frown played on her lips.

  "Halcyon?" Shortly dark green eyes settled on Gorgo. She then asked, "Tell me about your upbringing to become a hoplite." She had heard many stories among different circles. Tonight was her chance to learn it directly from Halcyon. There was no other female hoplite, and Gorgo doubted there would ever be another.

  A few hours later, Glauce returned to perform her checks. She deposited bowls of fruit and olives on the table between the pair. She then dismissed herself but felt her owner's eyes on her.

  "You are distracted, Halcyon." Gorgo had a handful of olives. She curiously studied Halcyon's troubled profile. "What worries you?"

  Halcyon bottled her emotions that were weakening her lately, much like the pregnancy. She had grown t
oo sensitive, especially toward Thora. Why it bothered her that Thora avoided her should hold no weight. Yet Halcyon continued expecting Thora to attend to her, not Glauce.

  "I have not been myself of late," Halcyon told.

  Gorgo weighed such truth as she chewed on an olive. She nodded and sat up from her reclined position. "You have recently returned from battle. You are still healing from wounds." She brushed her hands clean of the olives' salt. "Now your husband has been sent to war."

  Halcyon's jaw flexed with tension. Her wild emotions had taken on too much life. She attributed it to her pregnancy and subconsciously slid her hand over her belly.

  "And he may return on his shield," Gorgo said sadly. She looked from the table to the silent woman on the other kline. She noticed Halcyon's eyes were closed and slowly her gaze traveled down to the hand that cupped Halcyon's stomach. Gorgo had a slight smile at the secret.

  Halcyon shifted on the kline and said, "Perhaps you are correct." She straightened more. "I hardly feel well now." Her own words seemed to bring on the nausea.

  Gorgo indeed noticed the pale hue across Halcyon's face. She rose and went to Halcyon's aid. "Let me help you." She gathered Halcyon's free hand into her own. "Perhaps it would be best if you rested now." She read the struggle within Halcyon. "We can meet again."

  "I am afraid I have become a bore." Halcyon received a warm smile for the jest.

  "Hardly." Gorgo stood. "Come now." She wished for Halcyon to rest and assisted Halcyon to her feet. "I enjoyed my evening with you."

  "As I." Halcyon was guided out of the andron and into the dark courtyard.

  Gorgo squeezed Halcyon's callused hand before she let go. From the corner of her eye, she saw the male slave, Cesare, enter the courtyard from the kitchen. She was grateful when he gave pause beside the pool.

  "I hope to regain my strength soon."

  Gorgo smiled, broadly. "I doubt anytime soon, Halcyon." She pressed a hand against the other woman's belly. "Pregnancy is tiring." She was startled by the sudden alarm on Halcyon's face. She quickly removed her touch from Halcyon's stomach and captured a hand. "I have been with child once. I know the signs." She then softly told, "Besides, your king told me why you returned."

  Halcyon was stiff and uneasy, hating her pregnancy was becoming obvious to people. She needed to hide her body's weak state.

  "I understand why my husband sent you home." Gorgo tightened her grip on Halcyon's hand. "He was wise to do so."

  Cesare distantly heard the women's voices, but they were muffled. He took a seat on the corner of the pool's wall. He heard a soft movement behind him, and he looked back at the kitchen's entrance. He noted Thora and Glauce, but he stiffened at Thora's fierce attention on their owner. Slowly, Cesare turned his head back toward his owner and Gorgo. Much to his surprise, Halcyon was being kissed by Gorgo.

  Halcyon felt her bottom lip pull with Gorgo's teeth before it was released, which ended their too brief kiss. If she had been alarmed earlier, she was far more distraught now.

  Gorgo withdrew her hand from Halcyon's wavy tendrils of soft hair. She brushed her fingertips across Halcyon's palm as they released hands. "You must consider telling the reason for your return." She left Halcyon with heavy thoughts as she stepped away. "Thank you for tonight."

  Halcyon was at a loss. She loathed her pregnancy, but Gorgo was clearly concerned with her honor as a hoplite. She stood rooted in the courtyard and stared at the departing queen. She then sensed Cesare at her side.

  "I will walk her home, ěra."

  Halcyon dipped her head in agreement. She was pleased by Cesare's care. But once alone in the courtyard, she dragged her fingers through her hair and blew out a heavy sigh. "Gods!" she whispered. Her mind was muddled by tonight's unforeseen events.

  Finally, Halcyon gathered her messy pieces and turned toward the kitchen. She crossed the courtyard but slowed once she realized there was no light from the kitchen. She remained poised in the dark entranceway. She was disjointed for a heartbeat again and shook off the obvious fact that Thora was evading her. She pushed away from the entrance and went up the stairs.

  Inside the kitchen, Thora remained silent even though she heard footsteps grow distant. She continued pressing her back into the cool stone of the kitchen's wall, just beside the entrance to the courtyard. She leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes. Again and again, her mind repeated the kiss between her owner and Gorgo.

  Sometime ago, Thora had been rid of Selene, who held contempt for Thora and even Halcyon. After being subjected to Selene, Thora thought Halcyon would be content with solitude for a time. But now it was Gorgo, who was more than a freewoman and more than just a queen. Gorgo was a woman of generosity and heart, yet still strong. And she was a woman who now broke Thora's heart. All she believed she and Halcyon had built between them would bend and fracture in days. Thora would relearn her place in life.

  Several prayers passed her lips and went to her Norsk gods. She pleaded for them to hear her. She wished for her Norsk homelands again. Her emotions clawed at a past that was lost in the chains of slavery by a woman who could walk among the gods. Thora's life belonged to iron and silence, to transparency and loneliness. No longer could her gods reach her and pluck her out of this life. She bowed her head to it.

  Eventually, Thora gathered the remainder of her strength and carried herself upstairs. She silently slipped into her shared quarters and crumbled to her furs. Her ugly dreams taunted her until daylight.

  * * *

  The next day, Thora slipped into her meaningless duties like any slave in a Greek house. Glauce and Cesare helped her without question. When Thora heard the dry heaves from upstairs, she strangled down her sympathy and continued her tasks. Glauce was beside the oven, and their owner's distress made her look to Thora. She clearly saw the restraint written on Thora's features. She parted her lips, prepared to speak dangerous words. She lost her courage and looked back at the oven.

  Thora gripped the knife harder each time another one of Halcyon's heaves echoed down the stairs. She blew out a breath when she heard only the crackle from the oven's fire. She refocused on the vegetable in her right hand and the knife in her left. She continued slicing.

  "I must go to the agora," Thora said suddenly.

  Glauce turned her head toward Thora. "I will accompany you."

  Thora continued chopping the carrots. "Ĕra will need your help." She looked at Glauce. "Not I."

  Shortly, Thora left the home from the courtyard. She had a brief sense of relief, now that she was free of the house. Pieces of her mind imagined going past the agora, down the road, and leaving it all.

  Upon her return back home, Thora was startled by Gorgo's presence in the courtyard. She gathered her wits by stealing a quiet moment to relock the front gate. She slowly turned with a full sack in her hand.

  "Hello, Thora." Gorgo was seated on a bench beside the pool. She was alone, for now. She rose as Thora approached her, but she was still short under the slave's height. She wondered how Halcyon had control over a slave with such stature.

  Thora assessed Gorgo, before she finally bowed her head. "Can I assist you with anything?"

  Gorgo hummed at the weak request. "I only wait for your ĕra."

  Thora imagined Halcyon would join Gorgo shortly.

  Sensing Thora's disapproval, Gorgo curiously mentioned, "She was worn last night." She wondered if her attempt would reach past Thora's protective stance, wondering why she cared about Thora's acceptance.

  Thora dipped her head then retreated toward the kitchen but heard Gorgo's next remark.

  "I care for her well-being."

  Hesitating, Thora gazed over her shoulder, remained silent, and vanished into the kitchen. Eventually, voices from the courtyard reached her ears, prompting Thora to work faster so her mind was busy.

  "Thora?" Cesare entered the kitchen. "We must organize wine and food for ěra and the queen."

  "Yes." Thora was already preparing food. She looked over to
Cesare in the entranceway. "Glauce?"

  Cesare nodded and hurried off to locate Glauce. He returned with her, then went to check on his owner.

  Glauce prepared what food Thora had put together, and they went into the courtyard with the filled dishes in their hands and on their arms. Cesare noted there was no wine, so he hurried into the kitchen. Surely, Halcyon was parched after today's practice on the field.

  Thora and Glauce put the plates around the table between the two freewomen. Thora placed one clean dish in front of Gorgo, then moved the second one in front of Halcyon. She only made it one step before Halcyon hooked her wrist. Gradually, her blue eyes locked with dark green ones. Halcyon exchanged a silent battle of wills with Thora.

  "Halcyon," Gorgo said for the third time. She was relieved when green eyes cut to her. "Tell me about your training today."

  Halcyon felt Thora break free, and she allowed it, more interested in Gorgo. She responded to Gorgo's request, and her hands moved with her explanation about her practice today. She had hardly expected training to be cut short by Gorgo's unexpected arrival. But, it pleased her nonetheless.

  Slowly, Halcyon's annoyance with Thora receded under Gorgo's visit. She and Gorgo shared a few laughs and plenty of smiles. When the sunlight dimmed in the courtyard, Halcyon suggested they retire to the andron. Together, she and Gorgo stood up from their seats and went to the sealed door of the andron, guiding them into it. After lighting the candles, Halcyon shared a kline with Gorgo. There was hardly any space between them as they sat beside each other, hand in hand.

  Thora had slipped into the room with two filled skyphoi. She slowed beside the table and stared coldly at Gorgo's lips pressed against Halcyon's own. She put the skyphoi on the table, loudly. Halcyon broke from the kiss and turned her annoyed features on Thora.

  Gorgo shifted her free hand onto her lower stomach, startled by Thora's subtle defiance. She met the icy glare directed at her and Halcyon. She felt the fire building in Halcyon. Thora straightened up and wordlessly left the andron.

  Gorgo released a shaky breath. She nearly spoke, but Halcyon rose from the kline. "Halcyon?"


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